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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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I have a theory that 70-85% of die hard NFL fans 1) never graduated college with a 4 yr degree or 2) never graduated college with a football team worth a damn.


I'm curious if you fall into one of those categories?

What a prick statement. So those who don't have a 4 year degree are beneath you? Those people who went to schools with shitty football programs dont know football themselves?


Some of the best and smartest people I have worked with do not have a degree.


You degree only matters if you can back it up. Reading your post I believe you fall into this category.

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What a prick statement. So those who don't have a 4 year degree are beneath you? Those people who went to schools with shitty football programs dont know football themselves?


Some of the best and smartest people I have worked with do not have a degree.


You degree only matters if you can back it up. Reading your post I believe you fall into this category.

Pretty sure that was not what he meant.

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I cannot wait. Whether you like JFF or not he will put asses in the seats. More people will probably watch this game than any Browns game this year.

FYI, Browns games are always sold out....so no place to put more asses. Plus Browns games get about as much share as any local telecast.

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I understand being a fan of a team, but I have never understood being a fan of a player to the extent that you follow him where ever he goes. Love Joe Thomas but if he gets traded to the Broncos, I'm sure as shit not buying a Joe Thomas Broncos jersey. I am a fan of the Browns. You aggie guys following Manziel here are just kind of sad. Be aggies fans, you cheered for Manziel, now let him the fuck go. There comes a point when you have to look yourself in the mirror and admit that you are a grown ass man who is following around and idolizing a 22yo boy.

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What a prick statement. So those who don't have a 4 year degree are beneath you? Those people who went to schools with shitty football programs dont know football themselves?


Some of the best and smartest people I have worked with do not have a degree.


You degree only matters if you can back it up. Reading your post I believe you fall into this category.



retired from the madison ave ad biz when i was 48. (still working tho) no college necessary. just a quick wit and a keen creative mind.


yeah that college thing......


i guess you don't need a piece of paper to distinguish shit when you see it, hear it or smell it. i think you might fall into one of those categories.



I don't give a crap whether you have a degree or don't, nor did I even attempt to draw any conclusions about how successful people are in life one way or the other. I find it humorous how people read what they want to read. It's pretty obvious some of you are insecure about things given how defensive you were about my statement.


The statement was made that I'm somehow a little kid because I'm a CFB fanboy. I'm simply retorting that most people who go to college with good football programs don't care as much about NFL teams. I actually end up following most NFL teams that have Aggies on them. So, I'm a fan of the Dolphins, Browns, Bucs, Bears. I like to see Aggies do well in the NFL. That's all there is to it. You shouldn't get all pissy when I give you a rational retort to a snide remark.

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I understand being a fan of a team, but I have never understood being a fan of a player to the extent that you follow him where ever he goes. Love Joe Thomas but if he gets traded to the Broncos, I'm sure as shit not buying a Joe Thomas Broncos jersey. I am a fan of the Browns. You aggie guys following Manziel here are just kind of sad. Be aggies fans, you cheered for Manziel, now let him the fuck go. There comes a point when you have to look yourself in the mirror and admit that you are a grown ass man who is following around and idolizing a 22yo boy.


That's because we have different priorities, and again, I'm wondering if you fall into one of the two categories that I defined a few posts earlier 1) didn't go to college 2) didn't go to a college with a good football program.


I am a die hard Aggie and will support former Ags everywhere. Did you know ALL of Texas (Dallas, Austin, SA, Houston) switched from covering the Packers v Bills to the Browns v Bengals because Manziel is starting? You guys just picked up a few million more in audience watching your game. Are you really going to bitch about it because we want to see how the undersized kid from Texas with a gunslinger and road runner mentality does? You think this is singled out to Aggies? Watch ratings across the country when Manziel is involved. It is Tebow 2.0. I'm sorry that ruined your day. By the way, the Browns have a good D or having a shitty QB in Hoyer hasn't made you any more relevant. Johnny has, and with that you get a bunch of idiots like me following the Browns. You are welcome, dumbass.


Or would rather slip back into irrelevance and importance like you have been for the last 2 decades? At least that way you can worship your shitty team and pathetic results by yourselves. The alternative is you have a millions of people around the country wanting to see Manziel and the Browns tear it up and make the AFC look stupid.

