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With 100 days until election, enthusiasm gap points to reelection for President Trump


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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yup, as far as I'm concerned- the Republican Party I contributed to for 20+ years doesn't exist anymore. It's the Party of Cheetos Jesus. I've got plenty of company with guys running The Lincoln Project as an example that the MAGAs are scoffing at.  Trump has pulled the Party so far to the right Moderates like me (who are at least willing to look at both sides of an issue) are no longer welcome, because they won't 100% kiss Trump's ass on every one of his growing BS pronouncements. 

"It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" Now? "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and masks are OK. Who slipped you the Reality Pill four months too late?  I don't like phonies, and I don't like Quack Politicians. He's already drumming up his election fraud tactic- despite the fact there isn't any credible evidence it actually happens, just a bunch of paranoia mongering DT is excellent at, and his pals at Info Wars & QAnon help right along. Of course, he's already playing up those riots to the max to try and scare suburbia into the (false) notion you vote for Biden- there's your America.  "They're coming to take our guns away"- more paranoia from the right. I could go on with my bout with TDS.

Besides the lame TDS we get Woodster,  Biden is worse isn't playing very well with me anymore either. Especially when it comes to Trump's womanizing.... I'll refer you to The Lincoln Project's little clip where Trump treats liberal women reporters like dirt- but has a nice thing to say about Ghislaine Maxwell.  LOL she must have a ton of dirt on him- wonder how much he's going to have to pay her not to squeal?  


Woe is poor Hoorta so overcome with feelings and emotions. Never this much TDS horseshit crammed into one post trying to convince himself that the orange man is bad as an excuse to vote for Biden.

So how many incidents of Trump "womanizing" while in office do you suspect?? One? Two? Three?  Try none.  For one thing he's busy enough trying to run a county without you imbeciles obstructing his every move since he was elected.  Secondly Melania is smokin hot.

Poor Hoorta..sooo offended that Trump treats women reporters badly who treat him like dirt.  Great reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta tells himself.

The Rupublicans aren't what they used to be! Another profound reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta convinces himself!

You have the gall to say the Republican party you know doesn't exist anymore when on the other side are the Demonrats?...If you're making the case that the Republican party  doesn't exist because of  RINO'S , never Trumpers, and moderates who want kiss liberal ass to be accepted then I half agree, but there is still much more of the Reps that remain intact than there are of the Demonrats. Those same Demonrats that underhandedly tried to undo the election of a president, who advocated confrontation with Trump supporters, who to this day are permitting violence in the streets, whos political makeup include idiots like AOC, and openly racist bigots like Omar and that crew, the speaker of the House for the first time in history tears up the Presidents SOTU speech on live TV. These aren't the democrats we used to know when I was growing up, they are fucking anarchists. Party first, country second to these animals.

I could go on an on tearing that crybaby post of yours to shreds but you aren't worth it.  You're too far gone.



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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

- so in four years I've completely changed my political ideology and now firmly far left? Give me a break. Is Hoorta a far left liberal now too?

 my friend you stated proudly you are a Bernie Sanders supporter. Farthest left candidate who has run for public office at a national level for a long long time.

- You completely overestimate the level of "Trump hate" on this board because the vocal majority takes anything that isn't sucking Trump's dick as hate. Just like they took anything that wasn't Obama hate as loving the guy. This board is representative of the extreme political division in our country today but only one side is represented in here.

I've never said there was no Obama hate. Trump hate is worse. And it's more widespread come on regular politicians.. remember what it was big news when a republican Congressman shouted you lie during an Obama speech

- If he tried to get masks and the Dems shut it down without any good reason then we'd see 15 threads on here with every Blaze, Red State, etc article losing their shit. If I bothered to respond in the echo chamber of right wing propaganda I would agree that the Dems shouldn't have done that. 

 unfortunately their counterparts are NBC ABC and the New York Times.

One thing he could have done to show an ounce of leadership is to NOT tweet "LIBERATE (insert Dem governor state)" in the middle of a global pandemic.

  only because you people want to shut the country down.

