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4 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

I feel for you and others in your situation... truly. Even more so because the programs intended to help see you thru the shut-in are generally not getting to the smallest of the small and will in the end be insufficient at their current levels.

But reopening isn't the answer... people are not going to come out in sufficient numbers to help... not anytime soon anyway. Reopening will be used as an excuse to end any aid to which you are entitled. You can see this coming from a mile away.

Then there are the inevitable flare ups that are already emerging. If you don't see them yet... just give it another 10 days.

Thanks T, much appreciated. 

As you might know, my daughter is a 3rd year DPT student in Melbourne Australia - graduating in December, and we have good discussions about this all of the time. She being a medical, science professional has many good points of view from the side that a lot of people like yourself are on, and she always gets me to say "Yea, I never thought of it that way."

Last night we discussed the math/death causes that I posted here yesterday, and not only was she not surprised at all by the numbers, but she had a lightening quick response as to why they are different..... "Someone can't touch something that you then touch and give you heart disease or a car accident." Leave it to my 25yr old millennial to be the first to answer the question, and do so in a way that made me say "hmmmm, I never saw it like that."

Now for some fun stuff that I asked her and you have to search your soul and look in the mirror to answer truthfully......

I simply asked her, "What if the cure, prevention, vaccine is either decades away, or in fact never comes...... is this our new life?"

She immediately said, "Oh hell no!!" So I asked her if she meant that "eventually, the planet would have to open up again, so everyone who is lucky enough to exist on it, actually has a life that is worth living?" and she paused for a bit and softly said "yes.'"

I then pointed out that with that decision, she is now exactly where I am today, but by pushing it off to the 3rd shutdown in 4 years, or the 13th shutdown in 15 years, she is then saying, "Sorry everyone, we tried, lord knows we tried, but now we all have to live our lives and if some of you don't make it, well you don't." 

She then said "hmmmm, I never saw it like that."

I know some brainiac is going to pipe in this thread and say "oh, that will never happen, we will 100% have a vaccine", and to that future poster - lookin' at you Peeps, I say the same thing I say to OBJ.... Show me on the field.

Until then, it's just blah, blah, blah. 

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3 minutes ago, D Bone said:

Thanks T, much appreciated. 

As you might know, my daughter is a 3rd year DPT student in Melbourne Australia - graduating in December, and we have good discussions about this all of the time. She being a medical, science professional has many good points of view from the side that a lot of people like yourself are on, and she always gets me to say "Yea, I never thought of it that way."

Last night we discussed the math/death causes that I posted here yesterday, and not only was she not surprised at all by the numbers, but she had a lightening quick response as to why they are different..... "Someone can't touch something that you then touch and give you heart disease or a car accident." Leave it to my 25yr old millennial to be the first to answer the question, and do so in a way that made me say "hmmmm, I never saw it like that."

Now for some fun stuff that I asked her and you have to search your soul and look in the mirror to answer truthfully......

I simply asked her, "What if the cure, prevention, vaccine is either decades away, or in fact never comes...... is this our new life?"

She immediately said, "Oh hell no!!" So I asked her if she meant that "eventually, the planet would have to open up again, so everyone who is lucky enough to exist on it, actually has a life that is worth living?" and she paused for a bit and softly said "yes.'"

I then pointed out that with that decision, she is now exactly where I am today, but by pushing it off to the 3rd shutdown in 4 years, or the 13th shutdown in 15 years, she is then saying, "Sorry everyone, we tried, lord know we tried, but now we all have to live our lives and if some of you don't make it, well you don't." 

She then said "hmmmm, I never saw it like that."

I know some brainiac is going to pipe in this thread and say "oh, that will never happen, we will 100% have a vaccine", and to that future poster - lookin' at you Peeps, I say the same thing I say to OBJ.... Show me on the field.

Until then, it's just blah, blah, blah. 

Well, the scientists are pretty certain they will come up with a vaccine.  

But,  there have been diseases that ravished the planet for long, long times.   The bubonic plague wiped out  one-third of the population of Europe.  Smallpox certainly did its damage, especially when it was introduced to North America and into the native American population.   (by the way....it ws not unknown that such a tactic to have been done purposely by Euro settlers).

