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18 hours ago, nickers said:

It doesn't prevent you from getting sick.. It might prevent people from infecting others.. So they say..I think it's bunk...

A properly fitting, properly worn N95 absolutely can prevent inhalation of the virus. I worked in the chemical industry. I was fit tested. I know...

Even a cloth mask intercepts exhaled droplets.

This is not an "alternative facts" situation. What you "think" does not matter here.

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3 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

A properly fitting, properly worn N95 absolutely can prevent inhalation of the virus. I worked in the chemical industry. I was fit tested. I know...

Even a cloth mask intercepts exhaled droplets.

This is not an "alternative facts" situation. What you "think" does not matter here.

I bought some Browns masks from the Browns store on this site.  But it takes 2 months to get them delivered.  Until then I have a couple to use.

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How many people die from "common flu" each season?

I read somewhere that it's upwards of 60,000 Americans that succumb to the common flu each flu-season. 

Worldwide the numbers are astronomically higher. 

Where was all this back 2 years ago when everybody was dying...

It seems like they named this flu and people ran for the hills and quarantined in bunkers. 

The data suggests it's a small percentage more deadly than the common flu... But then again there have been instance of the numbers being inflated...

It's a mess, the whole shebang is sketchy. I feel terrible for the people who have lost loved ones and offer my condolences. I pray for their families to find peace and healing. 

In my unpopular view, these victims could have passes from the "common flu" almost as likely- or passed away due to being in a car accident or a fall down icy steps. All of our days are numbered and in my opinion God is the one in control. I live my life that unless it's suicide it's not up to you but for the lord to decide when it's your time to ride. Live your lives to the fullest and live without regret. If it's your time a mask will not protect you, just as if it's not your time- no virus, no lions or no giants are taking you before your work is done.

Living in the perpetual fear of catching this flu lowers your immune system leaving you even more susceptible to infection, not only COVID but also colds and other bacterial infections. I've seen reports that suggest that if you've received the flu vaccine in the past few years that you are likely to test positive for having the virus... don't know if that is 100% valid, I'll need to look into that further, but it could explain the asymptomatic individuals.


Regardless, I hate the masks as well. If you are worried about it, then by all means feel free to wear one. But it should be a choice and not a requirement. I work in an essential service and the past 7 weeks we've been grinding along without them, now we are required to work with them on... 


*On a lighter note- Nobody should be made to wear anything they do not want to wear. Women should be allowed to be shirtless in public just like men. ;) 


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14 minutes ago, PoeticG said:

How many people die from "common flu" each season?

I read somewhere that it's upwards of 60,000 Americans that succumb to the common flu each flu-season. 

Worldwide the numbers are astronomically higher. 

Where was all this back 2 years ago when everybody was dying...

It seems like they named this flu and people ran for the hills and quarantined in bunkers. 

The data suggests it's a small percentage more deadly than the common flu... But then again there have been instance of the numbers being inflated...

It's a mess, the whole shebang is sketchy. I feel terrible for the people who have lost loved ones and offer my condolences. I pray for their families to find peace and healing. 

In my unpopular view, these victims could have passes from the "common flu" almost as likely- or passed away due to being in a car accident or a fall down icy steps. All of our days are numbered and in my opinion God is the one in control. I live my life that unless it's suicide it's not up to you but for the lord to decide when it's your time to ride. Live your lives to the fullest and live without regret. If it's your time a mask will not protect you, just as if it's not your time- no virus, no lions or no giants are taking you before your work is done.

Living in the perpetual fear of catching this flu lowers your immune system leaving you even more susceptible to infection, not only COVID but also colds and other bacterial infections. I've seen reports that suggest that if you've received the flu vaccine in the past few years that you are likely to test positive for having the virus... don't know if that is 100% valid, I'll need to look into that further, but it could explain the asymptomatic individuals.


Regardless, I hate the masks as well. If you are worried about it, then by all means feel free to wear one. But it should be a choice and not a requirement. I work in an essential service and the past 7 weeks we've been grinding along without them, now we are required to work with them on... 


*On a lighter note- Nobody should be made to wear anything they do not want to wear. Women should be allowed to be shirtless in public just like men. ;) 


I won’t forget to put roses on your grave 

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H1N1 was just over 10 years ago [09], and any sane free-thinking person in the US recognizes that our government should be no less shocked at a pandemic than at a wall street crash.. because the last pandemic happened more recently.  Trillions go out instantly to wall street, yet here we are without even a test that works? Months later, millions of cases, and more than 20 9/11's worth of deaths later? F* THAT.  And this isn't a situation of incompetence of the clinicians who are there -- this is a policy decision both of staffing and of funding allocation in all the years since 09.  Each and every person should realize that one of the BASELINE assumptions for re-opening this country is half a million tests.. PER DAY. We haven't done a half million total yet.

