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oh, boy, I knew - the old sheply salon gay liberal wingnut site is the source.

Think of it this way - you can NOT THINK of, and POST ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING THAT YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND HIDIN BIDEN accomplished for America in Eight years...

that means they did a lot of bad things. No good things = all bad things.

see how that works, Hoorta? you don't because you CAN'T.

this is just the top ten. and they are LEGIT, not fake ones.



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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, boy, I knew - the old sheply salon gay liberal wingnut site is the source.

Think of it this way - you can NOT THINK of, and POST ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING THAT YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND HIDIN BIDEN accomplished for America in Eight years...

that means they did a lot of bad things. No good things = all bad things.

see how that works, Hoorta? you don't because you CAN'T.

this is just the top ten. and they are LEGIT, not fake ones.



So let's blame the Boston Bomber on Barak?  I'm still waiting for chickenshit Trumpie to release his IRS returns. He won't- because??? Can we say TAX FRAUD?? Trump would abolish the EPA- if he could... 

But don't worry Cal, since you love him so much... "The Don" Corleone, er Trump- keeps it all in the family...  "He has undermined the rule of law, obstructed justice, and issued pardons and commutations to personal cronies who helped cover up his misdeeds."  If you're a Trump pal- you get unlimited "Get out of Jail Free" cards- even if you lie under oath to Congress covering the boss' ass....  

Kushner knows exactly what about What? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/lincoln-project-ad-jared-kushner-video-secretary-failure-trump-covid-response-a9658141.html

And now Mr. Ostrich- Trump appoints a new Postmaster General who gets 2 months of OTJ training from his underlings- and then fires all of them.  SOP in the business world. His primary qualification? "I donated a lot of money to Trump's campaigns..."   Just a tad of conflict of interest there, but that's never bothered your hero putting suck ups in positions of authority they're totally unqualified to handle... 

Should I mention the end run he did around Congress appointing a goober that wasn't going to get approved?  https://time.com/5875182/tata-congress-pentagon/

ODS... ODS... ODS... 

But I show you why Trump is a total jackass & a danger to America?  Keep kissing your Trump poster....  


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no, you changed the subject again. I didn't ask what you DON'T LIKE about PRes Trump, and I didn't ask you to WRONGLY SLUR Pres Trump with slanderous lies from the msm.


and....I can BACK UP what I say and post. You keep frantically changing the subject in a bizarre TDS dance.

the damage your obaMao left behind, still damaging America:

Obama judges vacate Boston Marathon bomber's death ...

Aug 01, 2020 · Judge Rogeriee Thompson, an Obama appointee, wrote the opinion vacating the death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. (screenshot) The federal judges said

Hand on heart, it wasn't us! Obama and his Attorney ...


May 15, 2013 · Holder and other cabinet officials have been criticized for failing to act on warnings from Russia, and perhaps other nations, about the accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And …

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15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, boy, I knew - the old sheply salon gay liberal wingnut site is the source.

Think of it this way - you can NOT THINK of, and POST ONE GOOD OR GREAT THING THAT YOUR OBAMAO COMMIE AND HIDIN BIDEN accomplished for America in Eight years...

that means they did a lot of bad things. No good things = all bad things.

see how that works, Hoorta? you don't because you CAN'T.

this is just the top ten. and they are LEGIT, not fake ones.




15 hours ago, calfoxwc said:



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On 8/7/2020 at 2:59 PM, Canton Dawg said:

If it rains tomorrow... I’ll blame Trump.

Hell, if doesn’t rain tomorrow I’ll blame Trump.

Well some states (including Ohio) have just given up on him actually doing anything about COVID-19.......................................so..................


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10 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well some states (including Ohio) have just given up on him actually doing anything about COVID-19.......................................so..................


hogan  is not really a republican, he's a wannabe northam. your article is bs."Trump trying to spread dissent" ...whatever it was...was a stupid statement.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

no, you changed the subject again. I didn't ask what you DON'T LIKE about PRes Trump, and I didn't ask you to WRONGLY SLUR Pres Trump with slanderous lies from the msm.


and....I can BACK UP what I say and post. You keep frantically changing the subject in a bizarre TDS dance.

the damage your obaMao left behind, still damaging America:

Obama judges vacate Boston Marathon bomber's death ...