I don't know...maybe this "herd immunity" thing will kick in, as perhaps it did with the plague (they never developed a vaccine in the middle ages).  I don't think it ever developed with small pox.   I think they came up with a vaccine for that. In the mean time, the concept that we should just all "go about our usual lives" and accept the sacrifices that it will take to develop the herd immunity is fine.     I am willing to allow you to be one of those sacrifices if you wish :o  (jk, not really).   I CAN think of some people that I would be willing to sacrifice however.....those carrying Nazi and Confederate flags at these so called rallies. 

By the way, cool that your daughter is studying in Australia.    Does she plan to stay there? 

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28 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

Well, the scientists are pretty certain they will come up with a vaccine.  

But,  there have been diseases that ravished the planet for long, long times.   The bubonic plague wiped out  one-third of the population of Europe.  Smallpox certainly did its damage, especially when it was introduced to North America and into the native American population.   (by the way....it ws not unknown that such a tactic to have been done purposely by Euro settlers).

I don't know...maybe this "herd immunity" thing will kick in, as perhaps it did with the plague (they never developed a vaccine in the middle ages).  I don't think it ever developed with small pox.   I think they came up with a vaccine for that. In the mean time, the concept that we should just all "go about our usual lives" and accept the sacrifices that it will take to develop the herd immunity is fine.     I am willing to allow you to be one of those sacrifices if you wish :o  (jk, not really).   I CAN think of some people that I would be willing to sacrifice however.....those carrying Nazi and Confederate flags at these so called rallies. 

By the way, cool that your daughter is studying in Australia.    Does she plan to stay there? 

Good answer.. thanks! Man, that's a whole other fear I have, and one that forces me to take a Lorazopame at bedtime. She loves it there and has had a boyfriend there since she first studied abroad during her undergrad junior year. She says she is coming home, but I think she just hasn't admitted to herself yet that she is not.

That right there is the biggest bummer in my life, and our business situation and virus don't even sniff the bottom of that pain and fear's shoes. I'm proud as hell though, so it's a really weird group of feelings to wade through..... but that's what my Crazy Pill is for.

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A somewhat interesting read on the history of the largest pandemics in history.  


Just a few notes:  

A.  As stated in prior post, the Black Death took up to a third of Europe's populace.

B. The Black Plague really never went away in Britain...It apparently would resurface like every 20 years.    The only effective way they had to combat it:  quarantine.

C.  In the first century after Europeans began arriving, smallpox   killed of  90% of the population of the native peoples living in what is now Mexico. 

D. Cholera was the third big killer.  Mostly from contaminated drinking water. 


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47 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

B. The Black Plague really never went away in Britain...It apparently would resurface like every 20 years.    The only effective way they had to combat it:  quarantine.

The Black Plague had to do with low higiene, so when people started having anti bodies and they started to use masks etc to threat the ill people and quarantine them, then the virus had less bodies to move around, became practicslly unexistant. 

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1 hour ago, D Bone said:

I simply asked her, "What if the cure, prevention, vaccine is either decades away, or in fact never comes...... is this our new life?"

She immediately said, "Oh hell no!!" So I asked her if she meant that "eventually, the planet would have to open up again, so everyone who is lucky enough to exist on it, actually has a life that is worth living?" and she paused for a bit and softly said "yes.'"

I then pointed out that with that decision, she is now exactly where I am today, but by pushing it off to the 3rd shutdown in 4 years, or the 13th shutdown in 15 years, she is then saying, "Sorry everyone, we tried, lord knows we tried, but now we all have to live our lives and if some of you don't make it, well you don't." 

Quoting myself... George would be proud. 

I just wanted to add that I only asked her the above, not to prove that I was right and she was wrong - or vice versa, but simply just to point out that in the end, we really aren't that different after all.

Here's to hoping we all get back to our normal lives soon, and everyone's family and friends are healthy.This thing has taken way too much positive energy from my soul, and for that I say, Fuck You Corona.


More like it from me............



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22 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

You mean the part where it says, "Misuse"?

