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Biden in trouble


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The biased MSM usually carries water for the dems but every now and then we have a situation where they have to turn on one of their own and this is one of those situations. Biden has a big lead in the polls and he has about 20 other democrat presidential contenders who want to knock him off his perch and they see an opening here and the long knives are coming out. 

I'm enjoying this while it lasts. 

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Don't worry if the Trump campaign breathes a word about it you will hear screaming about how families are untouchable. Unless of course it's trumps.


He was banging his dead brothers wife not long after he died.  Makes you wonder if they were banging when he was still alive.

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13 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Don't worry if the Trump campaign breathes a word about it you will hear screaming about how families are untouchable. Unless of course it's trumps.


Or Bushes daughters, or Sarah Palins kids.

Misbehaving amongst the Bidens extends beyond just his son.

Hunter Biden has affair with is dead brothers wife. Kathleen Biden files for divorce.

Hunter has drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple's marital assets by "spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills," according to a Feb. 23 motion filed by Kathleen.


Daughter Ashley Biden arrested for obstructing a police officer.


Daughter Ashley Biden busted for pot.


Biden's niece involved in $100K credit card scam.


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Joe Biden gets mocked for saying the first thing he’d do as president is defeat Donald Trump

During a lightning round where each 2020 candidate was asked what his or her first priority would be as president, Joe Biden said he’d defeat Donald Trump, which of course makes no freaking sense:



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sanders isn't honest. free college for all? probably doubling our national debt? lol

democrats with ANY honesty at all, will end up not voting or voting for Pres Trump.

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5 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I am in Japan at the G-20, representing our Country well, but I heard it was not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts - so what’s the big deal?

   I love the sense of humor and plain talking Real American tweets. The left hates them - they can't control the narrative - he keeps the narrative straight.

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I didn't watch the debate but saw clips of it and Biden looked terrible. He looked tired, not engaged and got nailed by Kamala Harris. Those on the left counting on Biden to be the guy who will defeat Trump have to be having second thoughts about now:


A source close to the Biden campaign tells me his staff is “freaking out” about his poor performance tonight.

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

sanders isn't honest. free college for all? probably doubling our national debt? lol

democrats with ANY honesty at all, will end up not voting or voting for Pres Trump.

Yeah. He's honest that he wants to tax the shit out of everyone. How far do you think that's really gonna get him. 

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you had Cysko and woodpecker outraged for about half a minute there....lol

That's where you're dead wrong. I have no intention of voting for a democrat ever again. You might not recall but after what they pulled on kavanaugh I can't vote for them. Because that's what they really are. I might vote for Trump because burn it all down why not. 

Or I might vote for a libertarian and well and truly throw my vote in the garbage can 

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