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In a Series of Tweets Fox News reporter, Jennifer Griffin, Confirms Atlantic Magazine reporting that Trump has repeatedly Disparaged Military/ Military Service


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Wesley Clark is a long time democrat and sleazy politician scumbucket. Was even criticized by his own democratic party about

being relieved of his SACEUR post due to "integrity and character issues.

So, NOW Wesley Clark is your hero? and you hate Pres Trump, who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES FOR AMERICA... for allegedly character flaws?

yeah. right baloney. Wesley Clark lacked integrity, character and was a liar. the first two were said by General Hugh Shelton. The latter being proven by the second paragraph:



"The John Edwards campaign brought on Hugh Shelton—the general who had said Clark was made to leave the SACEUR post early due to "integrity and character issues"—as an advisor, a move that drew criticism from the Clark campaign."

" The day after he launched his campaign, for example, he was asked if he would have voted for the Iraq War Resolution, which granted President Bush the power to wage the Iraq War, a large issue in the 2004 campaign. Clark said, "At the time, I probably would have voted for it, but I think that's too simple a question," then "I don't know if I would have or not. I've said it both ways because when you get into this, what happens is you have to put yourself in a position—on balance, I probably would have voted for it." Finally, Clark's press secretary clarified his position as "you said you would have voted for the resolution as leverage for a UN-based solution." After this series of responses, although Clark opposed the war, The New York Times ran a story with the headline "Clark Says He Would Have Voted for War".[119] Clark was repeatedly portrayed as unsure on this critical issue by his opponents throughout the primary season. He was forced to continue to clarify his position and at the second primary debate he said, "I think it's really embarrassing that a group of candidates up here are working on changing the leadership in this country and can't get their own story straight ... I would have never voted for war. The war was an unnecessary war, it was an elective war, and it's been a huge strategic mistake for this country."[120] "


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I never respected Clark as a civilian. He was all over the place. And Hugh Shelton was right there to KNOW Clark lacked integrity and character. Read up on GENERAL HUGH SHELTON. He is one of MY hero generals.

Hugh Shelton - Wikipedia

  • Overview
  • Military service
  • Early life, family and education
  • Post-military career

Shelton served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War with the 5th Special Forces Group, and with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, followed by a series of command and staff assignments. Following the Gulf War, Shelton commanded the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg in his home state of North Carolina. In 1993, he was given command of XVIII Airborne Corps. Shelton led the Joint Task Force responsible for Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in 1994. In 1996, Shelton, a Special Forces soldier, was promoted




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and if you read the wikipedia article -

"In 2002 Shelton founded the General Hugh Shelton Leadership Center at North Carolina State University. The center was created to "inspire, educate, and develop values-based leaders, both locally and globally, committed to personal integrity, professional ethics, and selfless service."

and he was not a republican.

He was an advisor to the John Edwards camp.

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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Both of those statements are totally false. I guess you just don't read what cal posts constantly in support of this fraud. And the Obamas are actually Christians so you have no idea what you are talking about there. You get something off one of the conspiracy websites or a Russian troll?

No, they are true.

Sure you don't know .  That shit was even covered by CNN. " Not god bless America, god damn America" - Obama's pastor Wright..  Doesn't sound familiar?  How about  mocking those " clinging to their bibles"?  https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/31/obama.church/

Listen to King Liars own words mocking Christianity.



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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 5:25 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

No cal you can lose what you gained by following a very dark path with a sociopathic unrepentant liar. Did you think temptation just ended when you changed? Do you think you can't lose that soul by taking a wrong turn? If you believe that then you don't really understand why it's important to do your very best to follow the correct path for the rest of your life. It isn't just a one time and your done. It's a way of life that must be vigilantly maintained against all temptation. Talk it over with your pastor and ask him to clarify that point. You don't have to take what I say as gospel. I don't expect you to be able to hear me, but you might listen to someone else with far greater understanding of a Christian life. Being saved is the start not the end. You are welcome to take what I said here and let him (or her) read it. Get a second opinion other than mine or yours.

Well the hit piece now appears to be false. And for me to have fallen for it.

What does the Bible say about contempt?... you that are so fucking sanctimonious. Contempt for this president fills your heart. I don't think God would like that.

BTW  how did Donald's Trump University "scam" negatively affect his job as president?

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37 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Well the hit piece now appears to be false. And for me to have fallen for it.

What does the Bible say about contempt?... you that are so fucking sanctimonious. Contempt for this president fills your heart. I don't think God would like that.

BTW  how did Donald's Trump University "scam" negatively affect his job as president?

I'll ask God about it when I get there. Trump's whole life is a scam. Mine isn't. God knows I have enough to ask forgiveness for, but scamming isn't one of 'em. Trump has scammed America and got in power with his birther scam about Obama. Now he's trying to scam you again about his attitude towards the military and you've fallen right back in it after a glimmer of hope that you were crawling your way out. Just go ahead and accept the liars who are defending him. It's par for the course. It's what they do.