Young adults ARE getting sick

I fear only one thing - that we as a country will come to think that this is normal.  Death from this is not expected, not necessary, very avoidable.  You cannot become - to use a good Victorian word - indurated to this suffering and therefore stop complaining about it to and blaming it on our leaders.    

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6 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

A properly fitting, properly worn N95 absolutely can prevent inhalation of the virus. I worked in the chemical industry. I was fit tested. I know...

Even a cloth mask intercepts exhaled droplets.

This is not an "alternative facts" situation. What you "think" does not matter here.

No it cannot... quit spewing lies.. You're about as credible as Dr.Quackton.... She was on tv telling the world that viruses can multiply on surfaces..  And that also is absolutely NOT true!!...You need host material for that to happen!! You are a total fraud just like Dr. Quackton!!!!.....


Read the fucking label dexter!!...... 


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1 hour ago, The Gipper said:

I won’t forget to put roses on your grave 

What is this supposed to mean?

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1 hour ago, PoeticG said:

The data suggests it's a small percentage more deadly than the common flu... But then again there have been instance of the numbers being inflated...

Not true at all. We thought the same two months ago, and I have some friends who are doctors. I remember that the closest one in particular, who has been resident for 4 years and has been working for other 2 as a doctor, told me that she has seen dying more people in these 2 months than in the combined 6 years prior. She hasn't been in the frontline of the pandemic, she has been working in some towns (with thousands of population only) south of Pamplona whereas some years ago she used to rotate more in Emergencies of the main hospital in Pamplona. 

Other friend of mine works as a nurse in Emergencies and he says that it has been a way more work and way more death than the normal. 

And bear in mind that I'm not talking about Madrid, which might have one of the worst death rates in the world, I'm talking about Navarra which has way less population and infected. 

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5% to 20% -- Percentage of the U.S. population that will get the flu, on average, each year. 200,000 -- Average number of Americans hospitalized each year because of problems with the illness. 3,000 to 49,000 -- Number of people who die each year from flu -related causes in the U.S.
How many people die from the flu each year?
It is estimated that the flu results in 31.4 million outpatient visits and more than 200,000 hospitalizations each year. During the severe 2017-2018 flu season, one of the longest in recent years, estimates indicate that more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died from flu.
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oh, my goodness.


COVID-19 has been compared to the flu. Experts say that's wrong.

The novel coronavirus appears more deadly and spreads more quickly


Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Covid-19 appears far more lethal than flu based on ...


Apr 28, 2020 · A common refrain is that the disease is not significantly worse than the flu. In this view, the pandemic threat has been wildly exaggerated.

Experts demolish studies suggesting COVID-19 is no worse ...


The findings seemed to support minority arguments that COVID-19 may be no worse than seasonal flu (a leading cause of death in the US) and …

COVID-19 Is Deadlier Than The Flu. How Else Do They Differ ...


Mar 20, 2020 · COVID-19 Is Deadlier Than The Flu. How Else Do They Differ? : Goats and Soda There are definitely similarities between COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus, and influenza.

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1 hour ago, PoeticG said:

What is this supposed to mean?  Seriously you can’t figure it. It means that when you go out and be cavalier about this virus if you catch it and die that I will be sorry that you did so. So be careful out there even if you don’t care about your own well-being others do

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PoG and I...... who could've seen this unlikely pairing of minds coming together? 

Jeez, I fear texting drivers - not only for myself, but for my entire family and friends, far more than I do COVID. 

According to Princess Newscum, CA is possibly starting to reopen by weeks end, so maybe, just maybe, I can save the family owned business that my hard working, uneducated father launched all by himself 47 years ago...... but I don't know if it's possible. 

Some people lost a loved one, others will lose everything else.

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10 hours ago, The Gipper said:

I won’t forget to put roses on your grave 

Eh, he has a greater chance of dying from heart disease than Corona.

80% of those who have it the symptoms are very mild, 15% have more serious symptoms, 5% of the cases are life threatening.

3.5% has been thrown out there as the death rate, but it's misleadingly high because there are thousands who have it who don't know they have it, or have had it.  Asymptomatic is the word.

Make no mistake,  it is more serious than the flu.


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And yet none has volunteered a relative to go out and be a test case. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

7 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Uh oh... They're starting to flood in.

Look out everyone! 


