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he didn't pull an Obamao and lie to get into office.

Pres Trump MEANT "America First". and "AMERICANS FIRST". and refreshingly, that is EXACTLY

what he has done. He's suffered from a tainted sold out hating subservice msm, false illegal fake "investigations" that

only ended up putting THEM in legal jeopardy, fix three trade deals, got us out of the stupid ass paris accord, ended the stupid ass

Iran agreement, doesn't buy off terrorist countries like obaMao and biden did...., doesn't bash us around the world like obaMao did,

LOWERED our taxes, HELPED OUR VETERANs with their medical care. A president can't stop the leftwing democrat House from inflating our national debt for very long.......

the list is in the HUNDREDS of good and great things he and Pence have accomplished FOR AMERICA. He donates much of his salary to charity.

He is the real deal - he knows he isn't a Reagan.... but look at the long list sometime of what he has done.

Folks, tweets and bitching about his "orange skin" (racist) aside,

He has KEPT HIS PROMISES TO AMERICA. ObaMao/biden/higgardly sold us out. And the rest of their ilk

tried to destroy him because he was an outsider - not a coward who was part of the political establishment.

So, he isn't a politician. I like that. He isn't afraid of the deep corrupt swamp in our gov. I like that. He isn't afraid to stand up for US to russia and china...and has world known terrorists killed.

from Pres Trump:


“I’m with you, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you. To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise: We will Make America Strong Again. We will Make America Proud Again. We will Make America Safe Again. And, We will Make America Great Again.”

-President Donald J. Trump
2016 Republican National Convention

 When I accepted the Republican Nomination for President of the United States in 2016 I promised you that I would spend every minute of the next four years putting America FIRST...

Now here we are again, and I can honestly say I have kept that promise to you.

These have been the hardest, but most rewarding four years of my life. We’ve faced more challenges than any other president in our Nation’s history, and despite the Left’s best efforts to BRING US DOWN, I will deliver a historic Presidential Acceptance Speech on August 27th.



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