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Hey gov overreach - Real America has had it with your leftism controling crap.


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1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Homeschool facts from the company making money from homeschooling. 

It's amazing when they just can't put two and two together, huh?


You learn how to write research papers in public school. And your bibliography is more than just THE BIBLE and Mom

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12 minutes ago, Gorka said:

The "Top 10" homeschooled:

  • Jennifer Love Hewitt. ...
  • Doctor Condoleeza Rice. ...
  • C. S. ...
  • Erwin Schrodinger. ...
  • Tim Tebow. ...
  • Frank Lloyd Wright. ...
  • Margaret Atwood. ...
  • Whoopi Goldberg.

From the past to the present: (at first glance #54 looked like Charles Manson was home schooled lol)

1. James Madison

2. George Washington

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Andrew Jackson

5. James Garfield

6. John Adams

7. John Quincy Adams

8. Grover Cleveland

9. William Henry Harrison

10. Thomas Jefferson

11. Andrew Johnson

12. Abraham Lincoln

13. James Monroe

14. James Polk

15. Franklin D. Roosevelt

16. Theodore Roosevelt

17. John Tyler

18. Leonardo da Vinci

19. Charles Peale

20. Andrew Wyeth

21. Claude Monet

22. Grandma Moses

23. Alexander Graham Bell

24. Thomas Edison

25. Eli Whitney

26. Orville and Wilbur Wright

27. George Patton

28. Douglas MacArthur

29. Robert E. Lee

30. Stonewall Jackson

31. Agatha Christie

32. Charles Dickens

33. Robert Frost

34. C.S. Lewis

35. Beatrix Potter

36. Louis Armstrong

37. Taylor Swift

38. Whoopi Goldberg

39. Charlie Chaplin

40. Benjamin Franklin

41. Ansel Adams

42. Margaret Mead

43. Albert Schweitzer

44. Frank Lloyd Wright

45. Sandra Day O’Connor

46. Winston Churchill

47. George Washington Carver

48. Albert Einstein

49. Elias Howe

50. Joan of Arc

51. Bethany Hamilton

52. The Bates Family

53. Sage Kotsenburg

54. Charlotte Mason

55. Michelle Kwan

56. Tim Tebow

57. Venus and Serena Williams

58. Amelia Earhart

59. Susan B. Anthony

60. Gloria Steinem

61. Abby and Zac Sunderland

62. Joseph Pulitzer

63. Condoleezza Rice

64. Colonel Harland Sanders

65. Louisa May Alcott

66. Jane Austen

67. Mark Twain

68. Robert Browning

69. Helen Keller

70. Clara Barton

71. Christopher Paolini

72. Carl Sandburg

73. George Bernard Shaw

74. John Philip Sousa

75. Hans Christian Andersen

76. Margaret Atwood

77. Irving Berlin

78. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

79. Laura Ingalls Wilder

80. LeAnne Rimes

81. Andrew Carnegie

82. Davy Crockett

83. John Burroughs

84. Robert Louis Stevenson

85. Walt Whitman

86. Isaac Newton

87. Florence Nightingale

88. Pearl S. Buck

89. Alyssa, Lauren, and Rebecca Barlow (BarlowGirl)

90. Justin Timberlake

91. Selena Gomez

92. The Jonas Brothers

93. Booker T. Washington

94. Jennifer Love Hewitt

95. Dakota Fanning

96. Ryan Gosling

97. Patrick Henry

98. Abigail Adams

99. Noah Webster

100. Sir Ernest Shackleton

Time to put it to rest assholes.

Child actors whose careers probably didn't let them go to public school and historical figures that probably didn't even have access to a public schooling system. Well I'm convinced

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1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

That is the problem at the end. They may be mostly exposed to kids who are exactly like them and then they are shocked when not everyone drinks milk and talks bible study their freshman year of college.

To think there are other kids out there that aren't middle to upper middle class Christian white kids. Crazy 

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47 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

To think there are other kids out there that aren't middle to upper middle class Christian white kids. Crazy 

I just wish you weren't so ignorant - you should have been home schooled maybe. You can't constructively contribute to any conversation.

