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Story time . . . Swamp draining ( . . . )


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Since we're on this topic, here are a few more tidbits (could be a whole new thread, which I don't have time for).


44 minutes ago, nickers said:

Makes me wonder what Olean is made from...



Not good - "a molecule that is not found anywhere in nature".

Sounds like margarine.


I didn't even know olestra was still around.












How many folk went to school in the 50's/60's/70's and had a fair amount of really heavy people ?

Personally I can only recall one or two, and they were nowhere near what we commonly see today.




I am not saying here that this is the culprit, but just one of many of them.

Suppose they all starting migrating to this practice in the late 70's early 80's ?






Statins :






I've seen several of these over the past year basically confirming the same thing.


As an aside, Cholesterol levels several years back of 300 were considered normal, today that is bad = meds.



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56 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

Since we're on this topic, here are a few more tidbits (could be a whole new thread, which I don't have time for).




Not good - "a molecule that is not found anywhere in nature".

Sounds like margarine.


I didn't even know olestra was still around.












How many folk went to school in the 50's/60's/70's and had a fair amount of really heavy people ?

Personally I can only recall one or two, and they were nowhere near what we commonly see today.




I am not saying here that this is the culprit, but just one of many of them.

Suppose they all starting migrating to this practice in the late 70's early 80's ?






Statins :






I've seen several of these over the past year basically confirming the same thing.


As an aside, Cholesterol levels several years back of 300 were considered normal, today that is bad = meds.



And the fries used to taste better too!

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Been showing folk this for some time :




Only posting two pics (all that's needed) :








Look at the Phone video   .   .   .  (both pictures) in case ya'll think there's some shens going on.



HUGE crowd BTW - LOL.


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On 9/11/2024 at 7:31 PM, Axe said:

I understand but Blackstone having my DNA would be kinda creep me out


On 9/11/2024 at 7:55 PM, nickers said:

yeah its a bit weird for sure



Two schools of thought that I've heard.


* They're looking for a certain Bloodline - what, I don't know.

* Using for targeted Bio Weapons.



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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

I saw this also.  Doesn't surprise me.  Our government is corrupt as hell.  And I don't think we can do a damn thing about it.


Election won't fix it   .   .   .   Hand of God   .   .   .   incoming.



Not gonna be fun, but "The Best is yet to Come" is on the other side.


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ME: No more IRS.


I've touched on this before, and at worse, I believe there'll be a flat tax, and at best no tax.



The sticks keep moving in favor of the people   .   .   .   personally I believe there will be no Fed Income Tax (eventually).



The longer many of the things I've stated for years which are yet to materialize take to occur, the closer to each event they will occur - i.e., a mad rush more or less.


That it has taken as long as it has frustrates me as well as it does everyone else, I still believe these things are coming.

By this, I mean Monetary change, Taxes, Medical, and many more.


Whatever happens, will not happen on the EVIL's watch (current), because most of the problems are a result of their and their Masters' direction - most of which we do not even know the names of.



There is an E.O. that show the latest number of asset seizures, I posted it once long ago but don't have time to dig it up at the moment (should have made better tags) - but anyway, it has grown incredibly.

Once I get the downtime I'll try to remember to link it here.


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Now this is one of the things that bothers me :




In conjunction with other things I'm hearing, this could mean several things.


Short story, don't expect them to go quietly into the night.

I expect riots at the very least, and who knows what else.

They are going to cheat on a level unprecedented (one reason I think he may initially "lose" again).


Hope I'm wrong, and that he just blows them out (as indicated), and we just have to deal with the typical lunatics (Antifa / BLM), but there are so many illegal (troops) in our Nation right now, it could get really ugly for a while.



The Polls.

Remember how lopsided the 2016 Polls were ?

I don't even think Woody would concur that they were not a major Statistical abnormality - they weren't, they were just fake (MSM).


We're seeing (and expecting) the same BS this time.

Hildebeast had no real crowds, and Kamatoe is paying people to Bus into her "Rallies".

We've already seen the Photoshop BS on K's "Rallies", which is why they're paying to Bus people in - please don't make me post the videos of this, I really don't want to waste time on the BS (easy enough to find if you want to see them).




The Election may well not be the end of things, which is why I've added a month or so to when I said this should be settled.

Ideally, it should be settled even before the Election (assuming we have one), but there have been some other issues (SC compromised) that have come into play.


Very disappointing, but a ton of fog and back scene actions going on that we're not likely to know about until after the fact.



Ultimately, God wins.

It may just take a little bit longer than we expect before we actually see and realize it.



Hang tight.


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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:

Now this is one of the things that bothers me :




In conjunction with other things I'm hearing, this could mean several things.


Short story, don't expect them to go quietly into the night.

I expect riots at the very least, and who knows what else.

They are going to cheat on a level unprecedented (one reason I think he may initially "lose" again).


Hope I'm wrong, and that he just blows them out (as indicated), and we just have to deal with the typical lunatics (Antifa / BLM), but there are so many illegal (troops) in our Nation right now, it could get really ugly for a while.



The Polls.

Remember how lopsided the 2016 Polls were ?

I don't even think Woody would concur that they were not a major Statistical abnormality - they weren't, they were just fake (MSM).


We're seeing (and expecting) the same BS this time.

Hildebeast had no real crowds, and Kamatoe is paying people to Bus into her "Rallies".

We've already seen the Photoshop BS on K's "Rallies", which is why they're paying to Bus people in - please don't make me post the videos of this, I really don't want to waste time on the BS (easy enough to find if you want to see them).




The Election may well not be the end of things, which is why I've added a month or so to when I said this should be settled.

Ideally, it should be settled even before the Election (assuming we have one), but there have been some other issues (SC compromised) that have come into play.


Very disappointing, but a ton of fog and back scene actions going on that we're not likely to know about until after the fact.



Ultimately, God wins.

It may just take a little bit longer than we expect before we actually see and realize it.



Hang tight.


Holy shit, you really honestly think Trump's "they AI'd it" claims about the photo of Kamala's rally are real? Fuck you're an idiot. 


And all of the recent "God is good" "God wins" stuff. For whatever mental illness you're suffering from that definitely makes a lot of sense. Whatever is wrong with your brain it's playing into the god delusions and the political delusions as well. The overall sense of paranoia. 


The "things I'm hearing" line is hilarious too. As of you are your internet community of loner conspiracy theorists actually know anything. 

Hell, what you're hearing are probably just voices inside your head. 

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