You do not know what you are talking about.... so stop.


And posting unrelated rantings does not help you look less stupid.

I never get tired of that idiot getting owned.

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From my back yard a few nights ago........





Well, it's time for me to go 'Shelter in Place', and by shelter in place, I mean hop on my mountain bike and meet a few of my riding buddies at the trail head to go hammer out 17 miles in this glorious SoCal high desert weather.

.... and yes, we will 'Social Distance' < now there's a fun, kool phrase that didn't exist 89 days ago, but we always social distance anyway, because those young fellas can't keep this old dude in sight.

Keep those immune systems high everyone!!

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On 5/5/2020 at 1:31 PM, D Bone said:

No contact with people? They handle thousands of pieces of paper and cardboard every day. Each and every one of those pieces was processed by some human, somewhere in the world, and depending on which propaganda machine you choose to be fed from - red/blue/right/left, doesn't matter, the virus can live on all sorts of surface materials for hours, days, weeks, years, centuries, millenniums, eternity... who the fuck knows.   

Yes, they do wear gloves, but every single one of them will touch their face throughout the day due to human habit. Not a single one of them is trained in sterile techniques.... yes, there are protocols for putting on, wearing and especially removing gloves to provide and keep a sterile field....

If you're not trained, it's just a false sense of security, as you forgot you touched the seat belt buckle with your glove before taking them off to wipe your hands with sanitizer as you race home to see your family....... then you unclick the seat belt and mindlessly swing it out of the way. Honey, I'm home!!!

The mail is no different than money, which has been proven to be one of the dirtiest things we humans touch..... because of all the human contact..   

They know https://www.webmd.com/lung/how-long-covid-19-lives-on-surfaces

Looks like the max time is 5 days on any known surface. The times are done in a lab with a huge viral load that you probably won't see in a real life situation so take all the estimates as UP TO worst case scenarios. There has been no known cases in the United States of covid-19 being transmitted though the postal office. China has also report 0 cases though their mail system (China Post???). If it did it would have been here much sooner. With that said I been getting my mail for the box about a day late every day just to safe. I have a pair of gardening gloves and scissors I leave outside for use on Amazon boxes. I open up the outside box, remove my gloves, take out whatever we ordered and kick the box into our mulch bed till a day has passed.

As for coming home me and GF both come though our garage using the opener using our knuckles and immediately b-line to bathroom no social interaction and kids are kept away. Door is always kept opened and there's a foot-lever hamper for dirty clothes and bottle of Mold and mildew cleaner right in shower that contains bleach for the shower handles/curtain. Since my girlfriend is nurse we found this to safest way for her and I to decontaminate after being outside. After all that, It's Honey I come time followed by hugs and kisses.

PS.Funny thing a dirty ass penny actually actively kills this virus the quickest because it's copper. 



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6 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

Why? You wouldn't believe me anyway.

All the pieces are in the links I posted...

... some assembly required.

lol... you can't seem to decide whether to condescend or underestimate when it comes to me.

I don't need your fake news...

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42 minutes ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

I never get tired of that idiot getting owned.

And you're the biggest idiot...

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2 hours ago, The Gipper said:

Well, the scientists are pretty certain they will come up with a vaccine.  

But,  there have been diseases that ravished the planet for long, long times.   The bubonic plague wiped out  one-third of the population of Europe.  Smallpox certainly did its damage, especially when it was introduced to North America and into the native American population.   (by the way....it ws not unknown that such a tactic to have been done purposely by Euro settlers).

I don't know...maybe this "herd immunity" thing will kick in, as perhaps it did with the plague (they never developed a vaccine in the middle ages).  I don't think it ever developed with small pox.   I think they came up with a vaccine for that. In the mean time, the concept that we should just all "go about our usual lives" and accept the sacrifices that it will take to develop the herd immunity is fine.     I am willing to allow you to be one of those sacrifices if you wish :o  (jk, not really).   I CAN think of some people that I would be willing to sacrifice however.....those carrying Nazi and Confederate flags at these so called rallies. 

By the way, cool that your daughter is studying in Australia.    Does she plan to stay there? 

