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Story time . . . Swamp draining ( . . . )


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For those falling for the Kamaltoe audience numbers (like OBiden) :




Yea, lot of six fingered people out there   .   .   .  



Off to the bottom right :




Handsome, ehh ?



All CGI/AI generated BS, just like the Hildebeast audiences.



They're desperate, I'm hearing the DNC may be "interesting".



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Tagged this long ago   .   .   .   only with a little girl.




Original posts looked too link all the way up to the big O   .   .   .  


More on that later has come out, that is   .   .   .   interesting   .   .   .   will wait and see on this (Hollywood connection).


Won't be surprised, but there may be an unforeseen "twist"   .   .   .  


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   .   .   .   and coincidentally enough, the portion of the Pentagon struck by the "Plane" held all the documents about the missing $2.1 Trillion (2001 figures)   .   .   .  



What are the f**king odd of that ?



Ah well, it is what it is   .   .   .   for now   .   .   .   just as is Benghazi   .   .   .   and   .   .   .  


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I know the Earth is dynamic, but   .   .   .  




There's a collage out there of the "NASA" images of Earth over the years    .   .   .   odd have extremely different they are   .   .   .  



May be worth a look   .   .   .  



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I have touched upon this many times   .   .   .  


Something to seriously consider.


I can tell you all that big Pharma is not out to cure you of any of your ills (even though they can).

I can tell you that our Weather is controlled (Patents dropped).

I can tell you that our Foods are currently poison, and that is what is causing (along with Pharma) our illnesses.


How about this, something that we've been told can not be fixed ? :






I have had Dr's nearly kill my wife in the last year at least twice - and these are some of the better Dr's in the area.


As said, 1/3 of deaths are caused by Medical errors/malpractice (of note, my wife has a Legal suit going on for other BS Medical $hit).

My wife BTW, is a 30yr+ Nurse.


I've touched on this many times, so maybe it's time to drop a few more nuggets of what's surfaced over the years.


I've posted the Rockerfella video overtaking Medicine some time back, replacing what was with Petroleum based Medicine of today.



Odd, that now, we have so much more prevalence of diseases/disorders that we never had before.

Hell, we've even got "new" diseases that were never even heard of before.



Do I have the answers ?

No, I don't believe so, but   .   .   .   maybe   .   .   .  



Cancer - yea, pretty sure we've got this demon destroyed.

.   .   .   but is there more money in cures or treatment ?


Alzheimer's - very good chance we know how to fix this.

.   .   .   again, is there more money in cures or treatment ?


Parkinson's / MS - good idea this too is not a challenge.

.   .   .   but yet again, is there more money in cures or treatment ?


Others ?

Personally, I believe we have the ability to cure all diseases, but since there is no profit in it, we're not going to get it.



Sounds Cynical as Hell ?

Yup, but how many here really doubt this is the situation ?


I don't like it, I've lost many relatives and friends too these maladies, but until the last year or so I had no idea how to combat this evil.



Most of our current "Medicines" are not going to help us, just the opposite.


Statins I am at war with, I seriously doubt people honestly know what these are doing to people (mostly negative I suspect).



Diet - there is more truth here than people realize :


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6 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Just got my power back on after 3 days.  I know the government was behind it.

I don't believe it was the government.......


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Taking too long for Tweets to pull on on some of these so I'll do selective links.






Germany Servers   .   .   .   that were seized by US forces   .   .   .   sounds pretty damn familiar to what someone on here was saying way back then shortly after the (S)Election.


2020 isn't over yet   .   .   .   GA is falling apart, AZ is crumbling, and several other States are cracking.



May come down to the "wire" so to speak, but regardless of me not updating (time) things on this front, it's still going on.



Too late, doesn't matter now ?

Oh, yes it does   .   .   .   it is far more than a Moral victory   .   .   .  



Crazier and crazier it gets, as the Clock runs out, things will speed up and get even crazier   .   .   .       




