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And Another Declares Himself A Never-Trumper


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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yeah,  I only try to speak here when the stuff gets so out of hand I feel the need to reply- it's pretty hopeless. The surveys say 90%+ of the electorate has already made up their minds....  Arguing anything here as I've said a bunch of times is an exercise in futility.... 

Funny thing is on the other side of the fence is it's also always the same- the  "Trump Defense Forum".....   

It’s important to step away from all of this political stimulation.


literally ,  try and set 1 to 2 days straight where you don’t look at your phone or computer 

trump may be an ass but he loves his country.


dont let the radical movement succeed just because folks bash you questioning things.

there is some pure evil percolating in the Democratic agenda 

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9 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Well if Trump really said those things, I find it appalling and inexcusable. Therefore, I'm gonna man up and admit I was wrong. 

When will you?

OK, maybe Biden groped and even raped a few women.  These are inexcusable comments from a draft dodger, about people who fought and died for this country. BTW, I heard the reason he didn't want to go was because it was raining and would muss up his hair.  I would love to see a protester get close enough to give that hair a yank to see if it's real.  :)     Just more ammunition from my side- as a commentator said "does this guy even have a conscious?   

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

OK, maybe Biden groped and even raped a few women.  These are inexcusable comments from a draft dodger, about people who fought and died for this country. BTW, I heard the reason he didn't want to go was because it was raining and would muss up his hair.  I would love to see a protester get close enough to give that hair a yank to see if it's real.  :)     Just more ammunition from my side- as a commentator said "does this guy even have a conscious?   


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Just now, hammertime said:

It’s important to step away from all of this political stimulation.

1) trump may be an ass but he loves his country.

2) dont let the radical movement succeed just because folks bash you questioning things.

3) there is some pure evil percolating in the Democratic agenda 

It's so pleasant for a change to do an exchange with someone, and not have to deal with vitriol....  I'M RIGHT!!! NO, I'M RIGHTER!!!!  

My 0.02....  

1) He certainly acts like he does, but I question his sincerity about that- and a bunch of other stuff.... 

2) The Squad can go to hell, they don't represent my viewpoint- and if the paranoids here would be willing to admit it- they don't represent the views of  a lot of Democrats, either.  

3) I wouldn't doubt it- but you at least have to try and see it from the other side also- a lot of people see Trump as pure evil, (90% from my viewpoint) and aren't going to vote for him, on that basis alone. I won't do it- yet. OK, I will- in part... At the risk of being railed against as nut job.... But it's real easy to take the Bible's Matthew 24- and paint Trump as the "Abomination of Desolation"- who will show "signs and wonders" who will deceive even the elect.  Um, Religious conservatives who did a Faustian deal with him to get their agenda pushed?    

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16 minutes ago, Vambo said:


Consider the source Vambo.. 


Four against one- but believe whatever. The Trumpetts are already 100% convinced DT never would dare say something like that, even though he had already called War Hero POW John McCain a "loser" and was forced to lower the White House flags against his will to half staff in honor at his funeral. It's not the only times he's been caught dissing the military. General Mattis- who's loved by the Marines- also comes immediately to mind.... 

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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

Consider the source Vambo.. 


Four against one- but believe whatever. The Trumpetts are already 100% convinced DT never would dare say something like that, even though he had already called War Hero POW John McCain a "loser" and was forced to lower the White House flags against his will to half staff in honor at his funeral. It's not the only times he's been caught dissing the military. General Mattis- who's loved by the Marines- also comes immediately to mind.... 


2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Consider the source Vambo.. 


Four against one- but believe whatever. The Trumpetts are already 100% convinced DT never would dare say something like that, even though he had already called War Hero POW John McCain a "loser" and was forced to lower the White House flags against his will to half staff in honor at his funeral. It's not the only times he's been caught dissing the military. General Mattis- who's loved by the Marines- also comes immediately to mind.... 