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Manziel and my Daughter share the same birthday... although 11 years apart. Pretty cool though. I share a birthday with Nicolas Cage. B)

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Gosh sakes, Manziel not getting drafted #1 overall had EVERYTHING to do what NFL teams (not College Fanboys) thought his eventual pro potential would be. RE: Brady & Montana- I've beat that argument into the ground already too. Pro scouts & GMs have a checklist of what they think qbs should be. Andrew Luck checked off all the boxes- it's why he went #1 overall, Brady, Montana, AND Manziel didn't. Well wah, wah- IF JFF was 3" taller, and had the off field demeanor of Mariota, he may well have been drafted #1 overall. He isn't, doesn't- that that's the facts, Jack. Yeah Dan Marino fell in the draft because of off field concerns- so get it through your head I'm not saying Manziel can't be a good, or even great qb in the NFL- he's got to prove it on the field too. In my case I'll believe he's the greatest thing to hit the NFL since the facemask when he's in the top 10 in qbr for a couple of years, and leads the Browns into the playoffs a couple of times.


Let me point out a few things for you- I'm probably as big an Ohio State Homer as the A&M fans who have invaded of late, and I go back to the days of Paul Warfield, John Brockington, and Woody Hayes.


Manziel won a Heisman. So? Archie Griffin won two. How did that work out in the pros?

I was certain Dan "Big Daddy" Wilkinson was going to be the next Bruce Smith- well, guess I was wrong about that.


It's the same reason why JFFs apologists not only can't see why he wasn't drafted #1 overall- they're blind to the flaws in his game at the pro level- and trust me they're there- IF you're being 1\2 objective about it. Johnny Jump ball to triple teamed Evans won't work in the NFL- taking off when your primary receiver is covered will sooner or later land you on IR. It only takes one mistake (RGIII) or fluke situation (Hoyer, Mack). Even guys as big as Kapernick and Newton are showing the wear and tear of getting pounded by taking off running. JF must learn, as Russell Wilson has- run if you HAVE to, not because you can. He's a smart kid- I really hope he's learned a thing or two since August.






A sample size of one. I'm not going to bother to list all the other JF shortcomings that were duly noted in his preseason games. He's had three months of quarterback boot camp to correct them.

i think we can all agree that where you are drafted is no guarantee that you will be "great" or even "successful"...johnny unitas, my pick for best ever, was drafted in the ninth round and then wasn't even given a chance in preseason practice, and released outright.....the colts picked him up basically as a walk-on....hell, manziel wan't that highly recruited out of high school...tu never even made him an offer, even though manziel would have probably gone there if they had (as long as it was at quarterback)....so bottom line...the so called experts are often dead wrong about who will succeed and who won't.....we certainly know manziel succeeded in college....remains to be seen if he can do the same in the pros...but maybe now he will get a chance.....that's all unitas needed, hopefully that's all manziel will need.....

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That's because we have different priorities, and again, I'm wondering if you fall into one of the two categories that I defined a few posts earlier 1) didn't go to college 2) didn't go to a college with a good football program.


I am a die hard Aggie and will support former Ags everywhere. Did you know ALL of Texas (Dallas, Austin, SA, Houston) switched from covering the Packers v Bills to the Browns v Bengals because Manziel is starting? You guys just picked up a few million more in audience watching your game. Are you really going to bitch about it because we want to see how the undersized kid from Texas with a gunslinger and road runner mentality does? You think this is singled out to Aggies? Watch ratings across the country when Manziel is involved. It is Tebow 2.0. I'm sorry that ruined your day. By the way, the Browns have a good D or having a shitty QB in Hoyer hasn't made you any more relevant. Johnny has, and with that you get a bunch of idiots like me following the Browns. You are welcome, dumbass.


Or would rather slip back into irrelevance and importance like you have been for the last 2 decades? At least that way you can worship your shitty team and pathetic results by yourselves. The alternative is you have a millions of people around the country wanting to see Manziel and the Browns tear it up and make the AFC look stupid.


Slow your roll dickhead. Not that it matters, but I have a master's degree from a school with a huge football program. I also lived in TX for a brief and regretful period, so I understand how repressed homosexuality is down there and how it often comes out in idolizing young athletic men. I don't care if you or the rest of the state of Texas watch the Browns now because you aren't Browns fans. You are Johnny Manziel fans. If he gets traded, you'll move on to the next team that wants to give him a shot. I also have no use for that bullshit laughable Texas pride nonsense. Not only do you idolize boys, but you arrogantly come to this board and talk shit. You can take those big and bright stars and shove them right up your ass.

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I have a theory that 70-85% of die hard NFL fans 1) never graduated college with a 4 yr degree or 2) never graduated college with a football team worth a damn.


