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7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Thank you Z and thank you Kathy. DieHard is a good man and retired military.👍

I like you TexAg, I really do. You are one cool, righteous dude. 

But DieHard is a racist piece of shit, who contributes nothing to this board. He's the board's bargain bin version of Ghoolie. 

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27 minutes ago, ATOM said:

hey should i report this as just strange and misguided use of a human brain

Report at your own risk of banning. 😂

1 hour ago, Dutch Oven said:

I like you TexAg, I really do. You are one cool, righteous dude. 

But DieHard is a racist piece of shit, who contributes nothing to this board. He's the board's bargain bin version of Ghoolie. 

I disagree. I have had many PM conversations with him and find him to be a very upright, decent person who enjoys baiting a bit. He is no racist to the best of my knowledge. That's my opinion on what I know of him that most on the BB do not based on those private conversations. It would be very difficult to have stayed in the military long enough to retire if you were a racist. You would have been tossed out before that retirement took place, because it would have come to the attention of superiors. For these reasons I would like to see his return. That does not mean he and I always agreed on things, particularly on the polyboard. It just means I have a lot of respect for him as a person.

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4 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Report at your own risk of banning. 😂

I disagree. I have had many PM conversations with him and find him to be a very upright, decent person who enjoys baiting a bit. He is no racist to the best of my knowledge. That's my opinion on what I know of him that most on the BB do not based on those private conversations. It would be very difficult to have stayed in the military long enough to retire if you were a racist. You would have been tossed out before that retirement took place, because it would have come to the attention of superiors. For these reasons I would like to see his return. That does not me he and I always agreed on things, particularly on the polyboard. It just means I have a lot of respect for him as a person.

Tex AG you cool but he did drop the N word before quickly deleting it I should have quoted it before he had the chance,well anyway if you 2 are pals whatever so be it I will respond to you but never diehard

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12 hours ago, ATOM said:

Tex AG you cool but he did drop the N word before quickly deleting it I should have quoted it before he had the chance,well anyway if you 2 are pals whatever so be it I will respond to you but never diehard

My guess would be he started baiting you, realized he used a taboo word to do so and deleted it immediately. When he comes back on why don't you just PM him and find out for yourself. We all are guilty at some time or another of using words on the internet we immediately regret sending and would take them back if we had a way of doing so. Fortunately we can do so with posts here through edit or delete. Just my guess from some history with him. Up to you whether you are curious or forgiving enough to ask.

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Hi, I sent a note to the "contact us" link but I am not sure if anyone got it. I had enjoyed hanging out in here and am feeling uncomfortable and would like to be disassociated and not sure how to do it. I should have done more research prior to joining. A bit too much  content that feels a bit sexist, homophobic and racist. People have names like Vagitron,descriptions of homosexual acts are used as insults. Mason Rudolph is being called Maya Rudolph? Why would that be used as an insult? Are women weaker? Is it because she is mixed race? Entire groups of people are being marginalized by insulting words and people are trying to ban each orher over football views! The worst group seem to be some of the moderators. No hard feelings. It just makes me uncomfortable so please help me disconnect any association. Thanks and go Browns!

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1 hour ago, CoachToad said:

Hi, I sent a note to the "contact us" link but I am not sure if anyone got it. I had enjoyed hanging out in here and am feeling uncomfortable and would like to be disassociated and not sure how to do it. I should have done more research prior to joining. A bit too much  content that feels a bit sexist, homophobic and racist. People have names like Vagitron,descriptions of homosexual acts are used as insults. Mason Rudolph is being called Maya Rudolph? Why would that be used as an insult? Are women weaker? Is it because she is mixed race? Entire groups of people are being marginalized by insulting words and people are trying to ban each orher over football views! The worst group seem to be some of the moderators. No hard feelings. It just makes me uncomfortable so please help me disconnect any association. Thanks and go Browns!

What? Were you raised by nuns?  You certainly must have NEVER been in a locker room.  I doubt that you really ever were a coach. 

You can dissassociate yourself by just not  participating.   Hello!! McFly, is anybody home?  Are you really that thick headed to not know that no one forces you to be here. Just delete the link on your computer.

And he is called Maya because she is a comedian.  

