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Speaker urges Dems to shore up support in case Congress must decide election


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not able to because they forced the issue with fraud with mailin ballots and lawsuits for months.

it could be a rocky ride, folks.

They demand to own America, and all of us. They are using their blackshirts/brownshirts exactly like

hitler and mussolini did. Intimidate those who won't go along with who demands total, complete and permanent power.

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

not able to because they forced the issue with fraud with mailin ballots and lawsuits for months.

it could be a rocky ride, folks.

They demand to own America, and all of us. They are using their blackshirts/brownshirts exactly like

hitler and mussolini did. Intimidate those who won't go along with who demands total, complete and permanent power.

Elections are demeaning to Democrats. They should not be subject to what you think. They know what's best for you therefore should not be subject to the rigors of campaigning, it is beneath them to have to do so. They seek absolute control having no interest in your opinion or what you think.

They continue to refuse to accept the results of the last election, and if they had their way they would make sure that no election ever again mattered.

 And there is a possibility that they could get their wish.

If Biden wins they could possibly win the Senate. Biden has already talked about getting rid of the filibuster.

The Dems would own all three branches, just Imagine what they could do:

Pack the Supreme Court with liberals, preventing Republicans from ever winning a decision.

Grant statehood to Puerto Rico and DC and we get 4 more Demonrat senators.

Get rid of the filibuster.

Move to abolish the Electoral College.

They could rubber stamp any bill that passes through the House and Senate.

The Republicans would have no voice and be rendered irrelevant. Nothing they could do.

We need to win this election.


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33 minutes ago, Gorka said:

How so?

You already know why demonrats are shit, I don't have to tell you.


If a republican told you they care about people, it's just lip service. The only things republicans care about is

1) money

2) power

3) war


The biggest thing reptilians fear is if the Democrats win they will 1)increase their taxes 2)take away their guns. 3) and lose power is a distant third.

Every where I go no matter if it's facebook, youtube comments, it's always the same thing. Money, Guns, and Power. So you can't tell me I'm full of shit. 


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10 minutes ago, Neo said:

If a republican told you they care about people, it's just lip service. The only things republicans care about is

1) money

2) power

3) war


The biggest thing reptilians fear is if the Democrats win they will 1)increase their taxes 2)take away their guns. 3) and lose power is a distant third.

Every where I go no matter if it's facebook, youtube comments, it's always the same thing. Money, Guns, and Power. So you can't tell me I'm full of shit. 


1.) Lower taxes is a good thing...People keep more of what they earn. Care about people!

2.) 2nd Amendment , there right to bear arms...self defense is a good thing...People keeping their families and country safe. Care about people!

3.) Less government control is a good thing. People free to live their life without the government telling them what to do...Care about people!

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54 minutes ago, Neo said:

If a republican told you they care about people, it's just lip service. The only thing republicans care about is

1) money

In what way?  There are as many wealthy demonrat politicians as there are Republicans, if that's what you're alluding to.

2) power

Not True.  Both parties want power. However, the demonrat lust for power is for control over you and me.  The Republican quest for power is to prevent you motherfuckers from doing so.

3) war

Trump is the first president to not have started a war since Reagan. Trump has made it his mission to bring our boys overseas home.

Most wars started were started by demonrats idiot.


The biggest thing reptilians fear is if the Democrats win they will 1)increase their taxes 2)take away their guns. 3) and lose power is a distant third.

And how does fear of taking away guns make Republicans bad?  Because it will prevent you demonrats in Chicago and street thugs elsewhere from killing people?

Why is wanting to keep more of the money you earn a bad thing?

Every where I go no matter if it's facebook, youtube comments, it's always the same thing. Money, Guns, and Power. So you can't tell me I'm full of shit. 

Haha social media??  That's an admission that you're full of shit, I don't have to tell you.


Your responses to my question exposed you as the  ignorant low information nitwit you truly are. You need to do better than that. Don't listen to Twitter. Educate yourself.

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12 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Your responses to my question exposed you as the  ignorant low information nitwit you truly are. You need to do better than that. Don't listen to Twitter. Educate yourself.


13 minutes ago, Gorka said:

f a republican told you they care about people, it's just lip service. The only thing republicans care about is

1) money

In what way?  There are as many wealthy demonrat politicians as there are Republicans, if that's what you're alluding to.

2) power

Not True.  Both parties want power. However, the demonrat lust for power is for control over you and I.  The Republican quest for power is to stop you motherfuckers. 

3) war

Trump is the first president to not have started a war since Reagan.


Most wars started were started by demonrats.


The biggest thing reptilians fear is if the Democrats win they will 1)increase their taxes 2)take away their guns. 3) and lose power is a distant third.

And how does fear of taking away guns make Republicans bad?  Because it will prevent you demonrats in Chicago and street thugs elsewhere from killing people?

Why is wanting to keep more of the money you earn a bad thing?

Every where I go no matter if it's facebook, youtube comments, it's always the same thing. Money, Guns, and Power. So you can't tell me I'm full of shit. 

Haha social media??  That proves you're full of shit, I don't have to tell you.

