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What I believe and know to be true


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I believe that most people are inherently good. 
I believe, when given the chance, most people will do the right thing.
I believe that most Americans will do anything for their families.
I believe that true Americans love their country.
I believe in God.
I believe that opportunity is usually disguised as hard work.
I believe that the free enterprise system is a gift from God.
I believe that the ability to forgive and forget will set you free.
I believe that the harder you work, the luckier you get.
I believe in Liberty.
I believe in choosing to be happy.
I believe in accepting responsibility for everything that happens to me.
I believe that every challenge or obstacle is an opportunity to become a better person.
I believe that life can be tough, but at the end of the day, life is what you make of it.
I believe in my Family.
I believe that evil exists. It just does.
I believe it is my responsibility to protect all that is good from all that is bad.
I believe in preparing for the worst while expecting the best.
I believe in the natural-born and inalienable right to self protection.
I believe that the man or woman who shirks their duty to defend and protect simply doesn’t understand their true responsibility as a God-fearing and freedom-loving American.
I believe in myself.
I believe that a gun cannot be good or bad. It is simply a thing, a tool.
I believe that the founders of our Country liberated themselves, their families and their country from tyranny with these tools we call guns, and thus started the greatest experiment in Freedom the world has ever seen.
I believe the statistics that tell us responsibly armed, law-abiding Americans use guns over 2,739 times EVERY DAY to defend the lives and honor of their loved ones.
I believe in being peaceful and avoiding conflict at all costs.
But when that conflict comes after me and pushes me in a corner, I believe in fighting as if the lives of my children and loved ones depend on it ... because they do.
This is what I believe.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I believe that most people are inherently good. 

Disagree sorta. I think I would change that to "I believe most people want to be good".

Liberals believe that people are inherently good.

When people do bad things it's societies fault, someone else made them do it, someone else needs to pay. Accountability and responsibility for one's actions goes out the window. It's the schools fault their kids are rotten.

If people were inherently good, then there would be no need for laws.

People are inherently bad. When you are born you do not inherent goodness. You must be taught to share, and not to hit other children. You must be taught to understand that you cant have your way all the time. No temper tantrums.  Wanting to do bad continues through the teenage years. As a mature adult you have to work at being good. You must resist urges to being greedy, cheating, stealing stuff from work,  wanting to slap a fucking libtard in the face. That's human nature, therefore being bad is inherent to humans. For some people working at being good comes easier than others. For some it's not work at all. Hence "I believe most people want to be good".


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17 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I believe that for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows.

But seriously as much as I would like to believe it I probably agree more with Gorka


That'd be a lot of flowers!

There are certainly many many good people. I just don't believe goodness is an inherited human trait.

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15 minutes ago, Gorka said:

That'd be a lot of flowers!

There are certainly many many good people. I just don't believe goodness is an inherited human trait.

In so many cases I don't think it's really Good vs Evil even though I think that exists. If I let myself get too philosophical about it it occurs to me that if a wolf eats a sheep it's not evil it's just the way it is. 

And just naturally given the choice people will start to drift into the path of least resistance. Unfortunately that's an easy hook for the politicians preach "hey it's not your fault it's that other guy's fault you aren't successful. Or happy. Or WTF ever."


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38 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I'm in Gorka's head.  He stalks every post I make.  Calm down Gorka.   Trumpy will make it all go away.

Right the "stalking" card again. Your posts are as plain as day stupid and out in the open for all to see

You're asking to get punked idiot.

Now go stalk JABF. He's in your head.

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10 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Wrong. That goes to show you that no one is inherently good, even good ol me.. Haven't you learned a fucking thing from that post?

Yes, that you're a wanna-be hard ass idiot who can't pickup clear sarcasm.

The worst part, I'm not even in total disagreement with your musings.   The difference between you and I (aside from probably quite a bit) is your ostentatious nature and posting style.

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22 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

Yes, that you're a wanna-be hard ass idiot who can't pickup clear sarcasm.

The worst part, I'm not even in total disagreement with your musings.   The difference between you and I (aside from probably quite a bit) is your ostentatious nature and posting style.

LOL...was that sarcasm too?

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3 hours ago, Gorka said:

Disagree sorta. I think I would change that to "I believe most people want to be good".

Liberals believe that people are inherently good.

