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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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That's because we have different priorities, and again, I'm wondering if you fall into one of the two categories that I defined a few posts earlier 1) didn't go to college 2) didn't go to a college with a good football program.


I am a die hard Aggie and will support former Ags everywhere. Did you know ALL of Texas (Dallas, Austin, SA, Houston) switched from covering the Packers v Bills to the Browns v Bengals because Manziel is starting? You guys just picked up a few million more in audience watching your game. Are you really going to bitch about it because we want to see how the undersized kid from Texas with a gunslinger and road runner mentality does? You think this is singled out to Aggies? Watch ratings across the country when Manziel is involved. It is Tebow 2.0. I'm sorry that ruined your day. By the way, the Browns have a good D or having a shitty QB in Hoyer hasn't made you any more relevant. Johnny has, and with that you get a bunch of idiots like me following the Browns. You are welcome, dumbass.


Or would rather slip back into irrelevance and importance like you have been for the last 2 decades? At least that way you can worship your shitty team and pathetic results by yourselves. The alternative is you have a millions of people around the country wanting to see Manziel and the Browns tear it up and make the AFC look stupid.

evan...we get it, you're an aggie and aggies support aggies.....that's cool and no problem with that.....but show some fucking respect.....i know, u had to put up with the home town hoyer fanatics....but finally, that's behind us....lets just get on board and support both manziel and the team he plays on....i'm pretty sure that's where his head is....he's pretty much been a browns' man since he was drafted and has accepted his back up role for 13 fucking weeks.....let's follow his lead and see where it takes us.....above all, quit your fucking superiority-game nonsense.....it gives both you and other aggies a fucking bad rep that they, at least, don't need or deserve.....

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Let me see if I can shed some light on the Manziel following. There have been plenty of really decent players come out of A&M to various teams over the years and it's usually fun to watch their games when they are on. But Johnny Football was different from all of them. I think I once said on here that I called my Aggie friend with the Superbowl ring on his hand to tell he that after almost 50 years I had demoted him to second place as the greatest A&M athlete I had ever seen in 60 years of watching A&M football.


Johnny Manziel was the most head spinning, do everything athlete you could possibly imagine kind of player. Right up there with Bo Jackson. So it's the same reason a lot of people who were not Browns enjoyed watching the greatest runner every seen, Jim Brown. When you see someone who does things on a field you've never seen before you want to hang around just to see what he's gonna do next. So that is what you have. A player like none of us has ever seen has come your way. And apparently most of the rest of the nation wants to see him play as well, otherwise there would not be such a media circus.


so manziel made A&M great which means he probably would've never seen the field with most teams. to put him in the same breath with a HOFer such as jim brown is fucking disgraceful. that's a breach of the brown's tree of history right there.


manziel will be lucky to sniff the passing gas of jim brown on his way to the field.

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Just to be clear because it seems like people kept thinking I was trying to imply that people without college degrees are somehow a lower class or unable to be successful. Like I said: folks tend to read what they want to read.


It was said that I must be a kid because I follow college football. My retort is that if you didn't go to a big-time college that soaks up CFB every Saturday, then of course you'd have no idea and you are more likely to be a NFL fan. I don't know many people who are Michigan, Texas, A&M, Nebraska, Oregon, Bama, Florida fans and are also "die-hard" NFL fans. That was my only point. They are usually mutually exclusive to some degree (not all mind you). This is why I prefer CFB over NFL.


Then go jerk off on a Aggie forum.

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Said this before too so I'll be brief.


Grew up in Dallas in 70's. Always been a cowboy fan. If the super bowl this year was browns cowboys, I don't know who I'd root for, but probably the Browns.


Some have called me a bad fan for this, maybe that's true. So many on here call me gay, which is stupid and immature but it doesn't bother me.


What I think it might be is a paternal thing. Johnny has been raked over the coals so much for seemingly so little, that I just want him to prove everybody wrong. It was so much fun when he did it for the Aggies, I want to see him do it again for you guys.


Honestly, I don't care what anybody says or thinks, I'll be smiling ear to ear with every great Browns play, and can't wait to watch Sunday.

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This has been rehashed over and over, but my thoughts are this.


1. I live and die Aggie football, whose history is VERY similar to the Browns.


2. One kid comes to my school and seemingly overnight, Texas A&M football leads every sportscenter. The kid becomes the greatest Aggie football player ever.


3. People start bashing this kid that made my team so great, saying he will suck in the NFL.


This string of events makes me root for the kid. All I want is for him to again prove the naysayers wrong, and in the process give Browns fan the happiness he brought to Aggie fans.

and..."give Browns fan the happiness he brought to Aggie fans"...i think we can all buy in to that.....there's always going to be people who like to be negative and run other people down.....that's certainly true for manziel....a lot of people want him to fail....just accept that but don't be consumed by it..stay positive...if he's successful, the browns are successful...any true browns fan wants him to succeed....ignore the rest....