If it comes by way of Fauci and Bill Gates?.. I want no part of it.. They can jam it up they're collective assholes!

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1 hour ago, nickers said:

And you're the biggest idiot...

I find that funny coming from someone that denounces irrefutable science and medical facts as fake news. The irony lol! Everyone is entitled to an opinion but here you are once again spreading 100% false/mis-information and you should be called out by the entire board for the absurdity of your claim. I don't think anyone with an IQ over 75 would believe your Bullshit about N95 masks. Cloth masks are a whole other debate but what your saying is simply untrue. I sure you think the moon is made of cheese and clouds are marshmallows.  I have no idea what alternative reality or mental illness you may have but continue drinking your bleach/fish tank cleaner cocktails and injecting yourself with Lysol. You'll make the world a better place. Go ahead whine like a bitch to the mods like you always when you evidently lose an argument, but still are in the wrong an owe Tour an apology for wasting his time with you baseless thinking.


PS: I would lay off the Alex Jones for medical or covid-19 advice

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(CNN)A University of Pittsburgh professor on the verge of making "very significant findings" researching Covid-19, according to the university, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide over the weekend, police said.

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24 minutes ago, Orion said:

(CNN)A University of Pittsburgh professor on the verge of making "very significant findings" researching Covid-19, according to the university, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide over the weekend, police said.

A.  First,  I doubt the incident had anything to do with the research he was doing.  It says "murder -suicide"  meaning I assume that it was some  love triangle or some BS as that. He may have been putting his dick somewhere where someone thought it didn't belong.....or someone else was putting their dick somewhere where he felt he was entitled to exclusive entry., and he went crazy over that. 

B. This is the University of Pittsburgh.  We know that nothing good comes out of Pittsburgh.

C. OK, I was joking here.....but I can tell you that this guy's death would have fuckall to keep his research from coming to fruition, if there were anything to it.   He would have had colleagues/PDs/PHD. candidates working with him on it.    I know, my son is getting his PhD. in a Biology lab...and lots of people work together on projects.....especially if it were one that could have had major consequences. 

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18 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

OK, I was joking here

It was an assistant professor shot in his home by his researcher who was found in his car shot dead.  I would assume that the work was documented.  The school plans to continue his research.  I'm predicting it was a Chinese government mob hit.  They don't want the disease cured before the Murder Hornets arrive in full force.

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4 hours ago, D Bone said:

Now for some fun stuff that I asked her and you have to search your soul and look in the mirror to answer truthfully......

I simply asked her, "What if the cure, prevention, vaccine is either decades away, or in fact never comes...... is this our new life?"

She immediately said, "Oh hell no!!" So I asked her if she meant that "eventually, the planet would have to open up again, so everyone who is lucky enough to exist on it, actually has a life that is worth living?" and she paused for a bit and softly said "yes.'"

I then pointed out that with that decision, she is now exactly where I am today, but by pushing it off to the 3rd shutdown in 4 years, or the 13th shutdown in 15 years, she is then saying, "Sorry everyone, we tried, lord knows we tried, but now we all have to live our lives and if some of you don't make it, well you don't." 

She then said "hmmmm, I never saw it like that."

Look forward to a long chat over a beer someday when you can tell me how she came to doing her Doctorate in Aussie-land...

My response is the basically same here as I made to a poll WSS posted down in "The Pit". Namely that your choice is a false one. Put another way there is a way, and a time, to reopen safely... and it's only weeks away, not years... and it does not require a vaccine, although a proven treatment would be helpful... more on this later.

Here's the meat of my response...


I've been playing with a new sim jointly developed by Mass General, Harvard Med., Georgia Tech and Boston Med. It shows that eight more weeks of continued stay-at-home with expanded social distancing to any reopened businesses is essential to keeping the death count by the end of August below 100k. I ran a sample to show below.

Strategy A is 8 weeks of the current, stay-at-home based measures followed by 12 weeks of minimal restrictions. Strategy B is 4 weeks of the current followed by 16 of minimal. Terms are defined on the sim's pages. The sim ends on August 31... the deaths would not.

