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Christianity is under seige in America


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Hahahahahaha hahahaha 

"Liberals always play the victim card. Now excuse me while I'll tell you how I, a Christian, am a Victim."


Hahahaha what a snowflake



"In this great country, it’s not a crime to be a Christian - at least not yet."




An article designed to complain about nothing to allow people to click to feel validated. Looks like it is serving it's purpose

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You fucking goobs. If so called Christians didn't feel the need to senselessly jam THEIR religion down your throat maybe you'd have less secular people. As it stands the so called Christian right has done nothing but parade around their "trumped up" sorrows in some sort of half assed effort to get sympathy interest. "We're under attack wwwwaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

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2 hours ago, Vagitron said:

You fucking goobs. If so called Christians didn't feel the need to senselessly jam THEIR religion down your throat maybe you'd have less secular people. As it stands the so called Christian right has done nothing but parade around their "trumped up" sorrows in some sort of half assed effort to get sympathy interest. "We're under attack wwwwaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

Right. Not a peep out of fucking goobs like you as your side shoves socialism down our throats because Bible thumping Christians are the bigger threat to society and our way of life.

Stifle that hyperbole of yours. That tired old "Christians try to jam religion down your throat" song and dance has already been played out. An example of how Christians senselessly offended you?  I'm as much a Christian as you are and the only thing I get perturbed about is an occasional knock on the door by some Jehovah's Witness. 

At least you could have brought something new or a little more profound to this forum rather than that display of hyperbole.... right Gorka, a lib, ….try and squeeze blood from a turnip.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Right. Not a peep out of fucking goobs like you as your side shoves socialism down our throats because Bible thumping Christians are the bigger threat to society and our way of life.

Stifle that hyperbole of yours. That tired old "Christians try to jam religion down your throat" song and dance has already been played out. An example of how Christians senselessly offended you?  I'm as much a Christian as you are and the only thing I get perturbed about is an occasional knock on the door by some Jehovah's Witness. 

At least you could have brought something new or a little more profound to this forum rather than that display of hyperbole.... right Gorka, a lib, ….try and squeeze blood from a turnip.

LOL! You do realize of course that Jesus was a socialism preacher. Yeah, really. Go back and read exactly what he said and did. Pure socialist. 😁

And not exactly a pro-richman kind of guy.  Mt 19:24  "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."  

I think our earthly self-crowned King 🤴 in the WH may just have a small problem.

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40 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

LOL! You do realize of course that Jesus was a socialism preacher. Yeah, really. Go back and read exactly what he said and did. Pure socialist. 😁

And not exactly a pro-richman kind of guy.  Mt 19:24  "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."  

I think our earthly self-crowned King 🤴 in the WH may just have a small problem.

I do get a kick out of politically conservative Christians trying to find passages and justify Jesus being a modern day conservative. 

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13 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I do get a kick out of politically conservative Christians trying to find passages and justify Jesus being a modern day conservative. 

They enjoy tempting God for a one way ticket down with the King.😱😂

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7 hours ago, Vagitron said:

You fucking goobs. If so called Christians didn't feel the need to senselessly jam THEIR religion down your throat maybe you'd have less secular people. As it stands the so called Christian right has done nothing but parade around their "trumped up" sorrows in some sort of half assed effort to get sympathy interest. "We're under attack wwwwaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

Relax roboslit, please enlighten me to when christians are jamming religion down your throat.  Is it the holidays?  Couple of sunday morning shows?  

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Two sides, yes Christianity is under siege. Usually the left takes the approach that anything they don't agree with should be destroyed torn down eradicated banned Etc. And they love to be offencive and shocking and think it's fun the fuck with people of Faith even though it makes absolutely no difference to them one way or the other. Except that in most communist dictatorships and in places where people would like to have a Communist dictatorship they don't want to allow the church to compete with the state for power and control.

On the other side I don't see too many people who claim to be Christians behaving as I guess they probably should at least try to. Loving Thy Neighbor turning the other cheek giving to Caesar what is Caesar's blah blah blah. But the Bible says you're going to be persecuted for being a Christian. It's been a lot worse historically.


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Christian "persecution" in the United States is just Christians being put on the same level as everyone else. 

If you were the top dog and got whatever you wanted for centuries, and then you started to get treated equally like everyone else, you might see that as persecution. 

That's all this is.



Not to mention the Christian "persecution" that's just not allowing people to be assholes and then hide behind religious freedom

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3 hours ago, Kvoethe said:

Relax roboslit, please enlighten me to when christians are jamming religion down your throat.  Is it the holidays?  Couple of sunday morning shows?  

