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With 100 days until election, enthusiasm gap points to reelection for President Trump


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37 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I have 0 enthusiasm for Biden and I don't think he's a particularly good candidate.

I'm still voting for him


You don't need enthusiasm to vote for someone

Apparently not class or ethics either, just a bad case of TDS!

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I have 0 enthusiasm for Biden and I don't think he's a particularly good candidate.

I'm still voting for him


You don't need enthusiasm to vote for someone

Why? He has actually done what you people accuse Trump of doing.

Hate to say it but you have TDS.

No person that holds reason and logic with high regard would vote for Biden. You are putting your emotions first.

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Two self-destructing candidates, I think "enthusiasm" is a big stretch.

Never thought I'd ever do this, but my vote might go to Trump. I'm not a fan at all, don't agree with most R planks, but continuity might be what the USA needs.

Biden doesn't scare me but the noise behind him certainly does.

So it's Trump or 3rd party for me.

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15 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

Two self-destructing candidates, I think "enthusiasm" is a big stretch.

Never thought I'd ever do this, but my vote might go to Trump. I'm not a fan at all, don't agree with most R planks, but continuity might be what the USA needs.

Biden doesn't scare me but the noise behind him certainly does.

So it's Trump or 3rd party for me.


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When I was a kid, I admired JFK. He inspired, loved America, and brought us together as much as anyone could. He wasn't perfect, sure. I also admired Bobby Kennedy. 

Ronald Reagan - I also admired. His love for America shined - Reagan inspired. Even Tip O'Neal couldn't help but admire Reagan. They had serious charm.

That is it for presidents with me, during my days. Sad, isn't it?

Hubert Humphrey, ran for president, lost, but was an admirable man.

Before my time, I admire Washington and Lincoln. and T.D.R. They weren't perfect, either.

Growing up, they tended to brilliant scallywags, ornery, stubborn... but they became great leaders in life.

   The history of, say, Thomas Jefferson. owned hundreds of slaves - inherited a plantation.

Bad, bad, bad.

What a lot of folks don't know, because they don't know history, is that Thomas Jefferson worked tirelessly to incorporate

anti-slavery legislation into our Declaration of Independence.

    I have read that in the past. It was also in a book I've read this year.


"What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording. "

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So, none of those men above were perfect. Nobody is. Pres Trump isn't a great orator, he isn't perfect. But the ideals he says he stands for, he shows by his actions. He's kept his promises diligently. Not all that charming at all. He isn't a politician - he's an outsider. That is why we elected him. To stop the political corruption and cowardice of the politics of both sides.

   But the democratic party...is no more. Gone off the deep end, totally. It can't be fixed, if ever, by continuing voting for them as they are right now. I think...they won't stop growing into a monster until they get totally hammered in Nov.

  Somewhere along the way, bureaucracy in Washington became a nothing-gets-fixed monster. Was there anybody in America who admired lbj or nixon? I don't know. But clinton, bushes, ford, obamao, carter....etc etc etc. Nothing changed, it was always same old, same old. well, except for lbj blowing up vietnam out of what it started out to be. and carter demolishing our economy.

   Washington gov was so entrenched, it just kept the power to stay the same. Poverty, taxes are too damn high, lofty promises that went nowhere, corruption, etc etc.

   Pres Trump - not perfect by any stretch. But he's kept his promises, and as an outsider, he isn't Washington do nothing. and the things they have done, attempted to do, are good for America.

  He isn't inspiring that much, and can be annoying often. etc etc etc.

It's his actions for America that deserve a second term, not his charm or inspiration.

  But the choice is biden and ? If he won, nothing would get fixed, nothing would change, they would go control of gov on steriods to keep control once and for all...

   and our freedom goes by the wayside.

The more we are learning about what they did - spying on the Trump team, and in strzok's own words - we will stop him from being president - and talked about an "insurance policy" when his mistress page asked, but what if he DID win?

since when have prominent dems supported outrageous and extremely violent and destructive brownshirt/blackshirt behavior on the streets of out cities? and supported defunding all police depts? that isn't rational, folks. It's a sickness of corrupt power. and it's the democrat leftists who are doing it.