The guy isn't a leader. He isn't. He hasn't worked for anything in his life and rarely ever gets told no. He's always been wealthy. He doesn't know how to lead. How some on here have bought the con to think he's this "every man" is beyond me. 

 the list of the things Beyond you is just about endless.  But you proved my point you think leadership is telling people to do what you want them to do. And he's always been wealthy. Yes. I like that better than the guy that becomes wealthy by being elected over and over to political office. You should get that? ps whether or not somebody is a flaming liberal doesn't matter if they support the Flaming liberal for President. Kind of like saying I'm not gay, I just love to suck dick.






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28 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Woe is poor Hoorta so overcome with feelings and emotions. Never this much TDS horseshit crammed into one post trying to convince himself that the orange man is bad as an excuse to vote for Biden.

So how many incidents of Trump "womanizing" while in office do you suspect?? One? Two? Three?  Try none.  For one thing he's busy enough trying to run a county without you imbeciles obstructing his every move since he was elected.  Secondly Melania is smokin hot.

Poor Hoorta..sooo offended that Trump treats women reporters badly who treat him like dirt.  Great reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta tells himself.

The Rupublicans aren't what they used to be! Another profound reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta convinces himself!

You have the gall to say the Republican party you know doesn't exist anymore when on the other side are the Demonrats?...If you're making the case that the Republican party  doesn't exist because of  RINO'S , never Trumpers, and moderates who want kiss liberal ass to be accepted then I half agree, but there is still much more of the Reps that remain intact than there are of the Demonrats. Those same Demonrats that underhandedly tried to undo the election of a president, who advocated confrontation with Trump supporters, who to this day are permitting violence in the streets, whos political makeup include idiots like AOC, and openly racist bigots like Omar and that crew, the speaker of the House for the first time in history tears up the Presidents SOTU speech on live TV. These aren't the democrats we used to know when I was growing up, they are fucking anarchists. Party first, country second to these animals.

I could go on an on tearing that crybaby post of yours to shreds but you aren't worth it.  You're too far gone.



That's the issue they cannot come up with anything Biden has done that was good for the country or will do, only how much they HATE Trump it's truly sad I feel sorry for him and woody.

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

That's the issue they cannot come up with anything Biden has done that was good for the country or will do, only how much they HATE Trump it's truly sad I feel sorry for him and woody.

Hate him for nothing other than the way he acts, looks, or what he says...nothing having to with his record.

Their level of hatred toward him is the same now as it was before he even took the oath of office.

The only thing different is now is that Trump has given them more reasons to try and rationalize their irrational hatred.

"He tweets too much", "he's a big meanie to reporters",  "he doesn't act presidential" "he said to drink fish tank cleaner" - that one was a lie.

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Hoorta and his little woodpecker are worse than politically bigoted - they are defiantly

locked in to their emotions that make them blind to reality.

the reality is, the democrats are condoning all this violence by the marxist left, meaning, BLM etc.

their obaMao started a race war of sorts, we are just seeing indications of the very beginning.

that beginning is bad enough - vote for a dem president, and all hell breaks loose.

   Hoorta a big republican? woodpecker is  mainstream middle? LOL LOL

that is like me saying I'm a communist but I am going to vote republican for the first time.

It's all troll nonsense.

those two can forget any cred when they come up with ONE good or great thing their obaMao/biden did for America in EIGHT FREAKIN DESTRUCTIVE LEGTI SCANDAL=RIDDEN FALL APART YEARS.

just one. or stick a cork in thinking that they are worth listening to. it's bs.

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5 hours ago, Gorka said:

Woe is poor Hoorta so overcome with feelings and emotions. Never this much TDS horseshit crammed into one post trying to convince himself that the orange man is bad as an excuse to vote for Biden.

So how many incidents of Trump "womanizing" while in office do you suspect?? One? Two? Three?  Try none.  For one thing he's busy enough trying to run a county without you imbeciles obstructing his every move since he was elected.  Secondly Melania is smokin hot.

Poor Hoorta..sooo offended that Trump treats women reporters badly who treat him like dirt.  Great reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta tells himself.

The Rupublicans aren't what they used to be! Another profound reason to vote for Biden TDS Hoorta convinces himself!