I'd bet home schooled kids learned American history - they put you to shame right there.

and I know a lot of homeschooled kids who have made it outstandingly in life.

you, nope. In your beak, fake science birdbrain:


13 Great Scientists Who Were Home-schooled

By The Doc

Here are some of the greatest scientists in history who were home-schooled.

John EcclesJohn Eccles 1903 – 1997.
John Eccles was home-schooled to age 12 by his mother, a former schoolteacher. A neurophysiologist, he won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the physiology of synapses, discovering how nerve cells communicate with one another.
sophie germainSophie Germain 1776 – 1831.
Sophie Germain never went to school. From age 13, she taught herself advanced mathematics. Sophie’s parents were unhappy about her obsession with mathematics. They denied her heat and light in her room. One winter morning they found her asleep, huddled under a blanket with a mathematics book in front of her, a burned-out candle from a hidden cache beside her, and her inkwell frozen by the intense cold. At this point they surrendered. Sophie Germain’s theory of surface vibrations brought her the prestigious Paris Academy of Sciences Prize in 1816, the first ever won by a woman. She made significant progress on proving Fermat’s Last Theorem.
ambrose flemingAmbrose Fleming 1849 – 1945.
Ambrose Fleming was educated by his mother to age 10, learning to read seated on her knees. At age 11, he built model steam engines and boats. He constructed a camera from a cigar box, becoming a skilled photographer, making his own photographic plates from collodion and silver nitrate. He developed his own photos using potassium cyanide. Fleming founded the electronic age with his invention of the vacuum tube (thermionic valve). He also devised the hand rules for electric motors and generators.
robert boyleRobert Boyle 1627 – 1691.
Born into a wealthy family, in his infancy Robert Boyle was sent to live with a poor family to toughen him up. When he returned home, he was tutored in French and Latin.
At age eight, he was sent to boarding school for three years. After this he had no formal education, but on a Grand Tour of Europe he learned how Galileo had used mathematics to explain motion. As an adult, Robert Boyle transformed chemistry from a field mired in alchemy and mysticism into one based on measurement. He defined elements, compounds, and mixtures, and he discovered Boyle’s Law – the first gas law.
florence nightingaleFlorence Nightingale 1820 – 1910.
Florence Nightingale was home-schooled by her father to an extremely high standard, reproducing his own education at the University of Cambridge, including French, German, Italian, Greek, Latin, Philosophy, and Mathematics. Florence was a polymath with exceptional skills. She transformed nursing into a respected, highly trained profession; used statistics to analyze wider health outcomes; and advocated sanitary reforms largely credited with adding 20 years to life expectancy between 1871 and 1935.
André-Marie AmpèreAndré-Marie Ampère 1775 – 1836.
André-Marie Ampère’s father followed Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s approach to education, which meant no school and no formal lessons. The young Ampère could do as he pleased and was encouraged to read anything he liked from his father’s large library. He chose to teach himself advanced mathematics. In later life he made the revolutionary discovery that a wire carrying electric current can magnetically attract or repel another wire next to it that’s also carrying electric current. He also formulated Ampere’s Law of electromagnetism.
Ada LovelaceAda Lovelace 1815 – 1852.
Ada Lovelace was taught at home by private tutors. She cooperated with Charles Babbage in writing the world’s first computer program and broke new ground when she realized a computer could go beyond numbers to carry out other operations, such as composing music.
bernhard riemannBernhard Riemann 1826 – 1866.
Home-schooled to age 13 mainly by his father, Bernhard Riemann’s parents believed the most important thing they could give their children was a solid education. His father enlisted a local teacher to teach 10-year-old Bernhard arithmetic and geometry, but soon Bernhard was teaching his teacher! Bernhard Riemann transformed geometry and provided the foundation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The Riemann hypothesis has become the most famous unresolved problem in mathematics.
blaise pascalBlaise Pascal 1623 – 1662.
Blaise Pascal was home-schooled by his father, who was a lawyer and first-rate mathematician. By age 16, Blaise was writing mathematical treatises of such sophistication that René Descartes incorrectly believed they were the boy’s father’s work. Blaise Pascal invented the hydraulic press and the mechanical calculator, devised Pascal’s triangle for the binomial coefficients, and co-founded probability theory. Pascal’s wager is his justification for believing in God.
Carolus LinnaeusCarolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778.
Carolus Linnaeus was home-schooled to age 10. He picked up his father’s great love of Nature, and learned to speak Latin before he started walking. He devised the formal two-part naming system, such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Homo sapiens, we use to classify all lifeforms. He named about 13,000 lifeforms and classified them into categories such as mammals, birds, fish, primates, canines, etc, and invented index cards as a means of keeping records of species.
irene joliot-curieIrène Joliot-Curie 1897 – 1956.
Irène was the daughter of Marie Curie. Irène’s mother grew increasingly disenchanted with schools in Paris, and she formed a school with other academics. Irène and nine other children were taught physics by Marie Curie, chemistry by Jean Baptiste Perrin (who later won a Nobel Prize in physics), and mathematics by the great physicist Paul Langevin. There was only one class a day, then the children worked on their own. As an adult Irène Joliot-Curie discovered how to synthesize ‘designer’ radioactive elements in the laboratory, winning a Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Hans Christian OerstedHans Christian Oersted 1777 – 1851.
Hans Christian Oersted and his younger brother Anders were educated through a combination of home schooling and private tutors. Anders later became Prime Minister of Denmark. At age 12, helping in his father’s pharmacy, Hans became interested in chemistry. He began a new scientific epoch when he discovered that electricity and magnetism are linked, showing that an electric current flowing through a wire could move a nearby magnet.
James JouleJames Joule 1818 – 1889.
James Joule’s childhood health was delicate, and he was mostly home-schooled. Later he was tutored in arithmetic and geometry by John Dalton. Joule discovered that heat and mechanical work are interconvertible, leading to the law of conservation of energy. The SI unit of energy, the joule, is named for him.
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6 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Did you read any of those or did you just blindly copy and paste?