They sensed PoG's distress call

And yet none have volunteered a friend or relative to go out and be a test case. They prefer it to be 134,000+ anonymous souls. 😱👻 Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.🙄

And of course that's just through the summer.

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11 hours ago, PoeticG said:

What is this supposed to mean?

It means that if you are so cavalier about your own well being and are willing to take such risks to your health that there are others that do care about you and would prefer that you think about taking care of yourself, so that we don't have to places roses on your grave. 

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On 5/3/2020 at 8:01 PM, Tour2ma said:

Since cloth masks protect others and not the wearer, it's very brave of you to be will to share your potential infection with others as a final gesture.

Do you plan on refusing vaccination when the time comes as well?

Really? So all the medical professionals clamoring for N95 masks are wrong?

Absoruckinfutly NO """VACCINE""" for me!!!! I have never had a flu shot or pneumonia shot EVER! I truly believe you build up anti bodies by living life. By being exposed to things little by little and your body fighting them off. Thereby building up ones immune system! 


I have one question for you all! 







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1 hour ago, BrownsnMopar said:

Absoruckinfutly NO """VACCINE""" for me!!!! I have never had a flu shot or pneumonia shot EVER! I truly believe you build up anti bodies by living life. By being exposed to things little by little and your body fighting them off. Thereby building up ones immune system! 


I have one question for you all! 







I won't forget to put roses on your grave.

(and my only surmise about the post office workers is that they have no contact with people...they just drop off mail in you box.)

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37 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

I won't forget to put roses on your grave.

(and my only surmise about the post office workers is that they have no contact with people...they just drop off mail in you box.)

Well thanks for the roses(please make them Brown and Orange roses!)

Yes but they are handling mail from all over the world! Sent by millions of different people......yet not required to wear gloves or masks.....things that make you go HMMMMM!!!



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1 hour ago, The Gipper said:

I won't forget to put roses on your grave.

(and my only surmise about the post office workers is that they have no contact with people...they just drop off mail in you box.)

No contact with people? They handle thousands of pieces of paper and cardboard every day. Each and every one of those pieces was processed by some human, somewhere in the world, and depending on which propaganda machine you choose to be fed from - red/blue/right/left, doesn't matter, the virus can live on all sorts of surface materials for hours, days, weeks, years, centuries, millenniums, eternity... who the fuck knows.   

Yes, they do wear gloves, but every single one of them will touch their face throughout the day due to human habit. Not a single one of them is trained in sterile techniques.... yes, there are protocols for putting on, wearing and especially removing gloves to provide and keep a sterile field....

If you're not trained, it's just a false sense of security, as you forgot you touched the seat belt buckle with your glove before taking them off to wipe your hands with sanitizer as you race home to see your family....... then you unclick the seat belt and mindlessly swing it out of the way. Honey, I'm home!!!

The mail is no different than money, which has been proven to be one of the dirtiest things we humans touch..... because of all the human contact..   


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17 hours ago, nickers said:

Read the fucking label dexter!!...... 

You mean the part where it says, "Misuse"?

You do not know what you are talking about.... so stop.


And posting unrelated rantings does not help you look less stupid.

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7 hours ago, Gorka said:

Seibert may be that stupid , or it could be Siebert may have intentionally made false and grossly exaggerated comment out of anger and frustration shared by millions of Americans.


You climbed all the way up here from the pit to post this drivel?


Also, it does not count towards your monthly football related quota.

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4 hours ago, BrownsnMopar said:

Absoruckinfutly NO """VACCINE""" for me!!!! I have never had a flu shot or pneumonia shot EVER! I truly believe you build up anti bodies by living life. By being exposed to things little by little and your body fighting them off. Thereby building up ones immune system! 


I have one question for you all! 







I love when anti vaxx people inadvertently go and support exactly what a vaccine does lol

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35 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

You mean the part where it says, "Misuse"?

You do not know what you are talking about.... so stop.


And posting unrelated rantings does not help you look less stupid.

Prove it Dexter!... You can't!... So spread more lies ya goon!

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16 hours ago, PoeticG said:
5% to 20% -- Percentage of the U.S. population that will get the flu, on average, each year. 200,000 -- Average number of Americans hospitalized each year because of problems with the illness. 3,000 to 49,000 -- Number of people who die each year from flu -related causes in the U.S.
How many people die from the flu each year?
It is estimated that the flu results in 31.4 million outpatient visits and more than 200,000 hospitalizations each year. During the severe 2017-2018 flu season, one of the longest in recent years, estimates indicate that more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died from flu.

Po....there's 257,000 dead worldwide from COVID 19 in what?  4 months?    C'mon man! 

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