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30 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I'll ask God about it when I get there. Trump's whole life is a scam. Mine isn't. God knows I have enough to ask forgiveness for, but scamming isn't one of 'em. Trump has scammed America and got in power with his birther scam about Obama. Now he's trying to scam you again about his attitude towards the military and you've fallen right back in it after a glimmer of hope that you were crawling your way out. Just go ahead and accept the liars who are defending him. It's par for the course. It's what they do.

You already know, you dont have to ask God.

Now you're not even pretending to be sincere. Even when your nose is rubbed into the truth you deny and resume lying without reservation. You are what's wrong with this country, not Trump. You are a piece of garbage.

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38 minutes ago, Gorka said:

You already know, you dont have to ask God.

Now you're not even pretending to be sincere. Even when your nose is rubbed into the truth you deny and resume lying without reservation. You are what's wrong with this country, not Trump. You are a piece of garbage.

Contemptuous of trumpy? Oh, absolutely on that. I don't have to ask God about that at all. Was it the right thing to do? I think so, but God has the final say on it not me. It's part of being judged which I leave up to Him and no one else.

And what truth do you declare that my nose is rubbed in? That he really isn't contemptuous of the military? That he doesn't lie or get others to lie for him? He did that right on camera first with Kelly and then with the leaders in the Pentagon on back to back days. So you see your truth is not my truth. I pay attention to what he just said right after he said he would never do so. 

Here is the problem for you. You are trying to defend a sociopathic pathological liar. I have no need to do so. 

And you have been just like your buddy in the WH with constant character assassination of people who disagree with you. You should be proud. You're holding up his standards quite well.

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Contemptuous of trumpy? Oh, absolutely on that. I don't have to ask God about that at all. Was it the right thing to do? I think so, but God has the final say on it not me. It's part of being judged which I leave up to Him and no one else.

Shut the fuck up about God already.

And what truth do you declare that my nose is rubbed in? That he really isn't contemptuous of the military?

Correct. You have not seen the posts above? … or being afraid of what you will learn forces you to just stick with your bogus "FOX confirmation" story?  His pro military/veteran stance do not jive with being contemptuous of the military.  No retraction or apology from you or the media...on to the next lie you Godly man.

Just to get you up to date Bolton, no fan of Trump was on the radio today and stated that the report from the Atlantic was bogus.

That he doesn't lie or get others to lie for him? He did that right on camera first with Kelly and then with the leaders in the Pentagon on back to back days. So you see your truth is not my truth. I pay attention to what he just said right after he said he would never do so. 

Biden doesn't lie? Trump lied about what exactly? He engages in puffery and exaggerations for certain. He has a big mouth and a matching ego. He repeats what others tell him without verification, ...the number of people at his inauguration, and the projected number of those planning to attend his first post COVID rally are just 2 examples...but go ahead and include those under the umbrella of "lies" I'm good with that.

Here is the problem for you. You are trying to defend a sociopathic pathological liar. I have no need to do so. 

I have never or will ever defend Trumps actions that are distasteful. What I do is continue to point out your glaring hypocrisy.  What I do is stress that his "crime" does not fit the punishment you TDS types are trying to lay. He deserves and has earned a second term.

 Here is your problem...you, like all liberal assholes will only accept  being in full agreement with you, anything less evokes  charges of "deflecting" , "ignoring", or "defending" , and you have TDS.

And you have been just like your buddy in the WH with constant character assassination of people who disagree with you. You should be proud. You're holding up his standards quite well.

He's not my buddy, but he is in your head. Your TDS is glaring.  Accusing Trump of character assassination when he himself has been the victim of it on a daily basis since before he took the oath of office? There exists a lot of evil today, and it's not coming from Trump. It's coming from your side, evil thrives on the left. You should be proud.

You have no character that I can assassinate, coming here preaching about goodness, God,  and the Bible out of one side of your mouth atop your holier than thou perch, while the other side spews contempt, false accusations and rejection of the truth.   You're a fraud.



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12 hours ago, Gorka said:


Just keep living in the trumpworld which is where all those posts above come from. And Bolton said that just because he didn't hear it does not mean it was not said at a different time when he was not there. He must not have repeated it in your radio interview. As to the post that the the author of the Atlantic article says it could be wrong, I've seen multiple interviews with him and not once have I heard him say that. He has been consistent in saying he wished his 4 sources would come forward on their own, but understands they are fearful of retribution on themselves and/or their families. And I don't watch trash about the Obama's not being Christians. It has as much validity as the birther issue that Cohen says was a lie all along from trumpy.

Asking me to leave God out when discussing a Godless man is just not an option, so live with it. He's out there conducting superspreader events with the people in the background as props with masks on while the audience in front are shoulder to shoulder with very few masks. And part of the "photo op" that is as fake as his Bible holdup op. Yeah, this "Christian" really cares about his "flock".

BTW did you catch any of the interview with his former fixer Michael Cohen last night? I'll post it later for your entertainment.

And the "truth" I reject is yours, trumpy's and any person who keeps defending him while he tears apart this democracy like the would be King he wants to be. I don't think this democracy could survive 4 more years of that when combined with his Russia sellout.


