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Yes testing finds for meaningless cases

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Just like the flu. Now put on some clean underwear kids. So if we test everybody we will find more and more cases of the flu. Same thing with testing everybody for cancer cells.


Just so you don't need to hijack the other thread.



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Here is what I put in the other thread. You're so far removed from reality on this one, so far removed from what medical professionals advise, I don't even know where to start. I'm not sure there is anywhere to start. This is just that asinine. Maybe @tiamat63will take a crack it it



“When you do testing to that extent, you’re gonna find more people, you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people ‘slow the testing down, please,’” Trump said at the rally.


"Cases" absolutely matter you stooge. How do you think countries like South Korea handled this so well? Frequent testing plays a huge role. You can figure out who has it and isolate them.

Trump has treated COVID like a PR issue this entire time and it's obvious. 


i thought you were better than this. Than blindly defending Trump like others on here. But now I don't know anymore. Even Trump's people can't get on the same page trying to defend him with this one. 


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

scary fake expert woodpecker who is only an engineer.......

And I worked in the Medical field for 40 years Cal. FWIW,  that comment from Trump may have topped his usual ignorance....  We need universal testing on demand- not more horseshit from a wannabe Quack who's only objective is to get reelected in November...  

Please swallow a bottle or two of hydroxy- you will never need to worry about covid again, when you die from a heart arrhythmia instead.  :D  

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Don't let the TDS distract you. A positive test means the virus is present but that doesn't mean it's an actual case nor an illness. One more time almost all Americans have at least a tiny number of cancer cells invasive or noninvasive but that doesn't mean that almost all Americans have a case of cancer. Also just like covid-19 episode the presence of any flu is asymptomatic. 

There are probably more than one reason that some people like to spin this.

None of them particularly respectable in my opinion.

https://www.jwatch.org/fw108600/2014/03/17/most-flu-asymptomatic (the same link as in the OP)

And that's not even to mention the fact that unless you were older with serious health problems this is not a big deal. This is a group of people who are angry that their personal little Armageddon it's falling apart.


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Testing?....what difference does it make if the numbers are inaccurate? I've heard more than one medical professional say that if you've had a flu shot recently, you're going to test positive for this Corona virus. Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but everything that has transpired over the last few months has confirmed to me, that this has always been 90% politically motivated. Trump probably has a lot more information to confirm this. That's why he comes across as so unconcerned about any real health threat. Recent reports indicate that this thing is diminishing by itself. Of course, you won't get that info from Faucci or the WHO. They have similar agendas...MONEY. Why do the daily reports tell us the total number of positive cases reported from day one? This thing runs it's course, then people recover. Why are the reports stated in a manner to let you assume that the total is current. They never say..."...45,000 people have tested positive over the last 4 months.".....they would rather mislead you by saying..."...we have 45,000 active cases in Ohio". That is a blatant lie.

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Hey how much a real world example? Six of CJ staffers tested positive for COVID. If they were not tested, they would have worked the rally and spread it to other people. Those six would have turned into dozens, hundreds or more. Instead they quarantine themselves and don't spread it. So, yes testing is important. Isn't it amazing that something so simple, has to be debated. 

Just curious how many died people are needed for the deniers to admit this is problem. 500k dead Americans? 1 million? Or does the number not matter as long as it is just old people dying?  


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1 hour ago, tiamat63 said:

Aappreciate it, but I'm good.

That's fair. This thread and line of thinking is a debacle from the start, and I can understand not wanting to even attempt at trying to convince them otherwise. They're starting so far out in left field it's just not worth the time. 

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14 hours ago, hoorta said:


And I worked in the Medical field for 40 years Cal. FWIW,  that comment from Trump may have topped his usual ignorance....  We need universal testing on demand- not more horseshit from a wannabe Quack who's only objective is to get reelected in November...  

Please swallow a bottle or two of hydroxy- you will never need to worry about covid again, when you die from a heart arrhythmia instead.  :D  

and I wasn't talking to you, or about you, you self-appointed woodpecker nanny. lol

it does no good to take Pres Trump seriously when he's joking, that's a sure fire sign of advanced critical TDS.