Aug 01, 2020 · Judge Rogeriee Thompson, an Obama appointee, wrote the opinion vacating the death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. (screenshot) The federal judges said

Hand on heart, it wasn't us! Obama and his Attorney ...


May 15, 2013 · Holder and other cabinet officials have been criticized for failing to act on warnings from Russia, and perhaps other nations, about the accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And …

Sorry- you're the one deflecting- it's SOP from the Trump crowd.... 


The verb deflect describes blocking something or changing its course. When you deflect, you throw someone or something off course, often by using a distraction. Another way to deflect something — such as criticism — is to blame someone else. ODS....

I'm talking about Trump, but you'd rather try and turn the discussion to Obama, and it always goes in that direction. I've tried to point out a few things I liked about Barak, but you already have told me it's bullshit, so I'm certainly not going to waste time beating a dead horse... 

So if Trump shot two people and Obama shot ten, that still doesn't make Trump any less guilty for shooting a couple people. Or being incompetent, or putting incompetent ass kissers in positions of authority, belittling experts like Fauci and Birx, or doing end runs around Congress.... 

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14 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Sorry- you're the one deflecting- it's SOP from the Trump crowd.... 


The verb deflect describes blocking something or changing its course. When you deflect, you throw someone or something off course, often by using a distraction. Another way to deflect something — such as criticism — is to blame someone else. ODS....

I'm talking about Trump, but you'd rather try and turn the discussion to Obama, and it always goes in that direction. I've tried to point out a few things I liked about Barak, but you already have told me it's bullshit, so I'm certainly not going to waste time beating a dead horse... 

So if Trump shot two people and Obama shot ten, that still doesn't make Trump any less guilty for shooting a couple people. Or being incompetent, or putting incompetent ass kissers in positions of authority, belittling experts like Fauci and Birx, or doing end runs around Congress.... 

No it doesn't. And the fact that Cal may suffer from ODS doesn't mean you don't suffer from TDS.

But realistically if you are voting for Joe Biden because you hate Trump then that's the record you're defending. (Even though I doubt Obama even let the simpleton fetch coffee. Let alone sit at the grown-ups table)


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15 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

No it doesn't. And the fact that Cal may suffer from ODS doesn't mean you don't suffer from TDS.

But realistically if you are voting for Joe Biden because you hate Trump then that's the record you're defending. (Even though I doubt Obama even let the simpleton fetch coffee. Let alone sit at the grown-ups table)


Sure, then say I do have TDS- and I have a bunch of damn good reasons for having it.... At least from my POV. In a perfect world, Trump can get covid and croak before November 3rd, and I'll happily vote for Mike Pence instead.   Fair enough?  

I won't go back and edit my post, but I'm just damn sick and tired of Cal turning every legit criticism of Trump into an anti-Obama tirade. It's a waste of my time talking to a repetitive brick wall.... 

BTW, saying a vote for Biden is a vote for Obama's misdeeds is a pretty big stretch.  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sure, then say I do have TDS- and I have a bunch of damn good reasons for having it.... At least from my POV. In a perfect world, Trump can get covid and croak before November 3rd, and I'll happily vote for Mike Pence instead.   Fair enough?  

 honestly, no. Not really. If the issues mean anything whatsoever to you then that's not okay. But again it is what it is. 😉

I won't go back and edit my post, but I'm just damn sick and tired of Cal turning every legit criticism of Trump into an anti-Obama tirade. It's a waste of my time talking to a repetitive brick wall.... 

 but it's your choice. And frankly I don't give any fucks at all about Obama. And I have not seen one single criticism of trump that would make me wish that Joe Biden and his lunatics in the Democrat Party AOC Pelosi Shumer Waters Hillary rtc were a charge instead. None.

BTW, saying a vote for Biden is a vote for Obama's misdeeds is a pretty big stretch.  

It is what it is. That's what he's running on. If you believe Obammy did a good job then you should vote for Biden. And Bud you choose to Duke it out with Cal. You're free to do it or not oh, but if you decide to....... like that joke about the duck that rode the alligator cross the river what it became apparent that the alligator was going to eat the duck he said well you knew I was an alligator when I got on right? 



