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So, lefty globalist talking bs head Hoorta can STFU if he doesn't like it. LOL

Hoorta talks out of his rear like he has dysentery. Totally wrong. No wonder he came here and immediately

]resorted to insults.

Nolte: Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Started It by ...


Nolte: Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Started It by Interrupting Trump Numerous Times First

1 day ago · JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #7: I’m happy to talk about this. At this point, Trump gets double teamed by both Biden and Wallace. Trump begins speaking and on top of Biden interrupting, Wallace again starts badgering and interrupting the president to shut down a valid line of attack: JOE BIDEN: I’m

happy to talk about this.


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Furthermore, little liberal Hoorta:


McEnany accuses media of going ‘haywire about interrupting’ during debate while using same tactic

'You need to let me finish,' press secretary snaps at CBS reporter Paula Reid

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"As I noted earlier this week, there’s a reason Democrats are panicking. They were reminded all over again Tuesday of what Trump did in the 2016 debates. He bought up issues about his opponent that he knew moderators wouldn’t. He kept on talking and trying to fact check his opponent because he knew the moderator would otherwise give him a pass, as happened numerous times Tuesday night.

Also, people who believe their candidate “won” a debate don’t typically go around advocating that they no longer participate in future debates or for moderators to have the ability to cut their opponent’s mic."

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2 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


Why would I allow the Debate Commission to change the rules for the second and third Debates when I easily won last time?

He only "won" in his alternate reality world... If creating a National (and International) Embarrassment was his goal- he exceeded it beyond any expectations. Care for me to post a few links? Won't be too hard... Notice the "I" in the tweet.  Sorry you don't make the rules for the next two debates, mostly because you acted like there weren't any "rules" in the first one.  

Of course since you guys only read Red State or Newsmax and watch FOX, you're oblivious to what 90% of the rest of the world thinks about Trump's performance. Yeah- even some Republican Senators too. 

Sorry, the Debate Commission isn't biased one way or another, and if they think things were out of control- well, hate to tell you- they were.... 

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so, just another deliberate lie by Hoorta, who may actually be still in the third grade with his little woodpecker.

Yup, and you're in your little right wing fantasy world bunker, along with Orangie... 

BTW, I still have the tape- so when I have the time, I'll fact check who started the mud slinging....  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Yup, and you're in your little right wing fantasy world bunker, along with Orangie... 

BTW, I still have the tape- so when I have the time, I'll fact check who started the mud slinging....  

Well, please do - let us know.

meanwhile, back at ranch:


Chris Wallace gives disgraceful one-sided debate performance; viewers increasingly blame Fox News

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So so sorry Cal- you and whoever thinks that "Biden started it" is full of an elephant load of MAGA  shit... I rewatched roughly the first 20 minutes. Trump remained civil for (only) the first four minutes or so when the Supreme Court nomination came up. After that it was the Trump shit show.  :D Did Biden say anything? Possibly a word or two.... However- In no way shape or form did that justify what followed. It started a cascade of the 128 damn near continuous talking over interruptions of not only Joe, but Chris Wallace on top of it, when it got a little off track regarding Obamacare. Wallace at that point was trying to ask for some clarification, and Trump talked right over him at least a dozen times. To the extent- it was hard to follow what Chris was actually trying to ask Trump- he was almost nonstop flapping his gums.  That was some serous disrespect to the Moderator. It's exhibit "A" why I hope they allow mike kill switches for the next debate. 

Trump won? Only if you consider that really wasn't a "debate" in the usual sense of the term.  Supporting opinions gladly supplied on request. You know who really lost? America. I'll leave you with what Nancy Pelosi said- and what she left unsaid.  "Tonight America (and the world) got to see exactly who Donald Trump really is."  [[ a flaming childish asshole of epic proportions with no sense of decency ]]

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Well, please do - let us know.

meanwhile, back at ranch:

https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/09/30/chris-wallace-gives-disgraceful-one-sided-debate-performance-viewers-increasingly-blame-fox-news-978818Chris Wallace gives disgraceful one-sided debate performance; viewers increasingly blame Fox News

Wah, wah, Fox viewers blaming Fox.  You miss this out of the link Cal? Don't blame Wallace that Trump can't control himself...  Trump was the real disgrace....  

"To be fair, the first presidential debate was a train wreck". Yup, caused by Trump. 

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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

Wah, wah, Fox viewers blaming Fox.  You miss this out of the link Cal? Don't blame Wallace that Trump can't control himself...  Trump was the real disgrace....  