  I never liked Trump, had no use for his show on tv, etc. He isn't Washington, though, and he has kept his promises. that is enough to be the best chance to help America stay America. and Trump showed that the obaMao/biden "new normal" of poor economy with more and more giant government...was just another lie.

  He is excellent for AMERICAN business. Voters choice. There doesn't seem to be but one choice for America.


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Trump has shown a complete lack of leadership through a global pandemic. He hires people into roles that aren't qualified. Frankly, I'd rather not get a complete conservative supreme Court that sets us back decades. He's a giant asshole and there's something to be said about our perception and standing on the world stage. I don't trust him at all to take actions towards attacking climate change. Etc etc etc


Amazingly enough someone can say they aren't going to vote for Trump without it being "TDS". 

Seeing a complete meltdown from Trump supporters of he loses would just be the cherry on top. 

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47 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Trump has shown a complete lack of leadership through a global pandemic. He hires people into roles that aren't qualified. Frankly, I'd rather not get a complete conservative supreme Court that sets us back decades. He's a giant asshole and there's something to be said about our perception and standing on the world stage. I don't trust him at all to take actions towards attacking climate change. Etc etc etc


Amazingly enough someone can say they aren't going to vote for Trump without it being "TDS". 

Seeing a complete meltdown from Trump supporters of he loses would just be the cherry on top. 


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Trump has shown a complete lack of leadership through a global pandemic. He hires people into roles that aren't qualified. Frankly, I'd rather not get a complete conservative supreme Court that sets us back decades. He's a giant asshole and there's something to be said about our perception and standing on the world stage. I don't trust him at all to take actions towards attacking climate change. Etc etc etc


Amazingly enough someone can say they aren't going to vote for Trump without it being "TDS". 

Seeing a complete meltdown from Trump supporters of he loses would just be the cherry on top. 

Already said that Woody- we just have TDS, standard lame comeback from the MAGAs... I agree, you don't have to have enthusiasm for a candidate to vote for him. Not if the alternative is someone you absolutely can't stand. Latest Wall Street Journal numbers- never vote for Biden 37%, never vote for Trump 50%.... 13% undecided... 

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49 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Already said that Woody- we just have TDS, standard lame comeback from the MAGAs... I agree, you don't have to have enthusiasm for a candidate to vote for him. Not if the alternative is someone you absolutely can't stand. Latest Wall Street Journal numbers- never vote for Biden 37%, never vote for Trump 50%.... 13% undecided... 

Your TDS shows in every post many posters see it, statements like that lend to the reason you have TDS, I vote for the person who get things done Trump has in spite of all the resistance achieved many of his promises. Biden has been in politics for ~50 years and has nothing to show for it but scandals.

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I have 0 enthusiasm for Biden and I don't think he's a particularly good candidate.

I'm still voting for him


You don't need enthusiasm to vote for someone

 I know. You need enthusiasm to get The Fringe voters off the couch. Like the black people that didn't turn out for Hillary which is why all this race bullshit is going on now.

I have no love for Trump but I have much less for Joe Biden or at least for the scum he's in League with. I do hope the so-called silent majority is just getting sick to death of having racism screamed at us every 5 seconds then having you people burn down the cities.

But the entire thing just gets depressing and wearisome.


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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

Your TDS shows in every post many posters see it, statements like that lend to the reason you have TDS, I vote for the person who get things done Trump has in spite of all the resistance achieved many of his promises. Biden has been in politics for ~50 years and has nothing to show for it but scandals.

Yup, the MAGA ostriches have no comprehension as to why folks don't like Trump.... 

I've listed my reasons many times why IMHO Trump is a big time phony, and lies out his ass on top of it. Besides his Conservative justices, his "getting things done" is over rated in my book. LOL just watch- Biden gets elected, and Republicans will magically turn into deficit hawks- never mind Trump started it with his massive tax cut for his wealthy pals.... 

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9 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yup, the MAGA ostriches have no comprehension as to why folks don't like Trump.... 

I've listed my reasons many times why IMHO Trump is a big time phony, and lies out his ass on top of it. Besides his Conservative justices, his "getting things done" is over rated in my book. LOL just watch- Biden gets elected, and Republicans will magically turn into deficit hawks- never mind Trump started it with his massive tax cut for his wealthy pals.... 

