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In key shift, CDC officials now say coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces


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In key shift, CDC officials now say coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces

In key shift, CDC officials now say coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces


For those of you still wiping down groceries and other packages amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, breathe a sigh of relief: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now says the novel virus “does not spread easily” from "touching surfaces or objects" — but experts warn that doesn’t mean it’s no longer necessary to take "practical and realistic" precautions in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Every link in there is taking me to Gatewaypundit, Breitbart, etc. 

I went down the rabbit hole of links to get to the original source (or at least a legitimate one) and in the one example I looked the list in your link says "Fauci said it was safe to do this! But now it isn't! What a fraud!" (paraphrasing). You go to the original quote and he clearly states "this is the reality now, but things can change".



This pandemic is just the most recent example of the anti-expert, anti-academic, anti-science mindset that is way too common in this country. You watch a few youtube videos, take in some biased media, and do your own "research" on Facebook, and all of a sudden you know more than the guy that has years and years of academics, research, and career knowledge under his belt. 

(I'm using "you" in the general sense here)

But if one side wants to continue to push ideas that aren't represented by the scientific/expert community at large (see: Climate Change) they're going to have to try and discredit these experts (while building up non-experts) to make their side seems more reasonable. 

(hell, Green Peace has done this too when it comes to things like nuclear power)


I had this conversation with Chris years ago when he still posted here because the UK was going through the same thing. A movement to discredit experts and instead follow those that say what you want to hear. 

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11 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Every link in there is taking me to Gatewaypundit, Breitbart, etc. 

I went down the rabbit hole of links to get to the original source (or at least a legitimate one) and in the one example I looked the list in your link says "Fauci said it was safe to do this! But now it isn't! What a fraud!" (paraphrasing). You go to the original quote and he clearly states "this is the reality now, but things can change".



This pandemic is just the most recent example of the anti-expert, anti-academic, anti-science mindset that is way too common in this country. You watch a few youtube videos, take in some biased media, and do your own "research" on Facebook, and all of a sudden you know more than the guy that has years and years of academics, research, and career knowledge under his belt. 

(I'm using "you" in the general sense here)

But if one side wants to continue to push ideas that aren't represented by the scientific/expert community at large (see: Climate Change) they're going to have to try and discredit these experts (while building up non-experts) to make their side seems more reasonable. 

(hell, Green Peace has done this too when it comes to things like nuclear power)


I had this conversation with Chris years ago when he still posted here because the UK was going through the same thing. A movement to discredit experts and instead follow those that say what you want to hear. 

So just for the record you don't think Fauci  said any of those things? Because it wasn't on Morning Joe? 


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9 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So just for the record you don't think Fauci  said any of those things? Because it wasn't on Morning Joe? 


.... sigh. No Steve. No. How many times do I have to come back and have to spend time defending myself from statements you're putting in my mouth? Fuck you're annoyed with this stuff.

I never mentioned Morning Joe. I don't watch it. I never mentioned some liberal bias media. At no point did I say I'm only trusting things on left wing sources.

You can call out a right wing biased source without it meaning you only listen to the opposite left-wing sources. 

How is that barely anyone on here can't think outside of black and white? Why do your brains not have the ability to understand the middle ground? It is every day with the same stuff....



I tried a few links. They kept going to right wing sources that I don't trust to tell the entire story. In one case I kept digging. The original Fauci quote ended up not being what the article you posted said he said, or it left off critical context. I've seen enough of these on here to assume the rest of the list if the same thing. 


If you and others don't want to listen to the damn infectious disease experts in the middle of a pandemic I am not going to convince  you otherwise. 


So no, I have no intention of going through each and every point in that list to explain why they're incorrect or misleading just to get the next asinine article thrown in my face. 


Take a victory lap. Say some typical steve BS. Idc.

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Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'

More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home from school a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."

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14 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

.... sigh. No Steve. No. How many times do I have to come back and have to spend time defending myself from statements you're putting in my mouth? Fuck you're annoyed with this stuff.

I never mentioned Morning Joe. I don't watch it. I never mentioned some liberal bias media. At no point did I say I'm only trusting things on left wing sources.

