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Biden, at Muslim voters summit, says ‘I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith’


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Yes, learning more about other cultures in school is a good idea. It is a good action against the hate and ignorance seen in the world today (and on this board). I learned about a handful of different religions in school. I didn't think about it at the time but I imagine that isn't the case everywhere. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes, learning more about other cultures in school is a good idea. It is a good action against the hate and ignorance seen in the world today (and on this board). I learned about a handful of different religions in school. I didn't think about it at the time but I imagine that isn't the case everywhere. 

If that's the case then I can just as well accuse you of hating and being ignorant of Christianity.  Ignorance of Islam resides on the left, not on this board. Why would you want the culture of Islam taught in schools? It's always in the best interest of the left for people to remain ignorant on a number of things, including Islam.

Students would have to be taught that Islam allows for things such things as child brides, executions for being gay, the stoning of women charged with adultery. They would have to learn that women are treated as property and do not have the same privileges as men. They would also have to learn that many Islamic countries are theocratic, meaning no separation of church and state...er rather mosque and state.

They would have to learn the traditions of Islam. Recalling the push by NYC Muslims to build a Mosque on or near ground zero... it follows the ancient tradition of destroying a shrine, Church, or some significant building in the land they conquered and building a Mosque in it's place.

Islam calls for public prayer 5 times a day. All non essential functions such as stores are closed during prayer time.

They would have to learn that the North African slave trade conducted by Muslims had taken place some 500 yrs. before the white man ever thought of bringing slaves to the Americas. We certainly wouldn't our young minds to know about that!

No Woody not a good idea. It's in the best interest of the left for people to remain uninformed and continue perceive Islam as wholesome as they are given the green light to treat Christianity with contempt.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for 15 months, and just like with anything else I know what I'm talking about. Maybe someday I'll let you guys in on the many things I've learned and experienced while there.

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I thought the left wanted to keep religion OUT of the schools?

There's nothing wrong about learning about religions in a social studies class. 

But having a school essentially endorse a religion is where the line is crossed. 

You can reach "Muslim people think this" and "Christian people think this" without endorsing that religion. 

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it's just another way to undermine American culture/society - which isn't predominantly Muslim. It is, however, a voter bloc of sorts, that they can reach out to, to help win elections. So many school districts are a disaster now - no wonder the left wants to concentrate on a minority religion - to undermine Christian parents' teachings.

  Christian kids have been harrassed around the country, simply for silently praying before they eat their lunch. Or wearing a Christian tshirt. Or reading a Bible during library free reading hrs....etc.

  But teaching kids to make Muslim prayer rugs, etc - is ok with them. Their "separation of church and state" disappears - in a fit of political leftwing hate.

Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs


Florida School Teaches Islam Including Prayer Rugs Ron Wagner, a parent of Lyman High School in Longwood, FL who says he's "not religious," complained that his 10th grade son was forced to make an Islamic prayer rug

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

There's nothing wrong about learning about religions in a social studies class. 

But having a school essentially endorse a religion is where the line is crossed. 

You can reach "Muslim people think this" and "Christian people think this" without endorsing that religion. 

Then why cater to just the Islamic crowd?

If they’re going to do it, be all inclusive and bring in the Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Christians, Witch Doctors, Goat Worshippers, etc.

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17 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Then why cater to just the Islamic crowd?

If they’re going to do it, be all inclusive and bring in the Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Christians, Witch Doctors, Goat Worshippers, etc.

You're right, they should teach all of the major religions. That's what I learned about at least 

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29 minutes ago, Axe said:

 I thought teaching religions in public schools was not allowed by separation of church and state in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment..

Shhh don't use facts on woody he gets confused and upset.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

 I thought teaching religions in public schools was not allowed by separation of church and state in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment..

well, apparently teaching kids to pray to Allah on prayer rugs the had to make for class, is just educational.

and keeping God and silent prayers by Christian kids is educational too - educating them to not believe what the Christian parents have taught them.

     It's also a leftwing cultural attack on an American institution - the Family. One wife. per the Bible.

So, they kick God/Bible out of the school system entirely - even berating children for silently praying to themselves before eating lunch, or wearing a Christian t-shirt. or a Christian sticker on their notebook.

but teaching them about Islam - leftwing school teachers - prayer rugs, multiple wives.

of course, polygamy is illegal.

a lot of anti-Real American things are illegal, but they happen.


Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy


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Man, some of you are going to be really devastated when you learn schools teach about things like Communism and Nazis too. 



(For the record, without me going through all of the links to find the prayer rug story from a source without an obvious agenda... taking it at face value, I'd say having kids make prayer rugs and then teaching them Islamic prayers is probably too far. I'd need to read up on the whole story though)

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Man, some of you are going to be really devastated when you learn schools teach about things like Communism and Nazis too. 



(For the record, without me going through all of the links to find the prayer rug story from a source without an obvious agenda... taking it at face value, I'd say having kids make prayer rugs and then teaching them Islamic prayers is probably too far. I'd need to read up on the whole story though)

Learning about something is different than being TAUGHT something...think McFly think.:(

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banning Christianity in schools vs teaching Islam with prayer rugs = teaching/learning algebra.

what the....... ??????????????

another change of subject again.

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

How did you learn algebra? Well, I mean, not YOU, but a kid that actually learned algebra. They were TAUGHT it. 

You can learn about algebra the history, uses and not actually know how to use it. ( like you and basic understand and common sense.)

If someone is taught algebra they know how to use it. (not you of course )

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