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no, you're a birdbrain. I keep giving you chances to respectfully be a part of this forum,

and you keep licking moochelles toes. all that pecking must really get your beak kicked.

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i did not call HIM a coward.

so what? if you accidently pour coffee on your pinko beak, does that make you a complete accident-prone feather-brained etc for your entire life?'


except, you have a history of being a picidae. so there is that.

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3 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


i did not call HIM a coward.

so what? if you accidently pour coffee on your pinko beak, does that make you a complete accident-prone feather-brained etc for your entire life?'


except, you have a history of being a picidae. so there is that.

Cal... I linked right to it. You said

"hopeless coward. your crap is worse than ignorant, and you are terrified to try to validate any point you make. Pres Trump is doing great things for America - so his actions are better than the words you put into any conservation."


"hopeless coward"

You called him a coward


It is plain as day

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Just for the hell of it, here is one where you call me a "gay coward". 

Now, I don't care that you call me a coward (through this search it's clear you've done it dozens of times). What I find funny is that you called me a "gay" coward. Like some 12 year old using gay as an insult. 

I mean, you bigoted views towards gays is pretty apparent in everything else you post, but the fact you're using it as an insult, as an elderly man, is pretty damn telling. 

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

Cal... I linked right to it. You said

"hopeless coward. your crap is worse than ignorant, and you are terrified to try to validate any point you make. Pres Trump is doing great things for America - so his actions are better than the words you put into any conservation."


"hopeless coward"

You called him a coward


It is plain as day

I didn't say HE was a hopeless coward you moron. I gave his statements a category of "hopeless coward" statements.

that is how it was meant. you really don't know how to contribute to any thread on this board. what a woodypeckerhead.

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:


Just for the hell of it, here is one where you call me a "gay coward". 

Now, I don't care that you call me a coward (through this search it's clear you've done it dozens of times). What I find funny is that you called me a "gay" coward. Like some 12 year old using gay as an insult. 

I mean, you bigoted views towards gays is pretty apparent in everything else you post, but the fact you're using it as an insult, as an elderly man, is pretty damn telling. 

yet, you deserve it, all your posts defending gay fake marriage and all. you would be licking a gay friends' toes, if you had a friend.

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Yeah it is pretty damn clear you're wrong here Cal. You can flail about with you CAPS FOR EMPHASIS posts and what not, but anyone with a brain can follow what happened here. 

There are two clear posts of you calling him a liar and calling him a coward. I've linked to the posts. They're right there for everyone to see. 

OBF and you wanted to try and call me out at some attempt at a "gotcha" and, well, here we are. 


I'm over it. We'll let people read on their own. You keep rage posting as needed. Maybe you'll get to bury this and no one will see?


Remember when Cleve and I were told to not spam memes? Ha

You're acting like a two year old having a tantrum. That doesn't change the fact your posts are there for everyone to see. 

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24 minutes ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Remember when her husband was president for 8 years and it was the end of the US due to the creation of the Obama caliphate? 

no, lol, but I remember Uranium One, the subject lefties won't talk about.

and fast and furious - the scandal designed to implicate all US gun owners and associations for all the violent crime in Mexico.

which, they DID SAY, they just had to manufacture some fake proof. but they got caught. and eric dirtbag holder got censured/whatever it was, for it.

I remember when Americans died at Benghazi, and obaMao/higgardly etc, lied again and again, covered it up, lied some more, and then higgardly said in front of Congress "at this point what difference does it make?"

and the left didn't care.

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woodpecker does it a lot when he has left and then comes back, beak pecking furiously.

after a while, his beak must get numb and he leaves again. Odd how woodpecker has little or no life, but he is an "expert" on marriage, the military, foreign relations, society, reading peoples' minds, seeing into the future , all political systems, oppression by governments, tyranny, the Constitution/Bill of Rights, ...

except he doesn't know anything about anything. He just smarts off to other posters and thinks that makes him a superior picidae.

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17 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

sorry woodpecker, but when I said I never called him a coward, it was in response to his claim that I did it before.

Of course i'm doing it now. He crossed the line.

and you really need a friend somewhere, somewhere. sad. hope you get a friend someday.