To be fair, the first presidential debate was a train wreck

so, you admit biden started it, and was the childish name caller by any legit opinion.

Told ya.

and everybody saw wallace mostly give biden an easy time of it, and did not let Pres Trump answer to

the asswhole lies and labels he threw out like Ernest T. Bass at 120 years old.

You rewatched it, you saw your gollum like biden REFUSE to answer questions, and wallace gave him a free pass.

so, thanks for proving what I said.

and the above is not an active link, and yes, chrissy wallace made it into a train wreck..

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btw, Hoorta, boo hoo, it isn't just me that is saying it -

Fox News Colleagues Go After Chris Wallace - LaCorte News


Fox News Colleagues Go After Chris Wallace

Sep 30, 2020 · Last night while watching the presidential debate I lost all respect for Chris Wallace . My concern is why is Fox5 hiring all these liberal dirtbags . I watch Fox5 for the conservative view points , NOT liberal scumbag view points . The conservative viewers have made Fox5 Number #1 on the list . Why would you deliberately want to mess that up .

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SO, Laura Ingraham agrees with me, Dan Bongino agrees with me. Kimberly Strassel agrees with me. Greg Gutfeld agrees with me.

Trump is debating the moderator and Biden. Brian Kilmeade agrees with me. Andrew McCarthy agrees with me.

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 30, 2020


Biden seems to interrupt with impunity.

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 30, 2020


Why is Biden allowed to repeat that the facts about Hunter–as put out by a Senate Committee, with data from Treasury Department–are discredited? Every newspaper has noted the money Hunter took, from Ukraine to China. It's all true; even Hunter admitted it. #Debates2020

— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) September 30, 2020


Greg Gutfeld, host of “The Greg Gutfeld Show” and one of the co-hosts

Wallace is grilling Trump on his supporters taking to the streets when antifa is burning businesses down right now.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 30, 2020

The co-host of “Fox & Friends,” Brian Kilmeade took a jab at Wallace as well. In a now-deleted tweet, he wrote that the debate “looks like 2 V 1” and claimed that President Trump and the former vice president each got different treatment from the moderator on stage.

Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not

— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) September 30, 2020

Fox News contributor Andy McCarthy said that Wallace “should get out of the way” and questioned why he did not press Biden on the Green New Deal.

I love Chris Wallace, but he should get out of the way.

— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) September 30, 2020


Biden doesn’t support the Green New Deal.

Oh, Wallace got that out of him?

No, Trump did.

Oh, well, did Wallace clarify what’s parts of Green New Deal Biden is against?

No, needed to move on …

— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) September 30, 2020

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Here's another link that isn't redstate so as not to give you scary hives:



watch the video. Bill O'Reilly agrees with me.

"Trump is debating the moderator and Biden," Laura Ingraham, host of "The Ingraham Angle," tweeted. “Biden seems to interrupt with impunity," Ingraham noted.

Trump is debating the moderator and Biden.— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 30, 2020

Wallace had a tough time controlling Tuesday's debate as President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden repeatedly interrupted each other. But critics said Wallace admonished Trump more often than Biden, often cutting him off in mid-sentence.

In another Twitter post, since deleted, "Fox & Friends" host Brian Kilmeade took aim at Wallace, saying it "looks like 2 V 1." Kilmeade also asked in a second tweet why Biden was "allowed to interrupt" while Trump was not.

Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) September 30, 2020

Greg Gutfeld, a co-host of "The Five" on Fox, agreed with Ingraham, retweeting multiple posts about Trump seemingly debating two people. In one retweet, podcast host Stephen L. Miller wrote that "Wallace is grilling Trump on his supporters taking to the streets when antifa is burning businesses down right now."

"A draw between the contestants/combatants & a loss for the moderator," said another post retweeted by Gutfeld. Gutfeld also wrote it "was not good" that Wallace laughed along with Biden at one point during the debate.

That was not good— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) September 30, 2020

Bill O'Reilly, a former Fox personality who resigned in disgrace amid a sex sandal, also chimed in.

"Chris Wallace doesn't have the facts at his command about the Ukraine payments made to Biden's son that Trump brought up. Big mistake by Mr. Wallace."

Chris Wallace doesn’t have the facts at his command about the Ukraine payments made to Biden’s son that Trump brought up. Big mistake by Mr. Wallace.— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) September 30, 2020

And Fox News contributor Andy McCarthy said Wallace "should get out of the way," saying he "jumps in" too often. "Chris Wallace jumps in a second time when Biden having trouble with Trump's questioning," McCarthy wrote.