Asta la Vista, Baby.   DGAMJGA

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And while we're at it- any and all Board members. Please PM me or Z if you catch sight of the psychotic Raven flamebaiter so we can clean it up ASAP.

BTW- the Mods are now on Defcon 1. This sucker is going to get nuked if he dares show up again. 

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Our Raven Troll has just pushed it over the edge, having deliberately logged on and been kicked off three times today.... 

This now qualifies to my mind as cyberstalking, and for our Troll's information- it's considered criminal activity. Continued posting to this Board will in consultation with the other Mods and the Board Owner can and will be reported to the police. We're not messing around with you anymore....    Read on....   

What is cyberstalking?

Cyberstalking is defined as online stalking. It involves the repeated use of the internet or other electronic means to harass, intimidate or frighten a person or group. Common characteristics of cyberstalking may include false accusations or posting derogatory statements, monitoring someone’s online activity or physical location, threats, identity theft, and data destruction or manipulation by sending a virus to a victim’s devices.

Report cyberstalking

If you encounter someone that is engaging in cyberstalking behaviors and it seems serious, you should report it to the police. Keep in mind many police departments have cybercrime units, and cyberstalking is a crime.

If you’re being cyberstalked, remember to keep a copy of any message or online image that could serve as proof. Use the “print screen” or other keyboard functions to save screenshots.

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On 11/13/2019 at 8:50 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

 It would be very difficult to have stayed in the military long enough to retire if you were a racist. You would have been tossed out before that retirement took place, because it would have come to the attention of superiors. For these reasons I would like to see his return. That does not mean he and I always agreed on things, particularly on the polyboard. It just means I have a lot of respect for him as a person.

  This is absolutely true - you wouldn't make it past your first couple of years, I suppose. All this time, I have never had a problem with him - he's just an ornery old cuss.

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From Norton.com

What is cyberstalking?

Cyberstalking is defined as online stalking. It involves the repeated use of the internet or other electronic means to harass, intimidate or frighten a person or group. Common characteristics of cyberstalking may include false accusations or posting derogatory statements, monitoring someone’s online activity or physical location, threats, identity theft, and data destruction or manipulation by sending a virus to a victim’s devices.

Cyberstalkers may use email, instant messages, phone calls, and other communication modes to stalk you. Cyberstalking can take the form of sexual harassment, inappropriate contact, or unwelcome attention to your life and to your family’s activities.

Social media stalking is not the same as cyberstalking

You might hear people use the term “stalking” to describe following someone’s activities via their social networks. That’s different, and usually doesn’t involve harassment or criminal activity. In contrast, cyberstalking can be a serious crime with legal implications


A few things when you're trying to combat these bad guys online watch the ads and go with reputable or government help if possible.  For a list of online problems and definitions and general information which is good for anyone to know check out sites like https://www.pandasecurity.com/mediacenter/panda-security/how-to-handle-online-harassment

Also later I will check into some legal and law enforcement sites for ideas. 

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From panda:


Trolling is the act of someone making unsolicited comments in an online community that are random or controversial, in order to provoke emotion. These “trolls” are able to cause quarrels or upset people while hiding behind the safety of their screens.

There are many variations of trolling, some more damaging than others. In one version called “concerning trolling,” the troll acts as a fan or supporter and uses hostility in the form of constructive criticism. In another psychologically manipulative version called “gaslighting,” serial abusers present false information or create a false narrative to make you doubt your memory, perception, sanity or professional knowledge.

Dogpiling is also a common version of trolling in which a group of trolls work together, using many tactics, to overwhelm the target. This cyber mob uses questions, threats and insults to clog up the person’s social account and silence, discredit or humiliate them.

Is Trolling a Crime?

Trolling is not a crime, but in extreme cases, it can lead to other criminal offenses.

How to Handle and Prevent Trolling?

  • Don’t respond or provoke them (that’s what they want!).
  • Report the abuse to the social media platform.
  • Block the person trolling.
  • Document all instances of trolling from repeat offenders in case you decide to take legal action.
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It got  reported to  me someone was spamming  multiple threads. Let the Mods know  who it is. Zombo has the nuke button (I don't) one push  of it, and anything that poster put up on the board is gone. That  spammer  will  also be  banned. You may have  noticed,  the nuke button was used on the departed Ghoolie. 