Who are the four as you just pointed out " Consider the source " who is your source?

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Just now, Vambo said:

Who are the four as you just pointed out " Consider the source " who is your source?

Got it- they're all lying, but a former Trump aide is telling God's own truth.... I'm waiting (actually it's already happened) the  FAKE NEWS!!! mantra coming form Orangie... :)   

So predictable...   

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Got it- they're all lying, but a former Trump aide is telling God's own truth.... I'm waiting (actually it's already happened) the  FAKE NEWS!!! mantra coming form Orangie... :)   

So predictable...   

Don't know who they are...Do you?  John Bolton sides with Trump on this so there are two sources out in the open saying the article is false!

So predictable... 

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Do you want to be that f**king dense dense? Joe is a touchy feely guy. He's  never cheated on his wives, unlike Trump who's done so on all of them.  He's  even bragged about it,  IIRC. 

Nah, Orangie constantly lies, I just pointed out two of the most recent ones in other posts, but you're still willing to stick up for him because personal morality doesn't matter to you, as long as you like his agenda. In that the case, you can stop posting those pictures of Joe. 


My my the projection here. You're as fucking dense as they come.  What does Trumps personal life as a PRIVATE CITIZEN  have to do with his presidency?

Am I excusing his cheating and shit? No. I'm trying to put things into perspective.  You TDS types lack the ability to do so, so rein in those false accusations for a moment.

So are you saying that a man with questionable morals as a private citizen should be disqualified to run as president?  He shouldn't be given a chance?

How has Trumps  extramarital affairs AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN  negatively affected his job?


What you will do now is NOT answer those questions but rather accuse ME of deflecting away from Trumps affair with Daniels....and/or  accuse me either of ignoring Trumps questionable morals or defending him....then blather about the "red state" forum and your disdain for MAGA, thinking your gonna hurt our feelings....wash, rinse, repeat

 That is exactly the way you operate.  Tell me it isn't...G'head.


Now to further prove your density. The shit Clinton, Biden, even Kennedy did was WHILE THEY WERE IN OFFICE.  On your time, on my time, on the American peoples time.

Are you that dense not to understand the difference???




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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

It's so pleasant for a change to do an exchange with someone, and not have to deal with vitriol....  I'M RIGHT!!! NO, I'M RIGHTER!!!!  

My 0.02....  

1) He certainly acts like he does, but I question his sincerity about that- and a bunch of other stuff.... 

2) The Squad can go to hell, they don't represent my viewpoint- and if the paranoids here would be willing to admit it- they don't represent the views of  a lot of Democrats, either.  

3) I wouldn't doubt it- but you at least have to try and see it from the other side also- a lot of people see Trump as pure evil, (90% from my viewpoint) and aren't going to vote for him, on that basis alone. I won't do it- yet. OK, I will- in part... At the risk of being railed against as nut job.... But it's real easy to take the Bible's Matthew 24- and paint Trump as the "Abomination of Desolation"- who will show "signs and wonders" who will deceive even the elect.  Um, Religious conservatives who did a Faustian deal with him to get their agenda pushed?    

that was obaMao. He said things to get elected, and violated what he said, reversed himself in his actions, betrayed a lot of good decent Americans - and lied and lied some more. The scandals were/are real.

  and you didn't say one thing about it for eight years. yet, here you are. How liberally convenient.

and you STILL can't name one. You're done.

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24 minutes ago, Gorka said:


My my the projection here. You're as fucking dense as they come.  What does Trumps personal life as a PRIVATE CITIZEN  have to do with his presidency?

Am I excusing his cheating and shit? No. I'm trying to put things into perspective.  You TDS types lack the ability to do so, so rein in those false accusations for a moment.

So are you saying that a man with questionable morals as a private citizen should be disqualified to run as president?  He shouldn't be given a chance?

How has Trumps  extramarital affairs AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN  negatively affected his job?


