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Ruth Bader Ginsburg agrees with Trump


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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls Kaepernick’s Anthem Protest ‘Really Dumb’



“I think it’s dumb and disrespectful,” she said. “I’d have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it’s a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn’t lock a person up for doing it.”

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Well, GREAT for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I'm always reminded of stuff the anti-war people did, that alienated who they allegedly wanted to


The middle class, most of America.

They demanded their free speech, but during a protest, they let it be known that if you carried a camera with you, they would assume you were the enemy of the cause and you would get the hell beaten out of you. etc etc etc.

   I know bad cops roughing up/shooting blacks because they were black, is a giant problem. I know the war was a giant problem.

But actions that alienate those who the parties pretend to want to get on board... simply falls under"ulterior motives" category of behavior.

I don't believe klaaperdick wanted to inspire anyone as to his cause, and I think the disrespecting our Anthem and Flag is exactly what it is, and exactly what is counter-productive to their alleged cause.

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