Who am I kidding I know exactly what you did

I read every one of them. And each one makes you look more and more like a nittwitbird woodpecker.

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3 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Homeschool facts from the company making money from homeschooling. 

I can't hardly believe it....  Gorka may think it's been around for a long time- but in reality, it's a very recent phenomenon, taking off in the last 20 or so years. It certainly was unheard of back in the '60s. I suppose we can go back to the 1700s, but why stop there? Let's dial it all the way back 2,000 years to the time of Plato and Aristotle. St. Paul was home schooled by Gamaliel.  AND the #1 reason cited for home schooling with a bullet is- either the parents don't like the public school system (can't blame them there) or they don't have the funds to send their kids to a private school where they would get a high quality education. 

2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Child actors whose careers probably didn't let them go to public school and historical figures that probably didn't even have access to a public schooling system. Well I'm convinced

Ditto Woody. And from my tennis background- I can pretty confidently say the Williams sisters didn't have any stinkin' time for school. Out there on the court 6-8 hours every day with dad, and then lots of travel to the top junior tournaments. Same for any childhood prodigy athlete. 

Artists or composers? You either have the talent, or you don't.   The student far exceeded the teacher in every respect. Now Leonardo- this Mona Lisa- it's not quite right, remember what I showed you about painting?  :D  Advanced symphonic composition isn't on the home school list of activities to my knowledge.... 

Yes Cal there are a few- very few- beyond MENSA geniuses in history- who essentially could teach themselves- because there didn't happen to be anyone around smarter than they were at the time. IIRC, Einstein's teachers thought he wasn't very intelligent- because he was operating on an entirely different mental plane than they were. The analogy I saw was the theoretical physicists of the time saw the fingernail on one finger- Einstein OTOH could see they whole hand. 

