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President Trump and First Lady test positive for COVID-19

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39 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


Unironically calling someone following health guidelines a sheep. But yeah, it's the people wearing masks that made it political...


Wearing a masks has nothing to do with feelings. It's about facts and science. I don't care about people wearing masks because it makes others feel better. I care because it's objectively safer.


Again, I wear a mask all day. It doesn't make it harder to breathe. 

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Again, I wear a mask all day. It doesn't make it harder to breathe.  Woodpecker



actually, I wear a mask too, anytime we go to a store, anywhere. It just makes sense to wear one. The argument over the effectiveness - a thin single layer mask won't do all that much, a reinforced thicker cloth mask sure the hell will, and a C95 mask is preferable in higher-risk situations. The trouble is contact with the virus. Touching a door handle where someone infected coughed on it, handling groceries infected, gas pump handles, mailbox lids/mail... hand sanitizer is a must everywhere you go. This stuff has been proven to be very, very contagious. Just like the expert who fled taiwan said - it was designed to be that way. A low budget biological economic/military readiness weapon.

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Best outcome would be if it gets bad enough that he ends up next to our best friend's brother still on a ventilator after over 2 weeks in John Hopkins in D.C. Then both recover together. 

Maybe that would make him see the light.

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22 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Best outcome would be if it gets bad enough that he ends up next to our best friend's brother still on a ventilator after over 2 weeks in John Hopkins in D.C. Then both recover together. 

Maybe that would make him see the light.

Actually the best case scenario is that  he never shows any symptoms and win's the presidency in November. Anecdotal and [I hooe you] arguments are usually bullshit. Sorry about your friend. Lots of people get sick from a lot of different things. 


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I hate when you catch that from other people

When they choose to drive distracted and kill you and/or yours and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it... Yeppers, I hate it too.  

The way the media reports it, and the way people choose to believe it, we are going to need a new President, First Lady and many new NFL players real soon.......

^ Although I'll take the under at zero Cotton. 

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...... and BTW, in my SoCal high desert community of close to 500,000 people, we had 11 traffic collision fatalities in the month of September - and 3 deaths of people who died while being positive for COVID.

Yep, scary days indeed. But hey, it's just a car and you can't catch it from someone else........ right

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2 hours ago, Vambo said:

How to keep Trump from Campaigning?

Two short comments... Um, everyone who isn't a MAGA was disgusted the way Trump was "campaigning". No social distancing, and only those behind him in a camera angle were wearing masks for show. 

7 minutes ago, D Bone said:

...... and BTW, in my SoCal high desert community of close to 500,000 people, we had 11 traffic collision fatalities in the month of September - and 3 deaths of people who died while being positive for COVID.

Yep, scary days indeed. But hey, it's just a car and you can't catch it from someone else........ right

In Ohio, the number of folks getting cited for driving in excess of 100mph doubled. Figured because of covid, the cops wouldn't stop them. Ohio isn't like driving down US 93 from Vegas to Kingman through the Mohave Desert.  :)  

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Just now, hammertime said:

It’s because there jerks in real life and on the internet 

It's actually typical Woody. Like with most things he complains about he mostly just gets mad because other people aren't as scared or upset as he is. That's what bothers him, not so much the actual solutions to any of it.


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8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Here's a conspiracy theory for you guys. The president is faking the Rona and will claim that he's taking hydroxychloroquine everyday and each and every day as his health refuses to deteriorate he will speak about the benefits of that drug.

Of course I think that issue is only important to a handful of crazy people in the first place but that would be fun...


It occurred to me, but the initial shock to Trump Nation would be too great... I mean just look what its done to our very own little cohort of Trumpetttes...

7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

That's not what they're for and never was. I don't know how many thousands of medical experts right-wing quacks need to tell you otherwise.

FIFY, Dr. Steve...

7 hours ago, Gorka said:

Do you even know what an N95 mask is?

Rarely do I see people wearing them. Most wear surgical masks or homemade cloth masks.  I was also listening to a Phd who stated that the virus passes as easily through these as would a nail through a chain link fence...but supposedly still better than nothing.

The virus is carried by water droplets you exhale. The majority of water droplets you exhale pass through these masks. Experiment with it and you'll see.

I know... and the reason you don't don't see people wearing N-95s is that they are still not widely available to the general public. Hospital and 1st responders get first dibs... and even they are still running into shortages.

As for the droplets... no... in normal breathing most exhaled droplets are trapped by even the homemade masks... N-95s just trap more... thus the N-95 designation. More problematic are aerosols such as those produced by a sneeze. But there is good news... as a mask is moistened by normal breathing it becomes an even more effective filter as moisture in the voids in the mask decreases the void area.

Impingement is the key... even for aerosols. even an aerosol given enough momentum will impinge upon a surface. Failing to impinge an aerosol will ultimately become subject to Brownian motion and dissipate. This is why a mask... even a homemade... is a piece of the best practice along with social distancing and hand sanitizing.

7 hours ago, Gorka said:

Wrong. At the Cleveland Clinic Marymount Hospital in Garfield Heights nearly all the COVID unit nurses including the secretary contracted it wise guy.

None of them died or will die, including my wifes friend, a 62 yr. old with underlying conditions who recovered at home.

Nearly all? Could you be less specific?

Also what was the time frame? If a secretary contacted it, then Marymount's isolation measures sure sucked didn't they?

Are there still new cases among the staff today?

Glad were no deaths... hope there won't be any in the future... a future you obviously can see since you know "none of them... will die."

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And for the record I don't wish our President dies...

