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In a Series of Tweets Fox News reporter, Jennifer Griffin, Confirms Atlantic Magazine reporting that Trump has repeatedly Disparaged Military/ Military Service


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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:

The sources aren't anonymous, the reporters and editors know who they are. They just won't go on record. So Fox News is fake news now too. I guess you guys are down to bloggers.


Who are the fmr officials? 

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20 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

thanks for blaming everything and somebody else for your own weakness in judgement, common sense, and inability to critically think, emotional knee jerkie. (like higgardly clinton, eh?)


19 hours ago, Gorka said:

You admit that you are disingenuous? Appreciate your brutal honesty. Great quality to possess , especially in debate. Now I am clear where I stand with you.

Now it looks like I have to retract my retraction, this may be not be nothing more than a hit piece. John Bolton is not a Trump fan but you're still gonna go with it anyway because it feels good. ..then on to the next lie.

You gonna work on Cal??  LOL. What a pompous fool you are to think he's gonna ever catch TDS from you.

You see Gorka cal is a true Christian which is exactly why I work on him. He is no different from the millions of Christians who followed Hitler straight to hell because they believed in another man who had Lucifer's primary reason for being tossed out of heaven, Extreme Narcissism.

Want an example now? What kind of man knows that the #1 preventer of the spread of a deadly virus is wearing a mask but not only refuses to wear it so people can't see his (in his own mind) pretty face, but mocks a political rival for trying to do the right thing. This is done right in the face of a prediction of more than doubling the number of deaths in the US if we don't start with #1, wearing a mask. It's the same man who just lost a major contributor, Herman Cain, because he listened to his buddy and did not wear a mask at the Tulsa rally. It's the same man who holds rallies where followers don't wear masks and congregate closely. Does that man ever tell them what his own COVID team tells them will save lives? No he never does and in fact he does the opposite. And that makes him and intentional killer of vulnerable human beings.

That pretty much meets my definition of an evil human being. Oh you can add in knowingly running a fake university and stealing the life savings of hundreds of people who had to settle for pennies on the dollar. Did he ever own up to that swindle or ask forgiveness in any way. No, because it's an evil thing to do by an evil individual who is not capable of remorse.

So yes, when a man I know (cal) is a good Christian is being led to hell by an evil human being, I do my best to throw a lifeline in hopes that some day the realization sinks in. Otherwise he loses his soul. God would never forgive me for not at least trying to reach him.

Want to call me pompous for that? Go right ahead. Bothers me not in the least. God's opinion is the only one I answer to, so when it's my time I'll just ask if I did the right thing here. And since I'm taking abuse for the attempt, I pretty much know I'm on the right track.

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ok, Tex. that was truly funny. LOL. Let me correct you - Salvation is not a matter of kissing your ass in nonsense rant back and forth - it is accepting that Jesus died for your sins.

   Wearing a mask is ...your salvation? do you ever actually re-read your silly posts? LOL

When it's VALID, you wear a mask. Going for a bike ride, NOT VALID. Going fishing - in your own boat - NOT VALID.

Using the loss of Herman Cain as a political jab, is lower than you, Tex. As if you know where he contracted the virus.

You are smarter than that. I just keep waiting for it to be reflected in your posts.

   Me, I was saved BEFORE I nearly died in the fifth grade, all alone, in the woods, in deep winter, underwater.

After that, I was a changed kid - No doubt in me, ever, for the rest of my life.

Let me know when you decide to be serious, because so far, most of the time, you are delirious.

oops. I did it again.

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38 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Want an example now? What kind of man knows that the #1 preventer of the spread of a deadly virus is wearing a mask but not only refuses to wear it so people can't see his (in his own mind) pretty face, but mocks a political rival for trying to do the right thing. This is done right in the face of a prediction of more than doubling the number of deaths in the US if we don't start with #1, wearing a mask. It's the same man who just lost a major contributor, Herman Cain, because he listened to his buddy and did not wear a mask at the Tulsa rally. It's the same man who holds rallies where followers don't wear masks and congregate closely. Does that man ever tell them what his own COVID team tells them will save lives? No he never does and in fact he does the opposite. And that makes him and intentional killer of vulnerable human beings.

That pretty much meets my definition of an evil human being.

made a fool of yourself again. wish you would stop that.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

made a fool of yourself again. wish you would stop that.


He's been seen very few times in it and disparaged Biden for it. Stop making a fool of yourself.


EDIT: However at least one person at Sturgis took it seriously.


.Reports from the biker rally in Sturgis, SOUTH DAKOTA said no one was wearing masks.That was obviously "fake news

She is also wearing a CAUTION tape to enforce social distancing.  😎


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"Hey here a picture of him wearing one, so all the times he refused to wear one doesn't count."  

Can't beat that kind of logic. Cult 45 at it best. 

Hey, here is a picture of George Wallace with a black people. See he really wasn't a racist.



"knew what he signed up for" - Cheetos Jesus to Myeshia Johnson, widow of KIA soldier Sgt. La David Johnson.



