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The American Left is the New American Nazis


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The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left: Dinesh D ...

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left [Dinesh D'Souza] on ... at the connections and relationships between Fascism and the American Left.
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"The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator." John T. Flynn

Numerous commentators have raised alarming comparisons between America’s recent economic foibles and Argentina’s fall "from breadbasket to basket case." The U.S. pursues a similar path with her economy increasingly ensnared under the growing nexus of government control. Resources are redistributed for vote-buying welfare schemes, patronage style earmarks, and graft by unelected bureaucrats, quid pro quo with unions, issue groups and legions of lobbyists.

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what they do and what they say is very similar to nazis, including genocide, fake promises, and the demand for

total power over society because...

they think like nazis, pre-WWII.

Here's a quick backing up:


German Workers’ Party (DAP) changed its name to National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDP) called the Nazi Party for short. During its first meeting a 25 point programme was announced

Look at the calls for socialism all over what used to be the democratic party.

Adolf Hitler became leader of the NSDP and took the title der Führer

Therefore, Hitler became leader of the national german socialist party

SA (Sturm Abteilung) formed. Known as Stormtroopers these were the party militia. They were also known as brownshirts because of the brown shirts that formed part of their uniform.


What did the Brownshirts do for Germany?

The Brownshirts were Hitler’s “Bully Boys”. They were officially known as the Sturmabteilungen or Storm Troops. They fought the Communists in the streets of Germany in the raucous days of political warfare in the 1930s before Hitler came to power. What did they do for Germany? Add to her disgrace.

Trust me, we can give many examples of bullying, violence, political warfare and intimidation by the left.

Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch – Hitler and the NSDP attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government failed. The leaders were arrested and charged with treason.

By all accounts of their words and actions - the American left wants to negate our Constitution/Bill of Rights, declare infanticide legal, totally corrupt our electoral system to their benefit, get rid of our borders, foster racial and economic warfare, and undermine our system of government, and capitalism... and patriotism, and render no respect at all to our Flag, our Anthem, or OUR PRESIDENT, etc etc etc. Advocating socialism is exactly that - demanding to overthrow our government.



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1 hour ago, LogicIsForSquares said:

Can we pump the breaks on referring to any modern US political party who is just out to steal a buck or two to Nazis? There isn't any money in it so they really aren't that interested. 

Ur talking into the wind. Cal is a shill, no more no less. He defends rallys where legit, avowed white supremacists show up wearing swastikas.....but some liberal fantasies about wealth distribution gets immediately branded as "nazi" dedpite the demonstrable historical fact that the nazi's were not commies and infact sent them to the very same "camps" they sent the jews to.

He's a lost cause, he aint comin back. 

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4 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:
2 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

But notice guys l8ke this fly under their radar but AOC's twat lives in their brains likeva parasitic host...



 Are you sure that guy flew under your radar too ?  Bet you had to do some digging.  What major media outlet reported this?

You'd think that CNN wouldn't have let this guy fly under THEIR radar...this guy is a legit  right wing nut and CNN wouldn't have to lie about it.

Maybe they couldn't figure out a way to tie him to Trump.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

More tinfoil hat material. That collection must be getting pretty shiny.

Texag translation:

"I can't refute what was posted, so I'll just deflect with a dumb accusation anyways"

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