When people do bad things it's societies fault, someone else made them do it, someone else needs to pay. Accountability and responsibility for one's actions goes out the window. It's the schools fault their kids are rotten.

If people were inherently good, then there would be no need for laws.

People are inherently bad. When you are born you do not inherent goodness. You must be taught to share, and not to hit other children. You must be taught to understand that you cant have your way all the time. No temper tantrums.  Wanting to do bad continues through the teenage years. As a mature adult you have to work at being good. You must resist urges to being greedy, cheating, stealing stuff from work,  wanting to slap a fucking libtard in the face. That's human nature, therefore being bad is inherent to humans. For some people working at being good comes easier than others. For some it's not work at all. Hence "I believe most people want to be good".


Actually, I disagree with that one too, except I didn't have time to elaborate on any of the points. lol

Most people I meet are good people, I think. Except there is the bad side. I would change it to

"Most people CAN BE GOOD people".

Sadly, some choose to be bad. They do bad things because they thrive on emotion - the joy of getting their way, controlling, or just immediate gratification. Being bad obviously isn't a constructive choice - it's a warped, sometimes dangerous emotional choice.

   And that brings us to the question - are all liberals bad? Do they all want to control? yep. Do they all turn a blind eye to corruption in their party?

We see right now, the liberals ignore completely, the sexual assault charges levied against joe biden. They refuse to admit that they are far, far mor credible that the NOT credible charges levied by Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings. She had friends DISAGREE with her intentions. It's called - she's a political hack ideologue hater.

    The charges vs joe biden are from a fellow democrat who had idolized him and worked on his staff. He decided to dominate her for his own self-gratiification.

   Self-gratification is a hallmark ot liberals. That is why they emotional knee jerk most of the time.

When ONLY emotions guide a person's actions - that is a BAD person.

When a person has solid principles, like based on Biblical principles, or simple the highest honor and integrity - that is a GOOD PERSON.

  So, I don't believe all people are basically good. Nor do I think most of them are good.

The left is filled with screwed up emotionally-based knee jerking bad people. across the board.

They've chosen not bad or good - but emotions - and that sends them into bad behavior and stances.

You see it everywhere. Emotionally based leftwing people hate God because God is greater than them - that makes them unhappy.

Leftwing people hate guns - because they demand everyone be a victim of their society sooner than later.

Leftwing people refuse to learn history - it might change their emotional track.

Leftwing people hate everything that isn't like them - it threatens their (fake) feelings of superiority.

They hate home schooling, Christianity, Real Marriage, ...etc etc.... because they HATE individual liberty and individual choices about life.

They don't live life, they simply exist amid everyone else's lives, and make hateful comments on any subject because they aren't in control of everybody else.

And they don't understand life, or freedom, or honor, or courage, or humor.

They don't understand anything at all about life - only how they FEEL at any given time.

Most of the time - they HATE out of envy of REAL AMERICA.

Albeit rarely, a very few leftwing emotionally-based people sprout dull pink and purple feathers, and a numb nose, and they peck at everything in their sight.

No, they have never been extinct. That's science for ya.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Just remember one thing, sarcasm doesn't give you a pass. Much of the time it is an expression of your bitterness.

On the contrary, Oscar Wilde expresses sarcasm as an expression of the "highest form of intelligence". 

And if you're into the idea of delving into social and intellectual constructs, both Harvard and Yale have published studies detailing their belief in the expression of sarcasm as a medium for true creativity.    Of course, sarcasm can also be low hanging and un-original fruit depending on the context of the rebuttal.  



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Just curious, besides God are there any others you don't agree with?


"I believe that true Americans love their country"


That's loaded garbage. Acting like America is perfect at everything. Acting like there are "true" Americans. 

You should be able to realize your country's faults and failures. Only then can you actually work to make it better. 

If your head is stuck in the sand shouting "Merica#1" then you'll never improve the thing you say you love. 

You can love something and realize it has flaws. 

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7 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

On the contrary, Oscar Wilde expresses sarcasm as an expression of the "highest form of intelligence". 

And if you're into the idea of delving into social and intellectual constructs, both Harvard and Yale have published studies detailing their belief in the expression of sarcasm as a medium for true creativity.    Of course, sarcasm can also be low hanging and un-original fruit depending on the context of the rebuttal.  



