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Browns players taking a knee

MLD Woody

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On 6/8/2020 at 7:53 PM, MLD Woody said:

Please, please, please can we skip the "they're disrespecting the flag" bullshit? 

If we're going to have people here posting negative, hateful comments against Browns players for peacefully protesting you might as well save us the trouble and leave now. 

Based on Goodell admitting the NFL was wrong on this issue in the past, I think they'll have the balls to go against Trump. As a result, plus with everything else going on, you're going to see players taking a knee. I reference Jarvis and OBJ as they were just in the players' video on the issue. 

Drew Brees admitted his mistake and understands it now. I'm hoping more posters on here do as well.

Otherwise we're in for another long season of some awful and embarrassing takes on here.

My opinion is I don't like it, I just want to watch the game. I don't want anybodys agenda during a game. I am all for people peacefully protesting about anything they want and driving policy changes. Its your God given right. I am not for this mob mentality that is coercing people to think a certain way. The NFL changed its position because the mob forced them too. My feeling is NFL players can be a force for change, they have a big microphone to do so and can work in their communities and advocate for change and put money behind these ideas. Kneeling at a ball game never has and never will cause change. I like what someone said earlier, just keep the players in the locker room or tunnel during the anthem and then let them come out and play ball.

I think we all agree that everyone should received equal treatment and justice under the law. And we should work to make change anywhere we need to, to ensure that happens. But that doesn't mean I am going to support this war on the police, or the violence, outing of everyone who may have said something 10 years ago that you don't like. Lets make it so that those in power are held accountable and are good stewards of that power and that we all just love and respect each other and on game day lets just play ball.

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3 hours ago, runyon27 said:

and on game day lets just play ball.

I'll rephrase your stupidity:

Standing during the national anthem is simply patriotism, which isn’t political, while kneeling is unpatriotic, which is political.


To be clear: It's all politics, baby boy.  Your lack of comfort with the objective reality of the players' lives is your problem, not theirs - and it's not your place to initiate the Calvinball of "What Is The Right Protest."

[For those who don't remember calvin and hobbes, calvinball is the deliberately absurd game that was made up as it was being played, always to benefit the person making the rules]

If you don't like it, don't watch.  You won't be missed.


Might want to read the most recent transcript - Stefanski refused to rule out the entire Browns staff and team kneeling as one.  If they do, will you start following curling?  If not, your protest is noted and ignored.. you know, in the same way you ignored Kaepernick! This is fun!


Gosh, it's almost like Kaepernick had a finger on the pulse of something!

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13 minutes ago, Unsympathetic said:

I'll rephrase your stupidity:

Standing during the national anthem is simply patriotism, which isn’t political, while kneeling is unpatriotic, which is political.


If you don't like it, don't watch.  You won't be missed.  Your lack of comfort with the objective reality of the players' lives is your problem, not theirs.

I don't get the hostility. He just had his own opinion. That isn't allowed? Offending people because kneelers have a legit grip about racism - alienates the folks they want to get the message out to. Which tells me, that the ulterior motive is getting attention for getting attention's sake. Media hype and fame. Not the cause. And it doesn't solve anything - it's counter-productive. Just how I see it. I agree with the sentiment, not the taking away from the reason fans go to the games - to see the GAME.

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16 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

alienates the folks they want to get the message out to

Red herring argument.

Nobody ever doubted for a second that anyone who would be alienated had already deliberately decided they were against it.

And you can't understand people who are actually inquisitive --- because YOU aren't, you assume nobody else is.


Nascar just banned the Confederate flag.. how much would you like to bet that the people alienated by Kaepernick are the same ones alienated by Nascar?


Z - Feel free to move this whenever, of course!

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10 hours ago, Comeonman said:

I would agree and disagree. Depends on what your definition of bad is. Are 4% of cops douchebags? In my experience... no. More like 10-20%. Would 4% of cops do something as sick and twisted as Chauvin did? I don’t believe it would be even .00004%. 
I ask the same question most others do, how do you weed those people out? Unfortunately, I don’t know. 

The easy answer would be you guy police yourselves and while you seem to earnest, others have turn a blind eye, hence the predicament the nation is in. Regardless thank you for service.

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 9:50 PM, SdBacker80 said:

I’ll bite ...See I am not going to fall prey to the pick a side mob mentality happening now in our country.  

Am I happy with the direction of this country?  (social aspects no- financially we are stronger than ever).  We can be much better.  We still have oppressed coming here from all over the world- I see it daily in San Diego.  This is a great place by no means is it a perfect place.

