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The truth about the political board


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16 hours ago, hoorta said:

 A) I had a chat with Steve about the previous Moderator.

B.) Would you like me to take over from the other side of the fence? 

My 2 cents.. and keep the change, ya filthy animals 🤓.. 


A) Steve's got my vote for handling this site about as well as anyone possibly could..👍....hell, it's politics ..and about right now, they might only agree on washing your hands...

I just don't have the time to spend here, like some do... but i do enjoy reading the rights/lefts & independents, political views & opinions..heck!  what sport can we really comment on about now anyhow? Square Dancing?   

B.) a heck no!      let Farmer Cal & the others keep dancing..    I have not seen a political bunt or blooper drop in yet...  

   7Z8e.gif     🤠 yee-haw! ya all''... and Happy Friday!

Play Nice! (or use PM's!!) A>B>T>M>S...  anybody but the Mod Squad)

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yep. would censor every conservative. Facts don't matter. josh rosen was the superstar "perfect pocket passer".

like "Biden is better than Pres Trump because.... I hate Fox news"

TDSer: "Trump's tweets are a scandal, he'll lose the election, he's terrible."

Conservative: What about Benghazi? IRS? FBI/Intel spying on political opponents for fake reasons? What about Uranium One? What about the "Fast and Furious" to frame American gun companies and gun owners for mexican drug cartel violence? etc.


emotional knee jerkie, that's my name for it.

Officially known as....

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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FYI, Mr T, the tragic hero in Cal's fantasy story, did actually ban me once or twice, for saying things he didn't like. 

Cal will now play some combination of me deserving it and the victim card, but any sane person could tell you what actually happened.

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Why bother DHB- they're a broken record.... If I didn't have to Moderate the other Forum, I'd put a bunch of them on ignore....  

Well hoorta if it helps you out and it's what you truly want I will not reply to you any more so that will be one less you have to hear from.  Let me know please.

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Glad that's what you think.... But in regard to #5- then don't go dragging up Fox or Red State as Gospel either... If you don't like leftist media. That was the main reason I posted the Robert Reich video- there's political propaganda coming from both sides of the spectrum.  

Re: #4- Talk about hurt feelings. Your good old President sure loves to play the victim that those media folks are out to get him.   

News stories from FOX are posted here very often. I'm sure by now you would have come across at one that was false or misleading, and you most likely never will because it's rare.

That's not to say FOX is  perfect, just as it is to say that the Republican party isn't perfect, but they come across as pure as the driven snow compared to the corrupt political scum that is todays demonrat party and it's arm the liberal mainstream media. Thank God for FOX.

You are either an imbecile or got your head up your ass if you don't believe the media is out to get Trump. For you it's probably both.

Journalist rarely donate to the Republican party...this past election 97% of all campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary, 3% to Trump. What the fuck does that tell you? Gee, could it be perhaps most of them voted for Hillary too? Naaaah.

Shall I leave it at that or must I take you by the hand and show you the evidence?


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24 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Well hoorta if it helps you out and it's what you truly want I will not reply to you any more so that will be one less you have to hear from.  Let me know please.

Well, if I put you, Cal, and Gorka on ignore this forum would get reduced by at least 50%

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

FYI, Mr T, the tragic hero in Cal's fantasy story, did actually ban me once or twice, for saying things he didn't like. 

Cal will now play some combination of me deserving it and the victim card, but any sane person could tell you what actually happened.

no, I clearly said that T was given a lot of crap to get him to screw up. I know, because a few BRAGGED about it (lol, they posted) that they were successful.

I know, I talked to him on the phone a few times, we pm'd before that. I told him to just be fair and blow it off, but he couldn't - he lost his cool and did crap that got him banned. He knew that, didn't really care.

For all the bitching, woodpecker needs to start reading and learning. and Stop the lies. Never once said anything like "hero". T screwed up, and a few bragged about causing it. That's all.

Here is my exact quote:

"   The moderator, a very good guy, was fair. But the left started hating him, because he didn't take sides. They gave him so much crap, that he got annoyed, and started deleting their crap. I told him, after a while, that they were trying to get him to respond in a bad way so they could get him gone and replaced.

   But he got upset with all the hate attacks, didn't listen, and got gone. And a few of them admitted it, and laughed."

We first ended up talking about big gardens and gardening, and he started deleting posts, and posters really were giving him crap. So, they started harrassing him to respond in bad ways, and he got mad and did bad things. He was a good guy at that point - about gardening. Just lost his temper, was baited intentionally, and then did bad stuff and got banned. I saw it start and warned him, but he did bad stuff anyways.

all woody does is sit back and smart off, and get people to respond, then whines and cries that he is a victim of mean responses. But that is ok with the lefties because it's **their bird**

I know this, because I was talking to him on the phone before and afterwards for a short while.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Please do... And while you are at it, fix  it so we don't have to see your bullshit if we don't want to as well.




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wasnt it a few months ago how Hoorta kept telling us he’s doesn’t like posting down here. 

Now he literally can’t help himself from one of the most severe cases of TDS I’ve ever seen.

no worries though I’ve even had to walk it back due to political overload.


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