I'm curious if you fall into one of those categories?

lets not even go there....it doesn't take too much thinking to come up with lots of really really smart successful people who never got a college degree...steve jobs, bill gates, just to name the obvious......also, my experience says there are tons of football fans on wall street, at hedge funds, at law firms, etc. etc. ...... lets move on....

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That's because we have different priorities, and again, I'm wondering if you fall into one of the two categories that I defined a few posts earlier 1) didn't go to college 2) didn't go to a college with a good football program.


I am a die hard Aggie and will support former Ags everywhere. Did you know ALL of Texas (Dallas, Austin, SA, Houston) switched from covering the Packers v Bills to the Browns v Bengals because Manziel is starting? You guys just picked up a few million more in audience watching your game. Are you really going to bitch about it because we want to see how the undersized kid from Texas with a gunslinger and road runner mentality does? You think this is singled out to Aggies? Watch ratings across the country when Manziel is involved. It is Tebow 2.0. I'm sorry that ruined your day. By the way, the Browns have a good D or having a shitty QB in Hoyer hasn't made you any more relevant. Johnny has, and with that you get a bunch of idiots like me following the Browns. You are welcome, dumbass.


Or would rather slip back into irrelevance and importance like you have been for the last 2 decades? At least that way you can worship your shitty team and pathetic results by yourselves. The alternative is you have a millions of people around the country wanting to see Manziel and the Browns tear it up and make the AFC look stupid.


All right, you dicksnots are getting out of control. One more post bashing the Browns and you're the first one out the door, Evans Faggie.


Maybe you should acquaint yourself with the first 50 years of the Browns history and the notion of being respectful when in someone else's house.



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Ive read this argument plenty of times here on this forum. I dont particularly understand it because it sounds like a whiny kid trying to keep others out of his sandbox. I cant speak for anyone else, but i love football. I find it enjoyable and entertaining. Its not life or death to me. I am a fan of many things, some more passionately than others. I dont see the difference between following a team vs a single person. I love boxing too and its a single person sport. You can be a fan of whatever you want. Not sure why you care so much about others fandom. BTW, to the outside world, i think they find die-hard NFL fans odd. Sitting down for hours and hours watching young boys run around in spandex.


ok, think about it this way: i follow ohio state university football because of where i grew up. now when eddie george went to tennessee i didn't go onto the tennessee titan's fan board and start spewing nonsense because i followed him in college.


yeah it was great to see him in highlights run and score and blah blah blah but in no friggin way is it even close to what you aggie fans are doing with manziel.


it is crazy, gay and scary.

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ok, think about it this way: i follow ohio state university football because of where i grew up. now when eddie george went to tennessee i didn't go onto the tennessee titan's fan board and start spewing nonsense because i followed him in college.


yeah it was great to see him in highlights run and score and blah blah blah but in no friggin way is it even close to what you aggie fans are doing with manziel.


it is crazy, gay and scary.

Not the first time though. Happened with Couch, Frye, DA, Queen, etc.

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Ive read this argument plenty of times here on this forum. I dont particularly understand it because it sounds like a whiny kid trying to keep others out of his sandbox. I cant speak for anyone else, but i love football. I find it enjoyable and entertaining. Its not life or death to me. I am a fan of many things, some more passionately than others. I dont see the difference between following a team vs a single person. I love boxing too and its a single person sport. You can be a fan of whatever you want. Not sure why you care so much about others fandom. BTW, to the outside world, i think they find die-hard NFL fans odd. Sitting down for hours and hours watching young boys run around in spandex.


It's more of a brotherhood thing with Browns fans. You don't know what we have been through, you don't know how deep the passion lives for this team. Many of us have been together for years and years, and we are really hoping Manziel is terrific and leads us to the promised land. But for "his fans" to come in here and tell us what is going to happen, and how have no idea how good he is, and how we have no idea how good our lives are going to become ... c'mon. He's OUR qb. You groomed him for two years, thanks. Now he's ours and we'll decide how we feel about him and make up our own mind up about him. We are excited to have a shiny new toy to open up this Sunday, but it's almost like you aggies want to take credit for it or something. I for one WANTED to draft him, and had JM rated highest QB on the board for a team that really needed a QB, and was delighted when we moved up to get him. But you wouldn't know that, because I can't enjoy it yet, I gotta babysit all the aggies telling us they know more about football than we do and that we don't appreciate it because we're a so used to supporting losers we don't know what is good for us. Either everyone leaves the attitude at the door, and enjoys Manziel WITH us, or we clean house and enjoy Manziel WITHOUT you.



