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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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" Half of the JFF magic at Texas A&M must be given to Mike Evan's. How many times did Johnny throw one up into triple coverage, only to be bailed out by the physical play of Mike Evan's."


Evans caught about 2000 yards worth of johnny's 8000 passing yards, so half is an exaggeration. He "threw it up" to Evans maybe 5 times, all when desperately needed. I'm not counting back-shoulder fade routes, which shouldn't count.


But yes, Johnny will have faith in Gordon's ability to win the physical battles and come down with contested catches. I expect the back-shoulder fade to be popular among those 2.


Can't wait.

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I live near Tampa and the Bucs are playing on Fox at the same time. The only drawback to better weather is shittier sports on television. If the Browns win out I will consider buying a sports package next year. I really miss watching the Indians too. I hate the Rays and the Tuna Fish Can they play in. Domes suck especially in baseball.


Find a browns backers bar :P


Or you can find an online stream (get an adblock browser plugin first...) and watch it that way. Not ideal, but better than nothing.

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Fuck, no mik... it'd even be worth the flag... as opposed to the lollipop stunt.


I care. Fuck the Bengals. Beat the shit out of them every game. Make them feel like michigan vs OSU.

More like Wisconsin vs. OSU, please...

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Smart play...you have to know what you got in him. You can't go into next season not knowing what you bought. He may be awesome or he may flame out, either way you have to know. If he's awesome...great for us, and it helps contract talks with BH. If he sucks, you know to trade him to Dallas and find a starter in the draft.

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i don't think the browns want to promote the elf thing because lewis called manziel a midget.


by doing so wouldn't the browns be saying lewis was right?

Its a Brownie. And what's wrong with that:



Ever notice that the Brownie even looks a little like Johnny?AElzGG2.jpg

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Every midget in Cleveland should hold up racial protest signs when Lewis comes to town. This is slander! This is a travesty of the highest degree and midgets everywhere must rise up and be heard. Lewis can't get away with this!

Travesty of the lowest degree.


Rise up becomes...look up



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even if manziel goes out and totally sucks, i don't think the Browns will draft another QB. It would be nice to have some consistency at that position, I hope they give Manziel as much time as they gave Hoyer to prove he is starter material before pulling the plug on him.

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Hopefully Gordon will provide a bail-out this week in situations where Manziel can't find an open receiver.

Other than Kirkpatrick, who's a special teams player more than anything, no Bengals cornerback is taller than 5'11". That gives Gordon a 4" advantage on jump balls.

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Is today a day off for the team? I'd expect a statement from Pettine, at least a phone press conference.

yes...back at practice tomorrow, which will be Pettines next pressy.....I kind of expected a special announcement too, but maybe they'll just wait till tomorrow.....

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Trying to ignore idiots like Dukes, and give a prediction. I usually don't like doing predictions, but Johnny's never let me down.


Johnny is going to be so much better than Hoyer, it won't be funny. He will be making most of you say, "Holy shit, why did we wait so long??!!" He will throw for 250+ and run for 70, and will RARELY GET HIT. He'll lead the offense to 30+ points and almost 500 yards.


"He's too small." He's always been small and he's never walked onto a field where he wasn't the best player on it.


"He'll make rookie mistakes." Yes, he will, but not nearly as many as most expect. He's very careful with the ball when the situation calls for it. Too often in college he knew the defense sucked and he had to take risks to score points. He will not be overly risky with the Browns stud defense.


"He doesn't know the playbook." You are truly a fucking idiot if you think this.


"You're just a fanboy, you don't know what you're talking about." I am a fan of Johnny, yes. I'm also a football fan since the early 70's. I've seen all that could be seen in that time, and I'm telling you, Johnny is special. He's the only one of his kind that I've ever seen. He's not tebow, flutie, Vince young, or any other comparison you could make. I will not be surprised if the Browns win these last 3 games relatively easily.


In Aaron Rodgers' word, "relax", Johnny's got this.


See this is the kind of unbridled fanboy mancrush bs we can do without here in Cleveland. No offense dude you're probably a good guy, but gtfo with this bullshit. It's not constructive. All this kind of hype does is set us up for failed expectations. We do this with every new QB we bring in to town. Your post right here is "exactly" why I didn't want Manziel to start for at least 2 years....cause this kind of hype no QB can live up to. Neither Rodgers nor Brady would have ever panned out here in Cleveland under these kind of expectations. Can we please not setup up JM for failure? All of you JM fans should be the first guys to be saying "hey let's curb our expectations he's a rookie". If we lower the bar and he exceeds it, hey..great. And you're only throwing out the 30+ points figure cause the offense has scored close to that with Hoyer as the QB. You cannot come out and proclaim with any kind of straight face that no question Johnny puts 30+ points on the Bengals. Who by the way will be looking to utterly annihilate him. They'll give up some big plays just to get to him early. They know if they get in his head early the games over.


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Smart play...you have to know what you got in him. You can't go into next season not knowing what you bought. He may be awesome or he may flame out, either way you have to know. If he's awesome...great for us, and it helps contract talks with BH. If he sucks, you know to trade him to Dallas and find a starter in the draft.


^^This right here. x10000


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Found a gif of MikToxic from last week:





now that's funny!


doesn't look anything like me and i never close my eyes, but i guess if you think i drink like a college dork then...........you'd be sadly mistaken.


who tucks in their tshirts?

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My hope? That the magic that occurred between JFF and Evan's can be re-created with Gordon. The physical appearance between Evan's and Gordon are almost identical. They are both freakishly tall and physical players.

Grand wish, Bob.


Johnny's stronger arm should unleash Josh to some extent... open 10 or 15 yards of field to him that BH could not reach. So I easily see a go route or two.


In time backshoulders and other read passes may come, but I would not expect much this week. I do not see enough time to sync up the reads of a Week 1 QB with a Week 4 WR.

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See this is the kind of unbridled fanboy mancrush bs we can do without here in Cleveland. No offense dude you're probably a good guy, but gtfo with this bullshit. It's not constructive. All this kind of hype does is set us up for failed expectations. We do this with every new QB we bring in to town. Your post right here is "exactly" why I didn't want Manziel to start for at least 2 years....cause this kind of hype no QB can live up to. Neither Rodgers nor Brady would have ever panned out here in Cleveland under these kind of expectations. Can we please not setup up JM for failure? All of you JM fans should be the first guys to be saying "hey let's curb our expectations he's a rookie". If we lower the bar and he exceeds it, hey..great. And you're only throwing out the 30+ points figure cause the offense has scored close to that with Hoyer as the QB. You cannot come out and proclaim with any kind of straight face that no question Johnny puts 30+ points on the Bengals. Who by the way will be looking to utterly annihilate him. They'll give up some big plays just to get to him early. They know if they get in his head early the games over.


both of you guys need to take a fucking deep breath....let's just wait and see and hope it all works out well, right out of the box...which at this late date is pretty much what has to happen for the browns to keep having any hope of the playoffs....


i have confidence in manziel too...but let's not get carried away.....we're playing contenders and they are going to do everything they can to make johnny's day a rough one.....


i hope our defense plays like they did the last time we played them.....we fucked their offense up pretty good that day...let's do it again.....

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should be interesting.....if johnny can stay out of harm's way he will make it exciting if nothing else.....i really believe it is the correct choice and that right now manziel does give the team the best shot at winning.....will it be easy?... probably not....will there be mistakes?....almost definitely...i'm just hoping the good plays out weigh the bad ones and we get the win.....and while hoyer has a right to feel disappointed in his performance, he knows in his heart he was given every chance to succeed. i hope he can suck it up and do what he can to help the team win..just like he said.....

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