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Trump will be pissed when he loses in November, lol.

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53 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Why no, he's going to win in a landslide, after all, "He's the Greatest President, ever, ever."  :)  

And now for something the MAGAs don't believe ever happened....  https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/leonard-pitts-jr/article242349186.html

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17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I will be voting for the single purpose of cancelling out a vote of someone on this board 


Assuming no major changes happen

There's a shocker..


We always knew you would you lil bitch..

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3 hours ago, hammertime said:

Talk about owning space in your head....

you got the tds bad.

Nah, increasingly obvious. TDS is a too easy cop out from the MAGAs who have the opinion anyone who doesn't agree Trump walks on water, and his shit doesn't stink is somehow deranged.  OTOH they spend even more time hanging on every cockamamie pronouncement of their fearless leader, as well as his shills Hannity and Rush.  I have a fair amount of lysol concentrate if anyone wants to try it out and see how well it works when you inject it. :D 

To those of us they're trying to pin the TDS moniker on, it really doesn't mean jack shit anymore to me what they think. It's actually getting pretty funny. They can keep on merrily believing their one sided view of politics. 

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And yours aren't 🤣


TDS simply put, is screaming "Orange Man Bad!!" no matter what the man does that obviously promotes the United States.


He donates his salary... ORANGE MAN BAD!!  Did you even fucking know he does that?



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Back to the topic I would imagine that everyone who cares the slightest bit about any issue on the table will be pissed when Joe Biden sits down behind the desk in the Oval Office. But at least it should shut up the people who keep screaming the Trump is an idiot. Should but no guarantee.


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nah, increasingly obvious. TDS is a too easy cop out from the MAGAs who have the opinion anyone who doesn't agree Trump walks on water, and his shit doesn't stink is somehow deranged.  OTOH they spend even more time hanging on every cockamamie pronouncement of their fearless leader, as well as his shills Hannity and Rush.  I have a fair amount of lysol concentrate if anyone wants to try it out and see how well it works when you inject it. :D 

That's all in your head. So is Trump. No one thinks he can walk on water. He just happens to get shit done. You have yet to give an example of what Trump has done so awful that it renders the kind of hate you have form him. You can't . TDS is not a copout, it's real.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump’s political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of hysteria… the afflicted lose touch with reality."





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6 hours ago, Gorka said:


I say- Pound salt. If you think Trump is in any way, shape, or form inside my head, you're full of  crap. That bullshit meme goes to show what you'd LIKE to think, and you're  dead wrong. The guy acts like he just huffed some lysol. And he suffers from a severe case of NPD on top of it. Some people like the circus, well enjoy the  show. Leonard  Pitts gave a pretty good  example of what I'm talking about, if you had bothered to  read the article. 

Whah, whah, whah. Some folk don't  love me. Boohoo. Said it in a post to Steve,  you really don't need much, if any of a reason to DISLIKE Trump. I don't like neapolitan ice cream FWIW. And you should  stop  using the HATE word, it's pretty  inappropriate  in this context. I DISAPPROVE of his childish behavior as the President of the United States, and that's  reason enough.  Pence for President,  got it?


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Is it any surprise that their natural defense to criticism of Trump is just insults?


"Rent free in your head!"


That type of response is waaaay easier than trying to defend the guy.

Plus, as I mentioned a while ago, politics has nothing to do with being right or solving a problem. Success is measured by how much you can piss off the other side. 

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17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Is it any surprise that their natural defense to criticism of Trump is just insults?


"Rent free in your head!"


That type of response is waaaay easier than trying to defend the guy.

Plus, as I mentioned a while ago, politics has nothing to do with being right or solving a problem. Success is measured by how much you can piss off the other side. 

So you're a Troll! with TDS with Trump living in your head rent free.🤣

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15 minutes ago, Vambo said:

So you're a Troll! with TDS with Trump living in your head rent free.🤣

I figured it out long ago, as far as the MAGAs on this Forum are concerned. Anyone who doesn't kiss Trump's ass is a troll, and deranged for not totally loving him. 