Double talk much? My assertion that Trump  is an adulterer whose affair torpedoed his first marriage is somehow false?      

Because the leopard hasn't changed his spots once he got into office..  So you want to excuse him on the basis of  before\after?- Big whoop, and in my book that's a pretty damn lame "perspective" on your part.  "Compromise" isn't in DT's vocabulary, or brain function.  The best retort I saw in another (not right wing thread) is- it's all a zero sum game to Donnie. If the other side "wins" he loses. Don't forget he called POW McCain a "loser". He should look in a mirror before he starts throwing that word around....   He's still a slime ball Gorka- you're just deflecting.  And it's seriously affected his credibility to most intelligent folks who have a few communicating neurons left.   You're one of the few MAGAs around that has an IQ over the cretin level, so take it as a compliment.  

BTW- if you listen to respected opinions from the other side of the fence (you obviously don't) Trump's been utterly  "unqualified" from day one. "schoolyard bully", "carnival barking clown", "imbecile"...  He's been given his chance, and been found lacking- or all those polls more "Fake News"?  LOL.  You still wonder why so many Republicans, and yes patriots have jumped off the rat infested USS Trump? Buy a clue pal....  Sure, 17yo kids with AR15s who like to play wannabe cops love his message....   

Is it "moral" to insult the opposition over 2,000 documented times?

Is it "moral" to lie out your ass way over 1,000 documented times? 

Is it "moral" to suggest in North Carolina to try and vote twice illegally? So you can claim voter fraud? Snake speak with forked tongue.... 

Is it "moral" to appoint your unqualified lackeys to positions of authority, only because they kiss your ass- or contribute to your campaign (DeJoy)? Who incidentally has a major conflict of interest?....  

And his latest dissing of our war dead? 

Go ahead, spin away- I'll wait....    

PS- I do love (actually am incredulous) over his latest- bringing in his unqualified radiologist (not epidemiologist) Doc who's telling President Quack what he wants to hear- espousing "herd immunity" that's 100% guaranteed to shoot the death total through the roof. You're going to have a hard time spinning that one away Donnie when the Democrats rip you into shreds over it.....  I hope you noticed at the RNC the thought process is- if we ignore covid, or act like it's in the past- it doesn't exist.....  I'd suggest that you take a look at the opinion polls that say- um, it does matter, and we are worried. 

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Hoorta's obaMao lied, got into office and betrayed America.

Never kept one promise for America.

Didn't even close gitmo, didn't keep any promise.

he lied, his entire presidency was a lie.

SO, don't be stupid - Pres Trump and Pence KEPT THEIR PROMISES.

you haters don't like it, shove it.

and have a nice day.

I'll spell in out for the out of control trolls - the lefties with emotional knee jerksies:



  • Since taking office, President Trump has strengthened American leadership, security, prosperity, and accountability.
  • After 500 days, the results are clear: the American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming.
  • President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage, secured vital investments in our military, and stood up against threats to our national security.
  • President Trump has put the American people first and made government more accountable.

AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS STRONGER: The American economy is stronger today and American workers are better off thanks to President Trump’s pro-growth agenda.

