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Why the socialist fascist obaMaocare failed


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A. it was a political leftwing stunt.

B. Because it sounded emotionally good, but as with all things fake - it was a disaster.

C. The mandate to pay a tax if you don't have insurance....was economic coercion, mafia style.

D. It was based on malicious lies by every dem, the worst liar was obaMao himself. "if you like your dr, you can keep your dr" bullcrap.

E. It was structured to be impossible to pay for, we're already in 24 ? trillion in debt.

F. it was a baldfaced lie from the gitgo.

G. what democrats do is self-serving politically - and backfires and ends up doing the exact opposite.


https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/editorials/ct-obamacare-fail-health-care-insurance-medicine-0911-jm-20160909-story.html#:~:text=Obamacare failed because it allowed Americans to sign,just in case%3B your alternative is financial doom.

Why is Obamacare doomed to fail?
3 This is why Obamacare was destined to fail from the beginning as a legislated health care policy, and it is why any single-payer healthcare law inevitably leads to decreasing quality, higher costs, and longer waits.
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10 Reasons Obamacare Is a Failure - ThoughtCo


Public Opposition. Obamacare has never been well-received by the public. Polls have been …

Costs Continued to Rise. One of the central claims made by proponents was that insurance …

Too Many Loopholes. One of the problems with a bill written by lobbyists and bureaucrats that was …

Leaves 31 Million Uninsured by 2023. Originally, the bill was touted as a means to both cover the …

See full list on thoughtco.com

Top Reasons Why Obamacare Is Wrong For America


Jan 17, 2020 · The combination of Obamacare mandates and the subsidies are fueling rising costs that now are the central political focus.

Obamacare is a failure — every single presidential ...


Obamacare was already in an obvious downward spiral even before the 2017 congressional tax reform legislation essentially eliminated the individual mandate. With or …

Six Years on Obamacare Has Failed to Deliver | Americans ...


Obamacare Exchanges Failed to Detect Counterfeit Documents Obamacare exchanges are failing to verify key enrollment information, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). This report comes from a long line finding that controls on federal and state Obamacare exchanges are abysmal.

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Why Obamacare Will Fail | HuffPost


Nov 18, 2015 · Political discussion aside, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will fail for business reasons. Whether the ultimate result is the law getting repealed or modified, change is necessary to have a viable and vibrant health insurance industry that drives cost reduction and improved customer service. The fundamental reason the ACA will fail is because it mandates a minimum Medical Loss …

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Social Welfare On The Cheap: Why Obamacare Was Built To Fail


Jan 12, 2017 · The political toxicity of the Obamacare taxes was obvious before the law was even enacted, with labor unions especially quick to mobilize (medical device …

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