I can't dispute that. Sounds legit.

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19 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

"I believe that true Americans love their country"


That's loaded garbage. Acting like America is perfect at everything. Acting like there are "true" Americans. 

You should be able to realize your country's faults and failures. Only then can you actually work to make it better. 

If your head is stuck in the sand shouting "Merica#1" then you'll never improve the thing you say you love. 

You can love something and realize it has flaws. 

Yes you can Woody. Of course that would make the statement true. The caveat would be after the statement. Americans love their country. The caveat would be but they can also see places for improvement. Fair enough?


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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

In so many cases I don't think it's really Good vs Evil even though I think that exists. If I let myself get too philosophical about it it occurs to me that if a wolf eats a sheep it's not evil it's just the way it is. 

And just naturally given the choice people will start to drift into the path of least resistance. Unfortunately that's an easy hook for the politicians preach "hey it's not your fault it's that other guy's fault you aren't successful. Or happy. Or WTF ever."


We're starting to drift into religious  ground whether you believe people are  inherently "good" or "bad". I have my opinion, but I'm not about to share it. 

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26 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

"I believe that true Americans love their country"


That's loaded garbage. Acting like America is perfect at everything. Acting like there are "true" Americans. 

You should be able to realize your country's faults and failures. Only then can you actually work to make it better. 

If your head is stuck in the sand shouting "Merica#1" then you'll never improve the thing you say you love. 

You can love America and realize it has flaws. 

I think your last statement is implied in the original one. That's my view anyway.

I believe that many liberals do love this country.

It is the left that truly doesn't. We often use the term "liberal" as being synonymous with "the left". There is a stark difference between the left and liberals. I will explain later. I am in the middle of painting.

Ill leave you with a quote from self proclaimed liberal and Harvard Law School Prof Alan Dershowitz.

 “As a liberal, as an American, and as a Jew, I far more fear the left than the right.”


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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

We're starting to drift into  religious  ground whether you believe people are  inherently "good" or "bad". I have my opinion, but I'm not about to share it. 

Fair enough. I certainly have my opinions and even though I'm not a devout man I'm sure they are shaped buy religious teachings to an extent.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Fair enough. I certainly have my opinions and even though I'm not a devout man I'm sure they are shaped buy religious teachings to an extent.


OK, here's my POV- and it was formed by the comments of one of the most educated Catholic philosopher\theologians I've ever run across- Robert Barron. He can quote everyone from Plato and Aristotle on the secular side to Augustine and Aquinas on the religious side to the present day. 

Goes how much you hold to Creation, Adam & Eve, and The Devil. God created man good. Genesis "and God saw that it was good".  But those two originals messed it up for us. So we certainly have a tendency to follow our passions- the bad side, aided by the devil- but we can overcome those tendencies. So we're created "good", anyone think a newborn is somehow bad? They are what they are. Though we all inherit "the mark of Cain" if you will, due to the original screw up.  Easy to get distracted by searching for wealth, pleasure, power, or esteem- and too much of that is where the bad comes in.  And for sure, there's some individuals who have totally lost their moral compass. Like the Johnny Cash song- "I killed a man just to watch him die."  There's currently a nasty individual in Lucasville who fits the description. 

There you have it, some would totally disagree.   

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

OK, here's my POV- and it was formed by the comments of one of the most educated Catholic philosopher\theologians I've ever run across- Robert Barron. He can quote everyone from Plato and Aristotle on the secular side to Augustine and Aquinas on the religious side to the present day. 

Goes how much you hold to Creation, Adam & Eve, and The Devil. God created man good. Genesis "and God saw that it was good".  But those two originals messed it up for us. So we certainly have a tendency to follow our passions- the bad side, aided by the devil- but we can overcome those tendencies. So we're created "good", anyone think a newborn is somehow bad? They are what they are. Though we all inherit "the mark of Cain" if you will, due to the original screw up.  Easy to get distracted by searching for wealth, pleasure, power, or esteem- and too much of that is where the bad comes in.  And for sure, there's some individuals who have totally lost their moral compass. Like the Johnny Cash song- "I killed a man just to watch him die."  There's currently a nasty individual in Lucasville who fits the description. 

There you have it, some would totally disagree.   

100% agree.

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