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As promised. Michael Cohen on trumpy's Obama birther issue. Just for the record it isn't TDS. It was the birther issue for me that got me against

the Liar in Chief because 1. It was a lie he was born out of the U.S.   2. Trump never sent an investigator who confirmed it as he claimed and 3. Trump used it all

to get himself in the position he is in today by appealing to the basic racism existent in this country. Cohen confirms it all. Donald liked the fact it got him 

noticed and put to the forefront just like any other lying conman does.  


And yes I expect you to be hypocritical Gorca and not watch it because of who is asking the questions. Yet you think I should look at all the crap trumpettes post here. I'm letting you off with a small fragment of the interview that goes to the crux of my long term disgust with trumpy.


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4 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

As promised. Michael Cohen on trumpy's Obama birther issue. Just for the record it isn't TDS. It was the birther issue for me that got me against

the Liar in Chief because 1. It was a lie he was born out of the U.S.   2. Trump never sent an investigator who confirmed it as he claimed and 3. Trump used it all

to get himself in the position he is in today by appealing to the basic racism existent in this country. Cohen confirms it all. Donald liked the fact it got him 

noticed and put to the forefront just like any other lying conman does.  


And yes I expect you to be hypocritical Gorca and not watch it because of who is asking the questions. Yet you think I should look at all the crap trumpettes post here. I'm letting you off with a small fragment of the interview that goes to the crux of my long term disgust with trumpy.


That’s pretty mild compared to the sea of shit that gets thrown against Trump on a daily basis.

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15 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

That’s pretty mild compared to the sea of shit that gets thrown against Trump on a daily basis.

Mild yes. But that was the key moment for me with Trump. I knew he was lying both about the birther issue and about the hired investigator. And I knew he

did it to build himself up in the media, not because he actually believed any of it. It took him right where he is now. A conman in charge of a democracy which

may not survive him since he is now actively trying to steal this election through voter suppression.

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2 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Mild yes. But that was the key moment for me with Trump. I knew he was lying both about the birther issue and about the hired investigator. And I knew he

did it to build himself up in the media, not because he actually believed any of it. It took him right where he is now. A conman in charge of a democracy which

may not survive him since he is now actively trying to steal this election through voter suppression.

Biden lies every day but that doesn't seem to bother you...why is that?

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

Biden lies every day but that doesn't seem to bother you...why is that?

deflection without proof from anything other than trumpy supporters.


13 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

After reading this statement, do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?

Apparently you do. Shut down of major polling places in heavy Democrat areas, removal of processing machines in the Postal Service to keep mail in votes negated as much as possible, constant unwarranted attack on mail in voting (except trumpy's own of course) when in fact it has worked quite well in many states. You still have to be a registered voter you know. So how much will the tooth fairy leave you now. Another $1 Tril per year deficit post COVID? A Mexican paid for border wall maybe? Or how about that replacement National Health Care plan he never had but promised "in a couple of weeks" about 2 months ago. You know the repeal and replace plan that was another lie that McCain saw through.

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And now for another little gem. A Republican who counters trumpy's assault on our military leaders. A Texan no less on the House Arms Services Committee. Ketchup baby tomatoes.



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3 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Losers are you folk that haven't accepted the 2016 election.

LOL! Apparently y'all are unaware of the tapes Woodward made with Trump about COVID back in Feb. that are far different from his public ones at that time. Or the racist statement he made that's also on tape. They are right there on the audiotapes and Woodward's book is now out as well. The problem with supporting a pathological liar is you can't keep defending the lies fast enough to keep up with the rate of lying. Guess you can wait for me to track down the audiotapes or you can go find them yourself.

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20 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

deflection without proof from anything other than trumpy supporters.


Apparently you do. Shut down of major polling places in heavy Democrat areas, removal of processing machines in the Postal Service to keep mail in votes negated as much as possible, constant unwarranted attack on mail in voting (except trumpy's own of course) when in fact it has worked quite well in many states. You still have to be a registered voter you know. So how much will the tooth fairy leave you now. Another $1 Tril per year deficit post COVID? A Mexican paid for border wall maybe? Or how about that replacement National Health Care plan he never had but promised "in a couple of weeks" about 2 months ago. You know the repeal and replace plan that was another lie that McCain saw through.

You have a very advanced case of TDS.

I don’t think the next 4 years will be kind to you.

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5 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

LOL! Apparently y'all are unaware of the tapes Woodward made with Trump about COVID back in Feb. that are far different from his public ones at that time. Or the racist statement he made that's also on tape. They are right there on the audiotapes and Woodward's book is now out as well. The problem with supporting a pathological liar is you can't keep defending the lies fast enough to keep up with the rate of lying. Guess you can wait for me to track down the audiotapes or you can go find them yourself.



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1 minute ago, Canton Dawg said:

You have a very advanced case of TDS.

I don’t think the next 4 years will be kind to you.

LOL! As I told you all, TDS is something you can catch post election. My contempt started with the birther lie and his consequent rise to power because of that racist lie which he used to con racist Americans, a far greater number nationwide than even I previously thought. I expected it in Texas, just not northern states like Ohio & Penn. Add to that the ones he added with his fake Christianity and here you have a president.

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