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OBJ Continues to be OBJ


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16 minutes ago, Zombo said:

Just a bunch of horseshit.

He's a good teammate and dedicated to being a better player.


To be a good teammate who's also dedicated to being a better player, I look for him to show up to 100% of the voluntary OTAs. That will ensure that he is on the same page with his rookie head coach and especially his young QB who will be learning another new offensive scheme himself..... and it will go a long way in preventing soft tissue injuries in the upcoming season so he can play at full speed.


You know, like he did last year.  

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Just a question, if Odell jr was out at some restaurant with his friends or family, would he be ok if some random fan or person he didn't know came up behind him and smacked him on the ass?

And before you say it is not the same, yes it is. And it's an even bigger of a deal because the the guy he did it to security guard cop or whatever was in uniform and on official business. I've seen people arrested for merely touching an officer. 

And those that think this is nothing, the police issued an arrest warrant. Negative press for the Browns who already have everything going against them as a franchise. 

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All I’ve witnessed in NY and Cleveland is a lack of respect for authority and his antics at the LSU game just strengthen that belief.

I thought when we traded for him he would fall in line and remain a “good teammate” until we started losing or he wasn’t being productive.  I don’t see anything else that would change my mind.  There are those that will say, well if we are losing who cares.  For me it’s about culture.  I’ve been a Jarvis Landry hater for the simple reason he gets a 15 yard celebration penalty and asked whether or not he’d change his behavior he said, nope I’d do it all over again.  I don’t think that attitude is what eradicates the losing culture.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

 and it's an excellent deep draft for wr's. Nobody wants him to go anywhere - he's been a great teammate. But the current problem is, is it inevitable he hurts the Browns with his antics like he hurt LSU with his antics just after they won the National Championship?

He was also removed from the LSU band area for trying to get them to play some bad lyrics song... and the money controversy, and the butt slapping controversy, there are other controversies in his past.

He's a limit pusher for attention and negative drama. Good teammate, great player, but a headcase regardless. I think he craves his brand more than being the best football player.

Even during a game, he got negative attention from the NFL.


It's only a matter of time til he pushes the limits on the NFL's repetitive attention.


Some excellent viewpoints on OBJ's LSU Championship game behavior. Negative behavior, serious damage done - due to OBJ's selfabsorbed brand excesses. It must be fixed. Or, he's gone, imho.

Excellent discussions:



Well, as I said, perhaps he was just brought in for that purpose:  to be a circus show.    What about the enablers:

Why does LSU allow  alumni players to be on their sideline and in their locker room.  There must be hundreds of former LSU players that would like to do that....why allow OBJ?   Because he brings them publicity?    Have him buy a ticket and sit in the stands. He is only now just a fan.   

Also, who is pointing their cameras on him? Why were they not pointed at the 100 LSU players that were in uniform, or the LSU coaches....or anywhere else?  Because they wanted to prompt the dog and pony show?  

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25 minutes ago, Neo said:

Just a question, if Odell jr was out at some restaurant with his friends or family, would he be ok if some random fan or person he didn't know came up behind him and smacked him on the ass?

And before you say it is not the same, yes it is. And it's an even bigger of a deal because the the guy he did it to security guard cop or whatever was in uniform and on official business. I've seen people arrested for merely touching an officer. 

And those that think this is nothing, the police issued an arrest warrant. Negative press for the Browns who already have everything going against them as a franchise. 

Who gives a flying fuck about negative press over something like this?  Only some sphincter puckered asshole.  And yea...it IS different in this situation.   Everyone in that locker room  there was doing high fives, and dumping liquids on each other, and slapping each other on the ass.  This was a joyous celebration, and that was all that was meant by it.     In the video you could even see that after the ass smack the cop turned around to look at him, and OBJ was doing a little victory dance in celebration, almost trying to get the cop to join in it with him.. It was all part of being jubulated.    That is what I saw. 

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Some players can be a character on the team both on and off the field -but- not be detrimental to the team or game. Example: Gronk.

Some players can be a character on the team both on and off the field -and- be a cancer affecting everyone. Example: OBJ

There are others that I'm sure you can think of and in other sports.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

Just a question, if Odell jr was out at some restaurant with his friends or family, would he be ok if some random fan or person he didn't know came up behind him and smacked him on the ass?

And before you say it is not the same, yes it is. And it's an even bigger of a deal because the the guy he did it to security guard cop or whatever was in uniform and on official business. I've seen people arrested for merely touching an officer. 