To call someone's responses cowardly IS calling them a coward you stupid mfer. What the fuck planet do you live on where that is not the case?

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37 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

To call someone's responses cowardly IS calling them a coward you stupid mfer. What the fuck planet do you live on where that is not the case?

There is a difference Tex. I could say you said or did something foolish but that wouldn't be calling you a fool. Or you said or did something stupid and not be calling you stupid. You can make a statement like this and distinguish between what a person says or does and the person themselves.

Anyway on a personal note as a Viet Nam veteran who served in combat thank you for your service!  We might be on opposite sides politically but I always hold you in high regard for your service to our country.



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16 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah it is pretty damn clear you're wrong here Cal. You can flail about with you CAPS FOR EMPHASIS posts and what not, but anyone with a brain can follow what happened here. 

There are two clear posts of you calling him a liar and calling him a coward. I've linked to the posts. They're right there for everyone to see. 

OBF and you wanted to try and call me out at some attempt at a "gotcha" and, well, here we are. 


I'm over it. We'll let people read on their own. You keep rage posting as needed. Maybe you'll get to bury this and no one will see?


Remember when Cleve and I were told to not spam memes? Ha

You're acting like a two year old having a tantrum. That doesn't change the fact your posts are there for everyone to see. 

I'm kind of with Woody on this one. I haven't been paying much attention to this particular thread but I would ask everybody not to flood the place with memes. 

Part of that was because Woody's pal was posting dozens of them a day many of them pornographic but yes. Give it a rest.

Unrelated subject I don't see where cowardice really comes in here one way or the other. But put on the gloves boys and we can do Fight Club, the seniors tour.


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22 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I'm kind of with Woody on this one. I haven't been paying much attention to this particular thread but I would ask everybody not to flood the place with memes. 

Part of that was because Woody's pal was posting dozens of them a day many of them pornographic but yes. Give it a rest.

Unrelated subject I don't see where cowardice really comes in here one way or the other. But put on the gloves boys and we can do Fight Club, the seniors tour.


Cooler heads prevail.


27 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

There is a difference Tex. I could say you said or did something foolish but that wouldn't be calling you a fool. Or you said or did something stupid and not be calling you stupid. You can make a statement like this and distinguish between what a person says or does and the person themselves.


Any way you look at it it's abusive. And would you dare use that term cowardly on someone standing next to you and expect them to draw a fine line. Not me. Down here I'd get a punch in the mouth for it. And rightfully so particularly if I said it to a combat vet.

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14 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Cooler heads prevail.


Any way you look at it it's abusive. And would you dare use that term cowardly on someone standing next to you and expect them to draw a fine line. Not me. Down here I'd get a punch in the mouth for it. And rightfully so particularly if I said it to a combat vet.

Yep.  At the VFW if you call someone a coward, the walkers are going to be flying,.

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3 hours ago, OldBrownsFan said:

There is a difference Tex. I could say you said or did something foolish but that wouldn't be calling you a fool. Or you said or did something stupid and not be calling you stupid. You can make a statement like this and distinguish between what a person says or does and the person themselves.

Anyway on a personal note as a Viet Nam veteran who served in combat thank you for your service!  We might be on opposite sides politically but I always hold you in high regard for your service to our country.



as do I. but as usual, with a leftie- absolutely nothing is too low for them to resort to. I would never diminish military service.

but Texbag will, any time he loses his argument. which, he automatically does in politics.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

as do I. but as usual, with a leftie- absolutely nothing is too low for them to resort to. I would never diminish military service.

but Texbag will, any time he loses his argument. which, he automatically does in politics.

The problem is when you attack these current and former military people you DO NOT distinguish that you are only attacking them as civilians, nor does it sound like you are attacking only their their ideas. So yes, that sounds like a man set so much on defending a fraud "hero" that you are turning on your own. All of them, not just some of them. You do exactly the same with me when using terms like cowardly, dishonest, liar, etc., again in my mind attacking a former military member with wartime service just like the others.

Let that sink in a little. When it comes across like that to me personally then yes, I go after what I perceive is a man turning his back on fellow veterans, including me,  in favor of a true coward.

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