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i don't think anyone here wants to see manziel fail, in fact i'm sure it's quite the opposite.


the problem is (that you aggie fans refuse to comprehend) that every time one of you texas a and m fans/alum or what-have-yous opens their pie hole to profess to us how manziel changed the college football landscape, is the best thing since sliced bread, will be the next willie mays and the first man on uranus is just nauseating. since the browns punched manziel's ticket @22 in this year's draft, this board has been inundated with fans from 'outside'. do browns fans despise new browns fans? of course not.


do people get disturbed when some stranger comes into their house and tells you your recliner sucks and yours is better?


g@# damn right.

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so manziel made A&M great which means he probably would've never seen the field with most teams. to put him in the same breath with a HOFer such as jim brown is fucking disgraceful. that's a breach of the brown's tree of history right there.


manziel will be lucky to sniff the passing gas of jim brown on his way to the field.

as my name implies, i'm a big jim brown fan and i rooted for cleveland, not because i liked cleveland, per se, but because jim brown played for them. for me he's one of, if not the best ever, running backs.....but don't beat up on aggie brown too much.....manziel was every bit as good in college as jim brown. in 3 years at syracuse brown ran for 2091 yards....and 19 td's.; that's in 3 year..... in 2 years at a&m, manziel ran for 2169 yards and 30 fucking td's...and he did this while he was passing for another 7829 yds and 63 additional td's; and that's in the sec west, the toughest conference in the nation.....so at least from a college perspective, which is all we can compare at this time, manziel more than holds his own against (my boy) jim brown..so cut the manziel fans some slack....his fucking college career was amazing......so it's no wonder that his fans like him as much as jim brown's did back in the day.....

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as my name implies, i'm a big jim brown fan and i rooted for cleveland, not because i liked cleveland, per se, but because jim brown played for them. for me he's one of, if not the best ever, running backs.....but don't beat up on aggie brown too much.....manziel was every bit as good in college as jim brown. in 3 years at syracuse brown ran for 2091 yards....and 19 td's.; that's in 3 year..... in 2 years at a&m, manziel ran for 2169 yards and 30 fucking td's...and that's in the sec west, the toughest conference in the nation.....so at least from a college perspective, which is all we can compare at this time, manziel more than holds his own against (my boy) jim brown..so cut the manziel fans some slack....his fucking college career was amazing......so it's no wonder that his fans like him as much as jim brown's did back in the day.....


fucking A bro. i give every fucking body the same fucking slack across the fucking board.


just don't come into my fucking house and act like your fucking dog is better than my fucking dog. i've had three fucking dogs and i've got pics and memories of all those fuckers. just cuz your fucker licks the peanut butter off your fucking hairy snatch doesn't mean fucking diddly to me.


capiche? you fucker. (HA!) (swear much?)

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so manziel made A&M great....... to put him in the same breath with a HOFer such as jim brown is fucking disgraceful.....


manziel will be lucky to sniff the passing gas of jim brown on his way to the field.


You said it...disgraceful is right


i rooted for cleveland, not because i liked cleveland, per se, but because jim brown played for them...........manziel was every bit as good in college as jim brown. ..........so at least from a college perspective, which is all we can compare at this time, manziel more than holds his own against (my boy) jim brown....


See, you're doing it again...what you guys keep missing is NO ONE CARES ABOUT FUCKING COLLEGE STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




NEVER have I heard ONE PERSON even mention Jim Browns college stats....ever....you know why???....they dont matter....


and NO ONE in cleveland, who loved Jim Brown, did it because he had good college stats....NO ONE!!!....you know why?....because they dont matter.....


And NO ONE from Syracuse came here acting all gay about him either....


Jim Brown is a legend and...ONLY ....because of what he did in the NFL......not college....


So....until Johnny absolutely DOMINATES the NFL.....and makes grown men look like boys...please refrain from the comparisons.....because -TO US - it is insulting....and about 8 years and a couple hundred touchdowns too soon

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Gosh sakes...

I cannot remember the last time I saw h this pissed...




The above goes into detail about the Buffalo td drive. Not sure how to post links.


Here's something from the second article I wasn't aware of.


" Manziel attempted the highest percentage of passes covering 20 yards or longer among the consensus top four quarterback prospects, a whopping 18.69 percent of his throws, according to Greg Peshek of Rotoworld.


Manziel completed 55.84 percent of those shot plays, also the top mark and better than Bridgewater, Bortles and Carr."

Thanks for the link. As you now know it's just a copy/ paste thing directly into the reply box.


And I shit you not... we knew the JM stat you did not... I think it was TCPO that posted an article that did a full comparison of all the top QB prospects in the 2014 draft. Mostly as I recall it was to argue that Carr's stats we padded by the number of behind the LOS throws he made. But the surprise in the article was JM's downfield percentage.


So if you need to know anything else about JM... just ask... ;)


Well Mike Pettine seems to want to know how it works out for sure.