You have the gall to say the Republican party you know doesn't exist anymore when on the other side are the Demonrats?...If you're making the case that the Republican party  doesn't exist because of  RINO'S , never Trumpers, and moderates who want kiss liberal ass to be accepted then I half agree, but there is still much more of the Reps that remain intact than there are of the Demonrats. Those same Demonrats that underhandedly tried to undo the election of a president, who advocated confrontation with Trump supporters, who to this day are permitting violence in the streets, whos political makeup include idiots like AOC, and openly racist bigots like Omar and that crew, the speaker of the House for the first time in history tears up the Presidents SOTU speech on live TV. These aren't the democrats we used to know when I was growing up, they are fucking anarchists. Party first, country second to these animals.

I could go on an on tearing that crybaby post of yours to shreds but you aren't worth it.  You're too far gone.



Pound salt...  

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4 hours ago, Gorka said:

Hate him for nothing other than the way he acts, looks, or what he says...nothing having to with his record.

Their level of hatred toward him is the same now as it was before he even took the oath of office.

The only thing different is now is that Trump has given them more reasons to try and rationalize their irrational hatred.

"He tweets too much", "he's a big meanie to reporters",  "he doesn't act presidential" "he said to drink fish tank cleaner" - that one was a lie.

And he said "it's going to go away" 22 fucking times- want me to post the video? :D  You're so far up Trump's BS excuses why he's a shit president- you're too far gone- fair enough?  

But please keep living in Trump's fantasy world where he can will something into being just by saying in it.  

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hoota and his little woodpecker trolling bs smoke.

As of September 2018

Trump Administration Accomplishments

  • Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
  • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
  • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
  • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
  • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
  • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
  • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
  • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
  • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
  • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
  • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
  • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • Record number of regulations eliminated.
  • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
  • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
  • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
  • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
  • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
  • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
  • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
  • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
  • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
  • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
  • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
  • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
  • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
  • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
  • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
  • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
  • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
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wow. this great list is too long to cut and paste.


all this time you two can't name one. and these accomplishments were prior to 2019.

you lose.


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Trump's Top 10 Achievements for 2019

America stands on the cusp of a new decade that promises to unfold as the new “Roaring Twenties.” A review of President Trump’s 2019 achievements, building on the successes of 2017 and 2018, provides context for the year and decade ahead, and reasons to expect a resounding Trump reelection next November. Here are my top 10:

