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It's possible

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Fun movie storyline: 1) POTUS forces China into trade deal good for US 2) China NOT happy 3) Immediately virus leaks from Chinese bioweapons lab and decimates US economy 4) China bagman takes $1.5B, runs against POTUS 5) POTUS, staff, Senators infected just before election
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3 hours ago, Vambo said:

Wouldn't put it past the Dems.

and pelosi refuses to allow the house reps to be checked......

a friend brought this up to me today.

Very, very strange - only republicans up on high were...infected.

Russian kind of coincidence?

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well, it IS possible, especially when brennan and clapper hate our PRESIDENT, and would do any dirty thing to

try to keep the corrupt swamp in our gov protected.


JFK had a deep swamp corrupt insider VP - lbj.

Reagan had...George Bush sr. who had headed up the CIA.

George W. had...Dick Cheney - a definite swamp insider.

and JFK and his brother were at serious odds with the CIA.

The CIA Versus the Kennedys - LewRockwell


Aug 22, 2020 · In the minds of former CIA Director Allen Dulles and the people still at the CIA, what Kennedy was doing was anathema and, even worse, the gravest threat to “national security” the United States had ever faced, a much bigger threat than even that …

The CIA Versus the Kennedys – The Future of Freedom Foundation


Aug 18, 2020 · He then put his younger brother Bobby Kennedy in charge of monitoring the CIA, which infuriated the CIA. Now jump ahead to the Cuban Missile Crisis, which Kennedy resolved by promising that the United States would not invade Cuba for a regime-change operation.




One particular moment of that first hour in the bunker would prove among the day’s most controversial moments: that order from Cheney authorizing fighter jets to shoot down hijacked airliners. Did he actually have the authority to give the order? And did he and President Bush connect before or after Cheney ordered the fighters into battle?


   so, it IS possible that the deep swamp bureaucrats are all over our gov, and they are used to being in charge and running things.

Pres Trump isn't a milktoast that can be controlled. So, they hate him, and who knows? maybe covid was planted.

of course, that sounds like nonsense....


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