I love Chris Wallace, but he should get out of the way.— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) September 30, 2020

For his part, Trump at one point said to Wallace: "I guess I'm debating you, not him."

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Mark Levin AGREES WITH ME, Hoorta.



“Biden pulled the same stunts on the president as he pulled on Paul Ryan eight years earlier, but Trump would have none of it. Biden was making faces, rolling his eyes, interrupting the president with laughs and jabs, and was long-winded, which the moderator allowed to a ridiculous level.”

Levin opined that fellow Fox News host and debate moderator Chris Wallace permitted Biden “much longer opportunities uninterrupted by the moderator to speak, which Biden used to hurl one nasty lie after another.” He added that Trump wouldn’t stand for that, as he “is a counter-puncher and often was forced to try to muscle his way in to address Biden’s list of attacks as he wasn’t given opportunities to reply.”

Levin ripped Wallace for exhibiting bias against the president, asserting, “The moderator’s liberal bias was obvious in the nature of many of the questions, as was his dislike of the president when he’d get into arguments with the president over policy while mostly letting Biden get away with whoppers.”

“The moderator knows the governors shut down the economy not the president, the moderator knows the president didn’t kill over 200,000 Americans, the moderator knows Antifa is a real group, the moderator knows that the “science” of man-made climate change is in dispute, etc., but it seemed like none and certainly little of his correcting or challenging was aimed at Biden or, even worse, he’d insert his views into the questioning and follow up,” Levin wrote, adding, “If he was truly interested in tax returns, why did he ignore Biden’s use of an S-1 corporation to get around paying over half a million dollars in payroll taxes, including Social Security, or mention that the New York Times article itself states that Trump paid approximately $24 million in the alternative minimum tax. If you’re going to bring it up, then get it right.”

Levin noted that some commentators were “more critical of the president than Biden,’ then targeted Biden, noting. “Biden’s strategy was as a disrupter who was prepared with memorized attack lines and falsehoods, which he rattled off like a machine gun. Biden’s handlers figured such a debate — going from hiding in the basement and limiting press availability to a debate brawl — would continue to protect Biden from real scrutiny for his past record and his current embrace of truly extremist policies as set forth in his 110-page manifesto. Biden’s obvious strategy, plus the moderator’s predictable approach, was infuriating.”

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Cal, I  really don't  give a rat's ass about  your crap. FWIW, Bill O'Reilly  is right up there with Tucker Carlson  as far a bias  is concerned. You can believe whatever the hell you want to about the non-debate. 

Thanks, you've just proven that you totally agree and support this Trumpism. "I could shoot  someone dead on 5th Avenue, and I  wouldn't  lose any  supporters." You're  trying to  put a positive spin on behavior that was indefensible,  and certainly not presidential.


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10 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Cal, I  really don't  give a rat's ass about  your crap. FWIW, Bill O'Reilly  is right up there with Tucker Carlson  as far a bias  is concerned. You can believe whatever the hell you want to about the non-debate. 

Thanks, you've just proven that you totally agree and support this Trumpism. "I could shoot  someone dead on 5th Avenue, and I  wouldn't  lose any  supporters." You're  trying to  put a positive spin on behavior that was indefensible,  and certainly not presidential.


Hoorta translation: "I ain't got nobody unbiased" lol I didn't list Tucker Carlson. You cherry picked O'Reilly, and ignored all the others.

Therefore, I justly say unto you - you miss the point just like your little woodpecker does. Of course I can believe what I want to believe about it, and I don't care that you don't like it.

Thanks, but no thanks, that doesn't prove anything about trump's stupid quote you listed above. Would you like for the rest of us to give you stupid quotes by obaMao and you fave idol biden?

No? crap.

   Why not QUIETLY be honest about it for a change? You think your little biden was "presidential" ? or not.

why not admit it - you bash Trump for what biden was doing far worse. biden wants to be president, and refuses to answer legit questions, LIES about hunter biden and his garbage, and calls PRESIDENT Trump a "clown" ? racist? tells him to shut up?

    DO YOU THINK BIDEN WAS BEING PRESIDENTIAL? Then stick a cork in it - your take is wrong.

and PRESIDENT Trump has been falsely and illegally attacked, smeared, investigated, undermined at every turn, by your msm -

let me ask you a simple question:

What the HELL ever happened to "respect the office" ???

yes, you don't give a freaking crapola. Your emotional knee jerking is all you have.

Didn't they teach critical thinking in med school fer cryin out loud?

and plain and simple - gloating over Pres Trump and our First Lady having covid - is low, nasty, slimey, and mean, terrible, wicked, bad and nasty.

