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JAFBF, when does QAnon become not cool anymore?

MLD Woody

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If/when it's proven a fake - which it's not as recently noted by the "Never forget those in the background" picture posted (among many other proofs).


There are actually layers to this, which are being glossed over.


Q is a group/team of Military Intelligence (including POTUS), not just one person.

They mainly direct and encourage people to look at certain things and ask questions.


QAnon are the people that read the messages and believe in the Q stated plan.

There are 100's of Millions of these people around the World.


Anons are the primary denizens to research the messages and News   .   .   .   to an amazing depth.

These people tend to have ADHD or OCD, which tends to make them incredible researchers as once they latch onto something they don't tend to let it go.


There are actually a lot more OG's (aka Boomers) than you'd think.

Having more life experience, they've seen how things have changed over the years - some good, but a lot of bad.



Looking back, is the underground of WW II uncool ?

Is "John has long Mustache" not cool anymore ?


QAnon is a modern day version of that, and while it's not evident being in the middle of it, we are in a Revolution.

Revolution 2.0 as I said long ago.


Sounds crazy, I know, but even us OG's haven't seen times like we have that last few years.

At least it's not a Bloody Revolution (for the most part / yet)   .   .   .   that has potential to change (and soon).



Yes, I know you're yanking my Chain yet once again - that's fine.

I'm still not giving up on anyone on this Board   .   .   .  

Odds are I'll fail at that, but unless you are for the demise & destruction of this Nation, then we have at least that in common.


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1 hour ago, Axe said:




Lot of these stories #WalkAway


Some BIG names have left.


Have to hold out Hope - there is way more going on than people realize.


It's difficult to understand, but for most folk, they were raised the way they are and believe what they were taught - good or bad.

Change is hard, and if you're well off, it's harder.


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51 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

They mainly direct and encourage people to look at certain things and ask questions.

Like, how can they find a whole bunch of military ballots in the "trash" in Pennsylvania and not one of the envelopes is wrinkled, dirty, or other wise damaged in any way shape or form? Could it be possible those ballots were meant to be found?

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17 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

That wasn't the picture of ballots dimwit.

So why post that if it's not the actual picture? And even if it's not, why would you let these things be found? Wouldn't you burn, bury, shred, throw them in the ocean, or do anything to cover your tracks? Somebody wanted those ballots to be found.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

So why post that if it's not the actual picture? And even if it's not, why would you let these things be found? Wouldn't burn, bury, shred, throw them in the ocean, or do anything to cover your tracks? Somebody wanted those ballots to be found.

Stock Photos used for most Articles you see.


"Reporters", besides being corrupt for the most part, are also lazy AF.


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3 minutes ago, Neo said:

Wouldn't you burn, bury, shred, throw them in the ocean, or do anything to cover your tracks? Somebody wanted those ballots to be found.


1 minute ago, JAFBF said:

Stock Photos used for most Articles you see.


"Reporters", besides being corrupt for the most part, are also lazy AF.


Even a dumb son-of-a-bitch like you would understand if you were trying to commit voter fraud then you would destroy the evidence. How convenient, a bunch of ballots that happen to be in favor of Trump just show up in the trash when the president has been saying the whole time the election is rigged.

And hey, I thought you guys were all in favor of questioning things, am I not questioning things? Tell me that doesn't seem shady as fuck? 

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1 hour ago, Neo said:


Even a dumb son-of-a-bitch like you would understand if you were trying to commit voter fraud then you would destroy the evidence. How convenient, a bunch of ballots that happen to be in favor of Trump just show up in the trash when the president has been saying the whole time the election is rigged.

And hey, I thought you guys were all in favor of questioning things, am I not questioning things? Tell me that doesn't seem shady as fuck? 


Do you have any idea how many different reports I see of the same story that all have different pictures in their story ?


I see no linked story/picture/etc., so how is anyone supposed to know what you are talking about ?


Seriously, I've posted different aspects of the same story myself, and they all have different cover pictures.


Also, you have no idea how many instances of Voter Fraud I've seen.

I don't bother posting about them most of the time, there are just too many of them.

Just today I saw one involving 1 Million votes, there are quite a few stories about this right now, here's a good snapshot :




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Just now, JAFBF said:


Do you have any idea how many different reports I see of the same story that all have different pictures in their story ?


I see no linked story/picture/etc., so how is anyone supposed to know what you are talking about ?


Seriously, I've posted different aspects of the same story myself, and they all have different cover pictures.


Also, you have no idea how many instances of Voter Fraud I've seen.

I don't bother posting about them most of the time, there are just too many of them.

Just today I saw one involving 1 Million votes, there are quite a few stories about this right now, here's a good snapshot :




Forget about the picture, tell me how these ballots show up in a time where the president is openly saying the election is rigged? If you are trying to steal an election by stealing ballots, wouldn't you make sure nobody found out about it? Yes ?

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

Forget about the picture, tell me how these ballots show up in a time where the president is openly saying the election is rigged? If you are trying to steal an election by stealing ballots, wouldn't you make sure nobody found out about it? Yes ?

Did you watch the 2018 Election ?


