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44 minutes ago, hoorta said:

You still don't get it Cal. Why Biden? Because Joe doesn't act like a hate filled asshole.  And I just might vote "none of the above"..... 


You still don't get it. biden had his eight years of him and your obaMao commie damaging our country. It would be nice if Pres Trump was always nice to your Nancy, but she's a nasty, corrupt, disingenuous be-atch, and has called Pres Trump every name in the book, told lies about him constantly. Don't give me that crap, I get what you are saying, it stinks like crap.


It would serve no purpose for me to itemize what I don't like about Trump's "accomplishments"- because if I did, you wouldn't agree with it anyway, and I'd just get 100% more point by point Trump defense BS, so I'm not going to waste my time.  


    Heard that before. Name one legitmate thing you don't like about the long list of accomplishments. It would serve an outstanding purpose - it would give some cred to your claims. But it contradicts your FEELINGS about Pres Trump. Pres Trump isn't my kind of guy, wasn't my first choice, but he IS DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.

     Face it, you think Biden is prettier, lies prettier, has pretty REAL: scandals just recently and while he was VP. Pres Trump is annoying, but he is DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA, and you haven't been able to name ONE GREAT THING obaMao commie and biden did during EIGHT YEARS OF DAMAGE to our country.

    Just one. Just pick ONE, and let us know the legitimate fault you find with the great things he's done for America. Put it up.


Give the House back to Republicans?  Not happening, they may well even lose control of the Senate. Hate Garbage? That's all Trump does to anyone who doesn't agree with him, and fires them if he can on top of that. Do you disagree? Want me to dig up a few of his denigrating tweets directed at Nancy? And you wonder why nothing gets done? Har, Trump made sure everyone knew that $2 trillion corona stimulus was due to his largess. I even got a signed letter telling me how wonderful he is, and it was all his idea. 


     wait, you are talking crazy now. NOthing gets done by the House BECAUSE your nasty corrupt nancy refuses to have anything good happen while Pres Trump is president. If that if fine with you, well, I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you.


Regarding backbone- his Republican sheep senators had "no comment" when asked about his Bible waving photo op. Swamp? Well now it's sycophant city Cal. Sorry if you don't see it.  


      Want me to post all the times your obaMao commie did photo ops? Come on, tell me you want me to post all of them. Obamao photo ops good. Biden photo ops good. Pres Trump photo ops BAD OMG HOW DARE TRUMP DO PHOTO OPS.

     TDS, you have it, you don't see it.


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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

.    Heard that before. Name one legitmate thing you don't like about the long list of accomplishments. It would serve an outstanding purpose - it would give some cred to your claims. But it contradicts your FEELINGS about Pres Trump. Pres Trump isn't my kind of guy, wasn't my first choice, but he IS DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.


I'm done- and you've heard what I don't like before short attention span, so keep hugging Donnie's poster. 

Take your Trump wall and shove it up your ass. For starters. See what I mean? I post any more, and, and you'd just say how wrong my POV is. There's only one POV around here the Trump POV, that not everyone outside of this Board happens to agree with. It's a damn MAGA circle jerk, that I've gotten mighty tired of. I'm not going to argue with a right wing crazy, it's a waste of my time. You're not going to listen, and as above, you're going to give me some Trump conspiracy crap...  Obama Derangement Syndrome. 

I've had about all the Trump apologetics I can stand.   

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oh, just go away. You can't come up with ONE JUSTIFICATION for your Pres Trump slurs?

Ever occur to you that you are mad because you are on the wrong side of things?

Take your ball and go home, pouty pouty every step of the way?

I asked a simple question, and mentioned a simple reply - EXPLAIN your hateful slurs, and EXPLAIN your dissing of all that Pres Trump has done that is GREAT for AMERICA.

You say you're an independent - but you can't back up your points, you're all emotional, you are angry because you can't control the narrative and shut conservatives and pro-Pres Trump/pro-AMERICA FIRST folks up.

    You slur OBF as being "called out" and criticized him, but you don't like being called out when you can't list EVEN ONE example, VALID example, of your slurs.

   I haven't mentioned the wall for a good long time. That's pretty irrational to go all fake outrageous emotional knee jerk. You were done when you started slurring and giving your little liberal friends a green light to be as disruptive as they want to be, while getting bitchy about conservatives on this forum.

  You don't have to get all nasty and nasty just because you are wrong and can't come up with ONE FREAKING EXPLANATION that I asked for?

   that is liberal, way liberal. You are an independent liberal. Voting for biden because...

is just like whacking yourself in the nose to spite your face. It's self-defeating.

Liberalism is self-defeating and destructive to America. Liberals FEELINGS rule - not love for America, our Flag, our Anthem, nothing. Just hate for anything that doesn't make liberals feel wonderfully good.

Have a nice day, you can't handle the truth, and God Bless ya !

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

oh, just go away. You can't come up with ONE JUSTIFICATION for your Pres Trump slurs? Factoid #1 Trump slurs everyone who doesn't agree with him...  

Ever occur to you that you are mad because you are on the wrong side of things? 

Take your ball and go home, pouty pouty every step of the way? I don't waste time talking to brick walls....  