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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sure, then say I do have TDS- and I have a bunch of damn good reasons for having it.... At least from my POV. In a perfect world, Trump can get covid and croak before November 3rd, and I'll happily vote for Mike Pence instead.   Fair enough?  

I won't go back and edit my post, but I'm just damn sick and tired of Cal turning every legit criticism of Trump into an anti-Obama tirade. It's a waste of my time talking to a repetitive brick wall.... 

BTW, saying a vote for Biden is a vote for Obama's misdeeds is a pretty big stretch.  

oh, please. stop bitching about Pres Trump's imperfections - do you want him to continue doing all the great things for America that he has done and will do?

or do you want a corrupt, do nothing, solve nothing, politically damage our country? I'm trying to help you realize that you vote, you have to decide.

  Bashing Pres Trump, do it one more time, and I will list all the GREAT THINGS he as DONE AS PROMISED FOR A GREATER AMERICA. FOR ALL OF US. and I will elaborate on each one.

THEN you can finally man up and list just ONE great or good thing your obamao/hidin biden accomplished for America in EIGHT MISERABLE CORRUPT YEARS. I'm going to keep asking, because your hidin biden was the worthless VP for the eight obaMao commie years.

   Your choice is hidin biden, or Pres Trump. you could write-in Jane Fonda traitor sombeitch, but it's a wasted vote.

Just make a decision already. I don't LOVE pres trump, I LOVE WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR AMERICA AND ALL OF US.

I despised every lie obamao and biden told, every failure they caused to happen, every promise they BROKE.

I can justify comparing biden during obamao eight years. It hurts you emotionally to make you face facts...but you can NOT name even ONE good or great thing obaMao/BIDEN did during their eight years. That is a reflection on hiden biden.

Can't name one, you choose. America or....venezuela. Show your true colors TDS HOORTA.


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9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Can't name one, you choose. America or....venezuela. Show your true colors TDS HOORTA.  

So just ignore trumpy's attempt to usurp the Constitutional powers of congress with his executive orders over the weekend. (Don't bother to deflect with Obama's).

Venezuela/China/Russia here we are indeed!


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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So just ignore trumpy's attempt to usurp the Constitutional powers of congress with his executive orders over the weekend. (Don't bother to deflect with Obama's).

well, you never complained about obamao's exec orders for eight years. You were silent. Part of TDS is valid criticism.

making wild ass derogatory claims against Pres Trump is TDS, it's what you and Hoorta do.

AGAIN - I can legitimately justify WHY I say obaMao and biden did bad things. at serious length.

you two spew nonsense derogatory slurs that are worthless... have zero merit.

Just parroting ben rino sasse is worthless. parroting your nasty pelosi is worthless.

EVEN CHRIS WALLACE criticized nasty pelosi for their abstinence on refusing to negotiate with the reps in the House.

the dirty leftist corrupt dems in the House are using the need for more relief over covid, as leverage to extort more and more money for their pet funding projects.

this is worse than dishonest. it's a serious disgrace. They get away with it because no matter what they do - they have support from the hard core dems like you and Hoorta.

Try to spare the forum the belligerence.

I don't know if Pres Trump's exec orders are "Constitutional" and no one here does. For EIGHT YEARS, your obaMao issued many exc orders - not to solve problems and help Americans - but to install more socialism and radical change on America.

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13 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, please. stop bitching about Pres Trump's imperfections - do you want him to continue doing all the great things for America that he has done and will do?

or do you want a corrupt, do nothing, solve nothing, politically damage our country? I'm trying to help you realize that you vote, you have to decide.

  Bashing Pres Trump, do it one more time, and I will list all the GREAT THINGS he as DONE AS PROMISED FOR A GREATER AMERICA. FOR ALL OF US. and I will elaborate on each one.

THEN you can finally man up and list just ONE great or good thing your obamao/hidin biden accomplished for America in EIGHT MISERABLE CORRUPT YEARS. I'm going to keep asking, because your hidin biden was the worthless VP for the eight obaMao commie years.