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On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2020 at 5:10 PM, Tour2ma said:

In a Series of Tweets Fox News reporter, Jennifer Griffin, Confirms Atlantic Magazine reporting that Trump has repeatedly Disparaged Military/ Military Service

At least the third confirmation I've read.



You, Tex, Hoorta, cccp  please take note:

Journalism’s New Propaganda Tool: Using “Confirmed” to Mean its Opposite
Outlets claiming to have “confirmed” Jeffrey Goldberg’s story about Trump’s troops comments are again abusing that vital term.

But whatever happened, neither AP nor Fox obtained anything resembling “confirmation.” They just heard the same assertions that Goldberg heard, likely from the same circles if not the same people, and are now abusing the term “confirmation” to mean “unproven assertions” or “unverifiable claims” (indeed, Fox now says that “two sources who were on the trip in question with Trump refuted the main thesis of The Atlantic’s reporting”).

Glenn Greenwald
September 5 2020

The article is lengthy. Posted below was only a segment.


Other media outlets — including Associated Press and Fox News — now claim that they did exactly that: “confirmed” the Atlantic story. But if one looks at what they actually did, at what this “confirmation” consists of, it is the opposite of what that word would mean, or should mean, in any minimally responsible sense. AP, for instance, merely claims that “a senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events and a senior U.S. Marine Corps officer who was told about Trump’s comments confirmed some of the remarks to The Associated Press,” while Fox merely said “a former senior Trump administration official who was in France traveling with the president in November 2018 did confirm other details surrounding that trip.”

In other words, all that likely happened is that the same sources who claimed to Jeffrey Goldberg, with no evidence, that Trump said this went to other outlets and repeated the same claims — the same tactic that enabled MSNBC and CBS to claim they had “confirmed” the fundamentally false CNN story about Trump Jr. receiving advanced access to the WikiLeaks archive. Or perhaps it was different sources aligned with those original sources and sharing their agenda who repeated these claims. Given that none of the sources making these claims have the courage to identify themselves, due to their fear of mean tweets, it is impossible to know.

But whatever happened, neither AP nor Fox obtained anything resembling “confirmation.” They just heard the same assertions that Goldberg heard, likely from the same circles if not the same people, and are now abusing the term “confirmation” to mean “unproven assertions” or “unverifiable claims” (indeed, Fox now says that “two sources who were on the trip in question with Trump refuted the main thesis of The Atlantic’s reporting”).

It should go without saying that none of this means that Trump did not utter these remarks or ones similar to them. He has made public statements in the past that are at least in the same universe as the ones reported by the Atlantic, and it is quite believable that he would have said something like this (though the absolute last person who should be trusted with anything, particularly interpreting claims from anonymous sources, is Jeffrey Goldberg, who has risen to one of the most important perches in journalism despite (or, more accurately because of) one of the most disgraceful and damaging records of spreading disinformation in service of the Pentagon and intelligence community’s agenda).

But journalism is not supposed to be grounded in whether something is “believable” or “seems like it could be true.” Its core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals. And that function is completely subverted when news outlets claim that they “confirmed” a previous report when they did nothing more than just talked to the same people who anonymously whispered the same things to them as were whispered to the original outlet.

Quite aside from this specific story about whether Trump loves The Troops, conflating the crucial journalistic concept of “confirmation” with “hearing the same idle gossip” or “unproven assertions” is a huge disservice. It is an instrument of propaganda, not reporting. And its use has repeatedly deceived rather than informed the public. Anyone who doubts that should review how it is that MSNBC and CBS both claimed to have “confirmed” a CNN report which turned out to be ludicrously and laughably false. Clearly, the term “confirmation” has lost its meaning in journalism.



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19 hours ago, hoorta said:

And from the other side of the fence we spell it D-E-N-I-A-L   We know, DT would never say anything like that, and he's as honest as Lincoln and Washington. (Even though it's on record he called McCain a "loser", and didn't lower the flags at the White House to 1\2 staff for his funeral- until he was forced to.)   Hasn't ever said anything even slightly untrue while he's been in office either.   

In D-E-N-I-A-L  means to deny what is factually true boy wonder.

The only word appropriate here is "skeptical".  After what has unfolded, I am skeptical about these accusations. That coupled with Trumps pro military policies, and  the fact that Trumps has openly been pro military, pro veteran contradict his alleged comments.

In addition:

Trump hates is the needless loss of life by sending the U.S. military all over the world in operations that have nothing to do with American national security, American national interests, or American strategic interests. He’s not a believer in sending soldiers all over the world just to make sure people make money in the process.

With whom does "denial" truly manifest itself?   With you people. You TDS types will deny all of the above and be all in on what has so far been a rumor.



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57 minutes ago, Gorka said:

In D-E-N-I-A-L  means to deny what is factually true boy wonder.

The only word appropriate here is "skeptical".  After what has unfolded, I am skeptical about these accusations. That coupled with Trumps pro military policies, and  the fact that Trumps has openly been pro military, pro veteran contradict his alleged comments.

In addition:

Trump hates is the needless loss of life by sending the U.S. military all over the world in operations that have nothing to do with American national security, American national interests, or American strategic interests. He’s not a believer in sending soldiers all over the world just to make sure people make money in the process.