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Personally I dont get the whole college/NFL thing. As a Mount Union alum, I follow guys like Pierre Garcon, and Cecil Shorts who are also MU grads. I don't go to the Redskins or Jags board and make myself an annoyance proclaiming that they are the best that's ever been at their respective positions. It would be awesome if one of those guys would ever find their way on the Brown's roster, but I'm a Browns fan first. As the saying goes, I root for the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back.

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Not the first time though. Happened with Couch, Frye, DA, Queen, etc.


i don't think the collegiate fans came in and followed them. quinn and frye were born in ohio so there's that. the other two, ehh.


the whole in-fighting thing between fans about one player or the other is kinda sad if you ask me. everyone's goal should be to win, no matter the shape, size, color or sexual orientation of the person putting on the cleats.

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Thats fair and i do understand that thought process. I couldnt imagine the hell you all have been through. Its not always easy being a Cowboys fan either. I love the passion (brotherhood) of the Browns fan base, the Dawg pound...i really do like it and i have enjoyed chatting with you all over these past months. I think Johnny fans come wanting to enjoy the exciting with Browns fans. I think they mean well although it may not always come across that way. I think Manziel will be a Brown for some 10-15 years, so i dont waste time thinking about what happens if he is traded. New Brown fans are created in different ways. I wouldnt assume everyone would jump ship.


nicely done squire.

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Note the resemblence in the chin, the nose, the mouth, the eyes, even the shock of hair in the front. I guarantee that some time in the future that Johnny will dress up in the Brownie costume.....and the fans will love it.


anything for a buck.

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He was rolling to his left when he threw wide to Benji.



It was a 1/4 roll left; a play we've seen before this season. JM stopped and set, but pressure in JM's face caused him to bail rather than stride (perfectly understandable) and produced the errant throw wide of Benji (S12P5).


On the drives 2nd play (S12P2) he rolled left and threw a strike to Austin. It was a short pass, but right on the money.



Whether supportive or critical of any player, it's kinda important to get the facts straight.


Go Browns!

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Let me see if I can shed some light on the Manziel following. There have been plenty of really decent players come out of A&M to various teams over the years and it's usually fun to watch their games when they are on. But Johnny Football was different from all of them. I think I once said on here that I called my Aggie friend with the Superbowl ring on his hand to tell he that after almost 50 years I had demoted him to second place as the greatest A&M athlete I had ever seen in 60 years of watching A&M football.


Johnny Manziel was the most head spinning, do everything athlete you could possibly imagine kind of player. Right up there with Bo Jackson. So it's the same reason a lot of people who were not Browns enjoyed watching the greatest runner every seen, Jim Brown. When you see someone who does things on a field you've never seen before you want to hang around just to see what he's gonna do next. So that is what you have. A player like none of us has ever seen has come your way. And apparently most of the rest of the nation wants to see him play as well, otherwise there would not be such a media circus.

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Just to be clear because it seems like people kept thinking I was trying to imply that people without college degrees are somehow a lower class or unable to be successful. Like I said: folks tend to read what they want to read.


It was said that I must be a kid because I follow college football. My retort is that if you didn't go to a big-time college that soaks up CFB every Saturday, then of course you'd have no idea and you are more likely to be a NFL fan. I don't know many people who are Michigan, Texas, A&M, Nebraska, Oregon, Bama, Florida fans and are also "die-hard" NFL fans. That was my only point. They are usually mutually exclusive to some degree (not all mind you). This is why I prefer CFB over NFL.

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This has been rehashed over and over, but my thoughts are this.


1. I live and die Aggie football, whose history is VERY similar to the Browns.


2. One kid comes to my school and seemingly overnight, Texas A&M football leads every sportscenter. The kid becomes the greatest Aggie football player ever.


3. People start bashing this kid that made my team so great, saying he will suck in the NFL.


This string of events makes me root for the kid. All I want is for him to again prove the naysayers wrong, and in the process give Browns fan the happiness he brought to Aggie fans.

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This has been rehashed over and over, but my thoughts are this.


1. I live and die Aggie football, whose history is VERY similar to the Browns.


2. One kid comes to my school and seemingly overnight, Texas A&M football leads every sportscenter. The kid becomes the greatest Aggie football player ever.


3. People start bashing this kid that made my team so great, saying he will suck in the NFL.


This string of events makes me root for the kid. All I want is for him to again prove the naysayers wrong, and in the process give Browns fan the happiness he brought to Aggie fans.


So what was your favorite NFL team last year? I'm genuinely curious. Or did you even follow the NFL before this year?

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