And those that think this is nothing, the police issued an arrest warrant. Negative press for the Browns who already have everything going against them as a franchise. 

Except this isn’t the same at all. The better example would be if obj was at a restaurant with his kids and a rent a cop was harassing just his and other dark skinned patrons asking if they were sure they had enough money to pay for the meal. 

It wasn’t right, but if I saw a bunch of my dudes getting harassed by paul blart over something they were totally within their right to do? Can’t say I wouldn’t be pissed and have words either. Except as a milk toast white dude I doubt Barney Fife from the video would have been bothering me. 

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1 hour ago, The Gipper said:

Who gives a flying fuck about negative press over something like this?  Only some sphincter puckered asshole.  And yea...it IS different in this situation.   Everyone in that locker room  there was doing high fives, and dumping liquids on each other, and slapping each other on the ass.  This was a joyous celebration, and that was all that was meant by it.     In the video you could even see that after the ass smack the cop turned around to look at him, and OBJ was doing a little victory dance in celebration, almost trying to get the cop to join in it with him.. It was all part of being jubulated.    That is what I saw. 

Sometimes I feel I am the only sane person left on earth.

It doesn't matter who is wearing the uniform, they expect you to be respectful to them, it's just a fact. I was a security guard only for a couple of months and I understand that you expect people to be respectful to you while you are doing your job. 

This guy was a cop carrying a gun, it would raise my blood pressure too if somebody came up behind me in a crowded room full of athletes and smacked me on the ass. I have a concealed weapon license and I don't even like people getting close to me in public.

Apparently the New Orleans police department didn't think it was nothing. I'm just going to agree to disagree.

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1 hour ago, mjp28 said:

Some players can be a character on the team both on and off the field -but- not be detrimental to the team or game. Example: Gronk.

Some players can be a character on the team both on and off the field -and- be a cancer affecting everyone. Example: OBJ

There are others that I'm sure you can think of and in other sports.

And there are some people that are completely full of shit by jumping to conclusion about how other people are affected by things.   Like your comment highlighted above. 

You don't have one goddamed idea how the rest of the OBJ's team has been affected by this:   first, it just happened. second, it happened nowhere near the Browns team, their facilities, the other players. Third....you don't have a clue if the rest of the team would care about or pay one bit of attention to this when it comes down to doing their specific jobs.   You think that  in October Baker is going to be inaccurate on one of his passes because OBJ slapped a cop on his butt in New Orleans in January?   You think that Myles Garrett is going to slow down on his pass rush because OBJ handed out a few dollar bills to some LSU players?   You could not even tell if OBJ himself is going to start dropping passes because of some minor incident that happened 9 months earlier.  Complete and utter ignorance to believe anything of the sort. 

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41 minutes ago, Neo said:

Sometimes I feel I am the only sane person left on earth.

No, you are not the last sane person left....because you are not sane at all either.  

It doesn't matter who is wearing the uniform, they expect you to be respectful to them, it's just a fact. I was a security guard only for a couple of months and I understand that you expect people to be respectful to you while you are doing your job. 

This guy was a cop carrying a gun, it would raise my blood pressure too if somebody came up behind me in a crowded room full of athletes and smacked me on the ass. I have a concealed weapon license and I don't even like people getting close to me in public.

Well....that is called agoraphobia.....and they have medication for that. 

Apparently the New Orleans police department didn't think it was nothing. I'm just going to agree to disagree.

The New Orleans police dept. only thought it was nothing because it was some crazy looking video.  A guy in a locker room in the throes of celebration goes around high fiving, butt slapping, dancing, shimmying and shaking.  He did it to one of them, and the optics looked weird.  But I see no maliciousness whatsoever.  

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10 hours ago, Neo said:

Sometimes I feel I am the only sane person left on earth.

You're not. I literally can't believe that some of us are blaming the security guard for somehow instigating this innocent, playful reaction <( FUCK, now I really have read it all ) by our Douchebag Hero.  The dude was just doing his job and what he was told to do by his employer, yet he's at fault somehow? Fuck me. 

Today's society Nero..... Could you imagine your 15yr old son or daughter doing this EXACT SAME THING, and then sitting around the dinner table blaming the racist "rentacop" that they slapped, as well as how the rule he was enforcing was stupid anyway, so it's OK little Timmy/Jennie..... It's not your fault. Let's go out for ice cream!