He's gotten things done... to pad his pockets and the pockets of his wealthy business friends. There were plenty of stories that came up regarding govt. policy that directly or indirectly funneled money to Trump's business. The guy's strategy is just to always be baked in controversy though so everything just kind of washes out. 

But hey, he built 10% of a wall that's already falling apart with your tax dollars....    boo! caravan! 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Yup, the MAGA ostriches have no comprehension as to why folks don't like Trump.... 

I've listed my reasons many times why IMHO Trump is a big time phony, and lies out his ass on top of it. Besides his Conservative justices, his "getting things done" is over rated in my book. LOL just watch- Biden gets elected, and Republicans will magically turn into deficit hawks- never mind Trump started it with his massive tax cut for his wealthy pals.... 

Biden lies twice as bad ( his latest whooper Trump is the first and only racist President ever) he plagiarizes and at times is lost as to where he's at...but yeah vote Biden.

Trump has done more in his first term than almost any President before him.

Biden in 50 years has nothing to speak of but yeah vote Biden

Biden is a war monger and will have us in wars in his first 100 days if elected.

Biden will cause an international incidence when he gropes and sniff the leader of other countries wives and children.

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Trump has shown a complete lack of leadership

Oh please. There's not a single thing he could propose one way or the other that the haters would get on board with. Absolutely nothing. If he said Fuck The Masks you don't need them you would throw a fit. If he says executive order everyone must wear masks you'd shit the bed over that too.

Turn the tables Woodrow pretend it's Obama and Cal. Do you think Obama could have done something to make Cal say that's great leadership? And you guys are every bit as bad as you accuse him of being. So quit pretending that it's anything that he does that freaks you out.


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22 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Oh please what it is. There's not a single thing he could propose one way or the other that the haters would get on board with. Absolutely nothing. If he said Fuck The Masks you don't need them you would throw a fit. If he says executive order everyone must wear masks you'd shit the bed over that too.

Turn the tables Woodrow pretend it's Obama and Cal. Do you think Obama could have done something to make Cal say that's great leadership? And you guys are every bit as bad as you accuse him of being. So quit pretending that it's anything that he does that freaks you out.


This is going to be hard for you to grasp, but you don't know what I'd think or do. Another shocker for you, I'm not liberal Cal. A liberal Cal would have been on here supporting and voting for Hilary. A liberal Cal would be pushing for Biden. A liberal Cal would post, oh idk, 15 threads a week for Slate or HuffPo or whatever. 

So don't tell me what I'm "pretending" to do. This board is so far right that anything near the middle is viewed as some far leaning liberal. Please. 


Trump has shown poor leadership through this whole thing. End stop. That's it. I'm not saying the outbreak is all his fault. But anyone that's ever held any leadership position ever knows he's shown poor leadership. 

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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

This is going to be hard for you to grasp, but you don't know what I'd think or do. Another shocker for you, I'm not liberal Cal. A liberal Cal would have been on here supporting and voting for Hilary. A liberal Cal would be pushing for Biden. A liberal Cal would post, oh idk, 15 threads a week for Slate or HuffPo or whatever. 

So don't tell me what I'm "pretending" to do. This board is so far right that anything near the middle is viewed as some far leaning liberal. Please. 


Trump has shown poor leadership through this whole thing. End stop. That's it. I'm not saying the outbreak is all his fault. But anyone that's ever held any leadership position ever knows he's shown poor leadership. 

What exactly have the Democrats done to help him?  If he did it so bad why haven't they shown their leadership by working with him to improve the situation...they resisted and did everything in their power to hurt him ( and the American people along with him) they have caused more harm than good they fight him every inch of the way and complain he doesn't get things done.  So lay blame on them as much if not more and if any of them knew something that would have worked better than the way Trump was doing it, why didn't they speak up and offer help instead of gleefully sitting in silence?  Doing nothing as Biden and the Democrats did shows horrible leadership or lack there of completely.