  1. Jobs – The stunning recent news on employment proves, more than any other metric, the efficacy of President Trump’s growth doctrine of economic nationalism and the diffusion of power. Defying globalist skeptics from Wall Street, academia, and the corporate media, payrolls surged in America in 2019. The most recent jobs report revealed a plethora of records and extended the wage-growth winning streak to 16 straight months above a 3% pace, a mark seen only three months total during the sluggish Obama years. In addition, the fastest wage gains now flow to those groups that formerly lagged badly in the slow-growth recovery following the Great Recession. For example, the lowest 10% of earners saw income grow at an astounding 7% rate over the last year. Similarly, those without a high school diploma welcomed 9% wage acceleration in 2019.
  2. Broadening the Movement – 2019 represented a seminal breakout year for the America First movement as the Republican Party changes to a workers’ party. This new focus translates, already, into significant signs of ethnic, racial, and geographic diversity for the GOP. For example, a recent CNN poll in deeply blue California reported 32% minority support for Trump vs. current Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. Similarly, recent polls by The Hill and Emerson show Latino approval for the president at nearly 40%. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this kind of minority support, both for politics and, more importantly, for the overall cohesion of our society.
  3. Confronting China – Though a near-term détente in trade tensions was reached, Trump proved to the world in 2019 that tariffs can be effectively deployed to force the Chinese Communist Party into a bargaining posture. The soaring economy in America demonstrated that tough trade policy can indeed coincide with growth.
  4. Trade Deals With Allies – In contrast to the mostly contentious trade chess match with Beijing, Trump proved that America First hardly means America alone. The USMCA was finally ratified by the House of Representatives this year and points to a new era of prosperity with our neighbors as the global supply chain reorients from the Far East back to the Americas. Similarly, a breakthrough agreement was signed with Japan and the new U.S.-Korea trade pact took effect in early 2019.
  5. Judges – While Nancy Pelosi dithers and corporate media obsess over the sham impeachment inquest, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mitchell quietly pile up a historic pace of judicial confirmations. Trump in 2019 secured his 50th federal appeals court judge in only three years, compared to just 55 for President Obama over eight years. Over the long term, remaking the federal judiciary into an originalist, constitutionalist branch of government may create Trump’s most enduring legacy.
  6. Remain-in-Mexico Policy – Our country still needs to drastically reform its inane asylum laws and provide vastly more border wall funding, but nonetheless President Trump found a fair and effective near-term solution for border control by requiring asylum seekers to apply from Mexico rather than trespassing across our sovereign border. Not surprisingly, according to NPR, less than 1% of the economic migrants who apply actually qualify as refugees. Trump’s 2019 move, therefore, provides a deterrent and averted a full-scale crisis at our border.
  7. Mueller Exoneration – Though admittedly not an active achievement, nevertheless the long-awaited Mueller report validated the president on two key topics. First, that no one in the 2016 Trump campaign actively cooperated with Russia or with any other foreign power. Secondly, Democratic Party chieftains such as Rep. Adam Schiff, along with a complicit media, repeatedly fed the public demonstrable lies for years about supposed “proof” of conspiracy.
  8. Al-Baghdadi Killing – The October special forces raid that eliminated the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proved that America can aggressively hunt down terrorists and dispense with enemies without nation-building and concomitant large-scale troop commitments. Some brave U.S. fighters, along with a terrific dog, highlighted that surgical strikes can protect our homeland without the massive outlays of blood and treasure employed by Trump’s predecessors.
  9. Natural Gas Exports Soar – Early in the Trump presidency, America became a net natural gas exporter for the first time since the Eisenhower administration. In 2019, this trend expanded in earnest, with an astonishing 60% growth rate of liquefied natural gas exports for the year. Establishing America as an energy superpower drives domestic prosperity, particularly in heartland energy regions, and facilitates affordable energy to power the on-shoring manufacturing renaissance that has produced 500,000 new factory jobs under Trump. In addition, American energy dominance benefits the geopolitical security of the entire globe.
  10. Space Force – Establishing the sixth military service branch in 2019 was pure Trump: imaginative, bold, forward-looking, and – predictably – roundly derided by establishment critics. In alignment with his outsider perspective, Trump correctly ascertains the potential of space as a warfighting domain, and that America must dominate there. As satellites increasingly guide the behaviors of our everyday lives, the U.S. Space Force will protect our security and economy far into the future, forming a lasting legacy for this most unorthodox president.

These 10 achievements build a foundation for our nation to flourish in the New Year. In addition, these accomplishments exhibit his leadership skills, in spite of a near-totally obstructionist House of Representatives and a consistently biased media establishment. Such accomplishments make the president the prohibitive favorite to win reelection over an unimpressive Democratic presidential stable of candidates. Looking bigger picture, the first three years of the Trump presidency have established the policy framework and upward momentum for a truly amazing decade ahead – the new Roaring Twenties.  

Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN  political commentator. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.


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Cal's above is much ado about nothing....  and a lot of it went into the toilet when covid hit- that Trump is clueless on how to handle...  

I won't waste my time responding point by point to Trump's self aggrandizing BS over nothing .... But seems his Supreme Court appointees can think for themselves.  :D  

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2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


you've had weeks already. keep feeling that there is one.'

name it, don't blame it.

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Just now, calfoxwc said:


Trump's Top 10 Achievements for 2019

America stands on the cusp of a new decade that promises to unfold as the new “Roaring Twenties.” A review of President Trump’s 2019 achievements, building on the successes of 2017 and 2018, provides context for the year and decade ahead, and reasons to expect a resounding Trump reelection next November. Here are my top 10:

