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And Another Declares Himself A Never-Trumper


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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

But still definitely a Republican conservative. Expect many more between now and Nov.


The responses from The Red State Forum are totally (and boringly) predictable Tex.  I'm not savvy enough to do a meme generator- but you can bet the ranch all you would need to do is substitute Biden or Obama for Trump in Vambo's meme, that's exactly what Cal's head (and several others) would look like....  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

The responses from The Red State Forum are totally (and boringly) predictable Tex.  I'm not savvy enough to do a meme generator- but you can bet the ranch all you would need to do is substitute Biden or Obama for Trump in Vambo's meme, that's exactly what Cal's head (and several others) would look like....  

Coming over here is just like the opening scene. America has dumbed down in 4 years of idiocracy. 😂


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

The responses from The Red State Forum are totally (and boringly) predictable Tex.  I'm not savvy enough to do a meme generator- but you can bet the ranch all you would need to do is substitute Biden or Obama for Trump in Vambo's meme, that's exactly what Cal's head (and several others) would look like....  


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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

how many democrats and former democrats spoke at the RNC.


Hmmm Cal... and the Republicans who have had enough of Trump probably outnumber his token Democrats around 10 to 1.  :)    

We can start at the Lincoln Project and continue if you'd like... 

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Hmmm Cal... and the Republicans who have had enough of Trump probably outnumber his token Democrats around 10 to 1.  :)    

We can start at the Lincoln Project and continue if you'd like... 

rinos were never really republicans. They were weak, cowardly leaves in the wind.

Want me to post the way over 200 promises he's kept? way over 200 good/great things he and Pence have already accomplished

in only 4 years?

Come on, man. Be serious, you're delirious.

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23 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

rinos were never really republicans. They were weak, cowardly leaves in the wind.

Want me to post the way over 200 promises he's kept? way over 200 good/great things he and Pence have already accomplished

in only 4 years?

Come on, man. Be serious, you're delirious.

I'll de-ignore you for one post. Gorka's next on my waste of time responding to list...   So- those guys are RINOs because they refuse to 100% kiss Trump's ass? You sure as shit can be a Republican and not be100% loyal (or at all) to DT- (because that's what the booger demands- apparently you do too). FWIW that's going to be his big problem in a couple months....You're the one who's delirious Cal.... I nailed it- take Vambo's meme and substitute Biden or Obama and your head blows up... well like this... :D  


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darn. You de-ignored me. That is a biden kind of lie, liberal guy.

You vent more political hate vs Pres Trump for no good reason.

You got nothin. The rinos have been rinos since Bush. and were rinos while

you obaMao commie and ho biden were doing NOTHING GOOD OR GREAT THING FOR AMERICA.

You can't name one, you're so done.

You got nothin to backup your feeble angry rage points.

Except for TDS. Have a nice liberal day.


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okay. Whose side are you on, Hoorta?

Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorses Biden ...


Aug 03, 2020 · The head of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA is urging members to head to the polls in November to cast their votes for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden – arguing that while Biden...

Author: Andrew O'reilly

Revolutionary Communist Party Endorses Democrat Joe Biden ...


Aug 04, 2020 · The Trump campaign responded to the the Revolutionary Communist Party’s endorsement of Biden by saying in a statement: Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield just this morning made clear that “everybody who believes that Joe Biden should be president” is “welcome into this campaign.”. That now includes Bob Avakian, the radical founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party who just endorsed Joe Biden and instructed fellow communists to support Biden …

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8 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

But still definitely a Republican conservative. Expect many more between now and Nov.



Nancy Pelosi says she got “set up” by a Beauty Parlor owner. Maybe the Beauty Parlor owner should be running the House of Representatives instead of Crazy Nancy?
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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:


Nancy Pelosi says she got “set up” by a Beauty Parlor owner. Maybe the Beauty Parlor owner should be running the House of Representatives instead of Crazy Nancy?

Refresh your memory with trumpy's attitude towards the military, particularly those killed our badly wounded. Published this evening.


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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, Tex, you just stooped to a new low. No one with any common sense would buy into that. really sad of you.

And you would be wrong. Trump has always been a liar and you still can't get that. He disclaimed ever calling McCain a loser.


BTW this ain't over.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And you would be wrong. Trump has always been a liar and you still can't get that. He disclaimed ever calling McCain a loser.


BTW this ain't over.

