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President Trump and First Lady test positive for COVID-19

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Zara was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 National Campaign Manager.

 I do know that Hillary Clinton tested negative as President of the United States.


Dang- I predicted this almost a day ago... 

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

No, everyone who isn't a MAGA was happy to see Trump not wearing a mask so he could contract it and possibly die.

You people are vermin.

Nah- don't know who's vermin, but it sure isn't me.... Vermin are anyone who doesn't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass. I realize that now where the extreme MAGAs are coming from.  

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

You see, I think I actually had this thing way before it was even a thing. At the tail end of 2019 at the end of November, I had a fever of 105, body aches that felt like I fell off a roof and then run over by a bus, coughing up thick yellow mucus non-stop. I still was able to manage going to work on an assembly line 8 hours a day until I got so sick they sent me to an urgent care clinic. The doctors were baffled because all my tests came back negative for flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It took me almost a month and a half to get over whatever I had. Don't say the president is being brave after he downplayed it and he will get the best care possible, he'll be fine.

He deserves a medal.  MAGA.

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32 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

I couldn’t stand the ground Obama stood on, but I never wished anything bad on him or his husband.


yep. LOL

the left is sleazy hater though. too bad for America.

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This was bound to happen. Like a true dumb ass he downplayed the whole thing and called it a "democratic hoax" while knowing full and well about how serious it is. What's even stupider he went on tape explaining how he lied about the whole thing and costing thousands of souls for his in-actions . Then to top that off, after entering the debate a Doctor went up to them with masks in hand, explained to them it was required in the Clinic at ALL times and his dumpy family and loser cronies waved him off. I couldn't care less what happens to him and deplorables he surrounds himself with because they all act Willy Nilly, constantly breaking public health codes, while lying about the severity of the situation. I'm more concerned about that specific Doctor, his family, and the other public healthcare workers and patients that may have been exposed. Like how much of immoral fucktard piece of shit do you have be, to be so inconvenienced about wearing protective face gear, during a pandemic, you endanger the lives of fellow human beings at a damn Hospital?

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1 hour ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

Like how much of immoral fucktard piece of shit do you have be, to be so inconvenienced about wearing protective face gear,

That's a big no-no around here. Soon you'll have all the armchair experts up in arms and you will have about 10,000 links to articles and videos explaining how useless they are. But the thing is that we have very few things we can do to stop the spread , social distance,  wash you hands, and wear a mask. Until they come up with something better we just have to use what we got. I don't care what some asshat fucktard thinks about me wearing one. If I saved even one life, then it was worth it.

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57 minutes ago, Neo said:

That's a big no-no around here. Soon you'll have all the armchair experts up in arms and you will have about 10,000 links to articles and videos explaining how useless they are. But the thing is that we have very few things we can do to stop the spread , social distance,  wash you hands, and wear a mask. Until they come up with something better we just have to use what we got. I don't care what some asshat fucktard thinks about me wearing one. If I saved even one life, then it was worth it.


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3 hours ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

This was bound to happen. Like a true dumb ass he downplayed the whole thing and called it a "democratic hoax" while knowing full and well about how serious it is. What's even stupider he went on tape explaining how he lied about the whole thing and costing thousands of souls for his in-actions . Then to top that off, after entering the debate a Doctor went up to them with masks in hand, explained to them it was required in the Clinic at ALL times and his dumpy family and loser cronies waved him off. I couldn't care less what happens to him and deplorables he surrounds himself with because they all act Willy Nilly, constantly breaking public health codes, while lying about the severity of the situation. I'm more concerned about that specific Doctor, his family, and the other public healthcare workers and patients that may have been exposed. Like how much of immoral fucktard piece of shit do you have be, to be so inconvenienced about wearing protective face gear, during a pandemic, you endanger the lives of fellow human beings at a damn Hospital?


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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nah- don't know who's vermin, but it sure isn't me.... Vermin are anyone who doesn't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass. I realize that now where the extreme MAGAs are coming from.  

No one has their heads up Trumps ass, that's your TDS talking.

You pansy ass shit for brains liberals have relentlessly attacked the guy since he announced he was running president, and we're supposed to the bad guys. And now in 2020 "we got our heads up Trumps ass"  because unlike you, we can't ignore the fact that he did what we voted for to do and jump on your hate bandwagon.

The cold hard truth is that you people have your heads up Bidens ass declaring how everything smells nice in there.