You can call out a right wing biased source without it meaning you only listen to the opposite left-wing sources. 

How is that barely anyone on here can't think outside of black and white? Why do your brains not have the ability to understand the middle ground? It is every day with the same stuff....



I tried a few links. They kept going to right wing sources that I don't trust to tell the entire story. In one case I kept digging. The original Fauci quote ended up not being what the article you posted said he said, or it left off critical context. I've seen enough of these on here to assume the rest of the list if the same thing. 


If you and others don't want to listen to the damn infectious disease experts in the middle of a pandemic I am not going to convince  you otherwise. 


So no, I have no intention of going through each and every point in that list to explain why they're incorrect or misleading just to get the next asinine article thrown in my face. 


Take a victory lap. Say some typical steve BS. Idc.

Apparently you do. I just clicked on one at random it went to the Gateway pundit yes. But the quote was from the Washington fucking post. The only reason you're willing to take a bullet for this little twerp is because he stood behind Trump and made faces.


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24 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Apparently you do. I just clicked on one at random it went to the Gateway pundit yes. But the quote was from the Washington fucking post. The only reason you're willing to take a bullet for this little twerp is because he stood behind Trump and made faces.


No God damn it ... It's because he's a fucking infectious disease expert.

I realize most people on this board just decide what to think based on their party but I don't. I don't give a shit about that stuff. I wouldn't hesitate to agree with a republican if they agreed with my stance on something. 

If Obama thought climate change was a hoax and Trump thought it was a serious issue I'd agree with Trump.

It's so fucking annoying to have to say this over and over but instead it never goes through any of your thick skulls because you couldn't imagine having a single critical thought. 

Again, I went through the links to get out of the right wing circle jerk to find his original quote and it was misrepresented and taken out of context in your article. Big surprise there. My bet is on just finding more of the same. What's the best case scenario? "Fauci said something different two months later so no we should ignore every expert." (Even though a lot has changed since then and in the original quote he probably stated it could change). Then we can all go against those liberal elitists and their book learnin? While some how still worshipping Trump who is literally the definition of an elitist just because he's conned dumbasses into thinking he's a "real American"? Give me a break



I'm done arguing with a wall man. I can go through all of this and you'll say something like "you're just screaming about this because you saw it on Slate hur Durr durrr" and then I'm back here having to use my repose post just to say I never said or thought the thing you said I did


Christ. I didn't think you'd be the one to annoy me this much on here. There are now so many morons on this board and it was your typical Steve nonsense that did the trick. 


Good night. Respond with what I think because I know you're not reading this anyway. Too bad I can't put mods on ignore because it's just a waste of time with you. And again, saying that when considering the other people that post here is just sad.

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44 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Apparently you do. I just clicked on one at random it went to the Gateway pundit yes. But the quote was from the Washington fucking post. The only reason you're willing to take a bullet for this little twerp is because he stood behind Trump and made faces.



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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No God damn it ... It's because he's a fucking infectious disease expert.

I realize most people on this board just decide what to think based on their party but I don't. I don't give a shit about that stuff. I wouldn't hesitate to agree with a republican if they agreed with my stance on something. 

If Obama thought climate change was a hoax and Trump thought it was a serious issue I'd agree with Trump.

It's so fucking annoying to have to say this over and over but instead it never goes through any of your thick skulls because you couldn't imagine having a single critical thought. 

Again, I went through the links to get out of the right wing circle jerk to find his original quote and it was misrepresented and taken out of context in your article. Big surprise there. My bet is on just finding more of the same. What's the best case scenario? "Fauci said something different two months later so no we should ignore every expert." (Even though a lot has changed since then and in the original quote he probably stated it could change). Then we can all go against those liberal elitists and their book learnin? While some how still worshipping Trump who is literally the definition of an elitist just because he's conned dumbasses into thinking he's a "real American"? Give me a break



I'm done arguing with a wall man. I can go through all of this and you'll say something like "you're just screaming about this because you saw it on Slate hur Durr durrr" and then I'm back here having to use my repose post just to say I never said or thought the thing you said I did


Christ. I didn't think you'd be the one to annoy me this much on here. There are now so many morons on this board and it was your typical Steve nonsense that did the trick. 


