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Browns players taking a knee

MLD Woody

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20 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Is that it, or are you standing because that is what is socially expected? (And I'll admit, I get goosebumps EVERY time I hear the anthem live before an Indians game. I get what you are saying and to be honest, while I totally understand why guys are kneeling, I'm not sure I'd be able to do it. But I believe in the choice to do so)

Someone I know posted last night on Facebook about how "When I went to school we said the Pledge of Allegiance every day", basically alluding to that is why older people have more respect for the country, etc... I'm 44, and we said the Pledge every day too - and overwhelmingly the kids I did it with didn't give two fucks about it. Generally, that is what happends when you are forced to do something by rote. 


Ah, we are the exact same age. You got an October birthday? 

A bit of both l suppose to the first question. That’s actually a good question with rabbit hole answers for me personally.

I took my dad to a Tribe v Reds game once. He SAT during the Anthem. He’s a former hippie and very much marches to the beat of his own drum. We’ve never discussed that, but that’s seared into my brain. And it’s my dad. Stickin’ it to the Man. 

Myself, l truly get a rise out of the Anthem at a game. My daughter is usually my game buddy, and afterwards we usually head nod or comment on the rendition. It’s not an easy song to sing and requires some range. 

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8 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Ah, we are the exact same age. You got an October birthday? 

A bit of both l suppose to the first question. That’s actually a good question with rabbit hole answers for me personally.

I took my dad to a Tribe v Reds game once. He SAT during the Anthem. He’s a former hippie and very much marches to the beat of his own drum. We’ve never discussed that, but that’s seared into my brain. And it’s my dad. Stickin’ it to the Man. 

Myself, l truly get a rise out of the Anthem at a game. My daughter is usually my game buddy, and afterwards we usually head nod or comment on the rendition. It’s not an easy song to sing and requires some range. 

November! And I've heard many people talk about how difficult the anthem is to sing. 

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Just now, Dutch Oven said:

November! And I've heard many people talk about how difficult the anthem is to sing. 

Oh goody, l got the age card here. Which is pretty much bullshit. These are all microcosms imo. Big pictures are what concern me. We got a window here, and as much as a pain in the ass as it is l want to carry who l can through it. 

Where the fuck is Gorka? 

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On 6/14/2020 at 9:00 AM, Axe said:

Yet you don't know the difference between "You", "Your" and "You're"..

Michigan grad I take it  🤣

Hence the /s which means sarcasm Einstein. You probably hate him because of which side of the WW2 he sided on and the used of the scientific method. It ain't like the infowars junk stats "you" guy preach. Now trying saying that in a low Mr. T voice with some bass (which you may also hate because of the color of his skin) very slowly and try to sound out the letters "Einstein". Sorry that flew over your head in between the Lysol injections. It's OK if you run into some trouble, since we know you having a hard time reading and pronouncing things, my 3 years olds have the exact same problem. . Also I'm also a BearCat, what else do you know about me Nostradamus?

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On 6/14/2020 at 1:10 AM, FairHooker11 said:

sure thing Grimey


This is your well thought out rebuttal for having pedophile tendencies? How sad. What does that even mean unless your using the English (UK) term? Next you call me a fag and I'll think you called me a cigarette. What an idiot.

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26 minutes ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

This is your well thought out rebuttal for having pedophile tendencies? How sad. What does that even mean unless your using the English (UK) term? Next you call me a fag and I'll think you called me a cigarette. What an idiot.

what axe said   

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Good convo, I bleed and Dutch. I feel this is what’s lacking. 

do I stand at home for the Anthem? No, of course not. So why is it such a big deal when other people kneel, when I sit? 

Does it feel different in a crowd when the Anthem is played, like I Bleed talks about? To me, absolutely. Not sure what it is, maybe being around thousands of fellow countrymen, I guess. 


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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Oh goody, l got the age card here. Which is pretty much bullshit. These are all microcosms imo. Big pictures are what concern me. We got a window here, and as much as a pain in the ass as it is l want to carry who l can through it. 

Where the fuck is Gorka? 

You mean... trying to be a voice of reason in a huge pile of horse shit? 

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Baker is his own man. To me this isn't even news, it's something Mary Kay would shout out. Whether people are republican or democratic, we all like football. I could care less if players decide to kneel for the anthem or not. Now winning, that's something I consider important. And this is a new era, without Freddie Kitchens or the Famous Sandwich actor, Hue Jackson.

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ESPN’s Ratings Are Absolutely Pathetic. The Number Of Viewers Is Shockingly Low


David Hookstead | Smoke Room Editor-in-Chief


ESPN’s ratings are officially laughably bad at this point.

Outkick the Coverage founder Clay Travis recently discussed the new numbers for “Get Up” and “High Noon.” They’re as bad as you could get for TV programs. Travis wrote:


When it comes to original programming ESPN is nothing short of a disaster so far this year. But even I was surprised by how much of a disaster things have become with two expensive new shows being aired live from New York City, WokeCenter AM, aka Get Up, and WokeCenter 3.0, aka High Noon/Low Noon/Everything Is Racist. The two shows aired on Thursday and Friday of last week and both hit all time viewership lows, failing to crack 200k viewers.

Yes, it really is this bad, ESPN can’t even get 200,000 people to watch its original shows on the main network.