Did you see how the MSM called California races before the Polls were even closed (counting not even started) ?


Did you see all the R's that had won in CA (in typical high R Districts), slowly start to lose one by one as the days passed and votes were counted days after the Election was over ?


Happened in a few other States as well that Election.


I've seen hidden Cam videos of Voter Fraud from 2016, but forget that.

How do you have 140% of eligible (not Registered) votes in a County, when best case has historically been 65% of eligible voters voting ?

I've posted about this a year or so ago, happened in a couple States, CA was the worst, but also FL and some others.


And what about FL ?

They were caught in the act of changing/adding votes - nothing (Fine maybe) happened.

It continues Nationwide to this day.


So they found Ballots in multiple States tossed out (the are multiple historical stories on this).

Who did it ?

Oh well, no one caught - MSM = nothing too see here, move along.


You'll never get the truth as long as you depend on the MSM for your information.


Once you start seeing how they lie too you, then you have a chance to see what is really going on.


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3 hours ago, JAFBF said:

If/when it's proven a fake - which it's not as recently noted by the "Never forget those in the background" picture posted (among many other proofs).


There are actually layers to this, which are being glossed over.


Q is a group/team of Military Intelligence (including POTUS), not just one person.

They mainly direct and encourage people to look at certain things and ask questions.


QAnon are the people that read the messages and believe in the Q stated plan.

There are 100's of Millions of these people around the World.


Anons are the primary denizens to research the messages and News   .   .   .   to an amazing depth.

These people tend to have ADHD or OCD, which tends to make them incredible researchers as once they latch onto something they don't tend to let it go.


There are actually a lot more OG's (aka Boomers) than you'd think.

Having more life experience, they've seen how things have changed over the years - some good, but a lot of bad.



Looking back, is the underground of WW II uncool ?

Is "John has long Mustache" not cool anymore ?


QAnon is a modern day version of that, and while it's not evident being in the middle of it, we are in a Revolution.

Revolution 2.0 as I said long ago.


Sounds crazy, I know, but even us OG's haven't seen times like we have that last few years.

At least it's not a Bloody Revolution (for the most part / yet)   .   .   .   that has potential to change (and soon).



Yes, I know you're yanking my Chain yet once again - that's fine.

I'm still not giving up on anyone on this Board   .   .   .  

Odds are I'll fail at that, but unless you are for the demise & destruction of this Nation, then we have at least that in common.




A few things I take from this:

- You really think there are "hundreds of millions" of Q followers??

- You're a boomer. That makes a lot of what you're doing make a lot of sense and you fall directly into the "archetype" of someone that would get swept up by this nonsense

- I can't wait for he counter Q conspiracy theorists that will inevitably arise and seeing how you will react to that

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:



A few things I take from this:

- You really think there are "hundreds of millions" of Q followers??

- You're a boomer. That makes a lot of what you're doing make a lot of sense and you fall directly into the "archetype" of someone that would get swept up by this nonsense

- I can't wait for he counter Q conspiracy theorists that will inevitably arise and seeing how you will react to that


Where have you been, this has been going on for months.


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:


I apologize. I am not a retired, gullible boomer with way too much time on their hands. Please get me up to speed.


Why are they wrong but your group is right?


Hang tight, things are finally starting too break.


Between now and just post Election should be really interesting.


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3 hours ago, Neo said:


Even a dumb son-of-a-bitch like you would understand if you were trying to commit voter fraud then you would destroy the evidence. How convenient, a bunch of ballots that happen to be in favor of Trump just show up in the trash when the president has been saying the whole time the election is rigged.

And hey, I thought you guys were all in favor of questioning things, am I not questioning things? Tell me that doesn't seem shady as fuck? 

You concoct an absurd conspiracy theory after calling him a dumb son of a bitch? You are one dumb son of a bitch.

You don't believe that there exists voter fraud on any level?  I suppose you don't because the majority that are caught are demonrats.

There are over 12000 cases:






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18 hours ago, JAFBF said:

They mainly direct and encourage people to look at certain things and ask questions.


12 hours ago, Gorka said:

You concoct an absurd conspiracy theory after calling him a dumb son of a bitch? You are one dumb son of a bitch.

You don't believe that there exists voter fraud on any level? 

Trump supporters seem to encourage people question things and use critical thinking, but the scariest thing about the MAGA crowd is they won't adhere to their own advice. You will never question what Trump does or says because to you he can do no wrong. You honestly believe that he doesn't lie, is incapable of rigging an election, or somebody in the Trump administration could rig the election. Like if somebody who is pro Trump or somebody from his administration paid somebody from the other side or had some kind of leverage on somebody(blackmail) to make then throw ballots away in a fashion that they would be found and Trump could say " SEE SEE I told you it was rigged" He's right, he could literally shoot someone in the middle of the street and his followers would say "Well, he had it coming. The guy was a leftist nut job, MAGA!!" That's what makes people like you and your friends dangerous.

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


I apologize. I am not a retired, gullible boomer with way too much time on their hands. Please get me up to speed.


Why are they wrong but your group is right?

Looks like you have plenty of time on your hands, even when at work you post more on here than most.  Just sayin.........

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