Your kids are going to turn out just fine Neo.  



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1 hour ago, The Gipper said:

Well....that is called agoraphobia.....and they have medication for that. 

You clearly don't get it. It's because I carry a gun. Carrying a gun changes your whole approach to everything. It's called not wanting someone to take my gun off of me and use it against me.  Same thing goes for an officer carrying a gun. 

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it isn't just about the butt slap either. It's about the money handed out. That was flagrantly stupid. Premeditated STUPID and detrimental to what was going on and where it was going on.

  He can have his brand, I don't see these controversies ever stopping.

It's also about the watch. And the pants. And the gesture on the other team's sideline that got a penalty. Look up some of his antics back in NY. It's about his behavior detrimental to the TEAM, detrimental to his college TEAM. The downside isn't worth whatever upside you get.

  At this point, if Simmons was gone, I'd be interested if Miami wanted to trade their second two later first round picks for our Tenth, and draft a WR and a LOT with those two picks, after trading OBJ.      

   I don't see him apologizing, could be wrong. His "brand" is too important.

It may come to this:


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1 hour ago, D Bone said:

You're not. I literally can't believe that some of us are blaming the security guard for somehow instigating this innocent, playful reaction <( FUCK, now I really have read it all ) by our Douchebag Hero.  The dude was just doing his job and what he was told to do by his employer, yet he's at fault somehow? Fuck me. 

Today's society Nero..... Could you imagine your 15yr old son or daughter doing this EXACT SAME THING, and then sitting around the dinner table blaming the racist "rentacop" that they slapped, as well as how the rule he was enforcing was stupid anyway, so it's OK little Timmy/Jennie..... It's not your fault. Let's go out for ice cream!

Your kids are going to turn out just fine Nero.  



Except as I said 100 times it patently wasn’t a rule. Cops said they were fine to drink and smoke cigars and this cop, in particular, was trying to be a tough guy. It’s also pretty clear the Joe burrow looking guys didn't get hassled. But who gives a shit about any of that right cause he had a badge? He wasn’t enforcing a fucking rule.

I live literally two miles from mar a lago and have to visit that island all the time for stuff. I’m far, far from rich but that island is. The amount of times I’ve seen people doing nothing but be not white is sickening  . So yeah, it boils my blood when a tough guy cop is being a dick to dark skinned kids who are trying to legally have a good time after, ya know, winning a damn championship.

does it make OBJ right? No. But given the above I couldn’t give less of a shit that a dude like that got his feeling hurt. There’s a good ass reason a judge laughed off a serious charge.

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16 hours ago, nickers said:

Larry... can this POS  poster... He's  here to whine and start drama.. I'm far too long in the tooth to deal with this moron...

Hilarious!!! just cast this on the big scene at work for my co-workers to read, got a bunch of great laughs out of it. Wha, Wha I got own and after making homophobic statements and stupid comments WHA Mods please save!!! That's your come back? LOL! Thanks for bringing a me a smile on this slow work day.

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6 hours ago, BaconHound said:

For me it’s about culture.

The culture, as stated by the head coach, is working hard and producing on Sunday.  

Show proof that either Landry or OBJ are not 100% at both.

Everything else is noise.

Don't like it? Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake.

Your self-righteous identity trolling simply doesn't matter.      Notice I left out "politics" -- because this is about identity as a person.

Winning fixes a "losing culture" real quick.


Might want to go review Coach's statements about personalities.

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3 hours ago, WarriorsRpussies said:

Hilarious!!! just cast this on the big scene at work for my co-workers to read, got a bunch of great laughs out of it. Wha, Wha I got own and after making homophobic statements and stupid comments WHA Mods please save!!! That's your come back? LOL! Thanks for bringing a me a smile on this slow work day.

Fuck off Moron!

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

You clearly don't get it. It's because I carry a gun. Carrying a gun changes your whole approach to everything. It's called not wanting someone to take my gun off of me and use it against me.  Same thing goes for an officer carrying a gun. 

Well, gee, how can you resolve your paranoia and agoraphobia.  Maybe quit carrying the fucking gun. If you are not a cop or security guard  and obligated to carry it, put it away if it causes you so much consternation.   HELLO!

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9 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:

 OBJ, keep triggering these snowflakes.


That's WarriorsRpussies job!

