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In a Series of Tweets Fox News reporter, Jennifer Griffin, Confirms Atlantic Magazine reporting that Trump has repeatedly Disparaged Military/ Military Service


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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

ok, Tex. that was truly funny. LOL. Let me correct you - Salvation is not a matter of kissing your ass in nonsense rant back and forth - it is accepting that Jesus died for your sins.

   Wearing a mask is ...your salvation? do you ever actually re-read your silly posts? LOL

When it's VALID, you wear a mask. Going for a bike ride, NOT VALID. Going fishing - in your own boat - NOT VALID.

Using the loss of Herman Cain as a political jab, is lower than you, Tex. As if you know where he contracted the virus.

You are smarter than that. I just keep waiting for it to be reflected in your posts.

   Me, I was saved BEFORE I nearly died in the fifth grade, all alone, in the woods, in deep winter, underwater.

After that, I was a changed kid - No doubt in me, ever, for the rest of my life.

Let me know when you decide to be serious, because so far, most of the time, you are delirious.

oops. I did it again.

No cal you can lose what you gained by following a very dark path with a sociopathic unrepentant liar. Did you think temptation just ended when you changed? Do you think you can't lose that soul by taking a wrong turn? If you believe that then you don't really understand why it's important to do your very best to follow the correct path for the rest of your life. It isn't just a one time and your done. It's a way of life that must be vigilantly maintained against all temptation. Talk it over with your pastor and ask him to clarify that point. You don't have to take what I say as gospel. I don't expect you to be able to hear me, but you might listen to someone else with far greater understanding of a Christian life. Being saved is the start not the end. You are welcome to take what I said here and let him (or her) read it. Get a second opinion other than mine or yours.

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1 minute ago, TexasAg1969 said:

No cal you can lose what you gained by following a very dark path with a sociopathic unrepentant liar. Did you think temptation just ended when you changed? Do you think you can't lose that soul by taking a wrong turn? If you believe that then you don't really understand why it's important to do your very best to follow the correct path for the rest of your life. It isn't just a one time and your done. It's a way of life that must be vigilantly maintained against all temptation. Talk it over with your pastor and ask him to clarify that point. You don't have to take what I say as gospel. I don't expect you to be able to hear me, but you might listen to someone else with far greater understanding of a Christian life. Being saved is the start not the end. You are welcome to take what I said here and let him (or her) read it. Get a second opinion other that mine or yours.


A. You are wrong - not as far as my church - we don't go to church.


one of my favorites:

Romans 11:6    
Verse Concepts

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Salvation-Not-By-Works

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


A. You are wrong - not as far as my church - we don't go to church.


one of my favorites:

Romans 11:6    
Verse Concepts

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Salvation-Not-By-Works

And here is one explanation of my favorite applicable verse from the Lord's Prayer. There is a reason it's in there. The implication being you can lose God's Grace.


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

No cal you can lose what you gained by following a very dark path with a sociopathic unrepentant liar. Did you think temptation just ended when you changed? Do you think you can't lose that soul by taking a wrong turn? If you believe that then you don't really understand why it's important to do your very best to follow the correct path for the rest of your life. It isn't just a one time and your done. It's a way of life that must be vigilantly maintained against all temptation. Talk it over with your pastor and ask him to clarify that point. You don't have to take what I say as gospel. I don't expect you to be able to hear me, but you might listen to someone else with far greater understanding of a Christian life. Being saved is the start not the end. You are welcome to take what I said here and let him (or her) read it. Get a second opinion other than mine or yours.

Exactly Tex- that's our Catholic POV also. Just saying "I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior" is a nice start- but it's just the start. Going to church on Sunday and then being a child abusing drunk the other 167 hours of the week isn't going to get you saved. "but I believe!!!"  

Most of Cal's 32 quotes about being saved through faith alone aren't really....   And if he loves Romans 11:6, he's missing the point of verse 11:5 right before it. They might be chosen- but it takes more than grace, and as you pointed out grace isn't a one time event- it's something you work at your entire life.  

He wants to quote St. James Epistle? Apparently missed the key point.  :)   

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?" 

No sense trying to argue any religious points with him either.  His mind is made up. Borg resistance discussion is futile. Like Obama = bad, Trump = does great things for America.  

PS Woody- sorry, I'll leave it at that.... We're dealing with a brick wall here.... 

PPS- is there any documentation that Trump actually attends church?  

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6 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And here is one explanation of my favorite applicable verse from the Lord's Prayer. There is a reason it's in there. The implication being you can lose God's Grace.


The lord's prayer is truly perfect. You give glory to god, ask for forgiveness, and to be delivered from evil.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And here is one explanation of my favorite applicable verse from the Lord's Prayer. There is a reason it's in there. The implication being you can lose God's Grace.


"salvation" isn't listed once in that entire article. Imply shoefly. The problem with religion is human viewpoint.

rhetorically speaking - what good is salvation if you can lose it a minute later? why not just wait til you get older and THEN get salvation?

egad - don't you see the folly in that?