  1. Jobs – The stunning recent news on employment proves, more than any other metric, the efficacy of President Trump’s growth doctrine of economic nationalism and the diffusion of power. Defying globalist skeptics from Wall Street, academia, and the corporate media, payrolls surged in America in 2019. The most recent jobs report revealed a plethora of records and extended the wage-growth winning streak to 16 straight months above a 3% pace, a mark seen only three months total during the sluggish Obama years. In addition, the fastest wage gains now flow to those groups that formerly lagged badly in the slow-growth recovery following the Great Recession. For example, the lowest 10% of earners saw income grow at an astounding 7% rate over the last year. Similarly, those without a high school diploma welcomed 9% wage acceleration in 2019.
  2. Broadening the Movement – 2019 represented a seminal breakout year for the America First movement as the Republican Party changes to a workers’ party. This new focus translates, already, into significant signs of ethnic, racial, and geographic diversity for the GOP. For example, a recent CNN poll in deeply blue California reported 32% minority support for Trump vs. current Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. Similarly, recent polls by The Hill and Emerson show Latino approval for the president at nearly 40%. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this kind of minority support, both for politics and, more importantly, for the overall cohesion of our society.
  3. Confronting China – Though a near-term détente in trade tensions was reached, Trump proved to the world in 2019 that tariffs can be effectively deployed to force the Chinese Communist Party into a bargaining posture. The soaring economy in America demonstrated that tough trade policy can indeed coincide with growth.
  4. Trade Deals With Allies – In contrast to the mostly contentious trade chess match with Beijing, Trump proved that America First hardly means America alone. The USMCA was finally ratified by the House of Representatives this year and points to a new era of prosperity with our neighbors as the global supply chain reorients from the Far East back to the Americas. Similarly, a breakthrough agreement was signed with Japan and the new U.S.-Korea trade pact took effect in early 2019.
  5. Judges – While Nancy Pelosi dithers and corporate media obsess over the sham impeachment inquest, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mitchell quietly pile up a historic pace of judicial confirmations. Trump in 2019 secured his 50th federal appeals court judge in only three years, compared to just 55 for President Obama over eight years. Over the long term, remaking the federal judiciary into an originalist, constitutionalist branch of government may create Trump’s most enduring legacy.
  6. Remain-in-Mexico Policy – Our country still needs to drastically reform its inane asylum laws and provide vastly more border wall funding, but nonetheless President Trump found a fair and effective near-term solution for border control by requiring asylum seekers to apply from Mexico rather than trespassing across our sovereign border. Not surprisingly, according to NPR, less than 1% of the economic migrants who apply actually qualify as refugees. Trump’s 2019 move, therefore, provides a deterrent and averted a full-scale crisis at our border.
  7. Mueller Exoneration – Though admittedly not an active achievement, nevertheless the long-awaited Mueller report validated the president on two key topics. First, that no one in the 2016 Trump campaign actively cooperated with Russia or with any other foreign power. Secondly, Democratic Party chieftains such as Rep. Adam Schiff, along with a complicit media, repeatedly fed the public demonstrable lies for years about supposed “proof” of conspiracy.
  8. Al-Baghdadi Killing – The October special forces raid that eliminated the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proved that America can aggressively hunt down terrorists and dispense with enemies without nation-building and concomitant large-scale troop commitments. Some brave U.S. fighters, along with a terrific dog, highlighted that surgical strikes can protect our homeland without the massive outlays of blood and treasure employed by Trump’s predecessors.
  9. Natural Gas Exports Soar – Early in the Trump presidency, America became a net natural gas exporter for the first time since the Eisenhower administration. In 2019, this trend expanded in earnest, with an astonishing 60% growth rate of liquefied natural gas exports for the year. Establishing America as an energy superpower drives domestic prosperity, particularly in heartland energy regions, and facilitates affordable energy to power the on-shoring manufacturing renaissance that has produced 500,000 new factory jobs under Trump. In addition, American energy dominance benefits the geopolitical security of the entire globe.
  10. Space Force – Establishing the sixth military service branch in 2019 was pure Trump: imaginative, bold, forward-looking, and – predictably – roundly derided by establishment critics. In alignment with his outsider perspective, Trump correctly ascertains the potential of space as a warfighting domain, and that America must dominate there. As satellites increasingly guide the behaviors of our everyday lives, the U.S. Space Force will protect our security and economy far into the future, forming a lasting legacy for this most unorthodox president.