You choose your choice - bite me liar do nothing but allow corruption to run rampant, or Pres Trump, who has done a long list of outstanding things for America, but you don't like his tweets etc. You don't like the color of his skin...etc.

   Not one of us said "black king", or anything like it. for eight years. That's kind of a racist statement flag, don't ya think?

  I've made it clear all this time - I don't LIKE Pres Trump - I LOVE WHAT HE IS DOING FOR OUR COUNTRY.

You want to give joe bitme biden great big smoochies, you go to it. Odd, Pres Trump's faults are minimal compared to addle-minded corrupt biden. Yet, you won't criticize biden at all. Just, weird, that is, eh?

Pretty impressive to claim to be an "independent" and go lock stock and barrel for the dems, and hate the reps constantly.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:


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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

and I wasn't talking to you, or about you, you self-appointed woodpecker nanny. lol

it does no good to take Pres Trump seriously when he's joking, that's a sure fire sign of advanced critical TDS.

You choose your choice - bite me liar do nothing but allow corruption to run rampant, or Pres Trump, who has done a long list of outstanding things for America, but you don't like his tweets etc. You don't like the color of his skin...etc.

   Not one of us said "black king", or anything like it. for eight years. That's kind of a racist statement flag, don't ya think?

  I've made it clear all this time - I don't LIKE Pres Trump - I LOVE WHAT HE IS DOING FOR OUR COUNTRY.

You want to give joe bitme biden great big smoochies, you go to it. Odd, Pres Trump's faults are minimal compared to addle-minded corrupt biden. Yet, you won't criticize biden at all. Just, weird, that is, eh?

Pretty impressive to claim to be an "independent" and go lock stock and barrel for the dems, and hate the reps constantly.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:


Cal- the point I was making- any rational person who heard that comment could tell- he wasn't joking. Not the first time he said the same thing either. Increased numbers of cases make his chances to get reelected go down. Oh- then he realized it looked really stupid, and had to backtrack and say it was "a joke".  He's done it before. I'd say around 99% of the folks who heard it- who aren't giving Trump butt smoochies took it as a dead serious comment.. I think you know I haven't blamed Trump for the extent of the covid pandemic in America- but you'd be blinded by Trumpism to not realize there's a horde of Americans who do.  

All you'd need to do is visit a few other Forums- or FaceBook that isn't overrun by MAGAs and you'd see the light of day I'm telling you exactly how that comment was received.  

BTW, I wasted about 10 minutes of my day listening to the "highlights" of Trumps stump speech in Tulsa. My take? We're doing a field experiment to see just how easily (or not) covid can be transmitted in a closed environment with thousands of people, the vast majority who were not wearing masks. Stay tuned- we'll find out the answer in a couple of weeks.... 

Biden? You mean Basement Joe? Been done before, as I'm sure you know. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/05/03/harding-porch-biden-basement/

Joe doesn't even hardly have to campaign at the rate Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot....  :D 

Addled minded Joe? You really don't want me to dig up the soundbite where Trump confused what country his father was born in, now would you? Think I read somewhere there's a history of Alzheimer's in his family....   


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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Hey how much a real world example? Six of CJ staffers tested positive for COVID. If they were not tested, they would have worked the rally and spread it to other people. Those six would have turned into dozens, hundreds or more. Instead they quarantine themselves and don't spread it. So, yes testing is important. Isn't it amazing that something so simple, has to be debated. 

Just curious how many died people are needed for the deniers to admit this is problem. 500k dead Americans? 1 million? Or does the number not matter as long as it is just old people dying?  