"So, summarizing, we see that we are saved by God’s grace, not our own will or works. In addition, our salvation is not contingent on what we do even after we have been saved because we are counted righteous by what Jesus did. Finally, all of our sins have been forgiven by Christ’s death and resurrection. In this sense, we have already been “perfected” (Hebrews 10:14) in that God has already punished our sin in Christ on the cross, and we are made perfect by Christ’s obedience, with His righteousness credited to the believer.

Clearly, this means that if we have truly been saved, we cannot lose our salvation. Remember, Ephesians 2:8 says that salvation is the gift of God. Romans 11:29 says, “for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Therefore, if God has saved us, we are saved forevermore."

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

"salvation" isn't listed once in that entire article. Imply shoefly. The problem with religion is human viewpoint.

rhetorically speaking - what good is salvation if you can lose it a minute later? why not just wait til you get older and THEN get salvation?

egad - don't you see the folly in that?


"So, summarizing, we see that we are saved by God’s grace, not our own will or works. In addition, our salvation is not contingent on what we do even after we have been saved because we are counted righteous by what Jesus did. Finally, all of our sins have been forgiven by Christ’s death and resurrection. In this sense, we have already been “perfected” (Hebrews 10:14) in that God has already punished our sin in Christ on the cross, and we are made perfect by Christ’s obedience, with His righteousness credited to the believer.

Clearly, this means that if we have truly been saved, we cannot lose our salvation. Remember, Ephesians 2:8 says that salvation is the gift of God. Romans 11:29 says, “for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Therefore, if God has saved us, we are saved forevermore."

Really? Then exactly why is it in the Lord's Prayer? And wait until later? Interesting that the one major part of the Bible I used to help Veterans deal with things they had participated in that they thought of as unforgivable was the story of the Prodigal Son. It's a truly great story. Luke 15: 11-32.

And if you don't think the Lord's Prayer addresses the fact that you can still be tempted by evil, then why would you need to pray not to be tempted by it? If you gave in and followed in an evil path do you really think you are saved at all? It's in the Lord's Prayer for a reason and He considered it a most important reason or it would not have been included. Under your reasoning it wasn't even necessary for Him to include it because if you are saved you need not concern yourself with it at all. Just go ahead and participate in evil. You're saved so it can't hurt you. I've got news for you. It certainly can and that's why He placed it there.

So back to my original point. The man who intentionally scammed a lot of good people out of their life savings with Trump University with no remorse whatsoever is an evil man. That is just one glaring example of a life filled with similar cons on others like it's some kind of fun game for him to "win" when in fact it is pure evil.

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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

No cal you can lose what you gained by following a very dark path with a sociopathic unrepentant liar.

No one is "following" Trump.  We didn't vote for him to follow him. We didn't vote for a holy man. That's what going to church is for. We voted for him to run the country, not to be our spiritual leader or our moral guide knucklehead.

It's not very Christian-like to skew things the way you people do.


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1 hour ago, Gorka said:


A lot of Christian conservatives agree with what Trump says. A lot of liberal Christians agree with what Pope Francis says. Yikes. Says a lot about Christians and politics, if you ask me. IMO, all Christians should believe mostly, if not completely, the same thing. All were taught the same thing, if I’m not wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Comeonman said:

A lot of Christian conservatives agree with what Trump says. A lot of liberal Christians agree with what Pope Francis says. Yikes. Says a lot about Christians and politics, if you ask me. IMO, all Christians should believe mostly, if not completely, the same thing. All were taught the same thing, if I’m not wrong. 

that would be utopia. Unfortunately, so many interpret the Bible in their own way. Tex is confusing  Salvation with angelic innocence - free from temptation. As Christians, we still live in this world. We are not perfect - God is perfect. We can't be that. We do our best, we try, but we are still imperfect, and sin. God knows our hearts.

Salvation vs. Deliverance | House of Refuge


Jul 13, 2006 · A definition for Salvation is Deliverance. A term for Deliverance is "saved". Whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. Are you not acting in our own self when we fulfill the lust of the flesh? Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We will always be faced with temptations, but the sin is yielding …

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8 hours ago, Comeonman said:

A lot of Christian conservatives agree with what Trump says. A lot of liberal Christians agree with what Pope Francis says. Yikes. Says a lot about Christians and politics, if you ask me. IMO, all Christians should believe mostly, if not completely, the same thing. All were taught the same thing, if I’m not wrong. 

I don't follow. What religious/moral stuff do Christian Conservatives agree with Trump on?

That you shouldn't kill babies? That all lives matter?

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15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


A. You are wrong - not as far as my church - we don't go to church.


one of my favorites:

Romans 11:6    
Verse Concepts

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Salvation-Not-By-Works


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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

I don't follow. What religious/moral stuff do Christian Conservatives agree with Trump on?

That you shouldn't kill babies? That all lives matter?

The Pope is big on climate change, gay marriage and surprisingly is not hard on abortion like every pope before him. 

So, yea, I guess. Not killing babies, man/woman marriage and not believing the earth is coming to an end shortly because humans are raising the temperature 

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10 hours ago, Gorka said:

It's not very Christian-like to skew things the way you people do.

So you're just fine with having an immoral lying sociopath as your president. OK, I got it now.