These 10 achievements build a foundation for our nation to flourish in the New Year. In addition, these accomplishments exhibit his leadership skills, in spite of a near-totally obstructionist House of Representatives and a consistently biased media establishment. Such accomplishments make the president the prohibitive favorite to win reelection over an unimpressive Democratic presidential stable of candidates. Looking bigger picture, the first three years of the Trump presidency have established the policy framework and upward momentum for a truly amazing decade ahead – the new Roaring Twenties.  

Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN  political commentator. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.


Would you like me to post the current numbers of folks unemployed, and Trump wants to cut their benefits? Har, har.....  :D 

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Just now, calfoxwc said:

go ahead, Hoorta, run and hide...

you can't name one.

have a fun time living with your TSD, knowing you can't name one.

I don't need to bother, because everything Obama ever did you hate... ODS....  BTW, so does Trump.... 

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10 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I don't need to bother, because everything Obama ever did you hate... ODS....  BTW, so does Trump.... 

you don't bother, because you can't. That's sad.

obaMao had a chance to be a great president - he promised great things. he lied. he betrayed every promise he made.

he was a fake. he was racist, jumped the gun on blaming white policemen over a black prof... etc etc etc etc.

He said "police acting stupidly" without knowing facts, that blew up in your and his face. But obaMao set the tone for the radical movement to be emboldened.

Obama/Biden scandals:

-Fast & Furious
-IRS targeting
-Opperation Choke Point
-Spying on journalists
-VA waiting lists
-Cash payments to Iran
-Clinton emails
-Unmasking of political rivals
-Crossfire Hurricane/Russia Hoax
-Crossfire Razor/Flynn

Don’t forget!

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 25, 2020

and those were REAL SCANDALS, not fake invented political garbage.

Obamao/biden/higgardly/rice lied, and good Americans died.

name one good or great thing obaMao commie/biden accomplished in eight years.


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4 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

oh, right, SPACE FORCE I'm cool with. 

It sucks that we as a country can only get money for space science and exploration by tying the military and war to it.... but at least it is getting more funding. 

what's that Plaque on the Moon say? 

IIRC-  "We Came in Peace for all Mankind"  not let's turn this into yet another war  zone...

Replica of Plaque Left on the Moon by the Apollo 11 Astronauts image 0

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I can name "it's just going to go away 22 times" so STFU, guy....   

different subject. the virus will go away. smallpox did, so there's that.

I named hundreds of good/great things Pres Trump/Biden HAVE DONE FOR AMERICA.

you can't name one good or great thing your obaMao commie/biden did for America in EIGHT YEARS.

don't get all emotional, facts are facts, jack.

I got em, you don't.

name one, or forever hold your peas.

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8 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

different subject. the virus will go away. smallpox did, so there's that.

I named hundreds of good/great things Pres Trump/Biden HAVE DONE FOR AMERICA.

you can't name one good or great thing your obaMao commie/biden did for America in EIGHT YEARS.

don't get all emotional, facts are facts, jack.

I got em, you don't.

name one, or forever hold your peas.

As I've said before, sure covid is going to go away- pick a year, just like Spanish Flu. That doesn't help much in the here and now with doofus wanting to withhold money from Schools that don't reopen. Fortunately, most School Superintendents have more sense than the Quack in Chief.  :D   

I already said Trumpie- I'm not going to bother refuting point by point all of the "wonderful things Trump has done for America"....  It's a damn waste of my time talking to a brick wall....  But if you're an anti environmental gun hugging MAGA, I know where your coming from. 

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cool. I guess you're right. I AM an anti-environmental...activist fake man man goober warning global marxist redistribution of United States' wealth failed attempted mandate by the corrupt united nations...

you truncated it.

you can't name one obaMao/biden thing they did for America.

hate Pres Trump all you want, dance away from your failure to name even one thing during eight freaking years.

    and our 2nd Amendment is never going away. The only way we HAVE OUR AMERICA, is because we kept our guns.

   and your alls' leftwing idea to register all guns only would register the good guys. Your obamao commie worshippers won't register theirs.

then, that registered information would be used to confiscate all guns. from the good guys, naturally.

