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AEA message - warning about climate fraud


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They always go low — and then, somehow, go even lower.

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis recently released its majority staff report (that’s D.C. speak for a policy wishlist from the committee’s Democratic staff) … and it’s even worse than you’d expect.

Though the stated goal is to solve climate change, the actual effect of their report is to declare a war on affordable American energy and destroy our energy independence.

And it will be the Democratic Party’s roadmap for energy policy when they next take power unless pro-American energy activists like you and me speak up against it now.

Will you join the American Energy Alliance right now to tell your elected officials to reject the House Democrats’ attempt to destroy American energy? Send an email to your officials with just one click.

The climate committee’s report contains just about every expensive Green New Deal proposal you’ve ever heard of, including:

  • a carbon tax, which will take more money directly out of your pocket because it makes every good you purchase more expensive
  • net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for electric utilities by 2040, even though other countries will continue to emit greenhouse gases and China will even increase its emissions until 2030
  • tax credits for the green left’s favorite industries: solar, wind, and electric vehicles, which means money from hard-working taxpayers like you and me will line the pockets of politically connected special interests -- including Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk, who was just named the seventh-wealthiest man in the world.
  • an end to all oil and natural gas production on federal land — which will power down President Trump’s energy dominance program that has achieved record low emissions and enabled the United States to become the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world

It’s the same tired, failed socialist playbook of the far left, down to the re-establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps (this time to work on “climate resilience projects”). But this time, they’re serious about enacting these misguided policies when they next take power.

That’s why the American Energy Alliance is asking pro-American energy activists like you to speak up against these absurd policies — and help to save affordable American energy.

Please join the American Energy Alliance right now to tell your elected officials to say NO to the House Democrats’ attempt to destroy American energy. You can send an email to your officials with just one click.

This absurd collection of policies won’t pass in the Republican-controlled Senate or get signed by President Trump. But House Democrats want to have this plan ready for when they next take power, and it’s up to pro-American energy activists like you and me to speak up against it.

Please tell your elected officials to say NO to the House Democrats’ attempt to destroy American energy right now.

Working together, we can make sure our future remains bright!

Thanks for your support.




Tom Pyle


American Energy Alliance

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