Down my throat? Never because I don't allow it. However it's jammed down our throats plenty with a constant push to overturn roe v Wade, the efforts to defund planned parenthood, the ppp where the catholic church got billions it didn't need or deserve. The TV evangelists that spread absolutely insane positions in the name of Jesus Christ. Copeland for example claiming to be able to rid people of covid 19 but blowing on the damn camera. We have freedom of religion in this country but the thumpers seem to only want it to be their religion. All of which can be directly attributed to a decline in non-secular positions and where this false narrative that  Christianity is under attack derives. Organizes religion does more harm than good and that can be backed up for centuries. Soooo kindly stuff that Bible up your ass sideways. 🤙😎

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Christian "persecution" in the United States is just Christians being put on the same level as everyone else. 

If you were the top dog and got whatever you wanted for centuries, and then you started to get treated equally like everyone else, you might see that as persecution. 

That's all this is.



Not to mention the Christian "persecution" that's just not allowing people to be assholes and then hide behind religious freedom

Unless of course it's the so-called oppression of negroes. 


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3 hours ago, Vagitron said:

Down my throat? Never because I don't allow it. However it's jammed down our throats plenty with a constant push to overturn roe v Wade, the efforts to defund planned parenthood, the ppp where the catholic church got billions it didn't need or deserve. The TV evangelists that spread absolutely insane positions in the name of Jesus Christ. Copeland for example claiming to be able to rid people of covid 19 but blowing on the damn camera. We have freedom of religion in this country but the thumpers seem to only want it to be their religion. All of which can be directly attributed to a decline in non-secular positions and where this false narrative that  Christianity is under attack derives. Organizes religion does more harm than good and that can be backed up for centuries. Soooo kindly stuff that Bible up your ass sideways. 🤙😎

Mega preachers and churches ruin everything just like extreme politicians.  All the small churches dont do that.  They learn how to live a more christian life with love and happiness.  They arent selling flowers in airports or in your tv telling you to send money.

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3 hours ago, Vagitron said:

Down my throat? Never because I don't allow it. However it's jammed down our throats plenty with a constant push to overturn roe v Wade, the efforts to defund planned parenthood, the ppp where the catholic church got billions it didn't need or deserve. The TV evangelists that spread absolutely insane positions in the name of Jesus Christ. Copeland for example claiming to be able to rid people of covid 19 but blowing on the damn camera. We have freedom of religion in this country but the thumpers seem to only want it to be their religion. All of which can be directly attributed to a decline in non-secular positions and where this false narrative that  Christianity is under attack derives. Organizes religion does more harm than good and that can be backed up for centuries. Soooo kindly stuff that Bible up your ass sideways. 🤙😎

so, you are a victim of Christianity being shoved down your throat, but you admit it has never happened.]

lol. idiot.

It doesn't take Christianity to know that the innocent born and unborn children don't need sickoes like you wanting to murder them. Planned parenthood is a baby murder factory. You proud of that? go suck on biden's toes then.

    Read the article instead of making yourself out to be the squealer moron you are.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

so, you are a victim of Christianity being shoved down your throat, but you admit it has never happened.]

lol. idiot.

It doesn't take Christianity to know that the innocent born and unborn children don't need sickoes like you wanting to murder them. Planned parenthood is a baby murder factory. You proud of that? go suck on biden's toes then.

    Read the article instead of making yourself out to be the squealer moron you are.

Cal you are pro birth, no doubt in my mind. All you fucking whack jobs that stand on your roe v Wade soap box don't give one single fuck about those kids once they are born. I bet you routinely vote against the social safety net. Very Christian of you. I also can't stand joe biden. The dnc is posturing for yet a other failed coronation against the worst President this country has ever seen, the worst this country may ever see. I don't post in this cesspool regularly for a reason. It's where the vocal minority of mouth breathing Mongos congregate. You are the ring leader. 

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you don't post because you are an ignorant squealer feeler liberal sombeitch.  It's typical woodpucker and vagisil to ascribe nonsense to others, then bitch about the nonsense that isn't true, as if it WERE true.

No workee, emotional knee jerkie.

And Pres Trump has a LONG LIST of great things he has done for America, LIKE IT OR NOT.

eight years of biden and your obaMao commie, and you probably can't name ONE thing they did that was great or even kindof good for America.

So, you want to have good things to KEEP happening for America? or you are going to hoorta escorta out the door with GREAT things for America?

Make your choice. Pres Trump has been one of the very BEST presidents. You just don't like him because it's cool to do in leftist child genocide circles.

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now that some libs on the forum have ridiculed Christians again...


Jesus statue found beheaded at Catholic church; archdiocese wants incident investigated as hate crime

'This is another attack on the Catholic Church which is happening across the country'


vegimatic,, woodypeckeryhead...and Texag just disrespect and ridicule any claim...it's what TDS liberals do.

veg is worse - he's just squealer stupid, rotten egg sucking fan. the lefty haters don't even respect themselves.


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The #1 Reason Why the Left Hates Christians and Jews ...


The #1 Reason Why the Left Hates Christians and Jews

"The main reason why the Left hates Christians and Jews is the same reason that Hitler hated the Jews. Jewish values, spiritual discipline and love of God made Hitler squirm. He became obsessed with exterminating the Jews to eradicate what they represented-the yoke of conscience."