With whom does "denial" truly manifest itself?   With you people. You TDS types will deny all of the above and be all in on what has so far been a rumor.


Could it be a rumor being spread to smear Trump? Sure- possible. But's there's plenty of other documented stuff where he's been caught doing and saying stuff (McClain, Mattis, Kelly) that certainly makes the accusations within the realm of not just possibility, but probability. Trump is a transactional sort of guy. Regarding the military- Hey- I'd love my boss if he gave me a big fat raise too. (not that they didn't deserve one) I'll reserve judgement of the wisdom on "bring the troops home"... 

DTs problem Gorka is its the reverse of the little boy who kept crying wolf. Now suppose this time it's not a wolf, so anyone who isn't a hard core Trump supporter says- yup, he's lied so many times about things- he's just lying again now.... Outside of MAGA circles, Trumps credibility is 100% shot. LOL, and that is a fact!!! Would Bush have caught this sort of flack for alleged comments similar to this? I doubt it. 

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Bahahahaha, must be an easy life being a cultist. Anything your Messiah says is true and anything he says is false is fake news! 



Bahaha? I can tell a fake laugh even through a computer screen. Bahahah….ha

I never said everything Trump says is true , nor implied it idiot. 

But let me remind you of what a real cult looked like...bahahaha







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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:


You see Gorka cal is a true Christian which is exactly why I work on him. He is no different from the millions of Christians who followed Hitler straight to hell because they believed in another man who had Lucifer's primary reason for being tossed out of heaven, Extreme Narcissism.

Want an example now? What kind of man knows that the #1 preventer of the spread of a deadly virus is wearing a mask but not only refuses to wear it so people can't see his (in his own mind) pretty face, but mocks a political rival for trying to do the right thing. This is done right in the face of a prediction of more than doubling the number of deaths in the US if we don't start with #1, wearing a mask. It's the same man who just lost a major contributor, Herman Cain, because he listened to his buddy and did not wear a mask at the Tulsa rally. It's the same man who holds rallies where followers don't wear masks and congregate closely. Does that man ever tell them what his own COVID team tells them will save lives? No he never does and in fact he does the opposite. And that makes him and intentional killer of vulnerable human beings.

That pretty much meets my definition of an evil human being. Oh you can add in knowingly running a fake university and stealing the life savings of hundreds of people who had to settle for pennies on the dollar. Did he ever own up to that swindle or ask forgiveness in any way. No, because it's an evil thing to do by an evil individual who is not capable of remorse.

So yes, when a man I know (cal) is a good Christian is being led to hell by an evil human being, I do my best to throw a lifeline in hopes that some day the realization sinks in. Otherwise he loses his soul. God would never forgive me for not at least trying to reach him.

Want to call me pompous for that? Go right ahead. Bothers me not in the least. God's opinion is the only one I answer to, so when it's my time I'll just ask if I did the right thing here. And since I'm taking abuse for the attempt, I pretty much know I'm on the right track.

Well, they're reduced to the last line of defense Tex.... It's See, See- the Democrats do the same thing ...   Which means- makes what our guy is doing OK. 

The cult's belief in their fearless leader is so strong, I wouldn't doubt some of them would start eating cow poop if Trump told them it helped prevent covid. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Could it be a rumor being spread to smear Trump? Sure- possible.

And that's why you should be as skeptical as us MAGA guys.  At least show some skepticism, as you finally were able to bring yourself to do right there.

But's there's plenty of other documented stuff where he's been caught doing and saying stuff (McClain, Mattis, Kelly) that certainly makes the accusations within the realm of not just possibility, but probability.

Not denying this. I've repudiated more than once his comments about McCain. What you are looking for from us is total agreement with you. Any response other than that is unsatisfactory, evoking  cries of "denial" or "deflection". That is not what constitutes a debate.

Trump is a transactional sort of guy. Regarding the military- Hey- I'd love my boss if he gave me a big fat raise too. (not that they didn't deserve one) I'll reserve judgement of the wisdom on "bring the troops home"... 

Don't know what you're implying here?  That Trump is bribing the military to like him? Please stop.

DTs problem Gorka is its the reverse of the little boy who kept crying wolf. Now suppose this time it's not a wolf, so anyone who isn't a hard core Trump supporter says- yup, he's lied so many times about things- he's just lying again now.... Outside of MAGA circles, Trumps credibility is 100% shot. LOL, and that is a fact!!! Would Bush have caught this sort of flack for alleged comments similar to this? I doubt it. 

Reverse crying wolf in terms of what? That paragraph makes no sense to me, sorry.



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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Well, they're reduced to the last line of defense Tex.... It's See, See- the Democrats do the same thing ...   Which means- makes what our guy is doing OK. 

The cult's belief in their fearless leader is so strong, I wouldn't doubt some of them would start eating cow poop if Trump told them it helped prevent covid. 

Yep the man makes fun of the one leader trying to do the right thing and speaks before his maskless groups as if that should be the norm and their only answer is a few photo ops that do not negate this fact.  It's as bad as a photo op holding the upside down Bible that he doesn't read anyway after having a crowd moved so he could do so.



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