   Your choice is hidin biden, or Pres Trump. you could write-in Jane Fonda traitor sombeitch, but it's a wasted vote.

Just make a decision already. I don't LOVE pres trump, I LOVE WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR AMERICA AND ALL OF US.

I despised every lie obamao and biden told, every failure they caused to happen, every promise they BROKE.

I can justify comparing biden during obamao eight years. It hurts you emotionally to make you face facts...but you can NOT name even ONE good or great thing obaMao/BIDEN did during their eight years. That is a reflection on hiden biden.

Can't name one, you choose. America or....venezuela. Show your true colors TDS HOORTA.


I chose to believe you're being way paranoid,  and outside of Federal judge appointments, seriously over hyping Trump's "accomplishments". Of course you bring  up AGAIN your (bordering on hysterical) POV on Obama and the Democrats, and you still can't figure out why I'm not going to  waste my time responding to  your  taunts? I've already heard that crap a bunch of times. 

Ignore the articles (Tex's Atlantic the latest) that Trump IS a very real danger to the America you love at your own risk.. 


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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I chose to believe you're being way paranoid,  and outside of Federal judge appointments, seriously over hyping Trump's "accomplishments". Of course you bring  up AGAIN your (bordering on hysterical) POV on Obama and the Democrats, and you still can't figure out why I'm not going to  waste my time responding to  your  taunts? I've already heard that crap a bunch of times. 

Ignore the articles (Tex's Atlantic the latest) that Trump IS a very real danger to the America you love at your own risk.. 


blah blah blah can't back up what you say, no legitimacy there, blah blah blah. I have plenty of experts on my side of it. You and Tex are outraged over losing the last election, blah blah blah, and hate Pres Trump because he tweats, blah blah blah, and you would kiss hidin biden's ass because he would "save" America with socialism.

   You go flippity-floppy on subjects, you run and hide from the TRUTH about all the great things accomplished FOR AMERICA in ONLY 4 years, and that is with your sleazy demoquacks fighting him every second of the way.


Levin: 'The Democrat Party ... is more dangerous than any ...


May 10, 2018 · Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin said the Democratic party is a “cancer” on the body politic and that the “rot” caused by that party is greater than any foreign threat. Levin began by citing a report about a Federation for American Immigration Reform study that calculated that half of all Americans live in “sanctuaries” protecting illegal immigrants.

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Mark Levin: Democrats endanger constitutional norms with ...


Jan 23, 2020 · Levin said Wednesday on "The Mark Levin Show" on Westwood One that most Americans "must be furious" at the "spectacle" of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., putting forth the impeachment articles for the forthcoming Senate trial. "The House of Representatives didn't do a damn thing," he said. "The Democrats did it all on their own. …

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AG Barr: Democrats Are Now the "Rousseauian Revolutionary ...


16 hours ago · US Attorney General Bill Barr slammed the Democrat party for embracing political violence in a one-on-one interview with Fox News host and constitutional scholar Mark Levin. Barr said the Democrats are now the “Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system.” “They’re not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in [a] dialectic exchange…

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AG Barr: US facing new form of 'urban guerrilla warfare ...


16 hours ago · levin slams democrats over treatment of ag barr, calls obama 'pathological liar' It began the day Trump won in 2016, "and from that point forward, there's been the resistance," Barr told Levin.

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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

blah blah blah can't back up what you say, no legitimacy there, blah blah blah. I have plenty of experts on my side of it. You and Tex are outraged over losing the last election, blah blah blah, and hate Pres Trump because he tweats, blah blah blah, and you would kiss hidin biden's ass because he would "save" America with socialism.

   You go flippity-floppy on subjects, you run and hide from the TRUTH about all the great things accomplished FOR AMERICA in ONLY 4 years, and that is with your sleazy demoquacks fighting him every second of the way.


Levin: 'The Democrat Party ... is more dangerous than any ...


May 10, 2018 · Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin said the Democratic party is a “cancer” on the body politic and that the “rot” caused by that party is greater than any foreign threat. Levin began by citing a report about a Federation for American Immigration Reform study that calculated that half of all Americans live in “sanctuaries” protecting illegal immigrants.

