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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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Sorry, just don't see it, unless Josh get's more hungry to go get the ball that's not in stride. Randy Moss Jerry Rice and Josh our the best in stride WR's. Evans is bigger, can take and give a hit and is not lazy to go get a real shitty pass. Wonder where he learned that from..

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Call it weird, but sister in Toledo calls , tells me to open xmas present 2day.Open her up and there's a Gipson signed ball and the white #2 Jersey.. Will wear with pride along with the others in N.C.. Go Browns!!

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Call it weird, but sister in Toledo calls , tells me to open xmas present 2day.Open her up and there's a Gipson signed ball and the white #2 Jersey.. Will wear with pride along with the others in N.C.. Go Browns!!

I'm in Toledo and your sister didn't bring me such presents?

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And the QB pissed it away, that's why Johnny is your new QB and there isn't anything you can do about it except take it to the face.


The Offense did that . . . ALL of them.


OL wasn't doing great, Hoyer was bad, RB's had a few good runs and more than their share of bad ones.

WR's a few drops, and some definite bad routes.


Miles out hurt, and I don't know WTF is going on with Gordon - really like the kid, but damn, what's up?



Oh, and let's not forget our Kicker . . . . fives games now with a miss ?

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Watched football all my life. Proud Cowboy fan. I dont watch college football but caught one of the A&M games by accident and one player instantly caught my attention. He reminded me of Tony Romo. A souped-up version. I have no doubts his game translates to the NFL. Only variables is how long it takes and if he can stay healthy.

Wow, my thoughts exactly. Romo against Denver last year reminded me of Johnny.

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I'll admit I might have set the bar high, but I have a track record winning bets about Johnny.


LSU had his number, no doubt. The int against bama was a terrible play by the receiver, ran a bad route and let the corner pick it. Big play for sure.


I guess I'm just tired of all the people expecting him to fail, so I just wanted to put forth a little optimism.


I went overboard, hope I'm right.

LSU has one of the smartest defensive coordinators in the NCAA in Chavis. He made the proper adjustments. Have Barkevious Mingo and Montgomery hold the outside and rush 3 up the middle. They held him scoreless in the second half both times they played. In fact A & M has yet to beat LSU since they joined.


All Johnny had that second year was Evans. With the best secondary in college football ( all 4 were drafted and are playing in the NFL every Sunday - and we have Barkevious in Cleveland- LSU (LSU- '80 grad) played havoc on many oassing games.


I think Johnny will tear Cincy up especially if Dalton plays his usual crappy game.

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I don't think JF will get killed. Nobody said that about Russell Wilson and he's shorter than Manziel. Also Drew Bree's is only 6'0" and he's a hall of famer. This gives the organization a chance to look ahead and see what we need in the draft. Like they should have back in May when they drafted Manziel.

You're citing Big-10 QB's. On this board the Big 10 is infallible. Johnny has football semse you can't teach. Look at the TD run against Buffalo. He knew he was going to get hit so he turned his back to that side in mid air to protect himself. That is instinct.


BTW, Johnny played in the SEC and most of the country is sick of how dominating they have been since 2005. Many of the posters here have no idea about the depth and intensity of SEC football. OSU comes somewhat close but as for the rest - LSU beat Wisconsin with a bunch of freshmen in their first game ever. What does that say.


Sit back and watch JFF run roughshod over Cincy and pass like a demon. Marvin Lewis won't know what hit him and he sure won't have an answer. Midget indeed.

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I don't see em cutting Brian. Can't imagine he's been that bad as these unknown sources suggest.


If we do, we pick up Grossman maybe?

You sign him and trade him to Houston where he can be reunited with coach O'Brien for Andre Johnson and Whitney Mercilus (underused Illinois linebacker).


What about prying Dilfer out of the broadcast booth (ha ha)

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You're citing Big-10 QB's. On this board the Big 10 is infallible. Johnny has football semse you can't teach. Look at the TD run against Buffalo. He knew he was going to get hit so he turned his back to that side in mid air to protect himself. That is instinct.


BTW, Johnny played in the SEC and most of the country is sick of how dominating they have been since 2005. Many of the posters here have no idea about the depth and intensity of SEC football. OSU comes somewhat close but as for the rest - LSU beat Wisconsin with a bunch of freshmen in their first game ever. What does that say.


Sit back and watch JFF run roughshod over Cincy and pass like a demon. Marvin Lewis won't know what hit him and he sure won't have an answer. Midget indeed.



He has good awareness of the field when running and in the pocket, but there's more to being a QB.


That run showed it, for sure (our RBs have had issues with switching the ball at the wrong time, or not switching it when they should). Awareness like that is a strength, no doubt.


NFL prospects from the SEC havent seemed to dominate over prospects from other conferences, I think that's the view of this board. We know sec has dominated the bcs in recent years, but this is the NFL.

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so if jm wants a birthday bj all he has to do is look on this board. there are probably a few that are more than willing. good luck fan boys on your quest.

You get this team in the playoffs next year Mike will be first in line. :P

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Trying to ignore idiots like Dukes, and give a prediction. I usually don't like doing predictions, but Johnny's never let me down.


Johnny is going to be so much better than Hoyer, it won't be funny. He will be making most of you say, "Holy shit, why did we wait so long??!!" He will throw for 250+ and run for 70, and will RARELY GET HIT. He'll lead the offense to 30+ points and almost 500 yards.


"He's too small." He's always been small and he's never walked onto a field where he wasn't the best player on it.


"He'll make rookie mistakes." Yes, he will, but not nearly as many as most expect. He's very careful with the ball when the situation calls for it. Too often in college he knew the defense sucked and he had to take risks to score points. He will not be overly risky with the Browns stud defense.


"He doesn't know the playbook." You are truly a fucking idiot if you think this.


"You're just a fanboy, you don't know what you're talking about." I am a fan of Johnny, yes. I'm also a football fan since the early 70's. I've seen all that could be seen in that time, and I'm telling you, Johnny is special. He's the only one of his kind that I've ever seen. He's not tebow, flutie, Vince young, or any other comparison you could make. I will not be surprised if the Browns win these last 3 games relatively easily.


In Aaron Rodgers' word, "relax", Johnny's got this.

I actually believe that alot of this post has alot of truth to it. I think things will be seen much differently come Monday morning. Go Browns!!

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