OTOH, The Donald is so totally in the MAGA's heads, they can't see straight anymore.  

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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

I figured it out long ago, as far as the MAGAs on this Forum are concerned. Anyone who doesn't kiss Trump's ass is a troll, and deranged for not totally loving him. 

OTOH, The Donald is so totally in the MAGA's heads, they can't see straight anymore.  

Actually he said he was himself, ( Success is measured by how much you can piss off the other side.  ) That's what Trolls do no one asked anyone to kiss Trumps ass.  Strange you can't see Biden's sexual assaulting women isn't a problem.

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Just now, Vambo said:


Actually he said he was himself, ( Success is measured by how much you can piss off the other side.  ) That's what Trolls do no one asked anyone to kiss Trumps ass.  Strange you can't see Biden's sexual assaulting women isn't a problem.

Woody was referring to political talk. And believe me, most of the thinking moderates and liberals (like Tour and Tex) don't even like posing here because 90% of the content here is pure Trump adulation, and Democrat bashing. Personally, I'm about fed up with it too.  

BTW, If it wasn't a problem for Trump, why should it be a problem for Joe?   I suppose DT's groping was all consensual. That's next on the DT- excuse-o-meter. I said it before, two wrongs don't make a right. 

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Woody was referring to political talk. And believe me, most of the thinking moderates and liberals (like Tour and Tex) don't even like posing here because 90% of the content here is pure Trump adulation, and Democrat bashing. Personally, I'm about fed up with it too.  

BTW, If it wasn't a problem for Trump, why should it be a problem for Joe?   I suppose DT's groping was all consensual. That's next on the DT- excuse-o-meter. I said it before, two wrongs don't make a right. 

There you go again bringing Trump up in a conversation not about Trump I'm done with you.

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15 minutes ago, Vambo said:

There you go again bringing Trump up in a Biden conversation I'm done with you.

Fine and dandy- there's only one POV around here the MAGA one. I try to compare apples to apples, and the MAGAs can't stand it.   Because they know I'm right. 

I mean really- just a quick perusal of the thread topics- there's around 10:1 right wing opinion. Moderates and liberals aren't welcome. 

TDS? LOL!!! There's also an ailment that's rampant on this forum. TSS- Trump suckup syndrome. 

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Hoorta  - you are one who keeps slashing the idea of building the wall with the cnn/msnbc "xenophobe" slur.

I've posted the gigantic problem of central american gangs and drug running by cartels.

if that doesn't make you happy, then support the freaking wall.

  I've posted before, about  I'm find with you not liking Pres Trump.

But being all wet in EGYPT and denying he's KEPT HIS PROMISES unlike obaMao, whose ass YOU ALL kissed

for eight years....

    I'm not a fan, wasn't a fan of Trump. But he is being a GREAT REAL AMERICAN P:RESIDENT, unlike the obamao commie you

never criticized around here for eight years.

   And, btw, MAGA dominates? only because it is legit. After two years of lefties lol that Trump was going to get impeached,


   There isn't any "kissing ass" - there's ADMITTING HE IS KEEPING HIS PROMISES. Stop ignoring that.

Your obaMao commie LIED FOR EIGHT YEARS.

But, annoying as you find him, sometimes we do too -



US News

    he Department of the Treasury has issued a range of sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force.

    Under President Trump, the United States has led an unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

    President Trump’s leadership has contributed to the return of 17 Americans held overseas.

    In May 2018 alone, Venezuela released one American and North Korea released three Americans who came home to the United States.

    The President has secured historic increases in defense funding in order to rebuild our Nation’s military with the resources they need, after years of harmful sequester.

    President Trump signed legislation to provide $700 billion in defense spending for fiscal year (FY) 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.

    The United States has worked with international allies to decimate ISIS.

    President Trump ordered strikes against Syria in response to the regime’s use of chemical weapons in April 2017 and April 2018.

    The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.

AMERICA’S COMMUNITIES ARE SAFER AND MORE SECURE: President Trump has worked to secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and protect the safety and security of American communities.