Goes Boris' path including some ventilator time before recovering?

Yup... I'll go that far... because it might actually scare some sense into the man.

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4 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Marymount is a dumpy hospital. I should know, I've been in every square inch of the place including places the nurses will never see. 

Here's what my admittedly anecdotal evidence will tell you. Nice nursing homes such as elmwood out by Norwalk, royalton woods in north royalton and even middling ones likes falling waters in Strongsville have seen little or no covid. Shitty ones like city view in Cleveland or west park neurology in Cleveland have had it tear through the places. Because they're shitty and lax. That's where you send grandpa to die because you hate him for being old and you're selfish as fuck. Dumpy lax hospitals are just about the same way. 

Here's a general rule of thumb: if you go into a place and it smells like actual human feces...they're going to have HAI's. Lots of them. The place will be full of c-diff and staph and if coronavirus gets into one which is all but a certainty - people in those conditions will probably end up dying of it. 

Doesn't surprise me. I travel 480 a lot and it's convenient to pick up my prescriptions there. It doesn't feel like a hospital I would want to be in.

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Our brave President gets the COVID-19 and bravely works through it.  MAGA.


26 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

He will receive the best care, but who knows what kind of shape he is really in.  Hopefully he gets thru it.

Of course, you could go down there and offer to suck that virus right out him being your such an avid supporter. That way you'll knw he's getting the best "care"


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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually the best case scenario is that  he never shows any symptoms and win's the presidency in November. Anecdotal and [I hooe you] arguments are usually bullshit. Sorry about your friend. Lots of people get sick from a lot of different things. 


Here is the difference. His lack of early response led to many tens of thousands of deaths that should not have been. His making fun of Biden for wearing a mask and not insisting people at his rallies wear masks and spread out from one another has been totally irresponsible. But sorry "Lots of people get sick from a lot of different things" is bullshit next to over 200,000 dead in this country from COVID-19.


47 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

If he wasn't President, I wouldn't give a shit.

But at the end of the day, saying "The President has died" is something I'd rather not have.

I agree. But I also hope he learns enough out of this to do a 180 and save a lot of people who otherwise listen to his BS and put themselves and others around them at risk. It needs to shake him up for that to happen. That's just a fact and anyone here should know that much about him by now. If he barely gets ill he will be out there bragging that COVID is nothing for the country to worry about when in fact it is.

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2 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Yup... I'll go that far... because it might actually scare some sense into the man.

He will get the best of care humanly possible, he will be fine. Something a lot of Americans can't say. This won't faze him in the least.

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4 hours ago, D Bone said:

When they choose to drive distracted and kill you and/or yours and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it... Yeppers, I hate it too.  

The way the media reports it, and the way people choose to believe it, we are going to need a new President, First Lady and many new NFL players real soon.......

^ Although I'll take the under at zero Cotton. 

Yes, the general public is good at understanding numbers


^ put that in pink

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

It's actually typical Woody. Like with most things he complains about he mostly just gets mad because other people aren't as scared or upset as he is. That's what bothers him, not so much the actual solutions to any of it.


Way to typical Steve your way into that response hahaha

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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Our brave President gets the COVID-19 and bravely works through it.  MAGA.

You see, I think I actually had this thing way before it was even a thing. At the tail end of 2019 at the end of November, I had a fever of 105, body aches that felt like I fell off a roof and then run over by a bus, coughing up thick yellow mucus non-stop. I still was able to manage going to work on an assembly line 8 hours a day until I got so sick they sent me to an urgent care clinic. The doctors were baffled because all my tests came back negative for flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It took me almost a month and a half to get over whatever I had. Don't say the president is being brave after he downplayed it and he will get the best care possible, he'll be fine.

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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

It occurred to me, but the initial shock to Trump Nation would be too great... I mean just look what its done to our very own little cohort of Trumpetttes...

FIFY, Dr. Steve...

I know... and the reason you don't don't see people wearing N-95s is that they are still not widely available to the general public. Hospital and 1st responders get first dibs... and even they are still running into shortages.

As for the droplets... no... in normal breathing most exhaled droplets are trapped by even the homemade masks... N-95s just trap more... thus the N-95 designation. More problematic are aerosols such as those produced by a sneeze. But there is good news... as a mask is moistened by normal breathing it becomes an even more effective filter as moisture in the voids in the mask decreases the void area.

Impingement is the key... even for aerosols. even an aerosol given enough momentum will impinge upon a surface. Failing to impinge an aerosol will ultimately become subject to Brownian motion and dissipate. This is why a mask... even a homemade... is a piece of the best practice along with social distancing and hand sanitizing.

Nearly all? Could you be less specific?

Also what was the time frame? If a secretary contacted it, then Marymount's isolation measures sure sucked didn't they?

Are there still new cases among the staff today?

Glad were no deaths... hope there won't be any in the future... a future you obviously can see since you know "none of them... will die."


As far as your questions, how the fuck do I know?  I wasn't there to ask the specifics. That came from a close nurse friend of my wife, who relayed it to me.

I've known her for years and trust her word enough to post it as coming from a reliable source.

And if one of those nurses die I'll give you the good news.

But don't be too optimistic because the survival rates have increased, especially among the 50-69 age group. That's not sayin the nurses are old.

CDC COVID-19 Survival Rates


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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Two short comments... Um, everyone who isn't a MAGA was disgusted the way Trump was "campaigning". No social distancing, and only those behind him in a camera angle were wearing masks for show. 


No, everyone who isn't a MAGA was happy to see Trump not wearing a mask so he could contract it and possibly die.

You people are vermin.

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