The guy is riddled with corruption, racism, including sexual assault and hasn't accomplished a fucking thing throughout his illustrious career.

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11 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Here is the difference. His lack of early response led to many tens of thousands of deaths that should not have been. His making fun of Biden for wearing a mask and not insisting people at his rallies wear masks and spread out from one another has been totally irresponsible. But sorry "Lots of people get sick from a lot of different things" is bullshit next to over 200,000 dead in this country from COVID-19.


I agree. But I also hope he learns enough out of this to do a 180 and save a lot of people who otherwise listen to his BS and put themselves and others around them at risk. It needs to shake him up for that to happen. That's just a fact and anyone here should know that much about him by now. If he barely gets ill he will be out there bragging that COVID is nothing for the country to worry about when in fact it is.

Of course nobody recommended martial law early on. Hey maybe an executive order for every American to wear masks 24/7 would have passed constitutional muster. But I doubt it. And I can just imagine the screams from you liberals / Democrats / Trump haters about dictator Nazi blah blah blah.

Yep some people are going to get sick a very tiny fraction will die. The bigger and more unpleasant picture is that the Democrats welcomed the destruction of the country. The shittier things get more they can pretend to be the savior. That's why so many of the democratic-run states are keeping the chokehold on their economies as hard as they can.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Of course nobody recommended martial law early on. Hey maybe an executive order for every American to wear masks 24/7 would have passed constitutional muster. But I doubt it. And I can just imagine the screams from you liberals / Democrats / Trump haters about dictator Nazi blah blah blah.

Yep some people are going to get sick a very tiny fraction will die. The bigger and more unpleasant picture is that the Democrats welcomed the destruction of the country. The shittier things get more they can pretend to be the savior. That's why so many of the democratic-run states are keeping the chokehold on their economies as hard as they can.


And more BS on top of BS. Ya know there is such a thing as a middle ground, like calling for all Americans to do the patriotic thing and voluntarily wear masks and distance for the sake of the country. It's not an order but it damn sure is totally different from ridiculing your opponent for doing what is right for America. Now he is paying a price that is just for that kind of irresponsible behavior from a very poor leader. But there is an excellent opportunity for an out for him. Now is the exact time that a real true "general" leading the fight against this virus can do a 180 on it from his hospital bed. I think most of America would respond positively to both the message and the messenger. But of course that won't happen from Mr. Tough Guy.

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14 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Here is the difference. His lack of early response led to many tens of thousands of deaths that should not have been. His making fun of Biden for wearing a mask and not insisting people at his rallies wear masks and spread out from one another has been totally irresponsible. But sorry "Lots of people get sick from a lot of different things" is bullshit next to over 200,000 dead in this country from COVID-19.


His "lack" of early response came at the advice of his medical advisors.  An if you chose to forget his early response in shutting down travel from China was not taken too kindly by you outraged  leftists charging Trump with being a racist.

How early are you talking about?

Feb. 4

At a WHO briefing, Tedros urged that there be no travel bans. "We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit. ... Where such measures have been implemented, we urge that they are short in duration, proportionate to the public health risks and are reconsidered regularly as the situation evolves."

Not until Feb 11 came the first warning from the WHO

Feb. 11

At a WHO briefing, Tedros urged world leaders to give priority to containing the virus: "To be honest, a virus is more powerful in creating political, economic and social upheaval than any terrorist attack. A virus can have more powerful consequences than any terrorist action, and that's true. If the world doesn't want to wake up and consider this enemy virus as Public Enemy Number 1, I don't think we will learn our lessons."

March 5

In a WHO briefing, Tedros praised China and the U.S. for taking "the right approach." He said: "After our visit to Beijing and seeing China's approach, and President Xi leading that, and also in the U.S., President Trump himself, and also for regular coordination, designating the vice president. These are the approaches we're saying are the right ones, and these are the approaches we're saying are going to mobilize the whole government."

In a Fox News town hall, Trump said, "It's going to all work out. Everybody has to be calm. It's all going to work out."


March 10

In a meeting with Republican senators at the U.S. Capitol, Trump said, "This was unexpected. ... And it hit the world. And we're prepared, and we're doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."

We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test. Test every suspected case.




March 16

At a press briefing, Trump issued orders to control the spread of the virus in the U.S.: "My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus. And we're going to have a big celebration all together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner and turn it quickly."

You make it so obvious that your deep hate for the guy causes truth not to matter.