18 hours ago, nickers said:

Larry... can this POS  poster... He's  here to whine and start drama.. I'm far too long in the tooth to deal with this moron...

Why not just hit the "Report" button?

One click and he'll never bother you again...

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9 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

 and it's an excellent deep draft for wr's.

Soon it's just going to be easier for you to list the positions in which this draft is not "excellent deep".

7 hours ago, Neo said:

... yes it is.

Only if the restaurant is in a locker room full of kids who just won the Natty...

5 hours ago, D Bone said:

Today's society Nero....

Your kids are going to turn out just fine Nero. 

You were quoting Neo, not Nero...

Get the name right next time, D Boe...

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This is the last thing I am going to say on this topic.

For as long as I can remember, you don't put hands on an officer. YOU DON'T PUT HANDS ON AN OFFICER. Every time I've seen it in real life or on TV, nine times out 10 you are going to jail. Odell fucked up plain and simple. I don't want to hear about the circumstances, Odell fucked up.

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9 hours ago, Zombo said:

Just a bunch of horseshit.

He's a good teammate and dedicated to being a better player.


All reports were that he was good in the locker room and a positive guy to be around this season.

He's also someone who didn't seem to know where to line up many times, and would run routes that didn't exist. 

He, IMO, is not the type of player who will help change the culture of the Browns into one that is a professional one. 

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28 minutes ago, Neo said:

This is the last thing I am going to say on this topic.

For as long as I can remember, you don't put hands on an officer. YOU DON'T PUT HANDS ON AN OFFICER. Every time I've seen it in real life or on TV, nine times out 10 you are going to jail. Odell fucked up plain and simple. I don't want to hear about the circumstances, Odell fucked up.

.......and it was recorded and went viral as the Cleveland Browns player OBJ and now it's everything OBJ and brings out the "what's wrong with the Cleveland Browns ?"

First it's what's wrong with Mayfield then the dumb-dumb Garrett, then it's the BROWNS fire another coach now that the season is over we carry over with OBJ being OBJ.

GO BROWNS, never a dull moment, baby !

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5 minutes ago, Zombo said:

It depends on the coach.  Tomlin kept Antonio Brown in check for 8 fucking years. If Stef wants to win, he handle the personalities and be firm but treat them like adults.


With the 2020 Browns 1. Discipline 2. Character better be dealt with unless they want to do more coaching searches.  

Kitchens was everybody's buddy and it got away from him fast.

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21 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Many security guards are police officers that are moonlighting.

Not sure if this specific security guard is though. 

Beat me to it. Many places where I live hire off duty and part time officers to moonlight as security. The video is too blurry, I was trying to read the patch on his uniform. Badge, gun, gun belt, handcuffs, radio, sure looks like a cop to me.

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8 minutes ago, Zombo said:

He's a security guard, and ya'll have lost your minds. There's guys playing who have beat their wives and abused their kids. Our goofy guy gets drunk when his team wins the National Championship and hands out money and snacks a security guard on the butt.  Correct except he's the attention seeking and grabbing OBJ

He's a really good wide receiver.  He was 26 in yardage and 28 in receptions, but he does have to share numbers with Landry.

It's going to be a long offseason.  It already is, and the Draft isn't until late April.


I just want to know what happens from here, does the FO and HC take back control of the 6-10 BROWNS and do things the right way?

Does OBJ just cool it for awhile and try to stay off of p.1 of the news and return as the most dangerous WR in the NFL ......or not?

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34 minutes ago, Zombo said:

Everyone keeps saying he was 26th or whatever. I assume Landry was higher? So we have two guys in the Top 32 ... isnt that good?

We have 99 problems, OBJ ass-slapping ain't one of them.


For the record Landry was 10 in yards 18 in catches and that was with an early bad passing game and bad OL throughout.  ALSO they have a great RB combo which is good.

OBJ still has more problems as a teammate besides ass slapping some dude.  ABrown was a headcase but produced on the field  OBJ needs to do that without disrupting the team goals, they sure pay him enough to say  "yes sir" once in awhile and cool it.

Think they can go 8-8 next year? They'll need everyone on board to do that.


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Anthony Lima on 92.3 summed OBJ up (IMO) perfectly this morning... He isn't a horrible person, not at all. 

With him, it's a "death by a thousand cuts" situation. 

It's always going to be something with him. If it's not this, it will be that. 

Winning football games isn't the #1 priority with him. It just isn't. 

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