then the brownshirts/blackshrits of your "demoquack party" would have nothing to stop them, unless they can't get all police gone, too.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


cool. I guess you're right. I AM an anti-environmental...activist fake man man goober warning global marxist redistribution of United States' wealth failed attempted mandate by the corrupt united nations...

you truncated it.

you can't name one obaMao/biden thing they did for America.

hate Pres Trump all you want, dance away from your failure to name even one thing during eight freaking years.

    and our 2nd Amendment is never going away. The only way we HAVE OUR AMERICA, is because we kept our guns.

   and your alls' leftwing idea to register all guns only would register the good guys. Your obamao commie worshippers won't register theirs.

then, that registered information would be used to confiscate all guns. from the good guys, naturally.

then the brownshirts/blackshrits of your "demoquack party" would have nothing to stop them, unless they can't get all police gone, too.

Like I said, waste of  my time. Hug your Trump poster.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

As I've said before, sure covid is going to go away- pick a year, just like Spanish Flu. That doesn't help much in the here and now with doofus wanting to withhold money from Schools that don't reopen. Fortunately, most School Superintendents have more sense than the Quack in Chief.  :D   

I already said Trumpie- I'm not going to bother refuting point by point all of the "wonderful things Trump has done for America"....  It's a damn waste of my time talking to a brick wall....  But if you're an anti environmental gun hugging MAGA, I know where your coming from. 

Because you can't asshole.

Did you hear about the gun toting white trash BLM protester in Austin that got his brains blown out?  Your people are the ones you need be worried about having guns in their hands you dimwit.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

I can name "it's just going to go away 22 times" so STFU, guy....   

On the other hand nobody gave a shit until you folks decided it was a casual with which to beat the president. Your newly adopted party was spending every minute of every day on a bullshit impeachment Quest. Your hero Fauci (and let's be honest you only like him because he mouths off to the president  not because he's been right all along ) has a handful of quotes about miniscule effect on America etc etc.

But hey again you guys are all free the quarantine to your heart's content.



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8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

On the other hand nobody gave a shit until you folks decided it was a casual with which to beat the president. Your newly adopted party was spending every minute of every day on a bullshit impeachment Quest. Your hero Fauci (and let's be honest you only like him because he mouths off to the president  not because he's been right all along ) has a handful of quotes about miniscule effect on America etc etc.

But hey again you guys are all free the quarantine to your heart's content.



Mike Bloomberg nailed it - DT is a carnival barking clown... Nah Steve- as a retired medical professional- I haven't bought any of the medical snake oil Trump's been trying to sell for months. Plenty of others have though. It's reason enough in my book to send the clown back to the golf course...  

You'd have to be brain dead to not see Trump's 180 switcheroo regarding the virus is a direct result of the crappy polling numbers he's seeing...  Fraud- phony.... 

11 hours ago, Gorka said:

Because you can't asshole.

Did you hear about the gun toting white trash BLM protester in Austin that got his brains blown out?  Your people are the ones you need be worried about having guns in their hands you dimwit.

Can't? Or not going to bother wasting my time anymore debating with a series of MAGA brick walls. I've already tried it once. Cal thinks Obamacare sucks, and environmental concerns are a bunch of crap. Like they say- "insanity is doing the same thing over and over- and expecting a different result."   I'm smarter than that, because I already know what the result would be if I tried- I'd get exactly the same crap conspiracy responses. - go ahead and believe whatever shit Trump and QAnon spew. No one's stopping you. Sorry if I don't happen to believe it though.... 

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On 7/26/2020 at 1:52 PM, hoorta said:

Already said that Woody- we just have TDS, standard lame comeback from the MAGAs... I agree, you don't have to have enthusiasm for a candidate to vote for him. Not if the alternative is someone you absolutely can't stand. Latest Wall Street Journal numbers- never vote for Biden 37%, never vote for Trump 50%.... 13% undecided... 

that is childish emotional knee jerkie. You don't like Pres Trump, so you will vote to go back to total corruption, malaise, and leftwing violence, and fraud, and embezzlement, and plagiarism, and lies up your wazoo, deep state traitors all over our gov again.......

because you don't like Pres Trump's tweets. That is worse than stupid, and I still haven't come up with a good enough word to describe profound stupidity.

I'm workin on it in my spare time......

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