  • Nearly 3 million jobs have been created since President Trump took office.
  • 304,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and manufacturing employment stands at its highest level since December 2008.
  • 337,000 construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and construction employment stands at its highest level since June 2008.
  • Under President Trump, the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8, the lowest rate since April 2000, and job openings have reached 6.6 million, the highest level recorded.
  • 67 percent of Americans believe now is a good time to find a quality job, according to Gallup.
  • Only under President Trump have more than 50 percent of Americans believed it is a good time to find a quality job since Gallup began asking the question 17 years ago.
  • President Trump prioritized job training and workforce development to empower workers to seize more opportunities, signing an Executive Order to expand apprenticeship opportunities.
  • President Trump has restored confidence in the American economy, with confidence among both consumers and businesses reaching historic highs.
  • Consumer confidence in current conditions has reached a 17-year high, according to the Conference Board.
  • Optimism among manufacturers has hit record highs under President Trump, according to the National Association of Manufacturers.
  • Small business optimism has sustained record-high levels under President Trump according to the National Federation of Independent Business.
  • President Trump signed the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting taxes for American families and making American business more competitive.
  • American families received $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts and saw the child tax credit double.
  • The top corporate tax rate was lowered from 35 percent to 21 percent so American businesses could be more competitive.
  • President Trump has rolled back unnecessary job-killing regulations beyond expectations.
  • In 2017, President Trump far exceeded his promise to eliminate regulations at a two-to-one ratio, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every new regulatory action.
  • The Administration rolled back rules and regulations harming farmers and energy producers, such as the Waters of the United States Rule and the Clean Power Plan.
  • Regional and community banks and credit unions got relief after President Trump signed legislation reducing harmful requirements imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act.
  • Since taking office, President Trump has advanced free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals that protect American workers, ending decades of destructive trade policies.
  • Days after taking office, the President withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and agreement.
  • President Trump’s Administration is working to defend American intellectual property from China’s unfair practices through a range of actions.
  • The President improved the KORUS trade agreement with the Republic of Korea, which will allow more U.S. automobile exports to South Korea with lower tariffs and increase U.S. pharmaceutical access to South Korea.
  • American agriculture has gained access to new markets under President Trump.

AMERICA IS WINNING ON THE WORLD STAGE: President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage and is achieving results for the American people.

  • President Trump followed through on his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • President Trump ordered an end to United States participation in the horrible Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
  • The President has taken action to confront aggression by Iran and its proxies.
  • The Department of the Treasury has issued a range of sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force.
  • Under President Trump, the United States has led an unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
  • President Trump’s leadership has contributed to the return of 17 Americans held overseas.
  • In May 2018 alone, Venezuela released one American and North Korea released three Americans who came home to the United States.
  • The President has secured historic increases in defense funding in order to rebuild our Nation’s military with the resources they need, after years of harmful sequester.
  • President Trump signed legislation to provide $700 billion in defense spending for fiscal year (FY) 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.
  • The United States has worked with international allies to decimate ISIS.
  • President Trump ordered strikes against Syria in response to the regime’s use of chemical weapons in April 2017 and April 2018.
  • The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.

AMERICA’S COMMUNITIES ARE SAFER AND MORE SECURE: President Trump has worked to secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and protect the safety and security of American communities.

  • Despite limited resources and obstruction from Congress, President Trump has worked to take control of our border and enforce our immigration laws.
  • President Trump has called on Congress to provide the resources needed to secure our borders and close loopholes that prevent immigration laws from being fully enforced.
  • President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure our borders.
  • President Trump’s Administration has carried out immigration enforcement efforts based on the rule of law.
  • From the start of President Trump’s Administration to the end of FY 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) made 110,568 arrests of illegal aliens.
  • Arrests made in this timeframe represented a 42 percent increase from the same timeframe in FY 2016.
  • Of the 110,568 arrests made, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive, or had a reinstated final order of removal.
  • President Trump has made clear that his Administration will continue to combat the threat of MS-13 in order to protect communities from the horrendous violence the gang has spread.
  • In 2017, the Department of Justice worked with partners in Central America to file criminal charges against more than 4,000 members of MS-13.
  • The Trump Administration has cracked down on the import and distribution of illegal drugs in order to stop them from reaching our communities and causing even more devastation.
  • As of April 2018, U.S. Border Patrol has seized 284 pounds of fentanyl in FY 2018, already surpassing the total of 181 pounds seized in FY 2017.
  • The President has launched a nationwide effort to fight the opioid crisis, which has devastated communities across America.
  • The President’s Opioid Initiative seeks to reduce drug demand, cut off the flow of illicit drugs, and save lives by expanding treatment opportunities.
  • President Trump signed an omnibus spending bill which provides nearly $4 billion to address the opioid epidemic.
  • The bill included $1 billion for grants focused on the hardest hit States and Tribes and provided funding for a public-private research partnership on pain and addiction.

AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS MORE ACCOUNTABLE: Since taking office, President Trump has worked to ensure government is more accountable to the American people. 

  • President Trump has confirmed the most circuit court judges of any President in their first year, and secured Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.
  • President Trump has signed legislation to bring more accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs and provide our veterans with more choice in the care they receive.
  • President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, improving processes for addressing misconduct.
  • President Trump signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act into law, authorizing $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • President Trump successfully eliminated the penalty for Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate.

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  • The President’s Administration is seeking to provide more affordable health coverage and broader access to affordable alternatives to Obamacare plans.
  • President Trump has released a blueprint to lower drug prices for Americans.
  • President Trump has ensured that the religious liberties and conscience of Americans are protected and respected by the Federal government.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to protect the free speech and religious liberties of groups such as the Little Sisters of the Poor.
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39 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

that was obaMao. He said things to get elected, and violated what he said, reversed himself in his actions, betrayed a lot of good decent Americans - and lied and lied some more. The scandals were/are real.

  and you didn't say one thing about it for eight years. yet, here you are. How liberally convenient.

and you STILL can't name one. You're done.

Obama isn't running for president this year Cal as far as I can tell, but you just can't stop living in the past... Please stop the broken conspiracy laden invective against Barak....  I've said it at least 1\2 dozen times.... There's nothing I could possibly say about the Democrats that you wouldn't disagree with- so I'm not going to bother.... And actually....  

What was that Benghazi thingie? Where a few soldiers got killed, nasty bad.... How many more Americans have died thanks to President Lysol's ignorance?  60 times more than 9\11, and counting. ROTFL Cal- I was  mucking around, and I came across a timeline of Obama's presidency. Never did one good thing? Try many...  You may now STFU.....  Your hatred colors your objectivity....  


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Here's your liar sack of leftwing anti-America obaMao promises broken:

(doesn't it seem like the lefties crave liberal smoke blown up their rears?


Raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation.      Status:Promise broken

Close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.                            Status:Promise broken

Restrict people moving between lobbying and working in the administration.Status:Promise broken

Create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.Status:Promise broken

End the practice of writing legislation behind closed doors.Status:Promise broken

Convene a bipartisan group of key lawmakers to foster better executive-legislative relations on foreign policy.Status:Promise broken

Close special-interest corporate loopholes.Status:Promise broken

Enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits to provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate to U.S. families.

                                         Status:Promise broken

Establish a low national carbon-fuel standard.Status:Promise broken

Make a sustained push to support Israel and achieve the goal of two states — a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state.

                                          Status:Promise broken

Double federal funding for basic research over 10 years (2009-2018).Status:Promise broken

Ensure freedom to unionize and fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act.Status:Promise broken

Create 1 million new manufacturing jobs between 2012 and 2016.Status:Promise broken

End the war in Afghanistan in 2014.Status:Promise broken

Double U.S. exports over the next five years (2013-2017).Status:Promise broken

Lead the world in college graduates by 2020.Status:Promise broken

Train 2 million Americans in a community college-business partnership.Status:Promise broken



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Hoorta, that makes you look stupid.

those were EVENTS, doesn't say they were good or bad. I didn't see any of them that were good or Great for America - that HE did.

Pretty much makes you look like a hippo's rear end.

"Signed exec order to shut down Gitmo"....



Why Obama failed to close Guantanamo | PBS NewsHour Weekend


Jan 14, 2017 · On his second full day in the White House, President Obama issued an executive order to close Guantanamo within a year. Eight years later, that has not happened. Mr.

Obama’s Jobs Act—Not Just a Failure but a Fraud | The ...


Sep 12, 2012 · He launched the American Jobs Act – his response to our ongoing employment crisis - in September 2011. ... or why offering temporary tax cuts to hire workers will fail. It also continues to ...