The key here, is just how accurate are these stats? Why the hell is it, people are supposedly dropping like flies, yet I know no one who has ever been confirmed of having this virus, let alone dying from it? Why do doctors get a $13k bonus for each case of Corona virus they "confirm"? Why do I read stories daily of people having heart attacks, or car accidents, then dying, but somehow Covid 19 is the cause of death? Why do Trump haters support this crap under such questionable "facts"? I get it if you're a die hard liberal...I don't judge anyone by their personal opinions. I'll even admit that Trump is a little "out there", but he was sure as hell better than the alternative in 2016...and will be the best option for 2020..in my opinion, of course.

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3 minutes ago, lodilobo said:

The key here, is just how accurate are these stats? Why the hell is it, people are supposedly dropping like flies, yet I know no one who has ever been confirmed of having this virus, let alone dying from it? Why do doctors get a $13k bonus for each case of Corona virus they "confirm"? Why do I read stories daily of people having heart attacks, or car accidents, then dying, but somehow Covid 19 is the cause of death? Why do Trump haters support this crap under such questionable "facts"? I get it if you're a die hard liberal...I don't judge anyone by their personal opinions. I'll even admit that Trump is a little "out there", but he was sure as hell better than the alternative in 2016...and will be the best option for 2020..in my opinion, of course.

Please- just because you don't know anyone who's had covid doesn't mean it doesn't exist. One of the guys on the Browns Forum had it, for starters. About 5 folks who work at the place I worked at before I retired have come down with it, and my friends are now spending 1\2 their work day decontaminating the place.... 

The issue of your like\dislike of Trump really shouldn't be related to the virus that's floating around. Is the media playing it up for reasons I don't totally understand? Sure. Do they have an agenda? Trump supporters think so. I doubt very many deaths that were really from other causes being declared covid deaths. The White House sure made it a point around a month ago to claim the CDC was padding the numbers. I tend to believe those numbers are accurate...

And the numbers say more American deaths than the Vietnam War, or World War I, and will soon approach the number of Confederate battle deaths in the Civil War. It's not the kung-flu as Trump called it at his rally- it's way more lethal than that. You can joke about it, call it names, ignore it, whatever- Mr. President you're not going to be able to make it go away. Sorry about that. If we as a Nation are at the point of saying- screw it, no masks, whoever dies dies- guess that's the way it's going to be.  


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53 minutes ago, lodilobo said:

The key here, is just how accurate are these stats? Why the hell is it, people are supposedly dropping like flies, yet I know no one who has ever been confirmed of having this virus, let alone dying from it? Why do doctors get a $13k bonus for each case of Corona virus they "confirm"? Why do I read stories daily of people having heart attacks, or car accidents, then dying, but somehow Covid 19 is the cause of death? Why do Trump haters support this crap under such questionable "facts"? I get it if you're a die hard liberal...I don't judge anyone by their personal opinions. I'll even admit that Trump is a little "out there", but he was sure as hell better than the alternative in 2016...and will be the best option for 2020..in my opinion, of course.

Because you read nothing but right wing nuts job "news" sites and don't bother to check if what they are telling you is true. 

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23 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Just like the flu. Now put on some clean underwear kids. So if we test everybody we will find more and more cases of the flu. Same thing with testing everybody for cancer cells.


Just so you don't need to hijack the other thread.



Steve- comparing covid to flu or cancer is a bad analogy. Cancer isn't transmissible, and the rate of infection to deaths is way lower in flu to covid. Or, looking at the death rates by age, you just want to shoot everyone over 80 to keep the covid numbers down?  

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18 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Steve- comparing covid to flu or cancer is a bad analogy. Cancer isn't transmissible, and the rate of infection to deaths is way lower in flu to covid. Or, looking at the death rates by age, you just want to shoot everyone over 80 to keep the covid numbers down?  

I thought you Democrats loved Andrew Cuomo? Isn't his take something like hell they've got one foot on a banana peel as it is? Look I know you guys are disappointed that Armageddon didn't come to pass. Kind of like those cartoons with a crazy guy in the corner carrying a "the end is near" sign. I'm just talkin about finding cases. I think you know that. Old people are going to die from the flu and it is contagious. And most everybody has cancer cells of some kind. And the people who love panic could just as easily start screaming about cases of cancer and blaming it on whoever they hate. Or you could just quarantine over buddy over 75 or 80. Why wouldn't you? I mean if you're serious?