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51 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

This is going to be hard for you to grasp, but you don't know what I'd think or do. Another shocker for you, I'm not liberal Cal. A liberal Cal would have been on here supporting and voting for Hilary. A liberal Cal would be pushing for Biden. A liberal Cal would post, oh idk, 15 threads a week for Slate or HuffPo or whatever. 

 that was four years ago Bud. Now you're voting for Biden not an independent.

So don't tell me what I'm "pretending" to do. This board is so far right that anything near the middle is viewed as some far leaning liberal. Please. 

 where's that bag of dicks? We've got Trump haters the ranch from The Lunatic Fringe to the regular lunatic. Same with the conservatives. I actually don't think we have any real liberals but we've got some insane fucking Trump haters we're willing to sell the country out to liberals because of their obsession.


Trump has shown poor leadership through this whole thing. End stop. That's it. I'm not saying the outbreak is all his fault. But anyone that's ever held any leadership position ever knows he's shown poor leadership. 

 again there's not a thing he could do that you would consider leadership. We are still a federal republic. It's up to the states to decide what to do about the Panic level. Republican states and Democrat States some more some less lenient. And don't lie to me if he ordered masks across the United States or a shutdown Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Biden and you would be getting the tar feathers and pitchforks



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Trump has shown GREAT leadership. How the bleep has he accomplished the long list of great things,

if not for leadership?

   totally TDS ignorant to deny it.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

Trump has shown GREAT leadership. How the bleep has he accomplished the long list of great things,

if not for leadership?

   totally TDS ignorant to deny it.


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On 7/27/2020 at 5:58 AM, Westside Steve said:

As with any politician if it's your guy you think he's a great leader. If he's not your guy you will hate everything he says or does regardless. And that really goes for both sides.


not all that much with republicans. a lot of reps gave obaMao commie the beneifit of the doubt, and found out he lied and lied and betrayed, and lied. scandals, scandals, do nothing but cause division, solved no problem.......

not one liberal on this board has come up with ONE GOOD OR GREAT thing obamao/biden did in eight years.

that is very, very bad.

Hoorta/woodpecker - just name ONE. JUST ONE FREAKING EXAMPLE.

You should learn to THINK instead of troll rage.

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19 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


- so in four years I've completely changed my political ideology and now firmly far left? Give me a break. Is Hoorta a far left liberal now too?

- You completely overestimate the level of "Trump hate" on this board because the vocal majority takes anything that isn't sucking Trump's dick as hate. Just like they took anything that wasn't Obama hate as loving the guy. This board is representative of the extreme political division in our country today but only one side is represented in here.

- If he tried to get masks and the Dems shut it down without any good reason then we'd see 15 threads on here with every Blaze, Red State, etc article losing their shit. If I bothered to respond in the echo chamber of right wing propaganda I would agree that the Dems shouldn't have done that. 

One thing he could have done to show an ounce of leadership is to NOT tweet "LIBERATE (insert Dem governor state)" in the middle of a global pandemic.

The guy isn't a leader. He isn't. He hasn't worked for anything in his life and rarely ever gets told no. He's always been wealthy. He doesn't know how to lead. How some on here have bought the con to think he's this "every man" is beyond me. 


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

- so in four years I've completely changed my political ideology and now firmly far left? Give me a break. Is Hoorta a far left liberal now too?

- You completely overestimate the level of "Trump hate" on this board because the vocal majority takes anything that isn't sucking Trump's dick as hate. Just like they took anything that wasn't Obama hate as loving the guy. This board is representative of the extreme political division in our country today but only one side is represented in here.

- If he tried to get masks and the Dems shut it down without any good reason then we'd see 15 threads on here with every Blaze, Red State, etc article losing their shit. If I bothered to respond in the echo chamber of right wing propaganda I would agree that the Dems shouldn't have done that. 

One thing he could have done to show an ounce of leadership is to NOT tweet "LIBERATE (insert Dem governor state)" in the middle of a global pandemic.

The guy isn't a leader. He isn't. He hasn't worked for anything in his life and rarely ever gets told no. He's always been wealthy. He doesn't know how to lead. How some on here have bought the con to think he's this "every man" is beyond me. 