October 21, 2011

End of Iraq War

President Obama announces that U.S. troops will be home from Iraq by December and that the U.S. role in the war is over.


     so, that is just a few examples of the stupidity of your reply. I said GOOD GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

not events during the obaMao presidency.

egad, that was embarrassing for you, eh?

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8 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Hoorta, that makes you look stupid.

those were EVENTS, doesn't say they were good or bad. I didn't see any of them that were good or Great for America - that HE did.

Pretty much makes you look like a hippo's rear end.

"Signed exec order to shut down Gitmo"....



Why Obama failed to close Guantanamo | PBS NewsHour Weekend


Jan 14, 2017 · On his second full day in the White House, President Obama issued an executive order to close Guantanamo within a year. Eight years later, that has not happened. Mr.

Obama’s Jobs Act—Not Just a Failure but a Fraud | The ...


Sep 12, 2012 · He launched the American Jobs Act – his response to our ongoing employment crisis - in September 2011. ... or why offering temporary tax cuts to hire workers will fail. It also continues to ...

October 21, 2011

End of Iraq War

President Obama announces that U.S. troops will be home from Iraq by December and that the U.S. role in the war is over.


     so, that is just a few examples of the stupidity of your reply. I said GOOD GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

not events during the obaMao presidency.

egad, that was embarrassing for you, eh?

Aw, he didn't close Gitmo- that's the best you can do? You're in fantasy land Cal....  Did you even bother to read the link? Probably not....   A lot of Trump's  "Great shit for America" is in the same category.  

March 7, 2013 Violence against women

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 becomes law. This act seeks to provide increased protection for women under the law by improving law enforcement tools to combat the violence, improving services for victims of violent crimes, and improving awareness and violence reduction practices.

February 5, 2012 Iranian sanctions

Obama signs an executive order that freezes the assets of the Iranian government held within the United States due to Iran engaging in what Obama called, “deceptive practices.” Nah- that wasn't great for America either.... 

There's at least a few dozen others- read before you spew please.... You can't spin your way out of this one- and the words of Trump LOSER!!!!!     :D

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

There's at least a few dozen others- read before you spew please...

right back at you - no, you still miss, and still make yourself look foolish.

Even the ACLU didn't like that bill. That was not good for America.

Violence Against Women Act - Wikipedia


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had originally expressed concerns about the Act, saying that the increased penalties were rash, that the increased pretrial detention was "repugnant" to the U.S. Constitution, that the mandatory HIV testing of those only charged but not convicted was an infringement of a citizen’s right to privacy, and that the edict for automatic payment of full restitution was non-judicious (see their paper: "Analysis of Major Civil Liberties Abuses in the Crime Bill Conference Report as Passe…

and freezing Iran's assets? right.

he made up for it though. He was the most two faced president in our American history.

How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars ...


It alleges Obama officials pushed the U.S. Treasury to let Iran convert the equivalent of $5.7 billion of funds held in Oman's Bank of Muscat from rials into dollars and subsequently into euros. It...

What legal authority did Obama use to release over $150 ...


May 27, 2018 · As such, an executive (i.e. the President of the United States) can repeal, reverse or ignore such orders, as Obama did in releasing Iranian assets. Up until Trump arrived on the scene, Iran had been acting in good faith with regards to the JCPOA deal , and the idea of freezing further assets was not raised as a consideration.

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furthermore: It Took President TRUMP to lock up BILLIONS MORE of Iranian dollars. AND, if you can muster up the honesty - read about the freeze on assets. The freeze on assets was a Carter Administration order. Did it change Iran? nope. Obamao gave them cash - a hell of a lot of it.

but don't read all this- you will have to admit you are really, really full of TDS BS.


Mnuchin: Trump Order Will Lock up Billions More in Iranian ...