One last comment about the smarty pants profanity  laced Raven troll. Um, we can track  ISPs. Little  doubt  now he was hiding behind a  VPN, hence the  difficulty getting  him gone. That tool in the hands of a wacko is a dangerous thing.  There's  new controls in  place to  head him off at the pass before he has a chance to spew his hate filled  garbage  again.  He may not  think  it's  so funny  when  the Baltimore  cybercrime  unit  shows up at  his door  with a cease and desist order.  

It's a  shame we've  had a few mentally unbalanced goobers show up lately making the  Mods jobs a lot harder than they  need to be.  And  a big tip of the cap and  thank you to  Zombo for working  overtime behind the scenes, to help keeping  things civil  around  here. He still has a day job. 

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Even though I'm happily retired and quite lazy at times just watching football I'm going to check with a few legal and law enforcement sources of mine on this subject.

Anyone who messes with family, friends or just good people kind of pisses me off and I'd love nothing better than nailing their worthless asses to the wall.  :)

Hey and we all get to learn all kinds of new and interesting things in the process. Sounds like fun, eh?  ;)

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2 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Even though I'm happily retired and quite lazy at times just watching football I'm going to check with a few legal and law enforcement sources of mine on this subject.

Anyone who messes with family, friends or just good people kind of pisses me off and I'd love nothing better than nailing their worthless asses to the wall.  :)

Hey and we all get to learn all kinds of new and interesting things in the process. Sounds like fun, eh?  ;)

We can ask our resident Magistrate Gipper if he thinks there's enough evidence Raven Troll was guilty of cyberstalking

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25 minutes ago, hoorta said:

We can ask our resident Magistrate Gipper if he thinks there's enough evidence Raven Troll was guilty of cyberstalking

In all my years, that is actually something I have never come across to have to handle, on either side of the bench.

The BIG  initial step that even has to be asked is:   where does the jurisdiction lie?   Here in Cleveland Ohio where this forum is based? I assume it is based here because the owner...Kathy lives and operates it out of here...right?   Or is Z the actual "operator"...and is the jurisdiction in FLA?

Or is the jurisdiction in, say, Maryland...if that is where the arsebag resides?  He could claim that neither OH or FLA have jurisdiction over him.  

Or....is this a Federal matter because these transactions take place over state...and even international lines? 

While I bring up these questions, I do not come with answers....because it would actually take quite a bit of research into the laws of "cyberspace"  (which I have not done in the past)  to even start to come up with some answers. 

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It is not all crystal clear yet many of the crimes can indeed be federal.  (just some general information)

.....Therefore, a defendant could be charged at the state level, the federal level, or both in some cases for a cyber-crime. Often, the decision of where to prosecute a defendant boils down to which agency conducted the investigation and/or which agency has the best chance of obtaining a conviction.
If you have been charged with a cyber-crime by either the U.S. Department of Justice or by the State you are in you could be facing serious penalties if convicted......

A long time back I referred someone to the FBI on some cyber matters, their email address:. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber

They are primarily concerned with organized crime but are broadening out now in cyber crimes.  The Feds don't play around if they do go after anyone.

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Oh and I wonder if any of our little brat friends are lurking around out there reading any of this?  If they have even one brain cell left they better be careful because the FEDS have some great toys to play with and unlimited budgets -so- if they get turned loose on your case...... you're screwed !

I know what they can do in tax evasion cases, terrorism or cyber-bullying cases they go for the kill.  ;)

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20 hours ago, The Gipper said:

That said I don’t think that the feds would even give me some moments thought 

I have talked with a good friend who has a relative, PhD type who is high up with the high government clearances in the (DHS) Department of Homeland Securities.

They (DHS) have two offices in Cleveland and one in Pittsburgh and a scary budget into the many, many billions.

You generally DO NOT report anything to them or the FBI for that matter because they will do some form of follow up.  If you know someone there with high enough clearances they can initiate a preliminary check or investigation and can take it from there.

If you have an issue yes you can call one of the offices either online or try calling and see where it takes you without pulling any strings.  Again, these people don't play around.

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