    Despite limited resources and obstruction from Congress, President Trump has worked to take control of our border and enforce our immigration laws.

    President Trump has called on Congress to provide the resources needed to secure our borders and close loopholes that prevent immigration laws from being fully enforced.

    President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure our borders.

    President Trump’s Administration has carried out immigration enforcement efforts based on the rule of law.

    From the start of President Trump’s Administration to the end of FY 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) made 110,568 arrests of illegal aliens.

    Arrests made in this timeframe represented a 42 percent increase from the same timeframe in FY 2016.

    Of the 110,568 arrests made, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive, or had a reinstated final order of removal.

    President Trump has made clear that his Administration will continue to combat the threat of MS-13 in order to protect communities from the horrendous violence the gang has spread.

    In 2017, the Department of Justice worked with partners in Central America to file criminal charges against more than 4,000 members of MS-13.

    The Trump Administration has cracked down on the import and distribution of illegal drugs in order to stop them from reaching our communities and causing even more devastation.

    As of April 2018, U.S. Border Patrol has seized 284 pounds of fentanyl in FY 2018, already surpassing the total of 181 pounds seized in FY 2017.

    The President has launched a nationwide effort to fight the opioid crisis, which has devastated communities across America.

    The President’s Opioid Initiative seeks to reduce drug demand, cut off the flow of illicit drugs, and save lives by expanding treatment opportunities.

    President Trump signed an omnibus spending bill which provides nearly $4 billion to address the opioid epidemic.

    The bill included $1 billion for grants focused on the hardest hit States and Tribes and provided funding for a public-private research partnership on pain and addiction.

AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS MORE ACCOUNTABLE: Since taking office, President Trump has worked to ensure government is more accountable to the American people.

    President Trump has confirmed the most circuit court judges of any President in their first year, and secured Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.

    President Trump has signed legislation to bring more accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs and provide our veterans with more choice in the care they receive.

    President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, improving processes for addressing misconduct.

    President Trump signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act into law, authorizing $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.

    President Trump successfully eliminated the penalty for Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate.

    The President’s Administration is seeking to provide more affordable health coverage and broader access to affordable alternatives to Obamacare plans.

    President Trump has released a blueprint to lower drug prices for Americans.

    President Trump has ensured that the religious liberties and conscience of Americans are protected and respected by the Federal government.

    President Trump signed an Executive Order to protect the free speech and religious liberties of groups such as the Little Sisters of

    The Department of Justice issued guidance to all executive agencies on protecting religious liberty in federal programs.


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now, you TDS haters "haha"

...your turn.

YOU post all the promises your pretty obaMao commie kept, and all the great things he did for America.

Go ahead.

It's your turn. Don't suddenly "be tired".

DO IT. show us the accomplishments and kept promises by your obamao commie.

and have a nice day whining about not being able to dominate the narrative and hide the

obaMao commie was the worst president in American history, and Pres Trump is one of the best presidents in American history,

DESPITE some things about him being pretty annoying.

The msm and leftist criminals in Congress are annoying too.

Try just complaining about THAT once.

A little reality and truth would help to set you free of political bigotry.

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Fine and dandy- there's only one POV around here the MAGA one. I try to compare apples to apples, and the MAGAs can't stand it.   Because they know I'm right. 

I mean really- just a quick perusal of the thread topics- there's around 10:1 right wing opinion. Moderates and liberals aren't welcome. 

TDS? LOL!!! There's also an ailment that's rampant on this forum. TSS- Trump suckup syndrome. 

His post is especially hilarious considering every post by some here, into Trump's presidency, blamed "Obamao" for something.

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Is it any surprise that their natural defense to criticism of Trump is just insults?


"Rent free in your head!"


That type of response is waaaay easier than trying to defend the guy.

Plus, as I mentioned a while ago, politics has nothing to do with being right or solving a problem. Success is measured by how much you can piss off the other side. 

Idk, calling people racist when they don't like your policies or actions seems way worse than labeling someone with TDS.

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