Get Up, aka WokeCenter 2.0, had just 197,000 viewers this past Thursday from 7-10 am eastern, a whopping 33 percent off the ratings ESPN had for a traditional SportsCenter airing at the same time in the exact same June week last year. SportsCenter, which aired from Bristol and cost a fraction of the $35 million yearly budget of Get Up, had 294,000 viewers last year.

True story. There used to be a time when I could just hop on Facebook Live and get more than 200,000 viewers. All I had to do was hit record, and we were off to the races.

Now, to put that in perspective, ESPN has Disney money and still can’t produce content people care about. Think about how many people watch sports. So many people. Pretty much everybody I know is a sports fan. Yet, ESPN still can’t get even 200,000 people to watch their new shows. How pathetic is that? (RELATED: ESPN RATINGS GO UP AFTER TAKING JEMELE HILL OFF THE AIR)

Something has to change, right? You can’t just be dumping money into these programs if nobody is watching. I don’t think that’s how you make money in television. Of course, I’m not a TV executive, but I do know a thing or two about blowing money. Pouring millions of dollars into failing shows seems like a great way to make sure you never get your money back.

As always, it’s great to see ESPN fail. There’s literally no other business I’d rather see this happen to. They should just have stuck to sports. Instead, they had the become woke on every subject, and now people just don’t care what they have to say.

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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2020 at 7:10 AM, Dutch Oven said:

I can almost taste your delicious tears, Sebastian. 

Make sure to gargle some Clorox before you head out to Tulsa for your White Power... er... Trump Rally! 


Not the kind of tears you think asshole lol

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1 hour ago, Zombo said:

Well, it seems that all of the regulars that are interested had a whack at it, I'll send it to the Poli Board and merge it with the other kneeling post and let everyone that goes over there bludgeon this horse.

Die Hard & Gorka ... You might need a ComeToJesus moment. Not judging ... Just saying ... Gotta suck to carry hate in your heart.


Lots of my best friends and people who I love have fucked up ideas about things. 

But again I call bullshit on the fake idea that these protests are meant to draw attention to police brutality. If they were seriously interested in making Society better they would protest the murders the crime Etc going on in the inner cities each and every day. But they don't care. Which sucks no matter which political party you're in.


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On 6/11/2020 at 12:52 AM, Gorka said:

I could name 10 blacks just off the top of my head that would oppose kneeling ? 

What is that supposed to prove ? There were blacks helping hunt down Harriet Tubman. Go ahead and list them. You may want to leave out the hypocrite Candice Owens seeing as how though she claims race doesn’t matter, once was assisted by the NAACP in a racial harassment lawsuit against a school board which she won. https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/87F95F78-055B-11EA-8C4A-E5589B9807E6


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I think it's important to recognize that certain people like to divide us as humans. We all love football, that's why we're here. It's an escape from all the bullshit that happens in life. All of the tragedy, sadness, and suffering in the world.

We're all humans, no matter what backgrounds we come from, and we all breathe the same and bleed the same.

Instead of focusing on what makes us different, we should focus on what brings us together.

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you watch if they play this season after every touchdown, the celebration will be a protest.  it's starts with 2-3 minutes here or there next thing you know you'll get 2-3 minutes of football between the protesting.🙁

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3 hours ago, Furious Styles said:

With everything going on in the world today, If a man silently kneeling for 2-3 minutes on a Sunday triggers and angers you, you’ve got serious issues. That’s like bitching about a leaking faucet on the Titanic.

That's right, judge people who don't feel the same way you do.  It's not about people having serious issues, its about an issue that is serious to a lot of people.

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Based on the love affair many Trump supporters on here have with here, it is very clear Candace Owens' business decision to shift to conservative punditry has paid off handsomely.  

Good for her. She's correct. Assholes who set a particular race aside for special treatment have done them no favors.



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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Do you think she isn't getting any special treatment because of her race now? 

Mostly because she's made the decision not to be a welfare queen or a crack whore or squirting out a dozen kids from 12 different baby daddy and blaming Trump? Yes special treatment and deservedly so. As matter of fact Woody anybody who takes responsibility for their own life works hard Etc gets special treatment. Sucks doesn't it?


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41 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Mostly because she's made the decision not to be a welfare queen or a crack whore or squirting out a dozen kids from 12 different baby daddy and blaming Trump? Yes special treatment and deservedly so. As matter of fact Woody anybody who takes responsibility for their own life works hard Etc gets special treatment. Sucks doesn't it?


Welll this was  a very on brand "answer" from you... 

completely missing the point, potentially purposefully, to derail any attempt at a back and forth


oh well

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On 6/16/2020 at 10:40 PM, Gorka said:

Harriet Tubman?? Wtf ? You make no fucking sense.

And Candance Ownes is a goddess.

Destroys these white guilt liberal fucktards.



https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/87F95F78-055B-11EA-8C4A-E5589B9807E6  Goddess of Hypocrisy ! How you going to claim to not have experienced racism yet benefiting from NAACP assistance in a racial harassment lawsuit ? TOTALLY HYPOCRITICAL. Choosing ideology over facts is a sad state of affairs. Do you deny that there were blacks with the catchers searching for Harriet Tubman ? The point is, just because you find a black person that agrees with YOU, doesn’t make them legitimate.

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