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Kamala Harris calls for decriminalizing sex work, insists Trump is racist


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Try to think a little bit it's not whether it's illegal or not it's this... If it is legal and acceptable then talking about sex is no longer a taboo. Asking for sex should be the same as asking someone to bring you a sandwich.

Can you think of any other job a person could have that they should be offended if I ask them to perform it for me for money? If I said Woody I need some blueprints I'll give you five hundred bucks... Or Cal I need some tomatoes could I purchase a bushel of yours for $50? Or Cleve I'll give you ten bucks to come over and sweep out my garage?


You are referring to our actual jobs. If you ask an actual prostitute in her place of work to blow you then it's fine. That is the equivalent of you asking me for a "blueprint". 


Again, legal strippers exist, but it isn't ok to ask a woman at work to strip for you for money. 



If your brain can't wrap it's head around what's sexual harassment and what's not then I'm not sure I can help you. But based on previous comments you've made here that's totally in character for you.

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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If your brain can't wrap it's head around what's sexual harassment and what's not then I'm not sure I can help you. But based on previous comments you've made here that's totally in character for you.

In a few days he'll haughtily mock us for being too "basic" to understand his subtle trolls. Steves not the kind of guy that can pump the brakes as he's putting on the bad idea jeans. Once that train leaves the station he aint gettin off it. Some kind of recurring checksum error or cmos depletion. 

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Most of us would have this kind of near instantaneous self discussion, "hey, ur about to justify sexual harrassement in the workplace or anywhere for that matter, based on the fact paid sexual interactions happen somewhere else.....get out of there maverick!"......but not sreve, nnnooopppee. 

I feel like something horrible happened to steves inner goose a long time ago

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50 minutes ago, Clevfan4life said:

Most of us would have this kind of near instantaneous self discussion, "hey, ur about to justify sexual harrassement in the workplace or anywhere for that matter, based on the fact paid sexual interactions happen somewhere else.....get out of there maverick!"......but not sreve, nnnooopppee. 

I feel like something horrible happened to steves inner goose a long time ago

I have no idea who you were showing off for or who you think you're impressing. Let's say this about the internal discussion. I'm the only guy here apparently will admit that he thinks that sexual harassment is a bullshit charge.

I have a family member who I love dearly but she hates Republicans and conservatives like the Mongoose hates the cobra. Still one thing she was right about it's when she worked in a factory oh, the only female there, some of the Rednecks would make remarks. Her response? Break down in tears call an attorney? No. Tell him to go fuck himself like I would tell you or you would tell anybody else.

So the dishonest person in this situation is you if in fact you would like to see a man get fired because he told a woman that she looked really hot today or ask her out on a date. Or if you would actually be proud of a young female family member who came home and said she was getting a job sucking cock at a bar downtown or out in East Cleveland.

If you'd actually be good with that I take it all back.  


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U are a constant train of misinformation. Men dont get fired for the first time complimenting a womans looks, they get fired for a pattern of behavior that persists after multiole visits to HR. Ud know if u ever had a corporate or even a factory job. If the man gets told ur making a habit of co stantly remarking on a womans looks and she, and the HR dept have told u to knock it off....then yes he might get fired. 

Try again typical

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1 hour ago, Clevfan4life said:

U are a constant train of misinformation. Men dont get fired for the first time complimenting a womans looks, they get fired for a pattern of behavior that persists after multiole visits to HR. Ud know if u ever had a corporate or even a factory job. If the man gets told ur making a habit of co stantly remarking on a womans looks and she, and the HR dept have told u to knock it off....then yes he might get fired. 

Try again typical

Good point we didn't take into account. For sure would have to be a repeat offender before getting the axe, unless perhaps it was some egregious act.


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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Good point we didn't take into account. For sure would have to be a repeat offender before getting the axe, unless perhaps it was some egregious act.


U have to make either some kind of egregious physical contact or say sonething so personally demeaning or degrading that co wirkers say they want no part of u. Only then is it a one and done

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4 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

U have to make either some kind of egregious physical contact or say sonething so personally demeaning or degrading that co wirkers say they want no part of u. Only then is it a one and done

It shouldn't even be a reprimand or a warning.

And you would have to prove to me there was some sort of a guideline that included the parameters egregious and repeated.


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9 minutes ago, domcucch1994 said:

I don't see what the problem is in legalizing prostitution..

I'd rather have it in a regulated, taxed market, where these girls get tested for STDs weekly or whatever, then have them out on the street with some abusive pimp..


So hoping you're more honest than some here would you personally have no problem with your sister daughter or wife doing it as a part-time job? Do you consider that profession equal to secretarial or server or housekeeping in a hotel or department store clerk?


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10 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So hoping you're more honest than some here would you personally have no problem with your sister daughter or wife doing it as a part-time job? Do you consider that profession equal to secretarial or server or housekeeping in a hotel or department store clerk?


Well for one... I know my sister isn't going to sell her body for sex...