We're you as surprised as I that Pettine did not commit to JM for the balance of the season?


Everlasting, have you ever noticed Johnny having a problem throwing while rolling left, or heard that that was a weakness?

Ag69 informed us long ago of JM's Shortstop prowess explaining his ability to roll left and throw effectively across his body. You did know he played SS right? A real fan would... ;)

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Thats fair and i do understand that thought process. I couldnt imagine the hell you all have been through. Its not always easy being a Cowboys fan either. I love the passion (brotherhood) of the Browns fan base, the Dawg pound...i really do like it and i have enjoyed chatting with you all over these past months. I think Johnny fans come wanting to enjoy the excitement with Browns fans. I think they mean well although it may not always come across that way. I think Manziel will be a Brown for some 10-15 years, so i dont waste time thinking about what happens if he is traded. New Brown fans are created in different ways. I wouldnt assume everyone would jump ship.


:lol: GTFO

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It was a 1/4 roll left; a play we've seen before this season. JM stopped and set, but pressure in JM's face caused him to bail rather than stride (perfectly understandable) and produced the errant throw wide of Benji (S12P5).On the drives 2nd play (S12P2) he rolled left and threw a strike to Austin. It was a short pass, but right on the money.Whether supportive or critical of any player, it's kinda important to get the facts straight.Go Browns!


Not trying to spew inaccuracies, just trying to go off of what little memory this ol-timer has left.


i don't think anyone here wants to see manziel fail, in fact i'm sure it's quite the opposite.

Bingo! I want to see JFF kick ass, but I'm not going to be presumptuous enough to say that his college success will carry over into the NFL. We all know how well that has worked out over the years.

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do people get disturbed when some stranger comes into their house and tells you your recliner sucks and yours is better?


Your recliner sucks and mines better! LOL!


Cool down mik. I was not trying to say JM is even close to Jim Brown. What I was attempting to say was that when you see someone play a position like you've never seen before it tends to make you want to follow their career to see where it leads. A lot of non-Browns fans back in the day followed Jim Brown (me included) because he did things we'd never seen before.


My hope is that some day JM will be talked about in the same breath as the great JB. Besides I plan to hang around another 50 years to see if he reaches that level of reverence. :lol: :lol:

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Besides I plan to hang around another 50 years to see if he reaches that level of reverence. :lol: :lol:


yeah man. still searching for that fountain of youth.


sad thing is someone told me years ago it was hidden in a bottle of gin.


still lookin!

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My hope is that some day JM will be talked about in the same breath as the great JB. ...except some are doing it already. Jim Brown's not a good analogy, as there are no comparisons between the 2....except they were both Browns....


Besides I plan to hang around another 50 years to see if he reaches that level of reverence. :lol: :lol:...50 years???....hahahaha....shit, he's already reached it with you guys now...thats pretty obvious.....its that reverence, dripping like ooze from your posts, that makes us all want to puke......

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had a chuckle at the difference in lengths of Pettine/Jm's statements vs Hoyers. Says everything.

So does your top hobby... pulling the wings off of flies.


Paul Brown would be proud of Brian...


You want The Browns to lose because of Johnny?


You're such a fucking loser you should be banned, you're so jealous it's pathetic. You're embarrassing.

Nah... folks that gratuitously start new threads just because they have a new bit of "news" first should go first.


Z stepping on your "JM to Start" thread must have stung like a bitch...


K. And like I told you before, you're free to go through my post history and see I wanted Manziel to start last week. Or you can keep leaving obscure remarks

Damn, if you'd only tweeted it...

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Wha, exactly, did you have to do with the decision to start Manziel?

TCPO you haven't been around much so you probably missed the memo..................................Walter is actually Haslam's love child and is the puppet master pulling all the strings ESPECIALLY Johnny's string

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Z stepping on your "JM to Start" thread must have stung like a bitch...



No actually it didn't, I'm always 2 steps ahead of you in the information and glad it got merged.


I'm not a 17 year teen who goes dissecting everything thread and making snarky, non contributing comments, get over yourself dad.

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exactly why we don't need another.


What can I say.

So if he gets killed in the first three starts we still have BH.

Or trade him today for a second package it up with our first two number ones to move up for Jamarcus Winston.

I wish BH was better but he's not. So I guess I'll cross my fingers and root for Johnny until somebody proves me wrong.


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Absolutely not. But you can bet plenty on here will.

I'd say my usual "name three", but you can probably do that... so... name six...


Another bar raised by Johnny Manziel!

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shit, he's already reached it with you guys now...thats pretty obvious.....its that reverence, dripping like ooze from your posts, that makes us all want to puke......


LOL! We didn't call him Johnny Legend for nothing you know. And as we would always say, "And the legend continues." :D :D


PS-guess what Boomer Esiason, Michael Irvin and Phil Simms have in common today-they all picked the Browns to beat Cinn. "even with a rookie QB".

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