You apparently leave out the context of what you're posting, to have the most nasty effect of belittling Pres Trump, who has,. along with Pence, ACCOMPLISHED WELL OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA in only 4 years.

Your obaMao/biden ? zero. Not one. You can't name one, Hoorta can't name one. That's a fact so far, jack.

I don't see where it's bad to say John Mccain was a loser - he LOST THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

you lose, that makes you having lost. If you've lost, you're the loser. John Mccain, after his service, IS a loser. He left his wife because she was sick. What the hell do you defend him for?

  Do you know Trump raised a million dollars for mccain/Paliin to run ?

Trump did say a really stupid thing - "I like the military guys who weren't captured, ok" that is a loose paraphrase.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't like veterans who were captured.

Hate all you want, but you've lost so much cred in the TDS hate mongering.

    Higgardly said "at this point what difference does it make" about letting Americans die at Benghazi.

obaMao and biden have said a lot of stupid things.

Your higgardly/obaMao/biden did NOTHING to MAGA.

So, we elected Pres Trump, and he and Pence have absolutely done hundreds of great and good things FOR AMERICA.

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38 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

You apparently leave out the context of what you're posting, to have the most nasty effect of belittling Pres Trump, who has,. along with Pence, ACCOMPLISHED WELL OVER TWO HUNDRED GOOD/GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA in only 4 years.

Your obaMao/biden ? zero. Not one. You can't name one, Hoorta can't name one. That's a fact so far, jack.

I don't see where it's bad to say John Mccain was a loser - he LOST THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

you lose, that makes you having lost. If you've lost, you're the loser. John Mccain, after his service, IS a loser. He left his wife because she was sick. What the hell do you defend him for?

  Do you know Trump raised a million dollars for mccain/Paliin to run ?

Trump did say a really stupid thing - "I like the military guys who weren't captured, ok" that is a loose paraphrase.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't like veterans who were captured.

Hate all you want, but you've lost so much cred in the TDS hate mongering.

    Higgardly said "at this point what difference does it make" about letting Americans die at Benghazi.

obaMao and biden have said a lot of stupid things.

Your higgardly/obaMao/biden did NOTHING to MAGA.

So, we elected Pres Trump, and he and Pence have absolutely done hundreds of great and good things FOR AMERICA.

Just deflect off the article itself as usual. It was about what he said concerning the dead in the WW I cemetery being losers and suckers.

It matters not how deplorable your man is apparently. I feel sorry for anyone who just can't help being part of the cult of personality. You were 

sold a bill of goods at the cost of your own values. They never lined up with this turd's. That is where the true cost is.

Think about it. He even has Steve dismissing 187,000 lives out of hand as if they were meaningless. With many more to come.

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12 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Refresh your memory with trumpy's attitude towards the military, particularly those killed our badly wounded. Published this evening.


What lefties like you so consumed with hate will stoop to. 

Trump calls veterans "losers according to sources"?  What sources?  Are you trying to compete with Hoorta spreading lies an misinformation?

What a coincidence that this new attempt to demonize the president just months before the election and you're sucking on it.....as you ignore Trumps record with regards to the military.  No president has ever taken so personally a soldier being killed in bum fucked Egypt. He has brought our men home, and is the first President since Reagan not to have started a war. Not to mention the actions he's taken to help our veterans.

But you'd rather believe what they say a leftist propaganda rag, because this is what you want to hear...the truth is not important right now.







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20 hours ago, hoorta said:

The responses from The Red State Forum are totally (and boringly) predictable Tex.  I'm not savvy enough to do a meme generator- but you can bet the ranch all you would need to do is substitute Biden or Obama for Trump in Vambo's meme, that's exactly what Cal's head (and several others) would look like....  

HAHA...your posts are exactly the same shit on a different day dude.  A blend of lies, innuendo, misinformation, and hypocrisy.

Which Vambo meme you talking about.? ...and I'll tell you where your wrong there as well.

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I was never a big fan of John McCain, disagreed with him on many things including ridiculous endless wars and the lack of success he had in dealing with the VA and our great Vets, but the lowering of our Nations American Flags, and the first class funeral he was given by our Country, had to be approved by me, as President, & I did so without hesitation or complaint. Quite the contrary, I felt it was well deserved. I even sent Air Force One to bring his body, in casket, from Arizona to Washington. It was my honor to do so. Also, I never called John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES. This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!
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