Believe what you want Cal, I've said a bunch of times I voted for Trump. And Donnie and his pals sure play up the xenophobia, said it a bunch of times. 

Just now, calfoxwc said:

AG Barr: Democrats Are Now the "Rousseauian Revolutionary ...


16 hours ago · US Attorney General Bill Barr slammed the Democrat party for embracing political violence in a one-on-one interview with Fox News host and constitutional scholar Mark Levin. Barr said the Democrats are now the “Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system.” “They’re not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in [a] dialectic exchange…

FIWIW, Neither is Trump.  Apparently thinks "the squad" is now the heart and soul of the Democratic party. 

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Just now, hoorta said:

Believe what you want Cal, I've said a bunch of times I voted for Trump. And Donnie and his pals sure play up the xenophobia, said it a bunch of times. 

FIWIW, Neither is Trump.  Apparently thinks "the squad" is now the heart and soul of the Democratic party. 

it is, wake up and smell the coffee. Hopefully, it's strong in caffeine and you chug it. lol

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

well, you never complained about obamao's exec orders for eight years. You were silent.

How were you able to discern this since I really didn't even come to the Browns board until 2014 when JM got drafted? Since he was elected in 2008 and came into office in 2009, that's at least 5 years where I was not even on the Board. So who's lying now?

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On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 10:56 AM, TexasAg1969 said:

FIFY-Yep-you need one badly. Still severely infected after almost 4 years. Not even winning cured you.😂


On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 2:43 PM, hoorta said:

The above is exactly why I don't (and mostly won't) waste my time responding to someone with a severe case of ODS.... Bordering on the irrational.  Blah, blah, blah.  It's all bad, anything Obama and Biden ever did.... It never changes, and always devolves into yet another anti Obama tirade. Seek professional help for anger management issues... Get back to me when Trump unveils his replacement plan.....  Which was my point in the first place. 

LOL, now the election is going to be rigged. Right on Cal- and Trump's going to be the one to rig it by having his pal destroy the Post Office right before the election.... No overtime, no hiring, and the latest...  https://www.salon.com/2020/08/08/friday-night-massacre-at-us-postal-service-postmaster-general-boots-top-brass-ahead-of-election_partner/



Cals is not an obsession with Obama.  Him repeatedly pointing to Obama has nothing to do with Cal or Obama, but it has everything to do with you two dimwits.

His is a constant reminder to both of you of your double standards and hypocrisy. Your "nothing to see here" attitudes during one of the most corrupt, and conspiracy riddled administrations while you incessantly whine about Trump over virtually nothing is a clear indication of your TDS.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

How were you able to discern this since I really didn't even come to the Browns board until 2014 when JM got drafted? Since he was elected in 2008 and came into office in 2009, that's at least 5 years where I was not even on the Board. So who's lying now?

nobody. if you weren't with the board, you were silent on the board. My opinion, if you had been here...

you would have complained about obaMao exec orders and all the scandals:?


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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

nobody. if you weren't with the board, you were silent on the board. My opinion, if you had been here...

you would have complained about obaMao exec orders and all the scandals:?


Deflected from my very clear point. "If you weren't with the board, you were silent on the board". What a damn BS statement to make. You got caught trying to imply I was silent on the board.

You pretty clearly stated I was "on the board".  Trying to weasel your way out does not become you. Just own it and move on.

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5 hours ago, Gorka said:


Cals is not an obsession with Obama.  Him repeatedly pointing to Obama has nothing to do with Cal or Obama, but it has everything to do with you two dimwits.

I call BS. Just a review of all cal's Obamao titles in the past 3 years all of his on accord without help from anyone clearly says otherwise. So who's being dense now?

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13 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

well, you never complained about obamao's exec orders for eight years. You were silent.

sorry Tex Biden, but you ARE ON THE BOARD. I simply referred to the fact that you were silent - never complained about Obamao's exec orders on the board.

because you weren't here, whatever. You haven't complained about obaMao's exec orders or anything else SINCE YOU GOT HERE>

have a nice day. Stay safe.OIP.Mgi3YVA71Fk8KKSKHkH5wgHaEK?w=258&h=1

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