I asked a simple question, and mentioned a simple reply - EXPLAIN your hateful slurs, and EXPLAIN your dissing of all that Pres Trump has done that is GREAT for AMERICA. The sooner you realize this guy is a phony, the better off you're going to be. He's got you little lemmings mesmerized

You say you're an independent - but you can't back up your points, you're all emotional, you are angry because you can't control the narrative and shut conservatives and pro-Pres Trump/pro-AMERICA FIRST folks up.

    You slur OBF as being "called out" and criticized him, but you don't like being called out when you can't list EVEN ONE example, VALID example, of your slurs. Excuse me, where in the Sam Hell did you pull that one out of? You're conspiracy laden ass? See Factoid #1.   

   I haven't mentioned the wall for a good long time. That's pretty irrational to go all fake outrageous emotional knee jerk. You were done when you started slurring and giving your little liberal friends a green light to be as disruptive as they want to be, while getting bitchy about conservatives on this forum.

  You don't have to get all nasty and nasty just because you are wrong and can't come up with ONE FREAKING EXPLANATION that I asked for? Sorry I've given you about 10 already, I'm not going to repeat them for short attention spans.... 

   that is liberal, way liberal. You are an independent liberal. Voting for biden because... He doesn't act like an asshole?  

is just like whacking yourself in the nose to spite your face. It's self-defeating.

Liberalism is self-defeating and destructive to America. Liberals FEELINGS rule - not love for America, our Flag, our Anthem, nothing. Just hate for anything that doesn't make liberals feel wonderfully good.

Have a nice day, you can't handle the truth, and God Bless ya !

I had nothing to do with OBF leaving- I just explained why he left. I sure as hell don't need to explain in more detail my opinions of Trump- you should know them damn well by now. I don't need any reasons, maybe I don't like people who play golf.... But by all means- just stick up for a Tweeter who insults anyone that doesn't agree with him....  Wall- schmall, there's plenty more that I'm sure as hell not going to waste time trying to reason with your brick wall POV.  LOL, you think I'm wrong? You're equally on the wrong side, and I think you're going to find out in November what the rest of America thinks about President Lysol..... 

YOU go away-  if you really want to know- I've had three different people this week ask me to ask Kathy to shut this hate filled conspiracy cesspool down. And you and a few others are leading the charge.....  You're the Rich4Eagle of the political forum....  Take THAT FWIW.  

I'll give you a parallel. It would be like if the Browns Forum was populated by 90% Ravens fans, and all you heard was how great Lamar Jackson is, and Baker Mayfiled is a piece of shit.....   

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

YOU go away-  if you really want to know- I've had three different people this week ask me to ask Kathy to shut this hate filled conspiracy cesspool down. And you and a few others are leading the charge.....  You're the Rich4Eagle of the political forum....  Take THAT FWIW.  

I'll give you a parallel. It would be like if the Browns Forum was populated by 90% Ravens fans, and all you heard was how great Lamar Jackson is, and Baker Mayfiled is a piece of shit.....   

ah. I see your bias has no limits. egad. The reason for this forum, is because the lefties had a huge audience and insisted on destroying the football forum with politics some years ago. I had the idea to create a separate forum, as well as others.

  Earlier on, you even admitted I do a great job of separating the two.

Well, you shut this forum down, and a lot of folks will leave the Browns board because it will be a worthless clusterfook of politics.

   Three people asked you.... well, of course they did. They want that huge audience over on the football side again. They don't like the odds of saying stupid crap they can't back up at all, again and again and again and again, and never explain why they said it.

    Rich did the same thing that you and your other liberal faves do - he bitched and b itched and bitched, and repeated "offensive linemen are a dime a dozen" for freaking ever, just to argue. Rich was the incessant troller. and never could back up his asinine assertions, JUST LIKE YOU AND YOUR PRES TRUMP HATERS DO.

   Your parallel is nothing. Are you saying you mad because 90% of the politics forum is populated by enemy "America First Pres Trump" supporters?

    You can never EXPLAIN why you say what you say, and this is just another example.

The only hate is the irrational hate toward the president, like you, and the irrational worship of obaMao commie and all his corrupt sombeitches.

ALL WE EVER GET from you haters is bad things about PRes Trump that make no sense at all, that you can NOT explain at all.

   Then, you get outraged that you can't win your arguments.

Here's a hint: politics is already over on the football side. I told ya - you are a liberal, Hoorta. Your emotional outburst make little sense at all.

  Again - the reason for this forum is to protect the football forum from politics. But I'm sure lefty Pres Trump haters would love to have hate for PRes Trump all over the football side, WHILE CENSORING ALL PRES TRUMP SUPPORTERS off the forum because "it's supposed to be about football".

That is just how the left rolls. They demand to own the narrative. You all can't own it here, so...

of course you are asked to get rid of this forum.

Have a nice day swimming in Egypt with your friends.

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

I had nothing to do with OBF leaving- I just explained why he left.

I didn't say you did have anything to do with it. You explained in derogatory terms, adding your opinion.

Remember how you lambasted me for talking about Josh Allen as much as you and your friends talked about (actually, a little more - I couldn't keep up) Josh Rosen?

  So far, I, and a few others who agreed with me, were totally right. We are right over here, too.

I'll bet the water is pretty warm over in that Egyptian river. See ya, and God Bless.

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