I’m disgusted by The actions of a former officer and inactions of the other former officers in MN.  I know they aren’t all bad there are certainly bad eggs that target groups and races. But a “solution” to disband the police is ludicrous.

 I unfortunately and sadly see that people are treated differently in this Country.  

I hate seeing people looting small businesses and other establishments but I think it’s great that peaceful protest is happening with both young and old.  It’s uniting generations. 

But let me also say I am damn grateful for the sacrifice soldiers and officers have made to protect us.  I’m grateful for their service and out of respect for what they’ve done the flag as a symbol not just of our nation but of the sacrifice of soldiers and officers I stop what I’m doing during the song and presentation of flag and my focus is on that.  I don’t agree with kneeling but that’s a choice you have just as people have a choice not to agree with you.

I’m still going to buy NFL products watch games and hopefully go to games soon. 

The only thing the events of the last week did was to prove we need cops.

The only one's being targeted are cops themselves. How many killed and wounded just this last week?


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1 hour ago, Unsympathetic said:

I'll rephrase your stupidity:

Standing during the national anthem is simply patriotism, which isn’t political, while kneeling is unpatriotic, which is political.


To be clear: It's all politics, baby boy.  Your lack of comfort with the objective reality of the players' lives is your problem, not theirs - and it's not your place to initiate the Calvinball of "What Is The Right Protest."

[For those who don't remember calvin and hobbes, calvinball is the deliberately absurd game that was made up as it was being played, always to benefit the person making the rules]

If you don't like it, don't watch.  You won't be missed.


Might want to read the most recent transcript - Stefanski refused to rule out the entire Browns staff and team kneeling as one.  If they do, will you start following curling?  If not, your protest is noted and ignored.. you know, in the same way you ignored Kaepernick! This is fun!


Gosh, it's almost like Kaepernick had a finger on the pulse of something!

What the fuck is the matter with you?


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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 7:53 PM, MLD Woody said:

Please, please, please can we skip the "they're disrespecting the flag" bullshit? 

If we're going to have people here posting negative, hateful comments against Browns players for peacefully protesting you might as well save us the trouble and leave now. 

Based on Goodell admitting the NFL was wrong on this issue in the past, I think they'll have the balls to go against Trump. As a result, plus with everything else going on, you're going to see players taking a knee. I reference Jarvis and OBJ as they were just in the players' video on the issue. 

Drew Brees admitted his mistake and understands it now. I'm hoping more posters on here do as well.

Otherwise we're in for another long season of some awful and embarrassing takes on here.

Then why did you start it?

These kneeling players are nothing but "look at me" attention whores. Otherwise those that choose to would remain in the locker room during the Anthem and have their little protest out of sight. I would have no problem with that. Protest your bleeding hearts out. Nothing is accomplished by kneeling other than the feeling of pompous self importance. You don't have to be a shrink to see this.

You think Brees apologized?  Get a clue. He's a sports hero adored by many and had no choice. He had to rescue his reputation and good standings.

Let's see.. he apologized to the entire black community....so does he think all blacks think the same? I could name 10 blacks just off the top of my head that would oppose kneeling.

He apologized to the of city of New Orleans. Really? Everyone in New Orleans was offended? He apologized the to the NFL, and to his teammates...ditto ditto. What a grandstanding pussy.



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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 9:57 PM, Orion said:

Here's my take.  Sadly, it's the police that set the tone of racism in this country.  Yes, citizens do terrible racist things...but the police are the ones that set the example.  And too many of them are bullies and power mongers, who think that they don't have to follow the laws.  This type of activity has been going on all the way back to Wyatt Earp.....but now, we've all got video cameras in our pockets...

Police chiefs can come out and say all the right things, but it's all blah, blah, blah......because there's too many peckerheaded policemen.  The police are no different than any other organization though, there's assholes in every profession...all the way up to and including priesthood and boy scout masters.  There's just a higher concentration in the police because that's where the bullies in life would gravitate towards.  That and the underworld.  

Growing up, I instructed my son that the police are not your friends.  They are a necessary evil.  ( BTW, my little cousin is a policeman.  He's a heck of a great guy!  Made it to Sargent!  I love him to death! ) 

Your take was one big pile of rubbish.  

Do you wear your Black Lives Matter shirt in front of your cousin cop by any chance?  Your cousin cop exemplifies more the typical policeman, not what you paint them out to be.




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That there is systemic racism/oppression is fake. A lie. You people believe it because the riots proved it?