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May have been addressed already, may be totally moot really soon :




Trivial BS, but there's a whole lot of it adding up   .   .   .   note this is just from Aug 6   .   .   .  


More found since then, doubt this turd will make it   .   .   .  



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On 8/8/2024 at 10:52 PM, JAFBF said:



   .   .   .   and coincidentally enough, the portion of the Pentagon struck by the "Plane" held all the documents about the missing $2.1 Trillion (2001 figures)   .   .   .  



What are the f**king odd of that ?



Ah well, it is what it is   .   .   .   for now   .   .   .   just as is Benghazi   .   .   .   and   .   .   .  




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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:

May have been addressed already, may be totally moot really soon :




Trivial BS, but there's a whole lot of it adding up   .   .   .   note this is just from Aug 6   .   .   .  


More found since then, doubt this turd will make it   .   .   .  



If you think he changed the state flag to resemble Somalia you're a fucking idiot 

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On 8/12/2024 at 11:31 PM, MLD Woody said:

If you think he changed the state flag to resemble Somalia you're a fucking idiot 








Yea, looks closer to the original vs Somalia   .   .   .   my @ss.


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Still true, just different players, and we had an "Intermission"   .   .   .  



Pay attention, reaccess where we are at due too the "Intermission", and not how hard they are now pushing to get back on "track".


Some items were set back (rewound), others delayed, but they've been pushing hard to return us to their Timeline of destruction   .   .   .  


Some of these second tier items have already happened/are in progress, the others are not far behind   .   .   .  



Looks like total Fiction, but sadly it's true   .   .   .   wish it wasn't, but it is, and we're in for the battle of our future (for those aware of it).



As an OMF, I still care for the future of my/others children, providing they've not been totally corrupted by the many "Institutions" we've had thrust upon us by the propagandist MSM.O


Oh, absolutely we need higher Education in (true) STEM subjects, but the Trades seem to have been totally abandoned over the last few decades   .   .   .  


We need Chiefs, but also need the Indians (metaphorically) to get done what we need to do   .   .   .   there's a big disconnect there currently, something I hope is soon enough remedied in the not too distant future.




The Future.

.   .   .   or perhaps the skills needed going forward   .   .   .  


For us OMF's, the Trades are still a good bet if you have the skills.

As for the Tech aspect of things, I'm seeing very slim pickings   .   .   .   mainly because I see things changing very quickly once we cleanse the current madness from our society.


"Cleanse" ?

Mental "healing" may be a better explanation of this, but our current Society has a lot of "perceived" interpretations of what is going on   .   .   .   total madness   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   or parasites   .   .   .   (longer story).




Should there actually be an "Election" this year (very iffy as insanely as that sounds), expect really crazy $hit.

Short story, everything from ~ 1871 on is Null an Void, (possibly even earlier)   .   .   . 


Long story ?

In short, it's a much longer story, which we're all going to have to go through whether we like it or not.


I've noted over the past couple years my best thoughts on how to prepare for what is ultimately coming, but those are all best "educated" guesses   .   .   .  



Damn odd how I get off on some of these sidetracks to a topic, but it is what it is these days   .   .   .  




A few notes of mystery just for fun   .   .   .   :


There are those that seem alive, that are really dead   .   .   .  

There are those that are "dead", that will not be so   .  .   .  


Some will not be too difficult to surmise   .   .   .   some will be a surprise   .   .   .   yet others will be a shock   .   .   .  



Some hints over the years I have dropped, but the real time to expose is yet to be   .   .   .  


Tony Bobulinski

Alan Parrot

John MacFee

... Others ...


Just because these obscure names are out of the MSM, do not misconvey that they are of no consequence   .   ,   ,  



Hell, hadn't even planned on posting anything this Evening, just tagging a few posts, and here I am, writhing a damn dissertation   .   .   .   more or less   .   .   .  


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