In what way?  There are as many wealthy demonrat politicians as there are Republicans, if that's what you're alluding to.

All the dumb shits that were union members at GM Lordstown voted for Trump because the only thing they cared about was their money. Even when the plant was closed and both the UAW 1714 and UAW 1112 were dismantled, they will still vote for Trump . And most of the dipshits were shipped across the country to other plants!! They would stab their fellow union members in the back because they want to save money.

Trump is the first president to not have started a war since Reagan.

I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking about republicans. Are we already forgetting about the Bush family, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Iraq, no WMD's? 

And how does fear of taking away guns make Republicans bad?

Because they're not going to.🙄

Haha social media??  That proves you're full of shit, I don't have to tell you.

And what about this place? Are you saying your full of shit? That I will believe.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:


In what way?  There are as many wealthy demonrat politicians as there are Republicans, if that's what you're alluding to.

All the dumb shits that were union members at GM Lordstown voted for Trump because the only thing they cared about was their money.

May 26, 2020 at 6:53 p.m. EDT

The AFL-CIO, the country’s largest coalition of labor unions, endorsed Joe Biden for president Tuesday,



Even when the plant was closed and both the UAW 1714 and UAW 1112 were dismantled, they will still vote for Trump . And most of the dipshits were shipped across the country to other plants!! They would stab their fellow union members in the back because they want to save money.



Trump is the first president to not have started a war since Reagan.

I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking about republicans. Are we already forgetting about the Bush family, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Iraq, no WMD's? 

Tulsi Gabbard Exposes Democrat Warmongers




And how does fear of taking away guns make Republicans bad

Because they're not going to.🙄

Democrats have spent years denying they'll take people's guns. Not anymore.


Haha social media??  That proves you're full of shit, I don't have to tell you.

And what about this place? Are you saying your full of shit? That I will believe.


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6 hours ago, Neo said:



All the dumb shits that were union members at GM Lordstown voted for Trump because the only thing they cared about was their money. Even when the plant was closed and both the UAW 1714 and UAW 1112 were dismantled, they will still vote for Trump . And most of the dipshits were shipped across the country to other plants!! They would stab their fellow union members in the back because they want to save money.

They only care about their money? Such a juvenile sounding argument. Are you implying Lordstowns closure was Trumps fault?

Union workers should continue to vote for Trump. Trump had nothing to do with its closing, but he certainly made an effort to prevent it from closing. Are you also forgetting that  it was both Obama and Biden that proclaimed to the world that manufacturing jobs are never coming back? "Whats Trump gonna do, wave a magic wand" - Obama.

I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking about republicans. Are we already forgetting about the Bush family, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Iraq, no WMD's? 

You gotta go all the way back to 2004 to dig up something ? A little bit of a reach, no?

Aside from that, the Cheney/ Haliberton situation as reported by you demonrats in an attempt to demonize Cheney was a lie. And in 2020 nothing has changed, you continue to believe your own lies.  Educate yourself:


You have the gall to make reference to decades old lie while at the same time ignore the FACT that  your guy Joe Biden actually did bribe the Ukrainians threatening to withhold millions of US aid if the investigation of his son didn't stop...and he bragged about it.

The WMD issue and the decision to invade Iraq was based upon intelligence information presented by the CIA and the Army. Based on that, nearly all DEMOCRATS voted in favor of invading Iraq you moron.

Because they're not going to.🙄

See Vambos post.

And what about this place? Are you saying your full of shit? That I will believe.

I believe in truth and facts, and the more they are presented to people like you the more you are repulsed by them. The only thing you've got is to tell me I'm full of shit.

Furthermore, this place is a message board. Educate yourself:

The Different Types Of Social Media Platforms To Serve Ads:
  • Social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+).
  • Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr).
  • Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest).
  • Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Vimeo).

Because of Trumps presidency the demonrats over the last 4 years were exposed as the evil and corrupt party we always knew they were.

The need to cling to your demonrat party  is glaring proof that you are of the "party before country " mindset. Sad. Really sad.



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3 hours ago, Gorka said:

You're a pushover.

You guys are so easy to get going. You respond to me so that must mean I'm getting under your skin. It's funny how serious you take yourselves, I say one thing you don't like then the next thing I know, I have three different people responding to comments I made towards another poster. Which means there must be some truth to what I say if you feel compelled to respond to me. So, would you like to rethink that statement?

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10 minutes ago, Neo said:

You guys are so easy to get going. You respond to me so that must mean I'm getting under your skin. It's funny how serious you take yourselves, I say one thing you don't like then the next thing I know, I have three different people responding to comments I made towards another poster. Which means there must be some truth to what I say if you feel compelled to respond to me. So, would you like to rethink that statement?

We have yet to see any ... now respond I command you to!

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On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2020 at 12:38 PM, Neo said:

You guys are so easy to get going. You respond to me so that must mean I'm getting under your skin. It's funny how serious you take yourselves, I say one thing you don't like then the next thing I know, I have three different people responding to comments I made towards another poster. Which means there must be some truth to what I say if you feel compelled to respond to me. So, would you like to rethink that statement?

Don't cry. You can always  go back to your safe space.

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