Those motherfucks couldn't give a rats ass about George Floyd as they made off with their TV sets. George who? Those people took the opportunity to do what they always wanted to. They were having fun.

BLM is fake. Tell me who is the constituency that believes black lives don't matter? Gee, the only one I cant think of is, well,  BLM. Don't ever recall reading about them protesting in Chicago over blacks who continue to be murdered by other blacks. Not interested in that shit. The only time a black life  matters is when it is taken by a white cop, and take into consideration the fact that unjustified killings of blacks by cops are extremely rare.

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56 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Aaaaaaand now it's locked / move


Well it was fun. I appreciate the level headed responses we got while it lasted. 

Level headed only because they agree with you. This place is smothered with intellect.

Let this be a lesson that trying to make this forum your safe space isn't gonna work.

The one person who was level headed was Runyun who was chastised.

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14 hours ago, runyon27 said:

My opinion is I don't like it, I just want to watch the game. I don't want anybodys agenda during a game. I am all for people peacefully protesting about anything they want and driving policy changes. Its your God given right. I am not for this mob mentality that is coercing people to think a certain way. The NFL changed its position because the mob forced them too. My feeling is NFL players can be a force for change, they have a big microphone to do so and can work in their communities and advocate for change and put money behind these ideas. Kneeling at a ball game never has and never will cause change. I like what someone said earlier, just keep the players in the locker room or tunnel during the anthem and then let them come out and play ball.

I think we all agree that everyone should received equal treatment and justice under the law. And we should work to make change anywhere we need to, to ensure that happens. But that doesn't mean I am going to support this war on the police, or the violence, outing of everyone who may have said something 10 years ago that you don't like. Lets make it so that those in power are held accountable and are good stewards of that power and that we all just love and respect each other and on game day lets just play ball.

I agree and Co Sign.  Although kneeling during the anthem has received the attention needed to prompt discussion. So in that regard, someone doing it would disagree that it is not bringing on change. 

You’ve landed in the most unpopular spot in 2020 - right in the middle. I

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18 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:

The assertion Kaep's action has anything to do with the flag is the very definition of a "red herring" argument -- a pure distraction because the person advancing that assertion doesn't want to [can't] confront the accuracy of Kaep's stance on the issue of policing.

Kaep's stance is further proven 110% correct.. because he got blackballed for it.  People don't get blackballed for being incorrect.

Nike was 110% correct to make Kaep their spokesman.. because the under-40 are the ones who buy shoes.

Campaign Zero has a good starting list of policies.  The point is that the public is past nonspecific never-verified promises of "reform" on some future date which never arrives.

A right-winger sees a thread going in a way he doesn't like and starts by threatening violence? Today must end with a Y. 

Win those hearts and minds!

Where did I say there would be violence?.. Secondly.. I'm not a right winger... Nor am I a left winger... I am an Independent...... BLM, ANTIFA and all of the other hate groups are the ones perpetuating the violence funded by George Soros.

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

That there is systemic racism/oppression is fake. A lie. You people believe it because the riots proved it?

Those motherfucks couldn't give a rats ass about George Floyd as they made off with their TV sets. George who? Those people took the opportunity to do what they always wanted to. They were having fun.

BLM is fake. Tell me who is the constituency that believes black lives don't matter? Gee, the only one I cant think of is, well,  BLM. Don't ever recall reading about them protesting in Chicago over blacks who continue to be murdered by other blacks. Not interested in that shit. The only time a black life  matters is when it is taken by a white cop, and take into consideration the fact that unjustified killings of blacks by cops are extremely rare.

Who are you arguing with in your solo person ramblings over multiple post? Also did you mother cheat on your dad with a black man? The very first line of you absurd "statements" is an out right lie, unequivocally false ( I know this first hand), and on a level of stupidity only rivaled by our resident troll nickers.It also show you have an extreme detachment from reality.  I'm sure you bring out some junk science (that everyone should ignore) to back up said lies because that what "you" people do. Probably these will lack per capitol or context that you cherry picked from nutjobs on Infowars or some Russian owned new networks like Oan or whatever the fuck it called.The rest of bile you spiel just makes you look like a racist dickhead and I truly feel bad for your neighbors or anyone that has to be around. You are clearly are an unpleasantly person, unstable liar,  that downs bleach. You probably don't even spring for the good lime-scented stuff just plain jane Clorox. Anyhow like my momma use to says you can't unteach stupid. Enjoy your misery day, I have a date with my kids in my backyard.

