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New mutation indicates that coronavirus might be weakening, study says


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I wish I could remember who it was that bitched at me about me referring to the possibility of it mutating and making it tough to have a vaccine.......

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45 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

I wish I could remember who it was that bitched at me about me referring to the possibility of it mutating and making it tough to have a vaccine.......

I wasn't bitching, we're both in agreement. Just pointing out if the virus is mutating- it's odds on it will be tougher to produce an effective vaccine. If our not so friendly cold and flu viruses never mutated, those diseases would long ago have been eradicated- like polio and measles.  

Of course with the wacko anti-vaxxers on the loose, measles is making a comeback. 

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57 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I wasn't bitching, we're both in agreement. Just pointing out if the virus is mutating- it's odds on it will be tougher to produce an effective vaccine. If our not so friendly cold and flu viruses never mutated, those diseases would long ago have been eradicated- like polio and measles.  

Of course with the wacko anti-vaxxers on the loose, measles is making a comeback. 

Agreed, of course. Although, measles is making a comeback because we took for granted it was gone.

Except illegals with no health care brought it in. Of course, snoples and factcheck said it was false.

But it isn't false:


and, (oh crap!)


Scientists say they’ve identified mutated COVID-19 strain — and issue a dire warning about new contagion

"Scientists say they have discovered what they believe is a mutated strain of COVID-19 — and are now warning that this new strain could be way more contagious than plain old coronavirus. '



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9 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

"Scientists say they have discovered what they believe is a mutated strain of COVID-19 — and are now warning that this new strain could be way more contagious than plain old coronavirus. '


Honestly Cal, I can't imagine anything being more contagious than the current strain of Corona. What? You just look at someone with this new strain and you're infected?   :)  

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

I wasn't bitching, we're both in agreement. Just pointing out if the virus is mutating- it's odds on it will be tougher to produce an effective vaccine. If our not so friendly cold and flu viruses never mutated, those diseases would long ago have been eradicated- like polio and measles.  

Of course with the wacko anti-vaxxers on the loose, measles is making a comeback. 

The thing about virus mutations is that it's a total crapshoot: mutate one way, and the virus becomes less virulent or weakens enough for people to successfully create antibodies for the more virulent strains (using cowpox to innoculate  against smallpox comes to mind). On the other hand, the mutation could make the virus much worse by increasing the number of transmission vectors or by increasing resistance to any potential vaccines.

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Two things bother me here.

1. The national disease org, whatever it was called, granted big bucks to that lab. I swear I saw that.

Yep. Our own gov gave them the money. Guess who the asswhole marxist commit sombeitch unAmerican traitor president was?

'Paid for the damn virus that’s killing us': Giuliani rips ...


Apr 27, 2020 · Rudy Giuliani questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci's involvement in grants from the United States to a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that has been tied to the coronavirus pandemic. "Back in 2014, the Obama ...

Any obaMao supporter want to explain that one?

2. The woman scientist said her job was to do research on these natural viruses, and study ways to make them.......

more infectious.


By 2013 she had isolated the bat coronavirus now known as RaTG-13 and was using it for Gain-of-Function research. The results of this research were not published, although Communist leaders, like Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, were undoubtedly briefed on it. We may never know how many times, or how many ways, she tried to “enhance” it to make it even more infectious and deadly than it was in its natural state. But, at the end of the day, she managed to create, in her lab, a dangerously infectious pathogen.

Using her secret bat coronavirus as the “backbone,” she had inserted a receptor binding domain (RBD) from another coronavirus to make it more infectious. It was another Chinese virologist, Dr. Yong-Zhen Zhang, who first pointed out that this RBD was an exact genetic match with the RBD from another known Pangolin (anteater) coronavirus. (The Chinese government has since imposed strict controls on what can be published.)

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The scientific name of the resulting chimera coronavirus is SARS-CoV-2, but it is known to the world—correctly–as the China Virus.  

The worst fear of many scientists, that Gain-of-Function research would create a “Pathogen of Pandemic Potential,” or PPP, had been realized. But because Dr. Shi had kept her reckless lab experiments secret, the world had no idea that such a dangerous man-made virus even existed.

A virus as infectious as SARS-CoV-2 would have required the strict adherence to the rigorous safety protocols of a BSL-4 “high containment” lab to stay contained. But so lax was the training and the practices of the WIV that even the World Health Organization (!) refused to grant it certification. The lab was an accident waiting to happen. Sometime in the fall of 2019, it did. A lab worker became infected, either from handling an infected animal or from handling the coronavirus isolate directly.   

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Be afraid, VERY afraid!!


4 hours ago, hoorta said:

Honestly Cal, I can't imagine anything being more contagious than the current strain of Corona. What? You just look at someone with this new strain and you're infected?   :)  

Be afraid!!! VERY afraid!

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