Yup, as far as I'm concerned- the Republican Party I contributed to for 20+ years doesn't exist anymore. It's the Party of Cheetos Jesus. I've got plenty of company with guys running The Lincoln Project as an example that the MAGAs are scoffing at.  Trump has pulled the Party so far to the right Moderates like me (who are at least willing to look at both sides of an issue) are no longer welcome, because they won't 100% kiss Trump's ass on every one of his growing BS pronouncements. 

"It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" Now? "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and masks are OK. Who slipped you the Reality Pill four months too late?  I don't like phonies, and I don't like Quack Politicians. He's already drumming up his election fraud tactic- despite the fact there isn't any credible evidence it actually happens, just a bunch of paranoia mongering DT is excellent at, and his pals at Info Wars & QAnon help right along. Of course, he's already playing up those riots to the max to try and scare suburbia into the (false) notion you vote for Biden- there's your America.  "They're coming to take our guns away"- more paranoia from the right. I could go on. 

Besides the lame TDS we get Woodster,  Biden is worse isn't playing very well with me anymore either. Especially when it comes to Trump's womanizing.... I'll refer you to The Lincoln Project's little clip where Trump treats liberal women reporters like dirt- but has a nice thing to say about Ghislaine Maxwell.  LOL she must have a ton of dirt on him- wonder how much he's going to have to pay her not to squeal?  


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36 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yup, as far as I'm concerned- the Republican Party I contributed to for 20+ years doesn't exist anymore. It's the Party of Cheetos Jesus. I've got plenty of company with guys running The Lincoln Project as an example that the MAGAs are scoffing at.  Trump has pulled the Party so far to the right Moderates like me (who are at least willing to look at both sides of an issue) are no longer welcome, because they won't 100% kiss Trump's ass on every one of his growing BS pronouncements. 

"It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" Now? "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and masks are OK. Who slipped you the Reality Pill four months too late?  I don't like phonies, and I don't like Quack Politicians. He's already drumming up his election fraud tactic- despite the fact there isn't any credible evidence it actually happens, just a bunch of paranoia mongering DT is excellent at, and his pals at Info Wars & QAnon help right along. Of course, he's already playing up those riots to the max to try and scare suburbia into the (false) notion you vote for Biden- there's your America.  "They're coming to take our guns away"- more paranoia from the right. I could go on. 

Besides the lame TDS we get Woodster,  Biden is worse isn't playing very well with me anymore either. Especially when it comes to Trump's womanizing.... I'll refer you to The Lincoln Project's little clip where Trump treats liberal women reporters like dirt- but has a nice thing to say about Ghislaine Maxwell.  LOL she must have a ton of dirt on him- wonder how much he's going to have to pay her not to squeal?  


One of our most rabid Trump supporters on here called him a con man and a carnival Barker when he was running in the primaries. Funny how he, and others, fell for the con. 

He objectively isn't a leader though. No one is going into battle for him. He hasn't faced any real hardship.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Yup, as far as I'm concerned- the Republican Party I contributed to for 20+ years doesn't exist anymore. It's the Party of Cheetos Jesus. I've got plenty of company with guys running The Lincoln Project as an example that the MAGAs are scoffing at.  Trump has pulled the Party so far to the right Moderates like me (who are at least willing to look at both sides of an issue) are no longer welcome, because they won't 100% kiss Trump's ass on every one of his growing BS pronouncements. 

"It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" "It's going to go away" Now? "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and masks are OK. Who slipped you the Reality Pill four months too late?  I don't like phonies, and I don't like Quack Politicians. He's already drumming up his election fraud tactic- despite the fact there isn't any credible evidence it actually happens, just a bunch of paranoia mongering DT is excellent at, and his pals at Info Wars & QAnon help right along. Of course, he's already playing up those riots to the max to try and scare suburbia into the (false) notion you vote for Biden- there's your America.  "They're coming to take our guns away"- more paranoia from the right. I could go on. 

Besides the lame TDS we get Woodster,  Biden is worse isn't playing very well with me anymore either. Especially when it comes to Trump's womanizing.... I'll refer you to The Lincoln Project's little clip where Trump treats liberal women reporters like dirt- but has a nice thing to say about Ghislaine Maxwell.  LOL she must have a ton of dirt on him- wonder how much he's going to have to pay her not to squeal?  



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