As is the case for hurricane projections the lines are the highest probability occurence and the shaded areas show the range of possible outcomes with ever decreasing probability as the distance from the line grows. No sharpies allowed...

Four lousy added weeks is all that it is predicted to take to make all the difference...


Here's the link to the sim: https://www.covid19sim.org/

So first is the timing of the opening. The above is about a week old, and the undoing that's been started likely set us back more than that week. However, timing is only the beginning... a proper reopening needs everything this one one does not include... namely vastly increased testing and contact tracing. These can be readied during May and June while the shut-in continues.


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2 hours ago, nickers said:

I don't need your fake news...

I think you meant "TDS" since there's not a news source in the links supplied.

Really sucks when you can't even keep your cliches straight... especially when you have so few.

Of course now you have to figure out to which "TDS" I refer. Man, you Trumpettes have it rough...

23 hours ago, Tour2ma said:


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24 minutes ago, Orion said:

I'm predicting it was a Chinese government mob hit. 

The Chinese need more innovation in eliminating those that cross them...


Of course, you can push* a good modus operandi too far.


* Pun intended.

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3 doctors fall from windows in Russia, 2 dead, one in the hospital...

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9 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

I feel for you and others in your situation... truly. Even more so because the programs intended to help see you thru the shut-in are generally not getting to the smallest of the small and will in the end be insufficient at their current levels.

But reopening isn't the answer... people are not going to come out in sufficient numbers to help... not anytime soon anyway. Reopening will be used as an excuse to end any aid to which you are entitled. You can see this coming from a mile away.

Then there are the inevitable flare ups that are already emerging. If you don't see them yet... just give it another 10 days.

It’s quite the clusterfuck Tour. A real hot mess of motivations and emotions up in here. A double edged sword for sure. 

People. They are customers and clients too, the lifeblood of business. No one wants to harm them. I certainly don’t.

The notion of governmental programs and aid chaps my ass too. It’s a terribly defiant and counterproductive stance, l know.

This position of mine, It’s not really steeped in logic or reason. It’s an angry and defiant stance, cat in a corner kind of thing. Honestly. My American dream is under duress and l’m hardwired to take that personally.



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1 hour ago, Orion said:

It was an assistant professor shot in his home by his researcher who was found in his car shot dead.  I would assume that the work was documented.  The school plans to continue his research.  I'm predicting it was a Chinese government mob hit.  They don't want the disease cured before the Murder Hornets arrive in full force.

Are the Murder Hornets green?   Maybe Kato headed the Chinese hit squad.  

The Green Hornet and Kato' movie in the works at Universal- The ...



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4 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

It’s quite the clusterfuck Tour. A real hot mess of motivations and emotions up in here. A double edged sword for sure. 

People. They are customers and clients too, the lifeblood of business. No one wants to harm them. I certainly don’t.

The notion of governmental programs and aid chaps my ass too. It’s a terribly defiant and counterproductive stance, l know.

This position of mine, It’s not really steeped in logic or reason. It’s an angry and defiant stance, cat in a corner kind of thing. Honestly. My American dream is under duress and l’m hardwired to take that personally.

Honest take here, this whole situation is FUBAR and sucks with no easy answers. Once the second wave happens in next few weeks maybe we will have a better understand on how to proceed forward.



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18 hours ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

I find that funny coming from someone that denounces irrefutable science and medical facts as fake news. The irony lol! Everyone is entitled to an opinion but here you are once again spreading 100% false/mis-information and you should be called out by the entire board for the absurdity of your claim. I don't think anyone with an IQ over 75 would believe your Bullshit about N95 masks. Cloth masks are a whole other debate but what your saying is simply untrue. I sure you think the moon is made of cheese and clouds are marshmallows.  I have no idea what alternative reality or mental illness you may have but continue drinking your bleach/fish tank cleaner cocktails and injecting yourself with Lysol. You'll make the world a better place. Go ahead whine like a bitch to the mods like you always when you evidently lose an argument, but still are in the wrong an owe Tour an apology for wasting his time with you baseless thinking.


PS: I would lay off the Alex Jones for medical or covid-19 advice

And fuck you too , JR... You are typical Sheeple...

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