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Ex-Obama official told media 'we knew' about Trump-Russia collusion -- then backtracked in testimony


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this entire fraud that was created because they lost the chance to seal their power permanently, right when they could have nailed it all, they lost so much of it.

and they will do anything to get it back. They will manipulate elections by organized crime methods all they want, to the point of murdering political opponents. They can't go back now - they are KNOWN all over the media, the courts, and Real Americans who still honor their Flag, Constitution/Bill of Rights to the end.

Throughout history - there have been corrupt power movements. If the left could get the power- they could own all of America's wealth, and like loyal dirty nazis - they will continue the lies, blackmail, dirty tricks, slander/libel, fake kangaroo investigations and courts...

it's history. It's trying to happen to America. All hell could break loose, just my opinion - from history.

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pretty sick. these dirtbags lie like nazis on war crimes trials - but now they are caught.

sure sounds like a "civil war" of sorts to me.


"Isn’t it amazing how quickly all the stories about collusion changed the moment these people were put under oath? For years, people like James Clapper, Ben Rhodes, and Samantha Power appeared on cable news insinuating, and sometimes outright proclaiming, to have seen evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. When the penalty of perjury came into play though, suddenly they had nothing to offer.

Those aren’t the only examples from the formerly covered up Russia investigation transcripts, though. Another Obama official named Evelyn Farkas had to directly admit she lied on MSNBC when questioned about her comments"

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