Education is a tool- all depends on how you use it. But every home schooled kid doesn't have a teacher like Florence Nightingale did either... And just because you were home schooled doesn't mean you're going to turn out a brilliant physicist like Blaise Pascal- you need the mental raw material 

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Famous Homeschoolers

The following list of famous homeschoolers includes artists, athletes, authors, businessmen, composers, entertainers, explorers, inventors, military leaders, photographers, presidents, religious leaders, scientists, statesman, U.S. Supreme Court Judges, and women who were homeschooled at some point of their eduction. At the end is a list of famous parents who are homeschooling their children.

Claude Monet
Grandma Moses
Leonardo da Vinci
Rembrandt Peale
(return to top)

Michelle Kwan
Jason Taylor
Tim Tebow
Serena Williams
Venus Williams
(return to top)

Agatha Christie
Alex Haley
Beatrix Potter
C.S. Lewis
Charles Dickens
George Bernard Shaw
Hans Christian Anderson
Louisa May Alcott
Margaret Atwood
Mark Twain
Phillis Wheatley
Pearl S. Buck
Robert Frost
Virginia Woolf
(return to top)

Andrew Carnegie
Colonel Harland Sanders
Dave Thomas
Joseph Pulitzer
Ray Kroc
(return to top)

Felix Mendelssohn
Irving Berlin
John Philip Sousa
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(return to top)

Alan Alda
Charlie Chaplin
Christina Aguilera
Dakota Fanning
Hillary Duff
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Justin Timberlake
LeAnne Rimes
Louis Armstrong
Whoopi Goldberg
(return to top)

Davy Crockett
George Rogers Clark
(return to top)

Alexander Graham Bell
Benjamin Franklin
Cyrus McCormick
Eli Whitney
Thomas Edison
Orville Wright
Wilbur Wright
(return to top)

Military Leaders
Douglas MacArthur
George Patton
John Paul Jones
Robert E. Lee
Stonewall Jackson
Matthew Perry
(return to top)

Ansel Adams
(return to top)

Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
George Washington
Grover Cleveland
James Garfield
James Madison
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
William Henry Harrison
Woodrow Wilson
(return to top)

Religious Leaders
Brigham Young
Dwight L. Moody
Joan of Arc
John & Charles Wesley
William Carey
(return to top)

Albert Einstein
Blaise Pascal
Booker T. Washington
George Washington Carver
Pierre Curie
(return to top)

Alexander Hamilton
Daniel Webster
Patrick Henry
William Jennings Bryan
William Penn
Winston Churchill
(return to top)

United States Supreme Court Judges
John Jay
John Marshall
John Rutledge
Sandra Day O'Connor
(return to top)

Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams
Clara Barton, started the red cross
Florence Nightingale, nurse
Martha Washington, wife of George Washington
Susan B. Anthony, women's rights leader
(return to top)

Famous Homeschooling Parents
Lisa Whelchel
Kelley Preston and John Travolta
Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

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The elitism exhibited by the so called progressives in this thread is priceless..


They know what's right for all.. Just ask them.. Hell, ya don't even have to ask them.. They'll still tell ya 🤣

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

The elitism exhibited by the so called progressives in this thread is priceless..

The deflection, spin, twists, and turns going on around here is out of control. It's come down to Woody attacking Cals copy and paste.

You prove to them that homeschool kids are not autistic weirdos from nutty home instruction, that do function in society, but it seems they aint taking kindly to being told they're wrong.

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52 minutes ago, Gorka said:

The deflection, spin, twists, and turns going on around here is astonishing.

And why would that be? I already know the answer. Coming from one of the resident experts in that regard....  

Yup- a lot (probably most) of those folks would have been successful if they had been home schooled or not. To a degree, you're cherry picking the cream of the crop. They don't hand out advanced degrees for creativity or ingenuity. How many people take courses in creative writing and never get published? Or pick up a trombone and aren't Louis Armstrong. Damn- no one taught me guitar- learned on my own, so why can't I play better than Jimi Hendrix? Pick up a paintbrush and aren't Monet or Rembrandt? It's this little thing called talent, or in the sciences mental capacity. 

