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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

FEMA just another WOKE disaster created by Biden/Harris.  The whole Government is broken.


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned Wednesday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has spent more than one billion dollars on services for illegal immigrants over ...
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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so, that is this marxist gov spendiing ONE BILLION DOLLARS for illegals, but the Americans who are devastated by the Hurricane - "we don't have the money".







Thanks Cal for clarifying that it was Illegal migrants not noted here.



Also, don't know WTF they're showing the TX Gov on the left in this pic - he's got nothing to do with any of this (the $ amount is also low).


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2 hours ago, Axe said:


I said way back if the D's got back in power it was going to be "End of Days" type of retaliation - and what have we seen the last several years ?


Also said we were in the "End of Days"   .   .   .   didn't say we were in "Tribulation" - a distinct difference.

Doesn't mean were not in "The last Days", (however long that is), because I pretty much think we are.


Current M.E. War (kicking off), my understanding is this is the "Head fake" War before a short peace.

As such, we're not going into WW III (or IV depending on view) at this time - may get really ugly, but not yet the time for that.


Beyond this, I really don't want to say much at this time in order to not "taint" things   .   .   .   much is my own personal belief at this time anyway, so for now let it be as it is   .   .   .  



Now as for the Election (IF it is still happens), by all indications Trump will have a blowout win   .   .   .   but just as 2020, there may be lots of wrinkles in the "results".


Anyone with common sense knows there's no way the D's Kamaltoe/Newscum (yea, different Candidates) could win this next Election.

Hell, even the MSM is saying Trump is going to win and they can't stand him.



Hell folks, we're not even a week into October and things are going off the rails   .   .   .   and it's going to get even crazier.

TPTB are absolutely freaking out - just watch them   .   .   .   they're doing and saying things that are exposing them and make no sense.


Watch out, they're going to go crazy - this is literally Life an Death for them.

Things they have done are  beyond Treason, they're totally Toast.


Personally I've stopped trying to convince people of what is really going on (fake stand ins etc) - there's just not enough time to worry about it right now.


Madness ?

2020 is still not over, there are still things going on there - the repercussions of this no one is even thinking about.

And it's ultimately going to be far broader than even that.


Pain an ugliness ?

Yea, unfortunately we're still going to have to go through this (look at Hurricane disaster) to get folks attention.


Hell, I'm expecting more than even this in order to get people's attention - guess we'll see how well it works out.


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I posted this elsewhere earlier today


Might as well leave it here as well


“Trump won those (most impacted) 14 counties by more than 90,000 votes in 2020. But he only won the state overall by 75,000 votes. So getting all those voters that are now displaced is gonna be massive to the Republicans for this November,” Buckley added.

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