Jewish  values, spiritual discipline and love of God made Hitler squirm. He became obsessed with exterminating the Jews to eradicate what they represented-the yoke of conscience. Today’s Nazi Left hates Christians and Jews for the same reason. They stir the conscience. For Elites, conscience  is a barrier to the New World Order.

See  “100+ Facts That Prove Democrats are Racist Nazis” 

Hitler stated, “The Ten Commandments have lost their vitality. Conscience is a Jewish invention; it is a blemish, like circumcision.”

The Left*  hisses and recoils from Jews and Christianity much like Bram Stoker’s Dracula when threatened by a cross.

For the Leftist useful idiot army, conscience  is a buzzkill for their addiction to debauchery, death, deceit and degradation. Conscience  and commandments represent constriction and confinement.

Screeching with adolescent rage, they rebel against “mean Daddy” authority.

*Note-the “Left ” here refers to Democrats, RINOs, “Progressives,” “Liberals,” and Jewish “Liberals” who consciously or not- align with the Luciferian Globalist Elite.

The Democratic Party is a path for “freedom” and self-gratification.

Hitler said,

“Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortifications of a false vision known as conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and personal independence which only a very few can bear.”

Mistaking self indulgence and instant gratification for freedom, the alt-Left misses the point of restrictions.

A piano has only 88 keys. There are only 12 musical notes. But the creative possibilities are endless. A figure skater can only refine their art to the degree that they are willing to live each day with tremendous discipline, effort and sacrifice. They also must willingly accept the rules of competition.

Joy is Light. We all seek the Light. What the alt-Left  doesn’t understand is that while something might feel good in the short term, the long term will suffer tremendous damage. The parallel is a slow burning candle vs a firecracker.

This is the purpose of restriction.

Pop culture abhors restrictions.

The radicalized  Left doesn’t accept the center, nevermind the Right of center.

Instead, they bully and intimidate the rest of the world to respect and submit to their often vile choices-even when they endanger innocent children.

Hitler was the Granddaddy of the New World Order.

As stated on Aish.com, “Hitler viewed National Socialism as a New World Order, a way to create mankind anew.”

As we’ve seen in Europe, the only way to “create mankind anew-” for the purpose of instituting a One World Government- is to destroy anything and everyone that stands in the way.

Angela Merkel is the new Hitler.

Merkel is exploiting the guilt, denial  and passivity of the citizens of Germany.

She’s crushing them with an invading army that has raped and gang-raped thousands of young women. The NWO mercenaries have  destroyed Germany’s culture and environment. Some German citizens have  literally been kicked out of their homes so migrants could move in.

There is no gratitude-just promises to destroy them all. For Allah.

Angela Merkel won’t let a little thing like conscience  get in her way. 

Globalist forces and their Leftist followers scoff at God. They loathe Christianity and Judaism. They prefer Lucifer, the Satanic cult of Radical Islam, Moloch and Baal.

The programmed Hitler youth sang the same sentiments as the programmed youth and incredibly immature adults on the Left do today.

The Hitler youth sang,

We have no need for Christian virtue.

Our leader is our savior.

The pope and rabbi shall be gone.

We shall be pagans once again.

Hillary’s mentor, Saul Alinsky stated, “The ends justify the means.”

Hillary certainly took that statement seriously. Between the ‘coincidental” Clinton body count, Benghazi, ripping off earthquake victims in Haiti, tens of thousands slaughtered in the Ukranian coup, and laughing about the torture and murder of Gaddafi, her hands are immersed in rivers of blood.

No conscience. 

Just excuses, blame, seething rage and vindictiveness. But to Hillary and other elite occultists, ” the ends justify the means.”

Her long time associate and Campaign Chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony have extensive art collections that reek with pedophilia and Satanism. John had  a cannibalistic painting hanging on the wall in his office. He quipped,

“It’s better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table.”

The Elite Globalist Left plays with a whole different set of rules than the rest of us.  And rule #1 is to avoid conscience  like the plague.  To that end, waging war on religion is not so much a necessary evil, but an absolute delight.

“Conscience is the voice of the soul” ~Polish proverb.

If conscience is the voice of the soul, eradicating conscience is death to the soul.

That’s how they sleep at night."

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consider the statement from above:

Hillary’s mentor, Saul Alinsky stated, “The ends justify the means.”

you see it now. the vile dishonest attacks on Pres Trump, Kavanaugh, etc etc etc etc etc.

ObaMao put corrupt followers of the new world "nazi like" order in place all over our government.

We elected Pres Trump in response.

the left went rage - and have been dialing up violence more and more, even from Congress.

It's a fight to get permanent control. they will never lose elections. they want to pad the U.S. Supreme Court, get rid of the electoral college, flood our country with helter skelter drugs, criminals, illegals, some/too many  with no education and no morals and some with violent criminal backgrounds, drug cartels (obamao even gave them a LOT of weapons)...

like soros, another hillary mentor...they demand total control.

it's what the left demands - it's a sickness

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