And I've never said home schooling was a bad thing. According to your latest data then, the next two most cited reasons of home schooling are indeed religious in nature. That's OK in my book- but don't laugh at Woody about it- because he does have a point. 

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

The deflection, spin, twists, and turns going on around here is out of control. It's gone down to Woody attacking Cals copy and paste.

You prove to them that homeschool kids are not autistic weirdos from nutty home instruction, that do function in society, but it seems they aint taking kindly to being told they're wrong.

"Gone down to"

He's been doing that shit for years. This is just the latest example



Yeah, not even close. But even that just supports points I've made before 

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58 minutes ago, hoorta said:

. That's OK in my book- but don't laugh at Woody about it- because he does have a point. 

I always do

Their examples aren't doing them any favors. Hell, even in the list of people from centuries ago a lot of bios said they were only homeschooled for part of their childhood.

And I'll always defer to the point that the vast, vast majority of people have no business trying to teach advanced high school classes. Maybe you can teach your kid well enough, and control their time we'll enough, that they do well on the ACT. But you probably aren't reaching them calculus. 

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

The elitism exhibited by the so called progressives in this thread is priceless..


They know what's right for all.. Just ask them.. Hell, ya don't even have to ask them.. They'll still tell ya 🤣

Sorry, my IQ is very high. You know that it is. Don't feel bad that you can't follow along. It's not your fault. 

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

Sorry, my IQ is very high. You know that it is. Don't feel bad that you can't follow along. It's not your fault. 

And  when they're in doubt, just bring up by the might of MAGA, you're wrong.  :D  

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

I'm much smarter than them. I have a much higher IQ. I went to a better college.

OK, I'm unbiased enough to say UM is a pretty good school.  :)   But Ohio Stadium is way nicer than the Big House. They (you know who) are really, really good though at defending their hero. 

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Students coming from a home school graduated college at a higher rate than their peers—66.7 percent compared to 57.5 percent—and earned higher grade point averages along the way, according to a study that compared students at one doctoral university from 2004-2009

Research suggests homeschooled children tend to do better on standardized tests, stick around longer in college, and do better once they're enrolled. A 2009 study showed that the proportion of homeschoolers who graduated from college was about 67%, while among public school students it was 59%.Jan 21, 2018

From the left leaning Business Insider.
Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century — here are 5 reasons why
Forge ahead sore losers, keep telling us how home schooling is bad.
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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

OK, I'm unbiased enough to say UM is a pretty good school.  :)   But Ohio Stadium is way nicer than the Big House. They (you know who) are really, really good though at defending their hero. 

Hey, some of them may think I'm a harsh person but I'm actually very kind (with a high IQ) with strong common sense.


Also James Earl Jones says we're the best university in the world :)

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woody never has a point.

Let me try to post like a woodpecker or Hoorta:

"Lee Harvey Oswald went to public schools, and was mentally damaged, therefore going

to public schools causes mental damage and murderers of presidents".


That DOES sound like woodpecker. not bad.

Doesn't quite sound like Hoorta though.

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30 minutes ago, Gorka said:


Students coming from a home school graduated college at a higher rate than their peers—66.7 percent compared to 57.5 percent—and earned higher grade point averages along the way, according to a study that compared students at one doctoral university from 2004-2009

Research suggests homeschooled children tend to do better on standardized tests, stick around longer in college, and do better once they're enrolled. A 2009 study showed that the proportion of homeschoolers who graduated from college was about 67%, while among public school students it was 59%.Jan 21, 2018

From the left leaning Business Insider.
Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century — here are 5 reasons why
Forge ahead sore losers, keep telling us how home schooling is bad.

Funny- you're the one rushing to the defense of something that really hasn't been badmouthed, just been discussed from a realistic POV. . I've never used the term snowflake on this forum yet- but it applies to you now- got your widdle feelings hurt?  

And you missed what I said- that it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, at least twice. For sure, a lot of the kids who graduate from inner city drug and gang infested High Schools are already way behind the 8 ball when it comes to being ready for college. BTW, wasn't that the #1 reason parents opt for home schooling? Doubtless if I bothered to waste my time looking it up, I could as easily suggest that kids who graduate from high income suburban public High Schools (or private parochial schools) would even surpass those home school stats.  