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13 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I agree. But I also hope he learns enough out of this to do a 180 and save a lot of people who otherwise listen to his BS and put themselves and others around them at risk. It needs to shake him up for that to happen. That's just a fact and anyone here should know that much about him by now. If he barely gets ill he will be out there bragging that COVID is nothing for the country to worry about when in fact it is.

And what if he gets through this while suffering only mild effects as did the vast majority of people infected?

Your worst nightmare.  It would prove he was right all along and give your fear mongering agenda a huge setback.

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23 minutes ago, Gorka said:

And what if he gets through this while suffering only mild effects as did the vast majority of people infected?

Your worst nightmare.  It would prove he was right all along and give your fear mongering agenda a huge setback.


"but but but I know a guy who got really sick!"




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"It would prove him right all along."-more from the trumpidiocracy.

So his moronic response which now leaves 200,000+ dead in it's wake means nothing to the idiocracy of trumpy and his lemming fools apparently. 

Yes, the moron is likely to go right in line with Brazil's trumpidiot who had a mild case and remains in denial. They are now second only to the U.S. with 141,000+ deaths from COVID.

For a group who thinks they are logical, your logic escapes me. For the sake of the country we have to hope it gets serious enough to get a Boris Johnson style turnaround.

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32 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

"It would prove him right all along."-more from the trumpidiocracy.

So his moronic response which now leaves 200,000+ dead in it's wake means nothing to the idiocracy of trumpy and his lemming fools apparently. 

Yes, the moron is likely to go right in line with Brazil's trumpidiot who had a mild case and remains in denial. They are now second only to the U.S. with 141,000+ deaths from COVID.

For a group who thinks they are logical, your logic escapes me. For the sake of the country we have to hope it gets serious enough to get a Boris Johnson style turnaround.

Right, Trumps aim was to kill 200K. You are the moron.

I wonder if other countries are counting deaths resulting from accidents as a COVID death if the victim happen to have had it. Or a COVID death if the victim was slated to croak anyway due to cancer, heart disease, etc.

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14 hours ago, Gorka said:


As far as your questions, how the fuck do I know?  I wasn't there to ask the specifics. That came from a close nurse friend of my wife, who relayed it to me.

I've known her for years and trust her word enough to post it as coming from a reliable source.

And if one of those nurses die I'll give you the good news.

But don't be too optimistic because the survival rates have increased, especially among the 50-69 age group. That's not sayin the nurses are old.

CDC COVID-19 Survival Rates


Guess the Tallahassee Reports didn't feel the need to post the qualification that was on the CDC Table but why wouldn't pass these of as actual survival rates.

"Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios. The scenarios are intended to advance public health preparedness and planning.  They are not predictions or estimates of the expected impact of COVID-19.  The parameter values in each scenario will be updated and augmented over time, as we learn more about the epidemiology of COVID-19.  Additional parameter values might be added in the future (e.g., population density, household transmission, and/or race and ethnicity)." 

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24 minutes ago, BaconHound said:

Guess the Tallahassee Reports didn't feel the need to post the qualification that was on the CDC Table but why wouldn't you select scenario 5 and report that as actual survival rates.

"Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios. The scenarios are intended to advance public health preparedness and planning.  They are not predictions or estimates of the expected impact of COVID-19.  The parameter values in each scenario will be updated and augmented over time, as we learn more about the epidemiology of COVID-19.  Additional parameter values might be added in the future (e.g., population density, household transmission, and/or race and ethnicity)." 

Good question. Even the survival rate of Leon County doesn't appear to jive with what they are reporting. If it did then it would be easy to understand why they chose to report the first(?) scenario.

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9 hours ago, Gorka said:

No one has their heads up Trumps ass, that's your TDS talking.

You pansy ass shit for brains liberals have relentlessly attacked the guy since he announced he was running president, and we're supposed to the bad guys. And now in 2020 "we got our heads up Trumps ass"  because unlike you, we can't ignore the fact that he did what we voted for to do and jump on your hate bandwagon.

The cold hard truth is that you people have your heads up Bidens ass declaring how everything smells nice in there.

The guy is riddled with corruption, racism, including sexual assault and hasn't accomplished a fucking thing throughout his illustrious career.

but it's ok for them to have their heads up obaMao's and biden's asses. Hoorta is fine with that - but anyone who disagrees with him is bad and he says they have their heads up....

   what ever happened to "respect the office" Hoorta? typical leftie - they insist on the rules, but they happily break them anytime they FEEEEEEEEEELLLLL like it.

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