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I thought the kneeling thing was pretty savvy on Kaepernick and others’ part. It ruffled some feathers, raised awareness and got people talking. Unfortunately the narrative got bastardized in the process. 

One thing that always fires me up is when people stick it to the Man. IMO that’s as American as it gets. Our founding fathers stuck it to the Man, our best revolutionaries stuck it to the Man, and quite frankly it’s our right, and l would go so far as to say our obligation, to stick it to the Man too if need be.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Those wigged out mofos got that part right. In layman’s terms, if the Man becomes a detriment to our basic rights, then it’s time to stick it to the Man. 

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oh, boy. Here we go. So we can alter and abolish the deep state for what they have done - corrupted our entire government? Attacked our 2nd Amendment? Biden says he's coming for our guns? Like that?

egad. no wonder this thread was finally moved.

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9 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, boy. Here we go. So we can alter and abolish the deep state for what they have done - corrupted our entire government? Attacked our 2nd Amendment? Biden says he's coming for our guns? Like that?

egad. no wonder this thread was finally moved.

Dude, that’s exactly WHY we have the second amendment. To stick it to the man!  Duh...

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9 hours ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

Who are you arguing with in your solo person ramblings over multiple post? Also did you mother cheat on your dad with a black man? The very first line of you absurd "statements" is an out right lie, unequivocally false ( I know this first hand), and on a level of stupidity only rivaled by our resident troll nickers.It also show you have an extreme detachment from reality.  I'm sure you bring out some junk science (that everyone should ignore) to back up said lies because that what "you" people do. Probably these will lack per capitol or context that you cherry picked from nutjobs on Infowars or some Russian owned new networks like Oan or whatever the fuck it called.The rest of bile you spiel just makes you look like a racist dickhead and I truly feel bad for your neighbors or anyone that has to be around. You are clearly are an unpleasantly person, unstable liar,  that downs bleach. You probably don't even spring for the good lime-scented stuff just plain jane Clorox. Anyhow like my momma use to says you can't unteach stupid. Enjoy your misery day, I have a date with my kids in my backyard.

what did you try to say there pussie?

to the casual observer it looks like a lot of hair on fire rants from 4 years ago... 

Id be careful with the "unpleasant person" claim  because the date with your kids might be stayed if the parole officer finds out 

youve been threatening people again... LOL


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On 6/10/2020 at 5:56 PM, ballpeen said:

I think most do to some degree, but that would be post hire.


The DA isn't happy with the police when they botch something they can't enter in to evidence.  Nobody wants to let bad guys walk, but sometimes that happens.  Mistakes can be made.  No DA is going to press forward without evidence or knows the judge is going to have no choice but to throw it out for one reason or another.


That is the beauty our system.  The defendant doesn't have to prove anything.  Innocent until proven guilty. The burden is on the state.

Tell that to Brett Kavanaugh.

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On 6/8/2020 at 7:53 PM, MLD Woody said:

Please, please, please can we skip the "they're disrespecting the flag" bullshit? 

 oh there's certainly plenty of bullshit and this protest is the biggest sticking turd of the pile. You want to bring attention to something? A career criminal gets killed by police officer and the country is in flames. That's not enough attention for you woodpecker? Why not bring attention to the actually innocent people who have died at the hands of these rioting sons of bitches? Or the fact that for everyone person wrongly killed by the police there are literally thousands gunned down by people of their own color in the streets? But you don't give a shit about that.

Drew Brees admitted his mistake and understands it now. I'm hoping more posters on here do as well.

 Drew Brees didn't admit any fucking mistake he was forced to do that and you know it. The left loves to do shit like that force people to apologize for shit they shouldn't apologize for. Rodger Goodell can blow me too.

 We were all shocked and outraged by the death of George Floyd regardless of the fact he was little more than a thug. nobody seems to care about the innocent people who were murdered by your buddies.




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The victim shaming train you and others have hopped on, while absolutely predictable, is pathetic.

If you think Brees was forced, and put no stock into the conversations he undoubtedly had with many African Americans I'm sure he's grown close to in the locker room over the years, then I'm not going to convince you. 



This thread was doomed from the start, yes, but the turning point in it was clear.

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18 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


This thread was doomed from the start, yes, but the turning point in it was clear.

Rightly so. By the way, even though I know you don't care....


https://disrn.com/news/the-16-people-who-have-died-in-the-riots-following-george-floyds-death/amp#aoh=15919645930157&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s

And that was a week ago.


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