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Could "Obamagate" Be Any More Obvious?

MLD Woody

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you're really all just buying this, huh? 

You think this is completely legitimate and definitely not just a distraction.... really?


I would hope this is only baiting those that already have their heads completely up his ass so I have to wonder if it will actually affect the election 



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more woodpecker trying to swim in Egypt. The evidence has come out - obaMao and biden KNEW it all. his dirtbags are in big, serious trouble.

but, you finally dared to have your own opinion - just amazing way too late to have any reasoning behind it...

which woodpecker never does.

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47 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Everyone with a brain (meaning everyone but Trumptards) knows this is a bunch of bullshit.  Obama was the greatest President since FDR.

DHB, no sense in even arguing with them, it came from Fox, it's gospel. OTOH, anything  bad about Trump, hell's bells, it's Deep State conspiracy.  :D

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Woody it looks like you're taking time away from your position that they're all the same and it's all us against them. Obama is above doing anything wrong right? Actually you may be right since my opinion of him hasn't changed that he's an empty suit that can read a teleprompter it probably doesn't have the depth to put something like this into motion. But, unlike Joe Biden, he might have the wits to at least have an inkling that something was going on.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Woody it looks like you're taking time away from your position that they're all the same and it's all us against them. Obama is above doing anything wrong right? Actually you may be right since my opinion of him hasn't changed that he's an empty suit that can read a teleprompter it probably doesn't have the depth to put something like this into motion. But, unlike Joe Biden, he might have the wits to at least have an inkling that something was going on.



I am not

I never said that

Try not to typical Steve so hard


Do you think Obama performed "the biggest abuse of power of all time" or whatever buzzwords Trump and his crew are tweeting about? 


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36 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


I am not

I never said that

Try not to typical Steve so hard


Do you think Obama performed "the biggest abuse of power of all time" or whatever buzzwords Trump and his crew are tweeting about? 


If you actually read what I said instead of just typical Woody you can see what I think about Obama. As far as the biggest abuse of power of all time? Who the hell knows. I don't know where it would rank  on a scale of biggest to smallest. One man's abuse-of-power is another man's elections have consequences.

But I think there have been some terrible examples of politics that have gone on over the last 3 years and most of them have been by the Democrats. Take that for what it's worth.


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16 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

If you actually read what I said instead of just typical Woody even see what I think about Obama. As far as the biggest abuse of power of all time? Who the hell knows. I don't know where it would rank  on a scale of biggest to smallest. One man's abuse-of-power is another man's elections have consequences.

But I think there have been some terrible examples of politics that have gone on over the last 3 years and most of them have been by the Democrats. Take that for what it's worth.


I read exactly what you said, as much as you'd like to flip the "typical" label. If you don't like the label then don't fill your responses with you putting words in the other person's mouth. That simple.


You can criticise one side without thinking the other is perfect. Not everything is black and white. I realize that's lost a lot in here...

Trump's motives are incredibly transparent. It's a distraction. 

Hey, maybe something happened and Trump will have his day. But based on what we've seen and what he's done, that's doubtful


It's obamagate!

What's obamagate?

The biggest abuse of power in history!

Ok but what's obamagate?

A crime!

What's the crime?


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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I read exactly what you said, as much as you'd like to flip the "typical" label. If you don't like the label then don't fill your responses with you putting words in the other person's mouth. That simple.


You can criticise one side without thinking the other is perfect. Not everything is black and white. I realize that's lost a lot in here...

Trump's motives are incredibly transparent. It's a distraction. 

Hey, maybe something happened and Trump will have his day. But based on what we've seen and what he's done, that's doubtful


It's obamagate!

What's obamagate?

The biggest abuse of power in history!

Ok but what's obamagate?

A crime!

What's the crime?


Obamagate, unless the evidence is non-existent or has been destroyed or covered up in some fashion, would be the weaponizing of the intelligence Community the fisa courts Etc in order to promulgate a phony Witch Hunt which has gone on for three years now. Hey everybody thinks dirty politics is cool if it benefits their guy. Actually even though some of you guys think history begin 25 years ago Watergate itself isn't any more serious on balance if the accusations against Obama and his White House are true. If if they planned or were aware of any illegality that led to the impeachment hearings is it okay with you? Of course today everything has to have a gate suffix. No doubt the evidence used to get the fisa warrant was bullshit. The old saw what did he know and when did he know it applies to Obama in that situation. Why shouldn't it?


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For those that don't remember Watergate was a third-rate burglary supposedly to find some dirt on one of Nixon's political opponents. The entire brouhaha centered on whether Nixon ordered that break in or knew of it and covered it up.

And even then since it never went to trial and he was never convicted there's no legal basis to say that that happened. Or didn't happen for that matter.


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Thank you to Fox and Friends for covering, supremely, the greatest political scandal in the history of the United States, OBAMAGATE. Fake News CNN and Concast’s own MSDNC are only trying to make their 3 year Con Job just go away. They are embarrassed and don’t know what to do. Likewise, the New York Times and Washington Post are a disgrace to journalism. They are all Fake News, and they know it better than anyone else. History is unfolding, and it is not a pretty picture for “journalism”.

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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Woody it looks like you're taking time away from your position that they're all the same and it's all us against them. Obama is above doing anything wrong right? Actually you may be right since my opinion of him hasn't changed that he's an empty suit that can read a teleprompter it probably doesn't have the depth to put something like this into motion. But, unlike Joe Biden, he might have the wits to at least have an inkling that something was going on.


remember Chris Wallace famous statement "you must be a bystander in your own administration" given all the denials of his knowledge of some obvious ties to scandals  - Im speaking of the "great one" that is lol

3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

For those that don't remember Watergate was a third-rate burglary supposedly to find some dirt on one of Nixon's political opponents. The entire brouhaha centered on whether Nixon ordered that break in or knew of it and covered it up.

And even then since it never went to trial and he was never convicted there's no legal basis to say that that happened. Or didn't happen for that matter.


+1 ^ and it was the work of a couple of reporters (who probably didnt "like" Nixon either) to put together the logjammed info of the time together. Same with todays knowledge of the unmaskings, while not illegal in and of itself, could lend a hand for answers to the subject of the incredulous OP writer.  

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29 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Thank you to Fox and Friends for covering, supremely, the greatest political scandal in the history of the United States, OBAMAGATE. Fake News CNN and Concast’s own MSDNC are only trying to make their 3 year Con Job just go away. They are embarrassed and don’t know what to do. Likewise, the New York Times and Washington Post are a disgrace to journalism. They are all Fake News, and they know it better than anyone else. History is unfolding, and it is not a pretty picture for “journalism”.

Amazing that this is what our president says and we're all just accepting if it now. Just desensitized

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Obamagate is more believable than Russian Collusion at this point, which posters around here talked about for YEARS.

Just because Trump is a windbag, doesn't mean it's not true to some capacity.  I assume if it is true, it would be similar to Watergate.

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2 minutes ago, htownbrown said:

Obamagate is more believable than Russian Collusion at this point, which posters around here talked about for YEARS.

Just because Trump is a windbag, doesn't mean it's not true to some capacity.  I assume if it is true, it would be similar to Watergate.

The "gate" part is a dead give away.

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