Hey speaks with forked tongue- suggests proves.   ;)  

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

I can't hardly believe it....  Gorka may think it's been around for a long time- but in reality, it's a very recent phenomenon, taking off in the last 20 or so years. It certainly was unheard of back in the '60s. I suppose we can go back to the 1700s, but why stop there? Let's dial it all the way back 2,000 years to the time of Plato and Aristotle. St. Paul was home schooled by Gamaliel.  AND the #1 reason cited for home schooling with a bullet is- either the parents don't like the public school system (can't blame them there) or they don't have the funds to send their kids to a private school where they would get a high quality education. 

My objective wasn't to prove how long home schooling was around, it was only to illustrate how many successful people were homeschooled.

If homeschooling had taken place in the 1700's then I'm sure it was heard of in the 1960's. It just wasn't in effect in the 1960's, if that's what you meant.  But the seeds were planted.https://www.shmoop.com/teachers/homeschool/introduction/history-of-homeschooling.html

Ditto Woody. And from my tennis background- I can pretty confidently say the Williams sisters didn't have any stinkin' time for school. Out there on the court 6-8 hours every day with dad, and then lots of travel to the top junior tournaments. Same for any childhood prodigy athlete. 

Richard stopped sending his daughters to national junior tennis tournaments when Williams was 10 since he wanted them to go slowly and to focus on school work.

Artists or composers? You either have the talent, or you don't.   The student far exceeded the teacher in every respect. Now Leonardo- this Mona Lisa- it's not quite right, remember what I showed you about painting?  :D  Advanced symphonic composition isn't on the home school list of activities to my knowledge.... 

Yes Cal there are a few- very few- beyond MENSA geniuses in history- who essentially could teach themselves- because there didn't happen to be anyone around smarter than they were at the time. IIRC, Einstein's teachers thought he wasn't very intelligent- because he was operating on an entirely different mental plane than they were. The analogy I saw was the theoretical physicists of the time saw the fingernail on one finger- Einstein OTOH could see they whole hand. 

Education is a tool- all depends on how you use it. But every home schooled kid doesn't have a teacher like Florence Nightingale did either... And just because you were home schooled doesn't mean you're going to turn out a brilliant physicist like Blaise Pascal- you need the mental raw material 

You've made exceptions for the Williams sisters, Florence, Einstein, Leonardo. That's only a few. What about the 100's of normal people who became successful? Kind of a nonsense point you were making.


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1 minute ago, Gorka said:

You've made exceptions for the Williams sisters, Florence, Einstein, Leonardo. That's only a few. What about the 100's of normal people who became successful? Kind of a nonsense point you were making.

You want me to waste my time pointing out every exception? Just go away with that crap. Try damn near everyone on that list- that succeeded by talent, creativity, ingenuity, intelligence, or athletic prowess. Home schooled or not. 

Or you just like to argue about bullshit?  

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On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2020 at 7:21 PM, calfoxwc said:

time for the leftist governments to STOP INDOCTRINATING OUR SCHOOL KIDS.

Now that the virus crisis has shown truly what all the liberal schools have been up to -

40% say they will now home-school their kids !!!!!!

this is excellent.



You lefties need to start reining in your assumptions when discussing this topic.

With political party as a factor, 45.7 percent of parents who said they would be “more likely” to homeschool identified as Democrat, while 42.3 percent identified as Republican.


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Not that anybody asked to me but I think homeschooling is probably some ridiculous bulshit. Yes I know some people who are very successful with it. Those that aren't are doing a grave disservice to not only the kid but the rest of society when the unsocialized little bastard gets out amongst real people.

(Not that the public schools aren't fucked up in their own way but still...)


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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Sorry, my IQ is very high. You know that it is. Don't feel bad that you can't follow along. It's not your fault. 

Yeah, high 90s I'm sure.


Thought ya had me on ignore 🤣


When ya throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit.

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