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Infuriating: We may have shut down the country for nothing


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In a new report, the World Health Organization announced that asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus "rarely" spread the virus to others. If this is true, we just shut down the nation and drove our economy into a recession for nothing.

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Well since it was lifted prematurely and we are going full Sweden anyway, you are correct. Welcome to 200,000+ dead here by the time we get to 2021. (remember I said before we were on our way to 150,000 when we only had a few thousand at that time?). Well you can remember my 200,000+ total and either say I was right or I was full of shit on Jan 1. And no quibbling over the figures if it's far more than that.

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Out of 388 million DOCUMENTED people in this country 200,000 is an irrelevant number. That's less than .1 percent of the population. Half that, as a matter of fact. 


The needs of the 99.95% outweigh the needs of the .05%

That's reality. That's life. Sorry about mee-maw but when you're 100 years old like Annie Glenn you simply cannot expect to live forever. 

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Well since it was lifted prematurely and we are going full Sweden anyway, you are correct. Welcome to 200,000+ dead here by the time we get to 2021. (remember I said before we were on our way to 150,000 when we only had a few thousand at that time?). Well you can remember my 200,000+ total and either say I was right or I was full of shit on Jan 1. And no quibbling over the figures if it's far more than than.

Thanks to the Democrats the riots helped Tex be correct.:mad:

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I don't know - there is also the fact that covid is causing some kind of other

disease symptoms in children, etc. I believe it was right to shut down for about 2-3 weeks to let it die out as much as possible, but it went on so long that dems looked at it as a chance to get serious control over people - especially over people they hated. Pres Trump, Christians, gun stores/manufacturers/owners...,

but not over their "brownshirts". Like in any cult - anyone who does their bidding is "special" and has very special "rights" that non-cult members don't have.

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2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I don't know - there is also the fact that covid is causing some kind of other

disease symptoms in children, etc. I believe it was right to shut down for about 2-3 weeks to let it die out as much as possible, but it went on so long that dems looked at it as a chance to get serious control over people - especially over people they hated. Pres Trump, Christians, gun stores/manufacturers/owners...,

but not over their "brownshirts". Like in any cult - anyone who does their bidding is "special" and has very special "rights" that non-cult members don't have.

Could that be from being locked inside breathing the same stale air day after day?  I just wish these politicians could drop the nonsense and work together for the good of the people .

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10 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Could that be from being locked inside breathing the same stale air day after day?  I just wish these politicians could drop the nonsense and work together for the good of the people .

actually, that is possible. I wonder about the long term benefits of breathing lysol and hand sanitizer for hours at a time......

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and, btw, the lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is supposed to work against the virus, so tell people to hide inside their homes....

no sense does it make.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

I don't know - there is also the fact that covid is causing some kind of other

disease symptoms in children, etc. I believe it was right to shut down for about 2-3 weeks to let it die out as much as possible, but it went on so long that dems looked at it as a chance to get serious control over people - especially over people they hated. Pres Trump, Christians, gun stores/manufacturers/owners...,

but not over their "brownshirts". Like in any cult - anyone who does their bidding is "special" and has very special "rights" that non-cult members don't have.

Since unreasonable fear and panic is dying down there's been all kinds of bullshit thrown at the wall to try and ramp it back up. Like this:



Zomg! It ruptures your heart! Hide! Coronavirus is literally an alien chest-burster! Hide! 

Except... why hasn't anyone else's heart burst? Could it be that that death wasn't ACTUALLY covid-19? It seems pretty plausible to me. 

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53 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Since unreasonable fear and panic is dying down there's been all kinds of bullshit thrown at the wall to try and ramp it back up. Like this:



Zomg! It ruptures your heart! Hide! Coronavirus is literally an alien chest-burster! Hide! 

Except... why hasn't anyone else's heart burst? Could it be that that death wasn't ACTUALLY covid-19? It seems pretty plausible to me. 

Oh, what you are saying is most certainly true.

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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Since unreasonable fear and panic is dying down there's been all kinds of bullshit thrown at the wall to try and ramp it back up. Like this:



Zomg! It ruptures your heart! Hide! Coronavirus is literally an alien chest-burster! Hide! 

Except... why hasn't anyone else's heart burst? Could it be that that death wasn't ACTUALLY covid-19? It seems pretty plausible to me. 

You know the LiveScience, always just trying to fear monger...

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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You know the LiveScience, always just trying to fear monger...

Yeah? Out of 109,999 other deaths find me some more chest bursting from the alien face-hugger virus and then we'll talk about if their science is sound or if it's baseless bullshit 

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Also, the WHO (which I thought we didn't like...) isn't saying people without symptoms can't spread the disease. Plenty of medical professionals say that it can. The exact dates are unknown. They've followed up on this to clarify. 

Not to mention there's a difference between asymptomatic and presymptomatic. 


But I know everyone made up their minds months ago so I won't dig into it too much

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4 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Yeah? Out of 109,999 other deaths find me some more chest bursting from the alien face-hugger virus and then we'll talk about if their science is sound or if it's baseless bullshit 

Why would you say it's bullshit? They're reporting on an autopsy report. It's not like it's some study or something they did. Why exactly is it bullshit? Because you think it's fear mongering? I mean... too bad? It's just reporting on some medical/scientific aspects of the disease. 

There is an article on the home page about a great white having scars from a giant squid attack. Are they fear mongering about the ocean too?

I'm not saying it's some peer reviewer scientific journal but come on... Let's save the fear mongering qualifier for actual fear mongering

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Because if 110,000 people are dead and one had a burst heart it's both irresponsible to report that it was caused by coronavirus and plain out bad science. Its the definition of fear mongering. If 110,000 people jerk their dicks and one develops cancer you don't run out and report that jerking off causes cancer. 

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Because if 110,000 people are dead and one had a burst heart it's both irresponsible to report that it was caused by coronavirus and plain out bad science. Its the definition of fear mongering. If 110,000 people jerk their dicks and one develops cancer you don't run out and report that jerking off causes cancer. 

Of course this article isn't reporting that "Coronavirus Causes Your Heart to Rupture"...

It is stating that in this one case they found that an otherwise healthy heart ruptured after that person got Covid. 

If anyone takes that article as fear mongering it is more on them than the article.

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Show of hands. Who here that wanted all along, and still wants to close America down for COVID has lost their job and has no income? Show of hands...... waiting.......

So fucking glad I was able to do my part, and to those of you who haven't lost your job (or are retired and receiving a pension) and have been being paid right along like nothing ever happened, be so very thankful that you weren't asked to do your part.......... YET.



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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Also, the WHO (which I thought we didn't like...) isn't saying people without symptoms can't spread the disease. Plenty of medical professionals say that it can. The exact dates are unknown. They've followed up on this to clarify. 

Not to mention there's a difference between asymptomatic and presymptomatic. 


But I know everyone made up their minds months ago so I won't dig into it too much

So now we believe what the WHO says ? Don’t start being like the left and only believing what fits your narrative. A month ago everyone was ready to abolish the WHO and now we want to take what they say as fact ? Can’t have it both ways.

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7 hours ago, D Bone said:

Show of hands. Who here that wanted all along, and still wants to close America down for COVID has lost their job and has no income? Show of hands...... waiting.......

So fucking glad I was able to do my part, and to those of you who haven't lost your job (or are retired and receiving a pension) and have been being paid right along like nothing ever happened, be so very thankful that you weren't asked to do your part.......... YET.



if I remember correctly from the Browns side you wrote that you run a business and had been shut down during this covid season of folly 

I hope that you can recover it back. or at least back open?

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