Good night. Respond with what I think because I know you're not reading this anyway. Too bad I can't put mods on ignore because it's just a waste of time with you. And again, saying that when considering the other people that post here is just sad.

First of all I know you're done arguing with me because you're wrong here. You're mad because some right-wing sites posted some things that are true. Like I always say the source isn't the problem and even Rachel Maddow says things that are true.

Second there are thousands of epidemiologists in the United States. Fauci is not God. He's actually a political hack who hasn't practiced medicine in decades. He's also a smug sanctimonious little prick.

Third the article points out that the fucker has been wrong over and over and over. Why should he be the guy that demand we destroy the United States on his whim?

Fourth you're upset that I'm the guy you're arguing with? You should be I'm among the more independent thinkers on this bored. Trump is an idiot. I give zero fucks what he has to say about this. If he says we should open the country backup however we just agree on that. I don't believe that way because he's Trump I believe that way because it's the right thing to do. I think the lock down and all the restrictions especially from a certain parties group of Governors (but certainly not exclusively )is arbitrary and ridiculous. You let these mid-level bureaucrat flunkies have some power and it makes them insane. Frankly I'm surprised you are among the guys who has thrown his lot in with the cowering in the basement bunch. I really am. 

My position has been clear from the outset while the virus itself is not a hoax this over-reaction is. I believe it's based on politics and counterproductive to everybody in the United States not just Republicans but everybody. I'm disgusted by the fact the people from both parties are so very willing to throw away their constitutional rights for an overblown and ineffectual panicked reaction to a somewhat worse than usual flu season.

You might want to paint this as a knee jerk Trump versus who the hell ever but that's just stupid. There are guys on the board who love Trump and guys on the board who hate him but that doesn't seem to be the Common Thread as to whether or not they are scared shittless of this disease. I am not. Sorry. And I'm older than most people here with more pre-existing medical conditions.

And your point about climate change is just bullshit. That political Football goes either way depending on who's in the White House. All of the Clinton Administration or the Obama Administration did was give it lip service. But that's another discussion for another day.

If you or any of the others on the board are frightened then stay home. I'm not kidding. You may have come upon your fears honestly. You should do what you need to do personally to keep yourselves safe. But going into a big box store so you can confront people that aren't wearing their stupid masks is not keeping yourself safe.

Like I said my messages the same as it's always been. Open the fucking country. That again Trump is an idiot but in comparison to Nancy Pelosi Andrew Cuomo and especially Joe Biden.... Come on bitch wise up. Now get mad and sulk.


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oh, crap. Greta Woodpecka is going to throw a hissy fit. Maybe he'll go drink a 2 liter of woodpecker juice and get LIT !

  The arrogance is tiresome, the complaining about "you're wrong, I don't like "x" source links" is tiresome...and the pecking.

OMG. that is worse than tiresome. Maybe somebody should write a "High I.Q. Haiku" about great woodpecka. that would rock.

Meanwhile - a lot of folks are in stores now - a lot of folks are wearing masks, including us.

However, we go walks in our local parks etc for about a mile to start getting back in shape. No masks.

Some other friends - they have been shut in because of health concerns they have going already  - they are going camping with their grandkids this weekend - and they saw them for the first time in a month in a half last week.

It's time to get back. Carefully as people decide they want to - give them guideline SUGGESTIONS, and let Freedom Ring, dammit. I agreed with the shutdown - we are doing fine here in Ohio. But I think several democrats are going to be voted out of office the next election, you betcha. It's spring, I have a ton of work to do outside, we have hundreds of fish to catch (especially bluegill, etc for fillets), want to go camping with friends, and go visit our friends in NC and have them come up here.

And hopefully, we will drive to Texas and visit the Father-in-law in assisted living. They've had zero visitors since all this started. and not one covid case of patients. (one worker did get it - they caught it very quickly - she went to the doctor just in case because someone else got it...).

But legally going after a business or individuals because they didn't salute or bow down in deference?

Nope. This is AMERICA.

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