And back to my point which still gets ignored. 

The man who intentionally scammed a lot of good people out of their life savings with Trump University with no remorse whatsoever is an evil man. That is just one glaring example of a life filled with similar cons on others like it's some kind of fun game for him to "win" when in fact it is pure evil. 

OH and BTW the man who says how much he supports the military first throws Gold Star Father Marine 4 Star General John Kelly under the bus and then yesterday the rest of the military brass. Some Fuhrer you got there. You should be proud of voting this clown back for another 4 years

No, not a bit of evil here. Move on.


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6 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So you're just fine with having an immoral lying sociopath as your president. OK, I got it now.

And back to my point which still gets ignored. 

The man who intentionally scammed a lot of good people out of their life savings with Trump University with no remorse whatsoever is an evil man. That is just one glaring example of a life filled with similar cons on others like it's some kind of fun game for him to "win" when in fact it is pure evil. 

OH and BTW the man who says how much he supports the military first throws Gold Star Father Marine 4 Star General John Kelly under the bus and then yesterday the rest of the military brass. Some Fuhrer you got there. You should be proud of voting this clown back for another 4 years

No, not a bit of evil here. Move on.


Timothy McVeigh was a decorated military veteran. So was Benedict Arnold. Ted Kaczynski graduated with honors from Harvard.


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3 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So you're just fine with having an immoral lying sociopath as your president. OK, I got it now.

And back to my point which still gets ignored. 

The man who intentionally scammed a lot of good people out of their life savings with Trump University with no remorse whatsoever is an evil man. That is just one glaring example of a life filled with similar cons on others like it's some kind of fun game for him to "win" when in fact it is pure evil. 

OH and BTW the man who says how much he supports the military first throws Gold Star Father Marine 4 Star General John Kelly under the bus and then yesterday the rest of the military brass. Some Fuhrer you got there. You should be proud of voting this clown back for another 4 years

No, not a bit of evil here. Move on.


Who's ignoring who? YOU accused Cal of being a Trump "follower" which is false.

No big deal to you that we had a president who for 8 yrs. rarely attended church because he couldn't find one in Washington that spewed anti-American hatred like the one he attended in Chicago for 20 yrs. You remember the "reverend" Wright don't you? That is evil.

Evil was Obamas disdain for Christians and Christianity, but not a big concern for you or Tex at the time huh?



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2 hours ago, Comeonman said:

The Pope is big on climate change, gay marriage and surprisingly is not hard on abortion like every pope before him. 

So, yea, I guess. Not killing babies, man/woman marriage and not believing the earth is coming to an end shortly because humans are raising the temperature 


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So you're just fine with having an immoral lying sociopath as your president. OK, I got it now.

And back to my point which still gets ignored. 

The man who intentionally scammed a lot of good people out of their life savings with Trump University with no remorse whatsoever is an evil man. That is just one glaring example of a life filled with similar cons on others like it's some kind of fun game for him to "win" when in fact it is pure evil. 

OH and BTW the man who says how much he supports the military first throws Gold Star Father Marine 4 Star General John Kelly under the bus and then yesterday the rest of the military brass. Some Fuhrer you got there. You should be proud of voting this clown back for another 4 years

No, not a bit of evil here. Move on.



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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

Who's ignoring who? YOU accused Cal of being a Trump "follower" which is false.

Evil was Obamas disdain for Christians and Christianity, but not a big concern for you or Tex at the time huh?

Both of those statements are totally false. I guess you just don't read what cal posts constantly in support of this fraud. And the Obamas are actually Christians so you have no idea what you are talking about there. You get something off one of the conspiracy websites or a Russian troll?

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Timothy McVeigh was a decorated military veteran. So was Benedict Arnold. Ted Kaczynski graduated with honors from Harvard.


Tex isn't being serious, he's having fun being ridiculously antagonistic.

btw, "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Tex.

That is up to God, not you and other lefties.

Maybe Tex has a memory problem. How many freaking times have I explained I had NO USE for Trump

in the early primaries? Later on, I came to believe he really is concerned about our country. He doesn't need the fame or the money. And, both clintons and obaMao lied, biden lied, their fbi and cia and nsa hacks lied, susan rice lied, both of their AG's lied......

but Tex "is offended" by liars while berating Pres Trump for telling the truth about the corruption in our gov.

He's keeping his promises, all of Tex's heroes and heroines suck bildgewater and broke theirs.

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Now for some diversion to trumpy's claim he does not disparage the military.

Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark addresses the conflict of interest claim by trumpy.


"The President's comments about the motivations of military leaders not only demeans their service and that of those they lead; he lends credence to the very disdain and thoughtlessness he tries to deny," retired US Navy Rear Admiral and CNN analyst John Kirby said.

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9 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Both of those statements are totally false. I guess you just don't read what cal posts constantly in support of this fraud. And the Obamas are actually Christians so you have no idea what you are talking about there. You get something off one of the conspiracy websites or a Russian troll?

Speaking of getting something off a leftist revolutionary website or russian troll....

the Tex monster should look in the mirror.


Tex can't name one, Hoorta can't name one....

they just can't.

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