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Browns players taking a knee

MLD Woody

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9 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I wonder how many of you liberal boys in here have actually lived with African Americans?  Read about them in college perhaps?  Taken mandatory black study courses in college.  But have you actually had to live with blacks and work with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week?  Fuk no.  You're a bunch of fucking pussy assed white boys.

WTF? Is this the 1960s? If you don't interact with people of multiple races on daily basis, you must live in a small town in Alabama. For some reason, you think you have to be a tough guy to hang out with African Americans. 

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Just now, cccjwh said:

WTF? Is this the 1960s? If you don't interact with other races a daily basis, you must live in a small town in Alabama. For some reason, you think you have to be a tough guy to hang out with African Americans. 

Interact?  Give me a fucking break.  Have you ever been in the service dick wad?   Fuk no.  

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3 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Uh oh... DieHard is on the verge of storming off this board again in tears...

Let's revisit DieHard's shining moment on this board:

11/3/2019 DieHardBrownsFan said: 

"I'm reporting this to you because I want you to ban me. Fuck this place. I liked your husband by the way. Sayonara." 

Oh shut the fuck up.  You are the biggest asswipe on the BB.  All you do is try and make people look bad.  You're a punk.

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Just now, Zombo said:

I had black roommate in college. Had a black best friend in my 20s. Dated a black woman for awhile. Worked with many blacks. All great folks.

And if you want to turn the table the other way my white daddy, my white uncles and my white Grandfather fought for the this country and my white uncle died on D-day. And they were all liberals. And they would all say they fought so that we could all be equal and have the freedom to protest. And don't tell me they wouldn't be today, because my 90 year old Irish Catholic Mom will totally bitchslap you for such blasphemy. 

You know what, I'm just gonna leave thread alone, put a NSFW on it and see where it goes.

Just hit the bat signal if you get offended ... Kathy has two black kids.


Big fucking deal.  Live and work and fight with them in the service then give me a fucking call.  You pussies don't know jack shit.

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Just now, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Oh shut the fuck up.  You are the biggest asswipe on the BB.  All you do is try and make people look bad.  You're a punk.

Oh, you are doing a great job making yourself look bad without my help. 🤣🤣

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25 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I’m just going to ask that you ramble on for a couple paragraphs about your respect for the black community. Enlighten us all. 

well, I am a veteran, do you know how many servicemen and women are black? Many were friends of mine back then. I remember so many stories. Inner city, suburbs. discrimination...

    I wish the activists who diss our country would respect our country, be concerned about our country, as I am about the black community. That's all.I want to talk football here.

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8 minutes ago, Zombo said:

So everyone that didn't serve is a pussy? 

I assume that covers Captain Bone Spurs as well?


You know DieHard doesn't have the balls to go after a moderator, Zombo..

Oh sure, he'll cry to moderators, but his fake-ass tough guy persona will disappear with you. 

In fact, there's always talk about a board meet-up. You know his ass wouldn't have the balls to show up. 

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1 minute ago, Dutch Oven said:

You know DieHard doesn't have the balls to go after a moderator, Zombo..

Oh sure, he'll cry to moderators, but his fake-ass tough guy persona will disappear with you. 

Who the fuck are you?  Just some fucking pussy assed liberal talking shit on here?  You're nothing.

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1 minute ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Who the fuck are you?  Just some fucking pussy assed liberal talking shit on here?  You're nothing.

I'm the fucking pussy assed liberal that got you so irate you quit the board, twat. 

And I'm sure it still eats at you. 😀

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Just now, Dutch Oven said:

I'm the fucking pussy assed liberal that got you so irate you quit the board, twat. 

And I'm sure it still eats at you. 😀

You did shit fuckwad.  You're a dipshit and didn't cause me to do anything.  You're a fucking laughable pussy.

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20 minutes ago, Zombo said:

I had black roommate in college. Had a black best friend in my 20s. Dated a black woman for awhile. Worked with many blacks. All great folks.

And if you want to turn the table the other way my white daddy, my white uncles and my white Grandfather fought for the this country and my white uncle died on D-day. And they were all liberals. And they would all say they fought so that we could all be equal and have the freedom to protest. And don't tell me they wouldn't be liberals today, because my 90 year old Irish Catholic Mom will totally bitchslap you for such blasphemy. 

You know what, I'm just gonna this leave thread alone, put a NSFW on it and see where it goes.

Just hit the bat signal if you get offended ... Kathy has two black kids.


We really need a Fuck Yeah button

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22 minutes ago, Zombo said:

I had black roommate in college. Had a black best friend in my 20s. Dated a black woman for awhile. Worked with many blacks. All great folks.

And if you want to turn the table the other way my white daddy, my white uncles and my white Grandfather fought for the this country and my white uncle died on D-day. And they were all liberals. And they would all say they fought so that we could all be equal and have the freedom to protest. And don't tell me they wouldn't be liberals today, because my 90 year old Irish Catholic Mom will totally bitchslap you for such blasphemy. 

You know what, I'm just gonna this leave thread alone, put a NSFW on it and see where it goes.

Just hit the bat signal if you get offended ... Kathy has two black kids.


Fuck you and the horse your rode in on asshole.

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3 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

You did shit fuckwad.  You're a dipshit and didn't cause me to do anything.  You're a fucking laughable pussy.

You’re driving at something DirHard. What is it? You served in the military. You worked with black servicemen. And your experience was?

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6 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

You did shit fuckwad.  You're a dipshit and didn't cause me to do anything.  You're a fucking laughable pussy.

The best part... you crawling back with your tail between your legs. 

You had to come back to this message board because no one in real life pays any attention to you, right? 

I almost feel bad for you. I don't, but I almost do. 