Your one-sided partisan complaints and diatribes about other's biases reeks of fermented fooliness.

Have a nice day, TDS.


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44 minutes ago, hoorta said:

There's a reason I  LOVE Cal....  Your histrionics really deserve a reply, and much more of  my time reading them...  Have a nice Sleezy Joe  Day.... 

I like your way of making post work for you. thanks for showing me your special editing techniques.:D

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Furthermore, Hoorta, I have this guy saying the exact same thing I'm saying:


Ari Fleischer’s observation about last night’s debate has over 20,000 retweets and almost 60,000 likes, but pro-Joe types aren’t liking it at all (we’ll get to that in a sec):

I rewatched the start of the debate. The 1st Q went to Trump who gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then Biden gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then it went back to Trump, whose answer was interrupted 3 times by Biden. If you didn't like it, blame Biden for starting it.

— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 30, 2020

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2 minutes ago, Vambo said:

I like your way of making post work for you. thanks for showing me your special editing techniques.:D

LOL, you're slow on the uptake,  just like most MAGAs...  You've always been able to to that in a reply when quoting the original.... Just be thankful I never use my moderation powers to alter the original post- which BTW I can do. 

Steve and me have had several discussions about the moderation (or lack thereof) on the Political Forum. I'll let him run it as he sees fit, though I strongly disagree with his POV. If I wanted to be the anti- Mr. T here I'd be handing out warnings and penalty points like Halloween candy, people would be getting week or month long bans for personal attacks, and threads (like this one) would get deleted as right wing unsubstantiated bullshit. I could have even more fun if I had Zombo's mod powers (that are a step above mine) to alter screen names. You could be Dumbo, we'd have Dork-a, and Ghoolie's favorite for Cal- Cal-snot. :) 


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so, then there is Hoorta-smartNOT. You have been slurring people, and then you bitch and cry about other people ...

yeah. typical freaking dishonest leftwing bs.

Ari Fleischer’s observation about last night’s debate has over 20,000 retweets and almost 60,000 likes, but pro-Joe types aren’t liking it at all (we’ll get to that in a sec):

I rewatched the start of the debate. The 1st Q went to Trump who gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then Biden gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then it went back to Trump, whose answer was interrupted 3 times by Biden. If you didn't like it, blame Biden for starting it.

— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 30, 2020

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so, Hoorta wants everybody to kiss his ass, or he wants to give them a warning point, after

he starts the hostility in the first place?

oh, darn, I hope he has me on ignore.


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19 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Furthermore, Hoorta, I have this guy saying the exact same thing I'm saying:


Ari Fleischer’s observation about last night’s debate has over 20,000 retweets and almost 60,000 likes, but pro-Joe types aren’t liking it at all (we’ll get to that in a sec):

I rewatched the start of the debate. The 1st Q went to Trump who gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then Biden gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then it went back to Trump, whose answer was interrupted 3 times by Biden. If you didn't like it, blame Biden for starting it.

— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 30, 2020

Great- that doesn't excuse Trump for acting like a total ass for the next 85 minutes of so... 


19 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Furthermore, Hoorta, I have this guy saying the exact same thing I'm saying:


Ari Fleischer’s observation about last night’s debate has over 20,000 retweets and almost 60,000 likes, but pro-Joe types aren’t liking it at all (we’ll get to that in a sec):

I rewatched the start of the debate. The 1st Q went to Trump who gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then Biden gave an uninterrupted 2-min response. Then it went back to Trump, whose answer was interrupted 3 times by Biden. If you didn't like it, blame Biden for starting it.

— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 30, 2020

Oh, some assorted quotes that YOU don't want to hear, or believe.... "Debating Donald Trump is not like debating a human. It is like debating a Bop It, and I am pretty sure Bop It is a game you never actually win."

"The real winner was anyone who decided to watch something else."

"If there is any consolation to be found in the norm-busting chaos on display in Cleveland on Tuesday night, it’s that President Trump’s theatrical, scorched-earth nihilism pulled down the curtain on his own chances of winning. The smoldering debris left behind by a political arsonist created one of the low moments of American electoral history and left all but the most fanatical Trump supporters (know anyone who fits that description Cal?) more dispirited than ever about the state of our public life.

It was not a debate in any meaningful sense. (Can I have an AMEN!!! to that?) Trump was utterly unconstrained in his interruptions, his obnoxious comments, his snide asides, his attacks on Joe Biden’s family, his relentless bullying and, ultimately, his lack of humanity. Watching this spectacle, viewers had to wonder if it would become known as The Last Debate."

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