If she did, I wouldn't go to that brothel. She's an adult and she can do as she pleases..

I don't have a daughter so... Irrelevant point..

Don't have a wife.. If she was spreading it as her living.. I probably wouldn't be cool with it.. But some dudes would probably be okay with it who knows..

Look at Nevada.. If im not mistaken, one county in Nevada has regulated brothels.. Are they hurting you? Nah their just hurting your moral compass..


People are going to pay for sex one way or another...

Why do you give a fuck if some woman wants to sell her body for sex? I bet if the first lady was on board with this, you'd be all for it..  But because it's someone not in your party, you bash it.. Go figure.. 

Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world..  And it's not going away anytime soon..

Regulate it and tax it... Use the tax money to fund something good..



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8 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

So hoping you're more honest than some here would you personally have no problem with your sister daughter or wife doing it as a part-time job? Do you consider that profession equal to secretarial or server or housekeeping in a hotel or department store clerk?


I hate this hypothetical.. If it was your sister, daughter, wife, etc.

What if your sister, daughter, or wife was raped and impregnated. Would you want them to get an abortion? Or are you so pro-life you'd rather have them keep that baby?


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15 minutes ago, domcucch1994 said:

I hate this hypothetical.. If it was your sister, daughter, wife, etc.

What if your sister, daughter, or wife was raped and impregnated. Would you want them to get an abortion? Or are you so pro-life you'd rather have them keep that baby?


Did you get the idea I was some kind of hardcore pro-lifer? Where?

But you can answer the question oh, do you think prostitution is as respectable a profession as any other?


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26 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Did you get the idea I was some kind of hardcore pro-lifer? Where?

But you can answer the question oh, do you think prostitution is as respectable a profession as any other?


It's about as respected as stripping for money.  Maybe a little less..

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27 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Did you get the idea I was some kind of hardcore pro-lifer? Where?

But you can answer the question oh, do you think prostitution is as respectable a profession as any other?


Not sure where I got the idea, I just wanted to ask you a stupid hypothetical question...

Every girl is someone's daughter

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4 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

So hoping you're more honest than some here would you personally have no problem with your sister daughter or wife doing it as a part-time job? Do you consider that profession equal to secretarial or server or housekeeping in a hotel or department store clerk?


Again... That has literally nothing to do with whether it should be legal. How I personally feel towards something isn't my grounds for whether it should be legal. Are you incapable of separating the two?


Hell I hope my future kids don't go into any fine arts at school. That doesn't mean I think we should ban theater or musicians

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Again... That has literally nothing to do with whether it should be legal. How I personally feel towards something isn't my grounds for whether it should be legal. Are you incapable of separating the two?


Hell I hope my future kids don't go into any fine arts at school. That doesn't mean I think we should ban theater or musicians

I think I explained it well enough for someone who's bright enough to understand.

I've told you that in my most Libertarian hat I can't really argue with anything being illegal which would include prostitution, S&M, cannibalism, beastiality smoking crack selling heroin any of that shit.

However I think all or most of those things make society a shittier place. 

And I think you're lying if you don't agree. But if you do believe as some here seem to, or say they do, the prostitution is as respectable as any other profession but a man should properly be fired for complimenting a woman's looks "multiple" times then you are fucked up. That's all there is to it. I realize that would be hard for you to admit it because you are busy tap dancing for Cleve but I can't imagine you actually do believe it.


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46 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I think I explained it well enough for someone who's bright enough to understand.

I've told you that in my most Libertarian hat I can't really argue with anything being illegal which would include prostitution, S&M, cannibalism, beastiality smoking crack selling heroin any of that shit.

However I think all or most of those things make society a shittier place. 

And I think you're lying if you don't agree. But if you do believe as some here seem to, or say they do, the prostitution is as respectable as any other profession but a man should properly be fired for complimenting a woman's looks "multiple" times then you are fucked up. That's all there is to it. I realize that would be hard for you to admit it because you are busy tap dancing for Cleve but I can't imagine you actually do believe it.


Holy shit you're dense Steve. And you threw out so much nonsense in your response and proper reply needs to cover them all... Diluting the point being made. Real typical Steve shit. 


Prostitution isn't beastiality... Christ

You can think prostitution makes society shittier all you want. Doesn't have to do with it's legality 

I don't agree. I'm not lying.

No one is saying prostitution is as respectable as any other profession. Which, again, has nothing to do with legality .

Your boogeyman view of sexual harassment does not compare to reality. If you can't distinguish between normal interactions and sexual harassment, then again, I can't help you. It isn't that hard. I'm sorry older good ole boy generations can't slap a secretaries ass anymore. 

Cleve and I agree on this, there's nothing more to it. People can agree. Shit, half of this board is lockstep in literally every political opinion they have. Are you going to make snide comments there?



This isn't hard

The answers fairly obvious

As old beliefs die off we'll eventually move in the right direction. 


Weed, prostitution, gay marriage, etc. 

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