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3 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

You’re driving at something DirHard. What is it? You served in the military. You worked with black servicemen. And your experience was?

Blue balls from his time in the showers with them? 

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1 minute ago, Dutch Oven said:

The best part... you crawling back with your tail between your legs. 

You had to come back to this message board because no one in real life pays any attention to you, right? 

I almost feel bad for you. I don't, but I almost do. 

Crawl my ass you fuking pussy assed bitch.  Shut the fuck up with all your liberal shit.  You have never done shit your whole life.  I feel bad for you, like I do when I am constipated and can't shit.

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2 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Crawl my ass you fuking pussy assed bitch.  Shut the fuck up with all your liberal shit.  You have never done shit your whole life.  I feel bad for you, like I do when I am constipated and can't shit.

Oh please BrownsBoard let me back on the board my life is so empty without you no one in my life listens to me anymore. I'm so sad without you BrownsBoard.



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1 minute ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Crawl my ass you fuking pussy assed bitch.  Shut the fuck up with all your liberal shit.  You have never done shit your whole life.  I feel bad for you, like I do when I am constipated and can't shit.

Objectively speaking, there are better put down lines than that.

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


. America isn't perfect, 

Wow, that's a hell of an admission coming from this guy.

Though if I had to guess why America isn't perfect we might see:

- gays destroying real marriage!

- whites unfairly being called racist for just saying the truth!

- liberals!

- anything that can vaguely be described as socialism!

- the WAR on Christmas!




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FYI, in case it isn't clear, after being a Trump fan to troll non Trump fans, then being a non Trump fan to troll Trump fans, then being a Trump fan to troll non Trump fans, then being a non Trump fan to troll Trump fans, DieHard has now decided to be a Trump fan again to troll non Trump fans. 

It stopped being fun for him in the Poli board because everyone blocked him, so he switched to troll the Trump fans. But now that kneeling has crossed over to this board, where many very reasonable, moderate, non Trump fans reside, he is back to trolling as a Trump fan. 




Also Cal's stories are 90% fantasy

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

well, I am a veteran, do you know how many servicemen and women are black? Many were friends of mine back then. I remember so many stories. Inner city, suburbs. discrimination...

    I wish the activists who diss our country would respect our country, be concerned about our country, as I am about the black community. That's all.I want to talk football here.

I knew the first part. Thank you. Do you stay in touch? What do they have to say regarding current events?

I wish the same man. The current path requires a reroute or 2 to get there though. It takes work and understanding to get there. We ain’t there yet. 

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13 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:

I agree, the Tulsa race massacre is a part of American history that isn't publicized enough!


And the tearing down statues is the same -- Everyone who fought "On The Side Of The South" was a terrorist fighting against America, period dot end of story.  Confederates remain the most coddled bunch of losers in the history of the world.  If police actually wanted to "fight for justice," they'd throw in prison and beat everyone flying or otherwise supporting the flag that represents nothing more than insurrection and the execution of both federal law enforcement and armed forces - you know, actual threats, unlike antifa.  It does also represent states rights -- the right of people within a state to enslave others.  The event kicking off the civil war was Northern sheriffs refusing to enforce the "rights" of slaveholders in Southern states to own black people.

I started watching Watchmen on HBO this evening. I had no clue at all that it started out with the Tulsa massacre. So it was highly coincidental or ironic when I saw that. 

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6 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

That’s the thing about respect, it’s a 2 way street. There’s a rather large segment of our population who aren’t feeling it, and they’re making it known. I can’t claim l know what it’s like to be black in America. You can’t either. But l can listen. I can try to comprehend, and at the end of the day l want to bring us all into the fold.

So what can WE do to enable people of color to feel the same way about America that we do? That is the question. That is the goal. 

Protests, riots, kneeling at a football game? Those aren’t solutions. Those are just a bright blinking SOS. We’re mentally moving past that now into solution phase, and l’m happy to hear you speaking about solutions too. 

Solutions start with understanding the mindset of the opposition, or at least an attempt to do so. Where are they coming from? Why do they feel this way? What do they hope to accomplish? 

The mindset of the opposition is chaos. They seek no resolution. To them America is founded in sin and cannot be fixed.

Unlike the 60's, todays  protests have no goals. What do they want? They want power, and to gain power they must have victims.
George Floyd validates their claims of racism. Cries of systemic racism...all it does is expand their territory of entitlement. "We want more, society is responsible for us" That is corruption.
Blacks have never been less oppressed then they are now. They remain at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and are not happy about it. Instead of carrying their own weight and taking responsibility, they look at the police
. -Selby Steele 1960's Civil Rights activist.

Embroil yourself in that shit. Hopefully at the end you’ll see it’s not “they”, but rather a part of “us”. Then we can move forward.


What can we do? You're out of your fucking mind. The only thing left is kneeling while apologizing for being white... and of course reparations.

Ask yourself what hasn't been done . Every social program imaginable to help blacks has been put into place.  It's not up to us now, its up to them. Name all the successful blacks you know that are not from the US. Why is it that both brown and black people who have never stepped on American soil striving to emigrate here feel the same way about America as we do, yet a certain segment including those rioting looting thugs born here don't?  Surely those foreign citizens of color got the message by now that America is racist and a place where blacks are oppressed and should stay away.

Secondly you're encompassing an entire community. Not all blacks are buyin the shit you're trying to sell and their numbers are growing.  Many blacks do appreciate this country. So how is it that a single parent ghetto raised Ben Carson become a doctor?  Did you ever hear of people like  Selby Steele, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell,  Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan Keys...etc etc etc ect, you know, those you would call Uncle Toms. Study up on what they have to say about the bullshit the members of their own race and white guilt libs are spewing  Your ignorance is vast.

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