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Dem-imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation


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as well they should. It's inherent in the psych makeup of liberals/leftwingers.

they bitch, maneuver and complain til they get their way. Now, they are on the warpath - they nearly owned America completely, with the corrupt obaMao regime's support - but they lost it all when WE ELECTED a REAL AMERICAN president.

   We are now in big, serious trouble - and the evidence of illegal obaMao commie gov dirty deeds to get back their power they lost, and keep what power they still have in the deep state.

  I hope every single one of those lawsuits win freedom and justification for Real Americans demanding their freedoms.

  Or, ..what do we end up with? a kind of a soft civil war we have now, going for a little bit harder civil war?

Think what hell we'd be in if higgardly had won and packed the Supreme Court with leftwing activist Constitution haters.


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