But again stay home if you're scared. Wear your mask in the car. Get everything delivered.  Wait 20 minutes until the delivery guy pulls away before you go out to get it . Do whatever makes you feel better.




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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I thought you Democrats loved Andrew Cuomo? Isn't his take something like hell they've got one foot on a banana peel as it is? Look I know you guys are disappointed that Armageddon didn't come to pass. Kind of like those cartoons with a crazy guy in the corner carrying a "the end is near" sign. I'm just talkin about finding cases. I think you know that. Old people are going to die from the flu and it is contagious. And most everybody has cancer cells of some kind. And the people who love panic could just as easily start screaming about cases of cancer and blaming it on whoever they hate. Or you could just quarantine over buddy over 75 or 80. Why wouldn't you? I mean if you're serious?

But again stay home if you're scared. Wear your mask in the car. Get everything delivered.  Wait 20 minutes until the delivery guy pulls away before you go out to get it . Do whatever makes you feel better.


Actually Steve I'm not a Democrat by any means, don't know where you've gotten that idea of late. Call me a RHINO if you like. Down ticket, I'll vote straight Republican in November.  :)  I'm also glad it looks like the "worst case" millions dead covid scenario isn't going to happen. Sure, there's people who are paranoid as hell. I see plenty of people wearing masks when I'm out on the bikepaths- that's overkill in my estimation. The other polar opposite is folks who have decided it's a very small personal threat, and are giving the virus a big F*ck You. 

BTW- what constitutes Covid Armageddon largely depends on your POV.  Some would say we're already there with the body count already having surpassed at least two major wars. So where do we draw the line and say it's not a major health crisis?  At the rate deaths are going up now that things are getting back to "normal" whatever that is- I'll bet you a case of beer the final death tally will exceed 200,000. Taking a quick demographic look- that's the equivalent of everyone in Akron dropping dead. 

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13 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Because you read nothing but right wing nuts job "news" sites and don't bother to check if what they are telling you is true. 

WTF do you know about what I read??...10 years ago I considered myself a Democrat. Due to the real nut jobs who are representing your political party, I've moved on. I'm certainly no Republican, either. The idiotic agenda of people like you is killing this country. 

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14 hours ago, hoorta said:

Please- just because you don't know anyone who's had covid doesn't mean it doesn't exist. One of the guys on the Browns Forum had it, for starters. About 5 folks who work at the place I worked at before I retired have come down with it, and my friends are now spending 1\2 their work day decontaminating the place.... 

The issue of your like\dislike of Trump really shouldn't be related to the virus that's floating around. Is the media playing it up for reasons I don't totally understand? Sure. Do they have an agenda? Trump supporters think so. I doubt very many deaths that were really from other causes being declared covid deaths. The White House sure made it a point around a month ago to claim the CDC was padding the numbers. I tend to believe those numbers are accurate...

And the numbers say more American deaths than the Vietnam War, or World War I, and will soon approach the number of Confederate battle deaths in the Civil War. It's not the kung-flu as Trump called it at his rally- it's way more lethal than that. You can joke about it, call it names, ignore it, whatever- Mr. President you're not going to be able to make it go away. Sorry about that. If we as a Nation are at the point of saying- screw it, no masks, whoever dies dies- guess that's the way it's going to be.  


Again...."the numbers say...blah, blah, blah"...Until you have responsible testing with no agenda to sway the numbers, we will never know how deadly this virus is. Like another poster said...if you're terrified, stay inside. Personally, I'll take my chances. You can "Chicken Little" me all day, but until the sky falls on my head, I'm going on with my life. 

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On 6/23/2020 at 9:14 AM, MLD Woody said:

That's fair. This thread and line of thinking is a debacle from the start, and I can understand not wanting to even attempt at trying to convince them otherwise. They're starting so far out in left field it's just not worth the time. 

*right field 😎

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