Jun 24, 2019 · U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Monday the new executive order signed by President Donald Trump will lock up billions of additional dollars in Iranian assets, squeezing the country further amid escalating tensions with Washington.


U.S. Freeze on Iranian Assets Enters 32nd Year


WASHINGTON (CN) – Thirty-two years after Islamist revolutionaries seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran, President Barack Obama has extended a Carter Administration executive order freezing all Iranian government assets held under U.S. jurisdiction.

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Furthermore, the entire forum can see the hypocrisy here:

  • Obama should apologize for shameful cash payment to Iran ...


    Jan 11, 2020 · For that reason, Obama should apologize for the thousands wounded and killed in terrorist attacks since Iran took possession of that tainted cash. That is his debt to pay.

  • President Obama’s Plane Full of Cash to Iran Recklessly ...


    Aug 05, 2016 · President Obama’s Plane Full of Cash to Iran Recklessly Endangers America. As part of the disastrous Iran deal, President Obama surreptitiously sent a plane full of cash – $400 million – to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The bombshell report, detailing how the Administration flew an unmarked cargo plane filled with wooden pallets of cash (stacks of Euros and Swiss Francs) to the leading state …

  • Barack Obama administration admits paying entire Iran bill ...


    Sep 07, 2016 · The Obama administration has admitted paying $1.7billion to Iran entirely in cash to settle a decades-old aborted arms deal. The payments were made on …

  • Obama’s $1.7 Billion Tribute to Iran Paid in Cash


    On Tuesday, the Obama administration finally admitted something its critics had long suspected: The entire $1.7 billion tribute paid to Iran was tendered in cash — not just the initial $400 million infamously shipped to the Iranians in a cargo plane — at the same moment four American hostages were released.

  • AP FACT CHECK: Trump's mistold tale of Obama and Iran


    Aug 26, 2019 · WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Monday assailed the Obama administration for being hoodwinked by Iran, making his case with a frequently told and false story about the U.S. giving billions of dollars to Tehran.

  • People also ask
    How much money did Obama give back to Iran?
Why did Obama give money to Iran?
Did Obama pay ransom to Iran?
Did Obama pay Iran money?
  2. $1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to ...


    Sep 07, 2016 · The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction ...

  3. Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million to Release U.S. Prisoners?


    Aug 03, 2016 · “Obama administration sent plane load of cash to #Iran as ransom as part of deal on hostages. Just unreal,” tweeted Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a long-standing critic of the Iran talks.

  4. U.S. paid $1.3 billion to Iran two days after cash ...


    Aug 24, 2016 · Iran's $400 million 03:26. The Obama administration said Wednesday it paid $1.3 billion in interest to Iran in January to resolve a decades-old dispute over an …

  5. US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics


    Aug 03, 2016 · Washington (CNN) The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally …


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OMG- endless spin.... You're beyond hopeless Cal... nice try though- another proverb...   he who laughs last last, laughs best HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 

You are so far up the D-Nile river, you're somewhere in the Congo.....  I'm not about to waste more time copy and pasting stuff from that timeline just to listen to you post more anti-Barak crap.... 

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7 minutes ago, hoorta said:

OMG- endless spin.... You're beyond hopeless Cal... nice try though- another proverb...   he who laughs last last, laughs best HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 

You are so far up the D-Nile river, you're somewhere in the Congo.....  I'm not about to waste more time copy and pasting stuff from that timeline just to listen to you post more anti-Barak crap.... 

good, because defending your obaMao after you wouldn't criticize him or biden for EIGHT FREAKING YEARS -

you can't name one, it isn't my fault. You try and fail, it's on you, boo. Your nasty irrational TDS is hate, that's all.

There is a serious "Walk Away" movement happening in America. You don't like it, shove it.

But good luck shoving your asinine belligerence towards Pres Trump on someone who would believe it. I guess that is why you came on this forum as his big nanny protector TDS fellow.

Have a nice day, and you are completely wrong.

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